Iquique 390–91
Islas Orcadas del Sud see South Orkney Islands
Isle of Georgia (later South Georgia) 12, 16
Italy 517
Jackson, General Andrew 47, 48, 56
James W. Ellsworth Land 296, 321
attack on Pearl Harbour 365
claims in Antarctic 170–71, 172, 330, 331, 432, 481
interest in Antarctic 278
krill harvesting 519
minerals and oil exploration 516
New Swabia expedition [1938–39] 319
surrender to US 381
whaling in Antarctic 310–11, 315, 431–32
Yamato Setsugen 171
Jarvis, Tim 165
Jeffery, Commander Douglas 221
Jellicoe, Lord 190
Joerg, W. L. G. 235, 349, 363, 367, 392, 410
Johnson, Bo 517
Joinville Land 65
Jones, Captain Thomas 47, 56, 59
Josephine Ford 215–16
Kainan Bay 450
Kaiser Wilhelm II Land 116, 117, 157, 161
Mawson claim to 248
Norwegian claims 249
Kerguelen-Trémarec, Yves-Joseph de 5–6
Kerr, Gilbert 122–23
Kershaw, Giles 510
Kiel, Max 467
King Edward VII Land 132, 134, 145, 170, 171
King Edward VII Plateau 139, 147, 150
King George Island 27, 90, 499
King George Sound 62
King George V Land 161, 262, 263
King Haakon VII Plateau 146, 150, 194
King Leopold and Queen Astrid Coast 323
Klarius Mikkelsen Mountain 312
Korea 168
Korean War 416, 430–31, 446, 454
Korsholm, H. C. 129
Kosmos 263
Lapataia 507–8
Lars Christensen dome 273
Lars Christensen Land 256–57, 272–73, 323
Lars Christensen Peak 206
Larsen, Carl 118, 125–28, 189, 197–99
Larsen, Nils 254–56
Lastiri, Raúl 498
Latham, John 239, 275, 276, 277
Laurie Island
Argentine post office 371, 372–73
Argentine shore station 122, 128–29, 369
British base at Cape Geddes 389
Bruce expedition 120–21
Carnarvon Castle 374
Law of the Sea Convention 520
Law, Phillip
ANARE 427–29, 430, 451–52, 454–55, 476–77
Antarctic Treaty System [1959] 488
British–Norwegian–Swedish expedition [1950] 452
Casey 499
Casey Base 497
cinematography 456–58
Committee on Antarctic Names (Australian) 452–53
first permanent Australian base 456–57
IGY 473
Mawson 270–71
Mawson Base 469–70
placenames committee 500
proposal for Antarctic Institute 428, 499–500
proposed survey flight 453–54
publicity material for Australian claims 474
resigns as director of ANARE 500
SCAR 475–76
Somov 470
Wilkes base 496–97
Lazarev, Mikhail 22
League of Nations 276
Learmonth, Admiral Sir Frederick 182, 191
Lebedev, Vladimir 503
Lennox-Boyd, Alan 442
Lester, Michel 186–87
Library of Congress 237–38, 316, 368
lichen 96
Lindbergh, Charles 217
Lindblad, Lars-Eric 507–9
Little America base
Atka IGY expedition 449–50
British and American claims 297
Byrd establishes [1926–30] 226, 227, 229, 235–36, 281
Byrd’s Advance Base vigil 301–3
Byrd’s second Antarctic expedition 301
cyclorama at Coney Island 280
Ellsworth Antarctic expedition 296
within Ross Dependency 309
US postmaster at 298–99, 300, 305–6
see also Ross Dependency
Little America (Byrd) 280
Little America II base
evacuation 359
United States Antarctic Service Expedition (1939–41) 331–32, 333, 334, 339, 349, 352, 354
Little America IV base
Atka 450
United States Naval Antarctic Developments Project (1947) 382–83, 397
Little America V base 450, 465
Liverpool Island 207, 209, 210 see also Bouvet Island
Livingston Island 35
Loewe, Fritz 424
Loper, Elizabeth 237
LORAN (low-frequency radio navigation) 414–15
Louis-Philippe I of France 62–63, 65
Louis XV of France 5
Lufthansa 335
Lymburner, J. H. 326
MacArthur, General Douglas 381, 402–3, 431–32
McGonigal, David 504
Mackenzie, Kenneth 261, 264, 267
Mackenzie Sea 257
McKinnon, Graeme 502
McLean, Archibald 164
Macmillan, Harold 441, 481–82, 484
McMurdo Sound
Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition [1955–58] 441, 459, 461, 462
Debenham proposal 423
disposal of radioactive waste 518
