Even though he’d kept tabs on her, in a stalkerish obsessive way that made him question his sanity, he still looked for her everywhere he went. The campaign had been long and exhausting, and they were about to win by a landslide.
If Charles could keep a lid on his proclivities, he’d make a good governor. Most times he was the perfect politician. Full of shit, but wanted to do good in the world. But even besides the Ash incident, there was something... off about Charles sometimes. Most-times he was the perfect politician. Full of shit, but wanted to do good in the world.
But still Lee looked for her. Looked for the brown hair that at first glance looked like everyone else’s but was richer. Looked for her curvy body and warm eyes.
Lee didn’t know how many times he wished he could have a do-over. His illusions had been shattered and he’d lashed out. He’d built up an image of Ash and put her into a little box labeled “perfect”.
He better than most knew it was impossible to live up to people’s expectations.
Ash’s life hadn’t become a bed of daisies—which, pathetically, he knew was her favorite flower—when her financial fortunes changed. Her brother had gone to prison, even with the expensive lawyer hired. Her sister had given birth, but the child had died.
Ash and her sister had moved to the coast and had taken over a coffee shop. A slow start, but they seemed to be making their way.
So he knew where she was, but still he looked for a glimpse of her. If wishes were horses and all that malarkey.
He’d also had time to reason out a few things. Ash might have been manipulative and scheming, but he knew somehow that she was essentially a good person. He knew her.
He wished he’d remembered it before the morning in the coffee shop. Some moments you couldn’t take back. No matter her sins, she’d been hurt and vulnerable and he’d kicked her hard.
So Lee would keep an eye on her and keep her safe. From a distance. Maybe someday they would find a way to put away their mutual hurt away.
Charles mounted the podium, smiled his women-swooning smile and started his stump speech. He managed to make it sound heartfelt and original every time.
In the middle, Charles paused, almost like he’d lost his place. This speech had been said hundreds of times. At dinners, meetings, luncheons, everywhere really.
Thomas didn’t step forward. He too seemed a bit dazed. Lee was about to get on the stage and see if the candidate was okay, but then Charles recovered, a bit shakily, then gained momentum again and gave a dazzling finish.
From the sidelines, something caught Lee’s eye. Sunglasses in a darkened hall. It looked like Ash. He’d been thinking of her all day, and he shook it off. Often Lee thought he saw her, but he was always mistaken.
He started walking to where he’d thought he saw her. He knew why he was thinking of her. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. They were in Ashland, Oregon. Of course he’d be thinking of her.
He zeroed in—it looked like her. Lee quickened his speed, dodging bodies, thankful his height had him looking over the heads of most people.
He called out her name. “Ash!” The woman ahead didn’t hear him or it wasn’t Ash. He increased his speed, but then he lost sight of her altogether. He walked and looked for awhile, but put it down to another one of his wishful hallucinations.
Halfway across the hall, and he’d almost made an ass out of himself. It’d only been six months... Time healed all things, he’d been told.
Later in the car on the way to the next stumping ground in Medford, he said casually, “I thought I saw Ash in the audience today.” They hadn’t spoken of her since she left. And Charles had gone back to his usual society-bland blonde.
“Who?” Charles asked, puzzled.
No recognition on Charles’ face. Lee looked to Thomas. Asshole Thomas was, but not totally brain dead. Thomas shook his head, as if he didn’t know who Lee was talking about.
“You know, Ash. Ash Gilt. She was your PA at the beginning of the campaign?” Lee didn’t mention the rest. Didn’t like thinking about who he was working for.
Charles shook his head again and then a dim lightbulb went on and he snapped his fingers. “Oh, yes. Nice girl, had to quit for some reason. Competent. Is that who you mean?”
Over the past few months, Lee had played poker with Appleby a lot, and he knew his tells. Lee knew when Charles was bullshitting. And Charles wasn’t bullshitting.
What the fuck?
Want to read more of Jill C Flanagan’s work? I hope you enjoyed “Gilt•ed”. Stay tuned for the next book, Gilt•y released soon!
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Gilt•y - out June 2014
It’s been over five years since she’s been in the same room Keithley “Lee” Hierne, black hat hacker turned white collar cyber-strategist. She’s made a new life for her sister and herself.
Lee makes a reappearance in her life, threatening the stable quiet life she’s managed to assemble.
Putting her livelihood at risk is his first move.
She’s already proved that she will do anything for family. And it’s a character flaw he will exploit to get what he wants – for Ash to use her ‘mind magic’ for his agenda.
If only the risks were only her pride. Unfortunately the choice is between her family and her soul...
Twice Shy (Restraint Series #1) – buy now!
Leaving Cutters Creek was the best thing Stacy Jones ever did. Returning is the last thing she ever wanted to do.
Unfortunately it's her only option. If she wants some questions answered, she needs to go back and confront her mother. If she doesn't get the answers she needs, her whole future is at stake.
Eight years ago she ran away when the guy she loved betrayed her in the worst possible way. She's healed from those wounds but can she ever forgive?
Twice Bitten (Restraint Series #2) – out end of May 2014
Sarge has finally decided to sell the bar and move to Palm Springs to be closer to Stacy and his friends. He can relax, lead a freer life and maybe settle down with a nice little sub.
But his past comes back to haunt him, some unfinished business from an old covert operation plunges him into the past and makes him face his greatest enemy.
Stacy’s grandfather, the killer of the only woman he’d ever loved.