Outline of Mark

I. Prologue (1:1–13)

A. Title of the Gospel: The Beginning of the Good News About Jesus Christ, the Son of God (1:1)

B. The Ministry of John the Baptizer (1:2–8)

C. Jesus’ Baptism (1:9–11)

D. Testing in the Desert (1:12–13)

II. Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee (1:14–8:21)

A. Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee (1:14–3:6)

1. Commencement of Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee (1:14–45)

a. Summary of Jesus’ Preaching (1:14–15)

b. Calling of First Disciples (1:16–20)

c. A New Teaching: Casting out an Unclean Spirit in the Synagogue (1:21–28)

d. Healing of Simon’s Mother-in-Law and Many Others (1:29–34)

e. Prayer in a Lonely Place Before Going out to the Whole of Galilee (1:35–39)

f. Healing of a Leper (1:40–45)

2. Controversies Settled by Jesus’ Pronouncements (2:1–3:6)

a. Over Forgiveness of Sins: Healing of a Paralytic (2:1–12)

b. Over Sinners: Calling a Toll Collector and Eating with Sinners (2:13–17)

c. Over Fasting: Jesus Defends His Disciples (2:18–22)

d. Over Sabbath Observance: Plucking Grain (2:23–28)

e. Over Sabbath Observance: Healing and the Plot to Destroy Jesus (3:1–6)

B. Jesus’ Ministry Around the Sea of Galilee and Rejection in Nazareth (3:7–6:6a)

1. Summary Statement of Jesus’ Ministry (3:7–12)

2. Choosing Twelve Disciples to Be With Him (3:13–19)

3. Accusation by Jesus’ Family That He Is Beside Himself (3:20–21)

4. Accusation by Scribes That Jesus Works by Beelzebub (3:22–29)

5. Jesus’ Statement About His Family (3:30–35)

6. Teaching by the Sea in Parables (4:1–34)

a. Narrative Introduction (4:1–2)

b. Seed Parable (4:3–9)

c. General Statement about Hiddenness (4:10–12)

d. Interpretation of the Parable of the Seeds and Soils (4:13–20)

c′. Parables About Hiddenness (4:21–25)

b′. Seed Parables (4:26–32)

a′. Narrative Conclusion (4:33–34)

7. Demonstrations of Power on Both Sides of the Sea of Galilee (4:35–6:6a)

a. Stilling the Storm (4:35–41)

b. Healing the Gerasene Demoniac (5:1–20)

c. Healing a Woman with a Hemorrhage and Raising Jairus’ Daughter (5:21–43)

d. Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth (6:1–6a)

C. The Expansion of Jesus’ Ministry Beyond Galilee (6:6b–8:21)

1. Sending out the Twelve (6:6b–13)

2. Flashback of John the Baptizer’s Death (6:14–29)

3. Return of the Twelve (6:30)

4. Retreat to a Deserted Place and the Feeding of the Five Thousand (6:31–44)

5. Jesus’ Walking on the Water (6:45–52)

6. Summary of Healing the Sick (6:53–56)

7. Controversy Over the Tradition of the Elders and Declaration About Purity (7:1–23)

8. Healing of the Syrophoenician’s Daughter (7:24–30)

9. Healing a Deaf Mute (7:31–37)

10. Feeding the Four Thousand (8:1–10)

11. The Pharisees’ Demand for a Sign (8:11–13)

12. Warning About the Leaven of the Pharisees and Herod (8:14–21)

III. On the Way to Jerusalem (8:22–10:52)

A. Healing of a Blind Man in Bethsaida (8:22–26)

B. Jesus’ First Prediction of His Death and Resurrection (8:27–9:1)

1. Peter’s Declaration About Jesus (8:27–30)

2. Jesus’ Prediction of His Death and Resurrection (8:31–33)

3. Peter’s Protest and Jesus’ Teaching About Discipleship (8:34–9:1)

C. Transfiguration of Jesus (9:2–8)

D. Instruction About the Coming of Elijah (9:9–13)

E. Healing of a Boy with an Unclean Spirit (9:14–29)

F. Jesus’ Second Prediction of His Death and Resurrection (9:30–37)

1. Jesus’ Prediction (9:30–32)

2. Disciples’ Dispute over Greatness and Jesus’ Teaching About Discipleship (9:33–37)

G. Collection of Sayings Related to Discipleship (9:38–50)

1. Acceptance of Others (9:38–41)

2. Warning Against Causing Others to Stumble (9:42–48)

3. Sayings on Salt (9:49–50)

H. Teaching About Divorce (10:1–12)

I. Blessing the Children (10:13–16)

J. Inviting a Rich Man to Follow (10:17–31)

K. Jesus’ Third Prediction of His Death and Resurrection (10:32–45)

1. Jesus’ Prediction of His Death and Resurrection (10:32–34)

2. Request of James and John and Jesus’ Teaching on Discipleship (10:35–45)

L. Healing of Blind Bartimaeus in Jericho (10:46–52)

IV. Confrontation and Death in Jerusalem (11:1–15:41)

A. Confrontation (11:1–13:37)

1. Entry into Jerusalem (11:1–11)

2. Prophetic Action in the Temple and the Cursing of the Fig Tree (11:12–25)

3. Controversies in the Temple (11:27–12:44)

a. Challenge to Jesus’ Authority (11:27–33)