dumping of sewerage and rubbish 518
US base at 465
Macquarie Island
Australian expedition [1947] 403, 404
Australian plans to reoccupy 401
ban on sealing 261
Mawson expeditions 155, 162, 261
Mueller 90
scientific program 426–27
Scott expedition 113
Mac. Robertson Land 246, 248, 257, 266, 272, 273, 323
Madison, James 29
Madrid Protocol on Environmental Protection 518–19
Magallanes 129
Mallory, George 459
Maloney, Dr William 276
Maori 3
mapmaking 39, 80, 156, 219, 220
aerial mapping 231–33, 284, 299, 322, 398, 409
Antártida Chilena 391
Argentine map of Antarctic (1942) 372
Argentine map of Laurie Island 377–78
Australian 475–77
Australian map of Antarctic [1939] 323, 362, 386–87, 429, 452–53
British Antarctic Territories 364
Casey’s map of AAT 458
CIA secret map of Antarctica 406–7
hydrographical charts 256
map of Palmer Land 411
mapping as claim 39, 291, 349–50
photographic strip records 291
revision of Byrd map 475
Ronne’s maps 411
Ross Dependency 463
SCAR 500–501
US map of entire Antarctic continent 415–16
using coastline 234
see also naming; navigation charts
Marguerite Bay 288, 353, 359–60, 375, 377, 394, 408, 413
Atka IGY expedition 449–50
Byrd Station 467
Byrd’s first Antarctic expedition 229, 233, 235
Byrd’s second Antarctic expedition 283, 301, 303, 304, 309
birds 266
early conservation movement 127, 184
Emperor penguins 122–23, 136, 199, 246
environmental groups 519–20
fish 519
flora and fauna 5
King penguin designated inhabitant 419
Macquarie Island ban 261
marine sanctuaries 127
on South Shetland Islands 26–27
squid 519
taxidermy 162
see also sealers; whales
Marion and Prince Edward Islands 403
Markham, Clements 98–101, 106, 109–13, 115, 142, 172, 174, 177
Marr, Lieutenant Commander James 376–77
Marsden, Dr Ernest 384–85
Martin, Colonel Lawrence 237–38, 316–17, 353, 362, 363, 366–68
Martin, J. H. 287
Mary Louise Ulmer mountain 295
Mawson, Sir Douglas
Australian Antarctic Territory 385, 387–88, 401–2
background 151–52
British Empire, claims for 151, 154, 155, 157, 161, 162, 165
calls for formalisation of claims 210, 238, 312–13, 314–15
commission from king 242
Committee on Antarctic Names (Australian) 452–53
death 476–77
first expedition see Australasian Antarctic expedition (1911–14)
Riiser-Larsen 249
second expedition see BANZARE (British, Australian (and) New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition) [1929–31]
Shackleton expeditions 133, 137, 139, 152, 158
Shirase 169
Wilkins 221
Mawson Station 454–57
Melbourne, HMAS 474
Melbourne (Vic) 91
Menzies, Robert 428–29, 454, 481–82, 484, 500
long-range weather forecasting 328
Meteorological Office 93
meteorological stations 221
wireless telegraph forecasts 389
Miers, John 23–24
Mikkelsen Island 360
Mill, Hugh Robert 106, 139, 175, 273–74
minerals and oil 152, 158, 180
Antarctic Treaty System [1959] 517
coal reserves 184, 282, 304, 345, 380
Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities 517–18
copper 387
Enderby Land 321
exploration 514–19
gas reserves 515
uranium 384, 387, 390, 414, 457
Wilkins 326
Mirny base 470, 471, 479, 502, 506
Missouri, USS 381
Monroe, James 25
moon 493
Moreno, Isidoro Ruiz 370
Morning 115
Morrell, Benjamin 41–42, 51, 63
Morrison, Bill 500
Mossman, Robert 122
Mount Erebus air crash 509
Mt Grace McKinley 358
Mount Menzies 502
Mount Vinson 510
Mountain of Palestinian–Israeli Friendship 510
Mueller, Baron Ferdinand von 90
Murray, Sir John 89, 99, 112, 117, 120
Britain accepts approval by sovereign power 452
in claiming possession 13, 27, 33, 410
gazetteer of Antarctic names (British) 475
gazetteer of Antarctic names (US) 475, 502–3
international principles 273–75
multiple naming 34
