AAT see Australian Antarctic Territory
Adams, John Quincy 25, 30, 44, 46–47
Adelaide Island 52
Adélie Land 70, 77, 157, 183, 185, 191–92, 196, 242, 273, 312, 454
French landing strip 518
Admiralty Bay 420
Admiralty Range 79
Africa, colonisation of 89, 109, 119
African quadrant 244, 256, 259, 353
Air New Zealand 509
Albany Lyceum of Natural History 48
Aleutian Islands 17
Alexander I, Tsar 18
Alexander I Island 33
Alexander Mountains 172
Alexandra, Queen 137
Alexandra Range 171
Algeria 490
altitude sickness 138
America 216–17
American Antarctic Association 392, 446
American Geographic Society
Ellsworth 290
Gould 282
Isachsen 256–57
Pauly 219
revision of Byrd map 475
territorial claims 234–35
US Antarctic expedition [1939–40] 349 see also Bowman, Isaiah
American Philosophical Society 173, 316, 318, 365–67, 393, 411
American Scientific Congress 368
Amery Cape 268
Amery, Leo 179–81, 183–84, 186, 192, 194, 196–97, 200–202, 203, 221, 225
Amundsen, Roald
air race to North Pole 193, 214–16
death during Arctic rescue flight 289
Scott 144
Terra Nova Expedition [1910–12] 141, 143–46, 149–50, 151, 160, 194
Amundsen–Scott Station 464
ANARE (Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions) 427–29, 430, 451–52, 454–55, 500
see also Law, Phillip
Anderson, Charles 305
Anderson, Robert 466
Andresen, Adolf 129
Antarctic 42, 94, 95, 101, 118, 255–56
Antarctic Airways 510
Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) 518
Antarctic Circle
Bellingshausen expedition 21, 32–34
Cook expeditions 7–9, 12–13, 15
d’Urville expedition 68–69
first to winter below 104
ice-free conditions 41
mapping 38
Morell 42
see also Antarctic continent; Antarctic Peninsula
Antarctic Conquest (Ronne) 411
Antarctic continent
Bellingshausen expedition 17, 21–22
Bruce expedition 122
Bull expedition 95
Challenger expedition 89
circumnavigation of 254
Cooper expedition 88
East and West Antarctica 174
first aircraft flight 224
first atlas 502
first commercial base 510
first commercial flight 468–69
first human settlement 106–7
first permanent Australian base 454–57
first permanent Australian settlement 425
first permanent base 417
first person born 498–99
first person buried 108
first sighting 37
first territorial claim 52–53
first women 312
ice-free lakes 398
occupation of 310, 318, 328, 329
ownership of sub-Antarctic islands 100–101
quadrants 110, 111, 112, 174 see also sector principle
as single land mass 282, 284, 288, 303
size 281
Antarctic Convergence 489
Antarctic Developments Project (US) 382–84
Antarctic Exploration Committee (Victorian) 91, 93, 94
Antarctic Mapping Centres 476, 477, 501
Antarctic Peninsula
Belgian expedition 103–5
Biscoe lands on 52–53
Chilean base on 417
Cope expedition 186
Dallmann 90
d’Urville surveys 65
French expedition 119
Graham Land on see Graham Land
naming of 504
Palmer Land on see Palmer Land
Ronne’s expedition 408
strait 27–28
Swedish expedition 118
Wilkins 231
see also Antarctic continent; Hope Bay
Antarctic Petrel 266
Antarctic Pilot 271–72, 363–64, 439
Antarctic Place-Names Committee (UK) 437–39, 443
Antarctic Treaty System [1959]
consultative meetings of treaty powers 505, 507, 515, 516–17
establishment 482, 484–90, 520
inspection provisions 518
ratification 492–94
signatories 517
voluntary code of conduct 508
see also international control of Antarctica
Antarctic Voyage (film) 457–58
Antarctica Chilena, La (Pinochet de la Barra) 378
Ara Les Eclaireurs 507
