You may think that writing is a solitary pursuit, and it is, but publishing is a very different story. It takes a team of talented professionals working together to turn a raw manuscript into the book you’re holding in your hands.
I am extremely fortunate to have an outstanding team working on my books. Without exception, the staff at Revell are both talented and dedicated to making each book the best it can be. Each one of them cares about their authors, but—more important—they care about you, the reader, and strive to make your reading experience a rewarding one.
There are countless people who work behind the scenes, and if I listed them all, this book would rival War and Peace for length. I would, however, be remiss if I didn’t single out five women who form the nucleus of what I consider to be the dream team.
It’s been more than ten years since Executive Editor Vicki Crumpton bought my first manuscript. I was thrilled then, and the thrill has not waned. Vicki’s belief in my stories gets me through the dreaded middle-of-the-book doldrums, while her gentle editing that combines constructive criticism with very welcome humor strengthens each of my manuscripts. I give thanks each day that I have the perfect editor—Vicki.
Few authors look forward to revision letters, but that’s because they don’t have Managing Editor Kristin Kornoelje on their team. Kristin’s incredible attention to detail and her thoughtful analysis of characters’ motivation have given me new perspectives on my own work and made me a better writer. She’s a true blessing.
Director of Marketing Michele Misiak does so much more than her title might imply. In addition to constantly looking for new ways to promote my books, a job that she does exceedingly well, she serves as my gateway to Revell, answering myriad questions and educating me about the constantly changing world of publishing and social media. I’ve learned so much from Michele.
I’m convinced that Karen Steele doesn’t sleep. She wears several hats, including Senior Publicist. In that role, she’s on what seems like a perpetual search for ways to spread the word about my books. Radio and print, interviews and reviews, blog tours, social media—Karen’s got them all covered, and not just covered, but covered well. I couldn’t ask for a better publicist.
We’ve all been told not to judge a book by its cover, but if you’re like me, you do exactly that. That’s why I’m so grateful that Cheryl Van Andel is part of the team. As Revell’s Art Director, she’s responsible for those gorgeous covers that are your first look at my stories. This is the fourteenth cover she’s created for me, and I can honestly say that each one has exceeded my expectations. Somehow Cheryl always manages to capture the essence of each story and to create covers that are both beautiful and unique. What a wonderful talent!
I am deeply grateful to Vicki, Kristin, Michele, Karen, Cheryl, and the rest of the Revell staff for everything they do.