see also Antarctic Place-Names Committee (UK); Board of Geographical Names (US); Committee on Antarctic Names (Australian); mapmaking
Nansen, Fridtjof 207
National Academy of Sciences 348–49, 351, 365, 415, 445
National Antarctic Committee 370
National Archives 349
National Economy League 285–86
National Education Convention 282
National Expedition Planning Committee 460
National Geographic Society 193, 214, 216, 282, 308, 393
National Research Council 238, 402
National Science Foundation 415, 509, 512
navigation charts
Antarctic Pilot 271–72, 363–64, 439
Sailing Directions for Antarctica, 1943 363–64, 439
see also mapmaking
navigation systems
aerial navigation 414
LORAN 414–15
Neny Fjord 389
Neue Schwabenland 330 see also New Swabia expedition [1938–39]
Neumayer, Georg 101–2
New England 53
New Hebrides 4
New Holland (later Australia) 3
New Shetland see South Shetland Islands
New South Britain (later South Shetland Islands) 22–24, 26, 28–29
New South Shetland 30–31, 39, 45
New South Wales
British establish penal colony 18
Cook charts and names 4–5
Dutch chart 3
Mawson 269
New Swabia expedition [1938–39] 319, 335–36, 337–38
New York Explorers’ Club 508
New York Herald 140
New York Times 140, 227, 233, 260, 279, 291, 327, 343, 345, 348, 393
New York’s World Fair 340
base on Ross Island 467–68
British claims to Antarctic 183–84
Canterbury Museum in Christchurch 512
Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition [1955–58] 461
Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities 517–18
first permanent Australian base 455
historic sites 504–6
IGY 450
mapmaking 501
minerals and oil exploration 515–16
ratifies Antarctic Treaty 494
SCAR 488
Shackleton’s first expedition 133–34
tourism in Antarctic 511–13
UN trusteeship 420–21
United States 462–63, 467–69, 479, 501, 506–7
United States Naval Antarctic Developments Project (1947) 398–99
US naval taskforce to Antarctic [1946] 384–85
whaling licence fees 189, 205–6, 379
see also Ross Dependency
Nigeria, HMS 417–18
Nimrod Expedition [1907–09] 131–40
Ninnis, Belgrave 158–59
Nobile, Umberto 214
Nordenskiöld, Adolf 118–19
Nordenskjöld, Otto 118
Norge 214–16
air race to 192–94, 213, 214–16
North Star, USMS 347–48, 352, 358, 359, 360
Northland 333
[1926–28] 206–7, 208, 210, 212
[1929–30] 241, 242, 247, 249–51
Such Is the Antarctic (Christensen) 257
Norway 33
accepts names approved by sovereign power 452
Christensen expedition 243–44
claim to Bouvet Island 206–12
claims in Antarctic 180, 194, 207–12, 254–57, 437
claims to Enderby Land 246–47
claims to Lars Christensen Land 323
IGY 450
independence from Sweden 144
ratifies Antarctic Treaty 494
sovereignty over sub-Antarctic islands 128, 129
whaling in Antarctic 93–94, 197–200, 202
whaling licences from Britain 189, 194, 200, 202, 205, 208, 209–10
see also Christensen, Lars
Norwegian Academy of Sciences 256
Norwegian Geographical Society 256
nuclear waste 493
nuclear weapons 493
Ochs, Adolph 279
Odd I 206
Odell, Noel 459
O’Higgins, Bernardo 417, 418, 504
oil reserves see minerals and oil
Okuma, Count Shigenobu 168, 169
Olivieri, Rear Admiral Anibal 436
Operation Deep Freeze [1955–56] 464, 466–67, 470, 471
Operation Highjump see United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program [1946–47]
Operation Tabarin [1943–45] 375, 378, 388–89
Ousland, Borge 511
ozone depletion 495
Pacific Fir 298
Pacific Quadrant 320, 334, 342, 352
Palma, Emilio 498–99
Palmer, Nathaniel
as discoverer of Antarctica 316–18, 353, 366–68, 503, 504
logbooks 236–37
sealing expedition in Antarctic [1820] 34–37, 39, 40, 48, 50
territorial claims ascribed to 237–38
Palmer, Alexander 48