British Arctic Expedition 193
Canadian claims 181, 193, 211, 213–14
Foster 45
Franklin 88–89
German zeppelin 239–40
oil reserves 515
Ross 51
Wilkins flight across 220–21
see also North Pole
acts of sovereignty 498–99
Antarctic Treaty System [1959] 489–90
base on Deception Island 416–17
Britain 390
claim to Antarctic submarine platform 390
claim to Argentine Antarctica 436, 443–44
claim to Falkland Islands 50
claim to Laurie Island see Laurie Island
claims in Antarctic 180, 196, 218–19, 347, 349
expansion in Antarctic 498
expedition to Antarctic [1947] 391
fishing rights 100–101
historic sites 505
map of Antarctic (1942) 372
naval taskforce to Antarctic [1948] 417
ratifies Antarctic Treaty 494
South Orkney Islands 123–24
sovereignty of sub-Antarctic islands 127, 128, 130
tourism in Antarctic 507
United States 359, 369–78, 497–98
Argentine Geographical Institute 218–19
Argentine Meteorological Bureau 370
Armour Institute of Technology 339, 348, 358
Arthur, Raynor 442
Asahi newspapers 168
Asbestos Company 113
ASOC (Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition) 518
astronomy 291
Atlantic Ocean crossing 216–17
Atomic Energy Commission 414
Attlee, Clement 443
Auckland Islands 90
Aurora 154, 155, 157, 160, 163, 176
Australasian Antarctic expedition (1911–14)
account 163–66
expedition 144, 155–66, 191–92
funding 152–54
Mawson’s trek 158–60
Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science 91, 152
annexation of Heard Island 403–4, 421, 423
Antarctic claims 270
Antarctic expedition [1947–48] 388
Antarctic policy 481–82
Antarctic Treaty System [1959] 484–85, 488
base in Antarctica 423–25, 430–31
claim to Heard Island 334
claim to Macquarie Island 423
Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities 518
Department of External Affairs 386, 387, 426, 500
see also Casey, Richard
Department of Science 500
France 194–96
immigration scheme 385–86
interdepartmental Antarctic Committee (1948) 425–26
interdepartmental committee (1946) 387–88
international control of Antarctica 479–82
opposes condominium 421–22
opposes UN trusteeship 421–22
plans to colonise Antarctic 346–47
post-war reconstruction 385
proposed Antarctic Institute 428
ratifies Antarctic Treaty 494
Shackleton’s first expedition 133, 134
United States 329–30, 401, 451, 473–74, 480
whaling in Antarctic 431
white Australia policy 169
Wilkes base 496–97
Wilkins and Ellsworth Antarctic expedition [1937–38] 322–24
Wyatt Earp 327–29
see also Australian Antarctic Territory
Australian Antarctic Program see ANARE
Australian Antarctic Territory
Adélie Land 312
Australia claims sovereignty 311–15
Australian annexation (1933) 272–73, 275–77
Australian expedition [1947] 402–5
Australian map of Antarctic [1939] 323, 362, 386–87, 429, 452–53
Australian plans to colonise 385–88, 400–403
Australian title 422, 428–29, 501–2
British annexation 238
British claim to 390
as British Dominion 184–85, 191, 195, 196–97, 200, 201, 210, 225
Byrd avoids 228
Christensen in 429
Hudson’s Bay Company 238
Ingrid Christensen Coast 326
Norwegian claims 256, 275, 469–70
Operation Highjump 452–53
survey of coastline 502
see also Enderby Land; Kaiser Wilhelm II
Land; Kemp Land; King George V Land; Mac. Robertson Land; Oates Land; Princess Elizabeth Land; Queen Mary Land; Wilkes Land
Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions see ANARE
Australian National Research Council 195
Australian National Scientific Council 241
Bagshawe, Thomas 186–87