b. Parable of the Wicked Vineyard Tenants (12:1–12)

c. Questions (12:13–37)

i. About Paying Taxes to Caesar (12:13–17)

ii. About the Resurrection (12:18–27)

iii. About the Greatest Commandment (12:28–34)

iv. About David’s Son (12:35–37)

d. Denunciation of the Scribes (12:38–40)

e. The Widow’s Offering (12:41–44)

4. Farewell Discourse on the Temple’s Destruction and the Timing of the End (13:1–37)

a. Departure to the Mount of Olives and Prediction of Temple’ Destruction (13:1–4)

b. Warnings Connected to the Temple’s Destruction (13:5–23)

i. About Deceivers (13:5–6)

ii. About International Wars, Earthquakes, and Famines (13:7–8)

iii. About Persecution of Christians (13:9–13)

ii′. About the Abomination of Desolation and War in Judea (13:14–20)

i′. About Deceivers (13:21–23)

c. Warning About the Coming of the Son of Man (13:24–27)

d. Warnings That No One Knows the Timing of the End (13:28–37)

i. Parable of the Fig Tree (13:28–31)

ii. Announcement About the Unknown Day or Hour (13:32)

iii. Parable of the Watchful and Indifferent Doorkeepers (13:33–37)

B. Passion of Jesus (14:1–15:41)

1. Plot by High Priests and Scribes to Kill Jesus (14:1–2)

2. Anonymous Woman Anoints Jesus for Burial (14:3–9)

3. Plot by Judas to Betray Jesus (14:10–11)

4. The Last Supper (14:12–26)

a. Preparation for the Supper (14:12–16)

b. Prediction of Betrayal by One of the Twelve and the Disciples’ Response (14:17–21)

c. Interpretation of His Death Through the Bread and Cup (14:22–26)

5. On the Mount of Olives (14:27–52)

a. Jesus’ Prediction of Disciples’ Scattering and Their Response (14:27–31)

b. Jesus’ Anguished Prayer in Gethsemane While Disciples Sleep (14:32–42)

c. Judas’ Betrayal, Jesus’ Arrest, and Disciples’ Flight (14:43–52)

6. Jesus on Trial (14:53–15:15)

a. Jesus Before the Sanhedrin (14:53–72)

i. Peter Follows Jesus from a Distance to High Priest’s Courtyard (14:53–54)

ii. Jesus Affirms His Identity Before the Sanhedrin (14:55–65)

iii. Peter Denies Jesus Three Times in the Courtyard (14:66–72)

b. Jesus Before Pilate (15:1–15)

i. Pilate’s Failed Questioning of Jesus (15:1–5)

ii. Pilate’s Failed Attempts to Release Jesus (15:6–15)

7. The Crucifixion (15:16–41)

a. Soldiers Mock Jesus As King of the Jews (15:16–20)

b. Simon Compelled to Carry Jesus’ Cross (15:21–22)

c. Division of Jesus’ Clothes (15:23–24)

d. Crucifixion of Jesus at the Third Hour Between Two Bandits (15:25–27)

e. Mockery of Jesus (15:29–32)

i. By Passersby: You Who Would Destroy the Temple (15:29–30)

ii. By Chief Priests and Scribes: The King of Israel Who Saved Others (15:31–32a)

iii. By Those Crucified with Jesus (15:32b)

f. Jesus’ Death (15:33–41)

i. Darkness Over the Land at the Sixth Hour (15:33)

ii. Jesus’ Cry to God (15:34)

iii. Final Taunt About Elijah (15:35–36)

iv. Jesus’ Death Cry at the Ninth Hour (15:37)

v. Splitting of the Temple Curtain (15:38)

vi. Centurion’s Confession That Jesus Is the Son of God (15:39)

vii. Witness of His Death by the Women Who Followed Him from Galilee (15:40–41)

V. Burial and Resurrection (15:42–16:8)

A. Jesus’ Burial by Joseph of Arimathea Witnessed by the Women (15:42–47)

B. Announcement of Resurrection to the Women at the Tomb (16:1–8)