Palmer Archipelago 105
Palmer Base 494
Palmer Land 36–37, 39, 53, 54–55, 71–72, 237, 272, 353, 409, 410, 411
acceptance of name (1964) 504
see also Antarctic Peninsula
Palmer Peninsula 222, 369, 504
Paradise Harbour 186–87
Paramount Pictures 228, 232, 280
Paris Peace Conference 179, 237, 240
Patagonia 391
Peale, Titian 83–84
Pearce, Senator George 153, 239
Peary, Robert 102, 116, 131, 173, 174
claim to have reached North Pole 140–41, 216, 317
Pendleton, Benjamin 48–50
Penola 287–88
Perón, Juan 390, 391, 435, 436
Peter I Island 32, 33, 206, 207, 212, 254, 450
Philadelphia Geographical Society 116
Philippines 102
Phleger, Herman 493–94
aerial see mapmaking: aerial
aerial navigation system 414
cinematography 121, 169–70, 229, 234
colour 155
photo-surveying methods 298
trimetrogon cameras 383
Pierce-Butler, Major Kenelm 395–96
Pillion, John 493
Pinochet de la Barra, Oscar 378
Plimmer, Neil 512–13
Plimsoll, James 481
Pluto 280
Poinsett, Joel 59
Polar Committee 269, 274, 287, 385, 423, 439, 440
Polar Record 474
Polar Star 289, 292–93, 294–97
Pole of Inaccessibility 467, 471
Port Lockroy (Wiencke Island) 375, 376–77, 388, 391
Port of Beaumont 394, 395, 408, 409
Port Stanley 417
Possession Bay 11
post offices 371, 372–73, 389, 506–7 see also stamps
Potomac 50
Poulter, Dr Thomas 301, 302, 305, 339–40, 344, 349, 352
Powell’s Group 40
Pravda Coast 470
Presidente Aquirre Island 390–91
Presidente Pinto 417–18
Price, A. Grenfell 502
Priestley, Raymond 145, 314–15, 496–97
Primero de Mayo 372–73, 375, 378
Prince Charles Mountains 502
Prince of Wales 110
Princess Elizabeth Land 273, 323, 502
Princess Ragnhild 255
Prinzregent Luitpold Land 167
Proclamation Island 248, 250, 322
Protector, HMS 444
Putnam 228
Pyne, Stephen 503–4
Qantas 509
Queen Maud Land 251, 255–56, 257, 412, 450
Queen Maud Mountains 235, 283, 284, 302
Quest Expedition [1921–22] 181–82, 187–88
Relief 72
Reynolds, Jeremiah 47
Dickerson 57–59
disappointment in Wilkes 76
excluded from naval expedition 59–60
joins private expedition 48–49, 50
promotes naval expedition to Antarctic 43–45, 51–52, 71
‘Voyage of Discovery’ address 54–56
Riiser-Larsen, Hjalmar 193
[1929–30] 242, 244, 245, 249, 250, 251, 272
Ellsworth 290
Riiser-Larsen mountain 273
Ringgold, Lieutenant Cadwallader 70, 74–75, 78
Roberts, Brian 288, 364, 437–39, 443, 452, 475, 504, 505
Roberts Island 391
Robertson, Jeff 513
Robertson, Sir MacPherson 246, 258
Robinson, Jeremy 25
Rocard, Michel 518
Rockefeller Plateau 229, 233, 234
Ronne, Finn
background 391–92
Byrd 393, 411, 412, 445, 446–47, 451, 464
charts 363
Lindblad tour 508
Operation Deep Freeze [1955–56] 466–67
proposed Gould Bay expedition 445–47, 449
proposed second expedition 412–13, 414, 416, 451
publication 411
United States Antarctic Service Expedition (1939–41) 366
see also American Antarctic Association; Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition [1947–48]
Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition [1947–48]
Chilean observer 395
claims in Antarctic 408–9, 412
East base 393–94
expedition 394–96
as last big private expedition 408
place names 439
proposed ring of American bases 405–6
reception 409–10
report 408–9
Ronne Ice Shelf 412
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 213, 279, 281, 285–86, 294, 298–99, 308, 320
appoints Byrd as expedition leader 344, 345
arms sales 341
Explorers Club 357
instructions to Byrd 349–51
objective of Antarctic expedition 349–50
plans to colonise Antarctic 331–32, 337, 338–39, 345–46, 354, 357
territory swapping 355
Roosevelt, Teddy 289
Rose, Lisle 302
Ross, Captain James Clark account of voyage 85–87, 88
in Arctic 51
expedition to South Pole 77–81