Bahia Paraiso 513–14
Balch, Edwin Swift 173–74, 236
Balch, Thomas Willing 174
Balchen, Bernt 232, 286, 290, 293, 294, 302, 392
Balfour, Arthur 110
Balleny, John 68, 78, 81, 82, 85, 259
Balleny Islands 68, 78, 80, 106, 261
BANZARE (British, Australian (and) New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition) [1929–31]
claims 248, 264, 266, 267–68, 273
mapping 270–71
Mawson 227, 239–42, 244–48, 253, 258, 260, 261–68
BANZARE Land 273
Barnes, Jim 518
Barry Island 353
Bartlett, Robert 174
Batterbee, Sir Harry 287
Bay of Whales 135, 145, 170, 171, 180, 189, 198, 292, 301, 307, 352, 450 see also Ross Sea
Bear of Oakland 298, 301, 307, 332, 340, 347, 352, 359, 360
Beaufort, Francis 85
Beaufoy 41
Becker, Loftus 482
Beeby, Chris 516–17
Belgica 103
Antarctic expedition 102, 103–5, 131
claims in Antarctic 180
Bell, Sir Francis 190
Bellingshausen, Captain Gottlieb von
as discoverer of Antarctica 429–30, 503–4
First Russian Antarctic Expedition 17, 18, 19–22, 26, 31–37, 39–40
Berlin Geographical Society 109
Berlin, Leonard 358
Bernacchi, Louis 105, 107, 108, 111, 115, 133, 135
Bertrand, Dr Kenneth 410
Bevin, Ernest 417
biological resources see marine life
Biscoe, Captain John 52–55, 67, 77, 82, 85
Bismarck Strait 90
Black, Richard
Antarctic expedition (Byrd’s third) [1939–41] 320–21, 331–34, 336, 339, 344, 349, 353, 358, 360–61, 362, 363, 366
commander of East Base 364–65
Department of the Interior 314
tourism in Antarctic 508
Blue Ice (film) 457
Board of Geographical Names (US) 362, 369, 410, 429, 475
Boggs, Samuel 40, 332, 337–38, 349, 363, 367, 392, 413, 415
Borchgrevink, Carsten 95, 96, 101, 105–8
Borchgrevink’s British Southern Cross Expedition [1898–1900] 105–8, 505
Borodino Island 34
Bougainville, Louis de 2
Bouvet de Lozier, Jean-Baptiste 6–7, 12, 14
Bouvet Island
Britain recognises Norway’s claim 211–12
Bowers, Henry 147
Bowman Coast 410
Bowman, Isaiah
American Antarctic Association 392
American claims 233, 234, 283, 284, 286, 291, 298
Byrd 217–18, 219–20, 222, 228, 291, 298, 299, 308
Byrd’s third Antarctic expedition [1939–41] 348–49, 367
concern over lack of public interest 304
Hobbs 318
Mawson 260
National Academy of Sciences 415
Paris Peace Conference 237
Ronne 411
Wilkins 231
see also American Geographic Society
Boy Scouts 187
Bramuglia, Juan 417
Bransfield, Edward 22–24, 26, 27–28, 30, 34, 39, 40, 182–83, 316, 318, 367–68, 503–4
Briesemeister, William 410, 411, 475
annexation of Australian Antarctic Territory (1933) 275
Antarctic Place-Names Committee 437–39, 443
Antarctic policy 442–44
Argentina 370–72
Australia 422
Boer War 108
Byrd expedition 225–26
Chilean claims 417
claim between Enderby Land and Queen Mary Land 211
claim to Alexander I Island 33
claim to Antarctic continent 45, 179–85, 188–89, 196–97, 259
claim to Clarence Land 46
claim to Deception Island 46
claim to Falkland Islands 50
claim to Graham Land 54–55
claim to Heard Island 334, 403
claim to Hope Bay 434–35
claim to Pacific Islands 314
claim to Ross Dependency 291–92, 296–97, 300, 305–7, 307–8, 345
claim to Ross Sea 186, 190, 194
claim to South Shetland Islands 29–30
Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition [1955–58] 439–41, 443, 444, 459
demilitarisation 419–20, 441–42
Discovery Committee 378–80
East base 393–94
expedition to South Pole 78–81
First World War 177
Foreign Office secret report 437
French claims in Antarctic 191–92
funds British Southern Cross Expedition 110
