A Short History of …

the American Civil War

Paul Anderson (Clemson University)

the American Revolutionary War

Stephen Conway (University College London)

Ancient China

Edward L Shaughnessy (University of Chicago)

Ancient Greece

P J Rhodes, FBA (Durham University)

Ancient Rome

Andrew Wallace-Hadrill (University of Cambridge)

the Anglo-Saxons

Henrietta Leyser (University of Oxford)


Karen Radner (University of Munich)

the Byzantine Empire

Dionysios Stathakopoulos (King’s College London)

Christian Spirituality

Edward Howells (Heythrop College, University of London)

the Crimean War

Trudi Tate (University of Cambridge)

English Renaissance Drama

Helen Hackett (University College London)

the English Revolution and the Civil Wars

David J Appleby (University of Nottingham)

the Etruscans

Corinna Riva (University College London)

the Hundred Years War

Michael Prestwich (Durham University)

Irish Independence

J J Lee (New York University)

the Italian Renaissance

Virginia Cox (New York University)

the Korean War

Allan R Millett (University of New Orleans)

Medieval Christianity

G R Evans (University of Cambridge)

Medieval English Mysticism

Vincent Gillespie (University of Oxford)

the Minoans

John Bennet (University of Sheffield)

the Mongols

George Lane (SOAS, University of London)

the Mughal Empire

Michael H Fisher (Oberlin College)

Muslim Spain

Amira K Bennison (University of Cambridge)

New Kingdom Egypt

Robert Morkot (University of Exeter)

the New Testament

Halvor Moxnes (University of Oslo)

Nineteenth-Century Philosophy

Joel Rasmussen (University of Oxford)

the Normans

Leonie V Hicks (Canterbury Christ Church University)

the Ottoman Empire

Baki Tezcan (University of California, Davis)

the Phoenicians

Mark Woolmer (Durham University)

the Reformation

Helen Parish (University of Reading)

the Renaissance in Northern Europe

Malcolm Vale (University of Oxford)

Revolutionary Cuba

Antoni Kapcia (University of Nottingham)

the Risorgimento

Nick Carter (Australian Catholic University, Sydney)

the Russian Revolution

Geoffrey Swain (University of Glasgow)

the Spanish Civil War

Julián Casanova (University of Zaragoza)

the Spanish Empire

Felipe Fernández-Armesto (University of Notre Dame) and José Juan López-Portillo (University of Oxford)

Transatlantic Slavery

Kenneth Morgan (Brunel University London)

Venice and the Venetian Empire

Maria Fusaro (University of Exeter)

the Vikings

Clare Downham (University of Liverpool)

the Wars of the Roses

David Grummitt (University of Kent)

the Weimar Republic

Colin Storer (University of Nottingham)