instructions 78
possession ceremony 79, 95, 128
British and American claims 291–92, 296–97, 300, 305–7, 307–8, 345, 460
British claim to 390
British expansion of 202
Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities 517–18
government geological survey 515
lands east of 286
map 463
meteorological bases proposed for 311
minerals and oil exploration 515–16
New Zealand administration of 190, 198, 205–6, 222, 225, 292, 299–300, 305–6, 307, 350
New Zealand claim to 400, 421, 423, 440, 458–63
United States Antarctic expedition [1939–41] 349
United States naval taskforce to Antarctic [1946] 384–85
see also Little America bases
Ross Ice Barrier 108, 113, 135, 145, 170, 203–5, 226
Byrd’s second Antarctic expedition 302, 303
Ellsworth Antarctic expedition 292, 296
see also Little America base
Ross Ice Shelf see Ross Ice Barrier
Ross Island 450
air crash on Mount Erebus 509
Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition [1955–58] 459, 460, 461
New Zealand base 467–68
Scott’s Hut Point base 113–15, 505
Shackleton’s Cape Royds base 135, 505
Ross Sea 79, 94, 95, 176, 178, 180–81, 184, 186, 283 see also Bay of Whales; McMurdo Sound
Royal Australian Air Force 296, 401
Royal Geographical Society
Amundsen resigns 150
Balleny 68
Biscoe 53
Cope 186
Drygalski 117
Dundee whaling expedition 93
international naming principles 274
Japan 172
Scott 143
Shackleton 176
Royal Navy 89
Royal Scottish Geographical Society 112
Royal Society (Victoria) 91
Ruegg, Captain Harold 463, 469
Ruppert, Jacob 362
instructions to Bellinghausen 33–34
Japan 168
see also Soviet Union
Russian Sector 430
Rymill, John 287, 314, 353, 425
Sabrina 68
Sailing Directions for Antarctica, 1943 363–64, 439
Salem East India Marine Society 52
San Pedro (later South Georgia) 12
Sandwich, Lord 13
Sandwich Land 13–14, 15–16, 21, 28–29, 41
British sovereignty over 129–30
Sarasin, Paul 127
Saunders, Captain Harold 367, 410, 438–39, 475, 504
SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) 475–76, 477, 487–88
airborne magnetometers 383–84
under Antarctic Treaty System [1959] 490
Cold War competition 488
as condition of claiming possession 19–20, 161, 227
cosmic ray research 384–85, 406
in early expeditions 20, 93, 96
IGY meeting of scientists in The Hague 475–76
see also SCAR oceanography 89, 99, 122
Office of Naval Research 395
ozone depletion 495
pre-eminence in Antarctic 487
see also meteorology
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research see SCAR
scientific publications 143
Scotland 89
Scott, Robert Falcon 99
Discovery (first) expedition [1901–04] 111, 112, 113–16
Shackleton 114, 132, 140, 143, 144
Terra Nova Expedition [1910–12] 141–50, 151, 161
Wilkes claim 172–73
Scott and Amundsen (Huntford) 150
Scott Polar Research Institute 423, 437
Scottish National Antarctic Expedition [1902–04] 112, 120–24
Scullin Monolith 266, 268, 312, 456
cause of 103
on Discovery expedition 114
Sea Gull 71–72
Seal Island 28–29
in Aleutian Islands 17
in Chile 50
claiming possession 40
elephant seal blubber 18
fur seal skins 18
on Kerguelen Islands 94
on Livingston Island 35
Norwegian 94
seal conservation 519
on Seal Island 28–29
seal meat 287–88
in South America 10, 18, 22–23, 29
on South Shetland Islands 29, 30–31, 34, 36, 38, 41
Searle, Captain Thomas 30
Second International Polar Year (1932–33) 290
Second World War 346–47, 355–56, 357, 371, 372, 380
sector principle
British use of 211, 234, 286, 312, 313
international law refutes 485
United States rejection of 407
Sentinel Range 295
Seymour Island 498
Shackleton, Ernest
Amundsen 150
British Antarctic (Nimrod) Expedition [1907–09] 131–40
death 188