imperial conference (1926) 197, 200–202, 207, 210, 211, 226, 238
imperial conference (1930) 258–59
imperial conference (1937) 310–11, 313
instructions to Bransfield 24–25
instructions to Cook 1–2
instructions to Ross 78
international control of Antarctic 418–19
mapmaking 478
Norwegian claim to Bouvet Island 206–12
Norwegian claims in Antarctic 203–5, 243–44, 268–69
Norwegian claims to Enderby Land 246–47
Norwegian whaling licences 189, 194, 200, 205, 208, 209–10
Operation Tabarin [1943–45] 375, 378, 388–89
post offices 507
proposed Antarctic expedition [1949] 422–23
proposed commission of claimants 422
ratifies Antarctic Treaty 492
royal visit to America (1939) 341
Second World War 153
South Orkney Islands 123–24
sovereignty over sub-Antarctic islands 127–30
territorial ambitions in Pacific 18, 23–24, 26
United States claims to Antarctic 287, 359, 367–68, 479
United States: cooperation over place names 438–39
United States expeditions to Antarctic 222–23
whaling interests 87
see also Falkland Islands; Falkland Islands Dependencies
British Admiralty 45, 53, 78, 182, 208, 271, 441–42, 444
British Antarctic Expedition [1910] see Terra Nova Expedition [1910–12]
British Antarctic (Nimrod) Expedition [1907–09] 131–40
British Antarctic Survey (BAS) 434–35 see also Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey
British Antarctic Territories 364
British Arctic Expedition 193
British Association for the Advancement of Science 78
British Empire League 313
British Graham Land Expedition [1934–37] 287–88, 353
British Petroleum 515
British Southern Cross Expedition [1898–1900] 105–8
British–Norwegian–Swedish expedition [1950] 452
Brown, Robert Rudmose 121
Bruce, Stanley 191, 195, 230, 239, 240, 241
exclusion from Scott’s Discovery expedition 111–12
planned crossing of Antarctic 142
Scottish National Antarctic Expedition 112, 120–24
survey of polar exploration 175
Brussels Geographical Society 102
Bullen, Dr Keith 487
Burghead Bay, HMS 434–35
Burma 420
Burrill, Dr Meredith 410
Burton Island 382
Byrd, Harry 213, 280–81, 285–86, 298, 337, 448–49, 492
Byrd, Richard Evelyn 193, 253, 279
Admiral Byrd’s Penguin Island 340–41
Advance Base vigil 284, 308, 339
air race to North Pole 214, 215–16
Atlantic crossing 216–17
background 212–13
call for international conference 381–82
carbon monoxide poisoning 303, 319
charts coastline east of Ross Dependency 234
commercial aviation 334–35, 339, 345
death 464
first Antarctic expedition [1928–30] 217–20, 222, 225–26, 229, 279–80
flight to South Pole 229, 231–33, 255, 397
flights over Antarctic 229, 303
internationalist sympathies 228
map names 274
media deals 227–28
militarisation of Antarctic 371–72
Operation Highjump see United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program [1946–47]
proposed expedition [1937–38] 320, 321
proposed expedition [1949] 413–14
Ronne 393, 411, 412, 445, 446–47, 451, 464
Roosevelt 331
second Antarctic expedition [1933–35] 281–82, 283–84, 286, 297–98, 301, 303
second Antarctic expedition [1933–35] claims 307–8, 319
Somov 471
support for Germany 319–20
third Antarctic expedition see United States Antarctic Service Expedition (1939–41)
view of Antarctic 411–12
C. L. Larsen 225
Campbell, Colin 435
Campbell Island 90
Campbell, Stuart 245–46, 250–51, 262, 263, 265, 266, 402–4, 423–28
Arctic claims 181, 193, 211, 213–14
Canton Island 344
Cape Adare 79, 95, 106–7, 143, 156
Borchgrevink’s hut 505
Cape Ann 245
Cape Bruce 268
