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Chapter 1

1. Quinn, G. P., et al. Physician referral for fertility preservation in oncology patients: A national study of practice behaviors. Journal of Clinical Oncology 27, no. 35 (December 10, 2009): 5952–57.

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Chapter 2

1. Foster, R., and Bihrle, R. Current status of retroperitoneal lymph node dissection and testicular cancer: When to operate. Cancer Control 9, no. 4 (2002).

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Chapter 3

1. Therapeutic Sperm Banking. The Center for Reproductive Medicine, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio.

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Chapter 5

1. Cost of Adoption Update, 2008-2009. Adoptive Families.

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Chapter 6

1. Oktay, K. In conversation with author. December 15, 2009.

2. Jacobson, H., et al. A proposed unified mechanism for the reduction of human breast cancer risk by the hormones of pregnancy. Cancer Prevention Research 3 (February 2010): 212.

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10. Stuebe, A., et al. Lactation and incidence of premenopausal breast cancer: A longitudinal study. Archives of Internal Medicine 169, no. 15 (2009): 1364–71.

Chapter 7

1. Rauch, P. In conversation with author. February 25, 2010.