Discovery expedition [1901–04] 112, 113, 114
Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition [1914–17] 175–78
Mawson 154
Scott’s second expedition 150
Shackleton–Rowett Expedition (1921–22) 181–82, 187–88
Shackleton Shelf 157–58
Sheffield, Captain James 29
Shirase, Lieutenant Nobu 141, 167–72, 330, 432, 450
Shirreff, Captain William 22–24
Siege of the South (film) 269–70
Singapore 372
Siple, Dr Paul 304, 335, 352, 362, 363, 366, 399, 412
commander of West Base 364–65
leader of Amundsen–Scott Station 464
Sir James Clark Ross 197–99, 205, 225, 261–62
aircraft 154–55
in crevasse 158
dog 106, 110, 114, 121, 136–37, 145, 170, 352
dogs as food 158–60
sledge meter 140
see also transport
Smith, Captain William 22–24, 26, 27, 28–29, 30, 367–68
Smith Island 34
Smithsonian Institution 84, 393, 394
Smolensk Island 35
Snipe, HMS 435
Snow Hill Island 118, 293, 294
Snow Island 34
Snow Petrel 266
Soberania (Sovereignty) base 390
Society of German Scientists and Physicians 127
South Africa 244, 259, 403, 420, 455, 479
South America 22–24
South America Pilot 271
South Georgia
Argentine claim to 390
Bellingshausen expedition 21
British administrative post 130
British sovereignty declared (1908) 129–30
Cook expeditions 12
German station on 90
strategic importance to Britain 419–20
South Magnetic Pole 77, 78–79, 131, 137, 158, 329
Shackleton’s first expedition 139
South Orkney Islands 40, 64, 90
Argentine claim to 123–24, 370–72, 377–78
British claim to 128, 129–30, 370–72, 373, 375
British colonisation of 376, 377
as Islas Orcadas del Sud 371
see also Laurie Island
South Pacific 66
South Polar Plateau 449–50
South Pole 141
Amundsen nears 146
Byrd’s flight to 229, 231–33, 255
circumnavigation of 14, 15, 42, 52
Dufek flight to 465–66
first diabetics to reach 511
French expedition to 58–59, 61–70
Hillary reaches 478–79
Jeremiah Reynolds’ plans 55–56, 57
race to 110, 116, 131–32, 137, 140, 143, 175
Scott nears 148
Shackleton’s ‘Furthest South’ point 138–39, 145
see also South Magnetic Pole
South Sandwich Islands 390
South Sea Fur Company and Exploring Expedition 48–50
South Shetland Islands
Argentine claim to 372–73
Bellingshausen expedition 33–34, 437–38
British claim to 128, 129–30, 375
British colonisation of 376
Chilean claim to 390–91
d’Urville surveys 65
scientific samples 49–50
sealers on 29–31, 34, 36, 38, 41, 90
Smith claims for Britain 22–23
strait 27
Wandel Island 119
whaling stations 125–26
see also Deception Island
Southard, Samuel 43–44, 47–48, 53
Southern Thule 13
Soviet Geographical Society 429–30
Soviet Union 180
Antarctic Treaty System [1959] 486–87, 489
Arctic islands 214–16
Bellingshausen as discoverer of Antarctica 429–30, 503–4
claims in Antarctic 407, 490–91
IGY 450
krill harvesting 519
mapmaking 502–3
ratifies Antarctic Treaty 494
United States 382, 383, 406, 407, 445, 448, 479, 493
see also Russian Empire
Spears, John Randolph 237
Spender, Percy 429
Sri Lanka 515
St Austell Bay, HMS 436
Stackpole, Edouard 368
commemorative 300
Ross Dependency 463
Universal Postal Union 506
use as claim 123–24, 134, 298–99, 300, 305–6, 333, 348
see also post offices
Stanley, Oliver 377
Staten Island, USS 496–97
Staten Land (South America) 3, 9–10
Staten’s Land (later New Zealand) 3, 4
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur 214, 310
Stenhouse, J. R. 265
Stennis, John 449
stock market crash (1929) 236, 280
Stonington Island 353, 362, 377, 389 see also East Base
Strait of Magellan 18, 129, 334
Stroud, Michael 511
Such Is the Antarctic (Christensen) 208, 257
Sullivan, Walter 460, 466–67, 504
Sulzberger, Arthur 233
Sumatra 50
Surville, Jean-François-Marie de 5
Antarctic Treaty System [1959] 517