Cape Circoncision 6–7, 14 see also Bouvet Island
Cape Denison 156–58, 160, 263, 268, 403, 404
Cape Disappointment 12
Cape of Good Hope 24
Cape Possession 46
Cape Roberts 513
Cape Verde Islands 49
Carnarvon Castle, HMS 373–75
Carrington, Lord 481
Carteret, Philip 2
Case, Senator Francis 414, 446, 448
Casey, Richard
Antarctic Pilot 271
Antarctic Treaty System [1959] 484–85
Australian Antarctic Territory 275–76
as Australian treasurer 315
career in politics 265
first permanent Australian base 455–56
international control of Antarctica 480–82
Mawson 242, 244, 246, 260, 262
as Minister for External Affairs 453–54, 499
United States 474
Wyatt Earp 328
Casey Base 497
Celia 37
Challenger 89
Charcot, Jean-Baptiste 119–20, 125, 130–31
Charcot Land 183
Chifley, Ben 386, 387, 388, 417
Antarctic Treaty System [1959] 486, 489–90
base on Antarctic Peninsula 417
claim to Alexander I Island 33
claim to Greenwich Island 417–18
claims in Antarctic 180, 349, 370, 378
claims to sub-Antarctic islands 128, 129
Department of the Antarctic 418
historic sites 505
King George Island 499
naval taskforce to Antarctic [1948] 417–18
opposes UN trusteeship 419
ratifies Antarctic Treaty 494
SCAR 488
sealers in 50
tourism in Antarctic 507
United States 369
Antarctic Treaty System [1959] 517
claims in Antarctic 481
minerals and oil exploration 520
Christensen, Christen 93–94, 207
Christensen, Ingrid 312
Christensen, Lars
aerial photography 456
Antarctic expedition [1929–30] 241–43, 244, 249, 250
Antarctic expedition [1930–31] 253–54, 256
Antarctic expedition (1936) 311–12
Australian Antarctic Territory 251, 429
Bowman 290
claims for Norway 206–9, 210, 227, 277–78
Ronne 451
whaling in Antarctic 129, 176, 186, 202
Churchill, Winston 177, 186, 189, 374, 443
Citroën, André 301
City of New York 225, 235, 280
claiming possession 46
acts of administration 190
air exploration 181, 187, 203, 212, 223, 255
ceremonies of 4, 11–12, 24, 27, 28, 34, 264, 313
difference in British and American attitudes 40
effective occuption 185
effective title 185
filing of claims 104–5
flag dropping 223–25
flag raising 336
freezing of claims under Antarctic Treaty System [1959] 490
French view of 69–70
inchoate title 190
legal basis for annexation 197, 201
letters patent 129–30, 174, 189–90, 238
medals/medallions as claim 19, 63
methods of assertion 184–85, 207–8, 350–51
occupancy as claim 25–26, 174, 192, 197, 239
occupancy in polar regions 259–60, 307
occupation of Pacific Islands 314
order in council 189–90, 210, 275
photographic and claiming flights 383–84
publication 269
rescue as claim 296–97
tourism and test of sovereignty 510, 513
wording of claims 397–98
see also international law; mapmaking; naming; post offices; science; sector principle; stamps
Clarence Island 28
Clarence Land 46
Clifford, Sir Miles 418, 434–35, 439
climate change 91
Coats, James and Andrew 120, 122
Columbus, Christopher 242, 351
Commander Charcot 428
Committee on Antarctic Names (Australian) 452–53
Commonwealth Bay 156, 262, 263, 424, 506
Commonwealth Sector 267
Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition [1955–58] 439–41, 443, 444, 459, 478
at Deception Island 435–36
at Hope Bay 434–35
over Falkland Islands 520
see also Antarctic Treaty System [1959]
conservation movement see environmental groups
Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities 517–18
Cook, Frederick
Belgian expedition 102, 103, 104
claim to have reached North Pole 140–41, 317
North Pole 131
Cook, Captain James
first expedition [1768–1771] 1–5
second expedition [1772–1775] 1, 6–15
Cook, First Lieutenant W. F. 405
Cope, John Lachlan 182, 186–87
Cornish, Allan 313
Coronation Island 377
Crown Princess Martha Land 251
Cruzen, Rear Admiral Richard 360, 382–83, 398, 399, 406
CTAE see Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition [1955–58]
Cuba 102
Cumpston, John 312, 386–87, 418
Curtis, Leland 365
Daily News 243
Daladier, Édouard 191
Dallmann, Eduard 89–90
Dalrymple, Alexander 2
Daniels, Paul 482, 487–88, 489 see also Antarctic Treaty System [1959]
Darlington, Harry 394
David, Dr T. W. Edgeworth 133, 137, 139, 169, 170, 184
Davis Base 473
Davis, Captain John 34–35, 37, 38, 368, 504
Davis, John King 154, 156, 160, 238, 314, 402
Campbell expedition 425
Mawson expedition 246–47, 248, 250, 251
de Gerlache, Adrien 102, 103–5
de Quiros, Pedro Fernandez 4
Deakin, Alfred 133
Deception Island
Argentine base on 416–17, 435–36
Argentine claim to 372–73, 375–76, 377–78
Bellingshausen expedition 35
British base on 375, 388, 435–36
British claim to 373, 374–75, 418, 420
Charcot expedition 125
Ellsworth expedition 293
Foster expedition 46
shore station 129
whaling station 186
Wilkins expedition 224, 225, 435
demilitarisation 419–20, 441, 441–42, 489, 490
Denman, Lord 163
Desolation Islands 5–6
Detroit Aviation Society 215
Deutschland 166–67
Dickerson, Mahlon 56–59
Mawson expedition [1929–30] 239–40, 242, 244, 246–47, 248
Mawson expedition [1930–31] 260, 261–62, 267
Scott’s first expedition [1901–04] 111, 112, 115
Discovery II 296, 313–14, 315, 378
Discovery Inlet 198–99
Dodd, Senator Thomas 492–93
Douglas, Admiral Henry 208
Doumer Island 391
Dovers, Bob 456
Downes, Commodore John 52
Drygalski, Erich von 101–2, 109, 111, 116–18, 161, 167
Dufek, Admiral George 449–50, 461–62, 464, 465–66, 467, 468, 470, 471
Dulles, Allen 448, 479, 484–85
Argentine base on 436
Dundee sealers 298
Dundee whaling expedition 93–94
Dundee whaling industry 92
Dunk, William 387
Duperrey, Louis-Isidore 62
d’Urville, Jules Sébastien Dumont
background 61–62
claim to have discovered Antarctic continent 75, 76–77
expedition to South Pole 62–71, 81
landing on Antarctic continent 69–70
letters from wife 65–66
return to France and death 83
rewards to crews 64
sighting of American expedition 70, 75, 76
in South Pacific 66
Dutch East India Company 3
dysentery 66
Earth, concentric spheres theory 42–43, 58
East Base
Argentine claim to 375
British occupation 377, 393–94, 395–96
British offer to purchase 413
Byrd’s instructions 349
establishment 352–53
Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition [1947] 395–96
Ronne trek 392
United States Antarctic Service Expedition (1939–41) 331, 333, 334, 339, 354
see also Stonington Island
East Greenland 207, 209, 213, 239
Eastern Europe 487
Eden, Anthony 371, 372, 435, 441–42, 443
Edgell, Captain 274
Edith Ronne Land 412
Edward VII 112
Egypt 372
Eights, Dr James 48–49, 59, 368–69
Eights Coast 369
Eights Peninsula 369
Eisenhower, Dwight D. 446, 447–48, 449, 483, 485–86, 493
Eleanor Bolling 225
Eliza Scott 68
Elizabeth II, coronation 440
Elliott, John 10
Ellsworth Base 466, 494, 497–98
Ellsworth, Lincoln
Antarctic expedition [1937–38] 321–22, 324–29
Australian claims 312
background 288–89
claiming competition with Wilkins 325–26
claims in Antarctic 295–96, 297
Ellsworth Trans-Antarctic Flight Expedition 289–94, 301