Swedish Antarctic Expedition [1901–04] 118–19
Symmes, John Cleves 42–43, 48, 58
Tahiti 2
Tasman, Abel 2–3
Taylor, Griffith 304
Taylor, Captain P. G. 453–54
Teille Island 35
Tennant, Admiral William 418, 419
Terra Nova Expedition [1910–12] 141–50, 151, 160, 161, 194
Thompson Island 207, 209–10, 212
Thor I 242
Thorshammer 212
Thorshavn Bay 257
Thurston Peninsula 369
Tibet 167
Tidewater Oil Company 280
Times 260
Tison, Colonel James 415
tourism in Antarctic 265, 468–69, 507–14
adventure tourism 510–11
Trans-Antarctic Expedition see Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition [1955–58]
Transantarctic Mountains 137, 145
transit of Venus 1
commercial aviation 468–69
snow cruiser 339–40, 344, 348, 352, 358
see also sledges
Turkish colonies 180
Tyler, John 83
United Nations 384, 397, 409, 413, 480, 485, 489
Law of the Sea Convention 520
trustee system 419
United States
Antarctic policy 308–9, 447–48, 494
Arctic exploration 192–94
Argentina 497–98
Australia 329–30, 401, 451, 473–74, 480
Britain 448
business interests 212, 285–86
Central Intelligence Agency 406–7, 448
claim on Enderby Land 324–25
claim to Antarctic continent 37, 172–75, 274, 319–30, 445, 447–48, 465–67
claim to Byrd’s coastline 234–35
claim to Canton Island 344
claim to Enderbury Island 344
claim to Heard Island 334–35, 339
claim to Little America 449–50
claim to Marie Byrd Land 449–50
claim to Pacific Islands 314
claim to Palmer’s Land 54–55
claim to Ross Dependency 291–92, 296–97, 300, 305–7, 307–8, 345, 460
claim to sector 450–51
claim to South Polar Plateau 449–50
claim to South Shetland Islands 29–30
claiming protocol 291–92
Coast Guard 333
Congressional funding for Antarctic colonisation 337, 340–43, 347
Department of Defense 413
Department of Defense Research and Development Board 415–16
Department of State 331, 332, 342–43, 360–61, 406, 407
Department of the Interior 320, 331, 355, 360
Department of the Interior: cartographers 361–63
Department of the Interior: Land Office 358
Department of the Navy 331
Department of War 331
Drake Passage 278
expedition to South Pole 67, 71–76
First United States Exploring Expedition 47–48, 56–60
frontier motif 281
House of Representatives Commerce Committee 52
IGY and 444–45
instructions to Wilkes 70–71
international control of Antarctica 416, 479
Japan 431–32
mapping of Antarctic 349–50
Mawson 166
National Security Council 447–48, 483
naval taskforce to Antarctic 382–84
neutrality legislation 341
New Zealand 467–69, 501, 506–7
North Pole 116
Operations Coordinating Board 483
planned bases in Antarctic 447, 450
plans to colonise Antarctic 331–39, 343–45, 349, 381–82
press misled over Antarctic plans 338–39
proposed condominium 420
proposed National American Antarctic Expedition 173
ratifies Antarctic Treaty 492–93
renewed interest in Antarctica 235–36
Ronne’s claims 408–9
sector principle 407
Soviet Union 382, 383, 406, 407, 465
Spanish–American war [1898] 102
territorial ambitions in Pacific 25–26
whaling industry 315–16
Wilkes base 496–97
Wilkes claim 156, 172–73, 180, 192
United States Antarctic Service Expedition (1939–41)
Byrd directs from Washington 353–54
criticism 347
evacuation 359–60
expedition 347–55
films and paintings 365
interdepartmental committee 345–46
objectives 349–50
official narrative 361, 364–65
scientific program 333, 337, 348–49, 351–52, 354, 358, 361–63
scientific results 365–66
United States Army Air Force 394
United States Navy 45, 46, 382, 392, 394, 395
United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program [1946–47] 382–84, 396–400, 412, 422, 429, 447, 449, 472
Australian Antarctic Territory 452–53
Universal Postal Union 506