flight across Antarctic 294–97
flights over Antarctic 327
race to North Pole 193, 214–16, 220, 223, 286
rescue of 296–97
Wyatt Earp 338
Endeavour, HMNZS 462
Enderbury Island 344
Enderby Island 78
Enderby Land 7, 52, 77, 78, 81, 211
American claim on 324–25
Australian quadrant 241–42, 244–45
Ellsworth Antarctic expedition [1937–38] 321–22
Mawson’s proclamation 248, 250–51
meteorological bases proposed for 311
Norwegian claims 245, 247, 249, 250, 255–56, 257
whale fishery 258
Enderby Quadrant 110, 111, 174
Endurance Expedition [1914–17] 175–78
Engle, Senator Clair 493
English, Commander Robert 351, 354, 361, 363
environmental groups
battle over exploitation of marine life 519–20
early conservation movement 127, 184
Madrid Protocol on Environmental Protection 518–19
minerals and oil exploration 517–18
tourism in Antarctic 513–14
Erskine, General Graves 466
Eternity Range 295
Evans, Edgar 148–49
Falk 264–65
Falkland Islands
British colonisation of 375
Ross expedition 80
strategic importance to Britain 419–20, 436
whaling 87
Falkland Islands Dependencies 130, 174, 176, 192, 194, 196, 200
aerial survey and map 478
Antarctic Peninsula 272
Argentine bases in 436
Argentine claim to 370
British colonisation of 374–75, 377, 380, 388–89
British plans to expand 201–2
British post offices 389
British research program 379–80
Chilean bases in 436
Chilean claim to 370
Ellsworth Antarctic expedition 292
huts 377
science program 376
tourism in 507
United States Antarctic Service Expedition [1939–41] 349
Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey 388–89, 439 see also British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
Fanning, Edmund 29, 36–37, 47, 48, 50, 51, 56
Ferguson tractors 457
Fiennes, Ranulph 511
Filchner, Lieutenant Wilhelm 141–42, 144, 153, 157, 176
Antarctic crossing 166–67
Finland 517
First International Polar Year [1882–83] 90
Fisher, Andrew 153
Fletcher, Harold 264–65
Forbes, George 306
Ford, Edsel 215, 282–83, 286, 301
Forrestal, James 392
Forster, Johann and George 6, 8, 10, 11, 20
Foster, Captain Henry 45–46, 128
France 15
accepts names approved by sovereign power 452
Antarctic Treaty System [1959] 486, 489–90
Charcot expedition 119–20, 125, 130–31
claims in Antarctic 180, 183, 185–86, 196–97
Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities 518
decree asserting control 190–91
expedition to Adélie Land [1948–49] 428
expeditions to South Pole 58–59, 61
French East India Company 6
instructions to d’Urville 63, 75
ratifies Antarctic Treaty 494
Franklin Roosevelt Sea 353
Franklin, Sir John 67, 79, 88–89, 98–99
Fricker, Karl 109
Fuchs, Dr Vivian 439–41, 443, 458, 460, 461–62, 478–79
fur-farming 104–5
Gamma Island 391
General San Martin 442
Geographic South Pole see South Pole
Geographical Review 368
geographical societies 51 see also under individual names
George’s Bay 27
Georgia (later South Georgia) 10–12
Gerlache Strait 103
Germany 67
Antarctic Treaty System [1959] 517
Berlin blockade 465
claims in Antarctic 179, 330, 331
colonies 180
Drygalski (Gauss) expedition see Drygalski, Erich von
Filchner expedition see Filchner, Lieutenant Wilhelm
First World War 177
German Colonial Society 109
German Polar Navigation Society 89–90
German–Norwegian expedition 93–94
interest in Antarctic 278
New Swabia expedition see New Swabia expedition [1938–39]
plans to colonise Antarctic 341–42
Second World War 153
support in US for 319–20
war reparations 186
whaling fleets in Antarctic 310–11, 315
zeppelin to Arctic 239–40
Gjertsen, Captain R. N. 206
Gore, Senator Al 517
Göring, Field Marshal Hermann 319
Gould, Laurence 229, 235, 282, 290, 302, 392, 410, 468
International Geophysical Year [1957–58] 446, 449
Gould Bay 412, 414, 416, 445–47, 451
Ellsworth Base 466
Graham Land 52–53, 72, 78, 89, 222, 224
acceptance of name (1964) 504
British air survey 444
British claim to 129–30
British colonisation of 374, 376
British Graham Land Expedition [1934–37] 287–88, 353
British sovereignty over 128
Ellsworth Antarctic expedition 294
see also Antarctic Peninsula
Gray, Percival 156
Great Depression (1930s) 280, 284–85
Great South Land 21
Antarctic as 53
bounty of 3
Cook’s first expedition 1–5
Cook’s second expedition 1, 6–15
Greely, General Adolphus 102
Green, Albert 275
Green, Fitzhugh 193
Greenland 284, 287, 317, 345, 383, 465
Greenwich Island
Chilean claim to 417–18
Soberania (Sovereignty) base 390
Gregory, John 111
Grönland 89
Grosvenor, Dr Gilbert 282
Gruening, Ernest 320, 334, 336, 338, 339, 342–43, 345, 346, 493
Haakon VII, King 255
Hakluyt Society 99
Hakurei Maru 516
Halley Base 494–95
Hansen, Nicolai 108
Hartigan, Captain Charles 345
Hawke, Bob 518
Hawthorne, Roger 364
Hayes, J. Gordon 86
Hayne, Senator Robert 47–48
Heard and MacDonald Islands 192
Heard Island
Australian annexation 403–4
Australian base 421, 423, 425, 455
Australian claim to 334
British and American claims 334–35, 339, 403
scientific program 426–27
Hearst, William Randolph 221, 225, 283
Hearst Land 224, 225, 283, 295
Helm, Ennis 365
Henderson, Dr Walter 241–42
Henry Holt 411
Hersilia 29
Highland Monarch 375
Hillary, Edmund 459–63, 478–79
historic sites 504–6
Hitchcock, Charles 349
Hobbs, William Herbert 317–18, 362, 363, 366–67
Hodgson, William 323
Holdich, Sir Thomas 117–18
Holland, Sidney 460
Hollick-Kenyon, Herbert 294, 295, 296
Home of the Blizzard (Mawson) 195
Hooper, George 198–99
Hope Bay (Antarctic Peninsula)
British Antarctic Survey on 434–35
British base on 374, 375, 377, 388, 434
Cope expedition [1921] 186
Esperenza Base 498–99
Swedish Antarctic Expedition 118–19
Horntvedt, Harald 208–9
Horseshoe Bay 456
Hoseason Island 46
Hudson, Lieutenant William 71–72, 73–74, 85
Hull, Cordell 300, 305, 306–7, 320, 338
Hurley, Frank 155, 247, 248, 250, 264, 266, 267
Siege of the South (film) 269–70
Huron 34
Hurst, Sir Cecil 201
Hyde, Charles 308
Ickes, Harold 341, 343, 355, 365
IGY see International Geophysical Year [1957–58]
Ikeda, Masakichi 169–70
Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition [1914–17] 175–78
Ingrid Christensen Coast 323, 325–26
international control of Antarctica 330, 407, 409, 413, 418–19, 479–82 see also Antarctic Treaty System [1959]
International Council of Scientific Unions 475–76
International Court of Justice 307, 420
International Geographical Congress 101, 110
International Geophysical Year [1957–58]
7 claimant nations 483, 485, 490
12 representative nations 450, 483, 485, 487, 488
bases established 464–65
leading up to 444, 445, 447, 449, 460, 461, 463, 472
mapping and naming 475
meeting of scientists in The Hague 475–76
Rome representatives meeting 450
international law 201, 282, 307, 389–90, 420
International Maritime Organisation 510
international polar conference (mooted) 346, 369, 381–82, 385, 421, 437
International Polar Year 90, 290
international waters
three-mile limit 204
UN Law of the Sea Convention 520
International Whaling Commission 432–33