Chapter 3. (Basics of Racket)


You’ve written your first program. It consisted of a few functions that dealt with numbers. You’ve seen the basics of expressions and definitions. You know there are a lot of parentheses.

Now it’s time to bring some order to chaos. In this chapter, we’ll show you other kinds of data, as well as the general structure and meaning of Racket programs.


To understand any language—be it a human language or a language for programming—requires two concepts from the field of linguistics. Computer scientists refer to them as “syntax” and “semantics.” You should know that these are just fancy words for “grammar” and “meaning.”

Here is a typical sentence in the English language:

My dog ate my homework.

This sentence uses correct English syntax. Syntax is the collection of rules that a phrase must follow to qualify as a valid sentence. Here are some of the rules of sentences in the English language that this text obeys: the sentence ends in a punctuation mark, contains a subject and a verb, and is made up of letters in the English alphabet.

However, there is more to a sentence than just its syntax. We also care about what the sentence actually means. For instance, here are three sentences that, roughly, have the same semantics:

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The first two are just different ways of saying the same thing in English. The third sentence is in Chinese, but it still has the same meaning as the first two.

The same distinction between syntax and semantics exists in programming languages. For instance, here is a valid line of code written in C++:


This line of code obeys the rules of C++ syntax. To make the point, we put in a lot of syntax that is unique to C++. If you were to place this line of code in a Python program, it would cause a syntax error.

Of course, if we were to put this line of code in a C++ program in the proper context, it would cause the computer to do something. The actions that a computer performs in response to a program make up its semantics. It is usually possible to express the same semantics with distinct programs written in different programming languages; that is, the programs will perform the same actions independent of the chosen language.

Most programming languages have similar semantic powers. In fact, this is something that Al and his student Alan Turing first discovered in the 1930s. On the other hand, syntax differs among languages. Racket has a very simple syntax compared to other programming languages. Having a simple syntax is a defining feature of the Lisp family of languages, including Racket.

From the crazy line of C++ code in the previous section, you can get the hint that C++ has a lot of weird syntax—for indicating namespaces, dereferencing pointers, performing casts, referencing member functions, performing Boolean operations, and so on.

If you were to write a C++ compiler, you would need to do a lot of hard work so that the compiler could read this code and check the many C++ syntax rules.

Writing a Racket compiler or interpreter is much easier as far as syntax is concerned. The part of a Racket compiler that reads in the code, which Racketeers call the reader, is simpler than the equivalent part for a C++ compiler or the compiler for any other major programming language. Take a random piece of Racket code:

(define (square n)
  (* n n))

This function definition, which creates a function that squares a number, consists of nothing more than parentheses and “words.” In fact, you can view it as just a bunch of nested lists.

So keep in mind that Racket has only one way of organizing bits of code: parentheses. The organization of a program is made completely clear only from the parentheses it uses. And that’s all.

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In addition to parentheses, Racket programmers also use square brackets [] and curly brackets {}. To keep things simple, we refer to all of these as “parentheses.” As long as you match each kind of closing parenthesis to its kind of opening parenthesis, Racket will read the code. And as you may have noticed already, DrRacket is extremely helpful with matching parentheses.

The interchangeability of parentheses comes in handy for making portions of your code stand out for readers. For example, brackets are often used to group conditionals, while function applications always use parentheses. In fact, Racketeers have a number of conventions for where and when to use the various kinds of parentheses. Just read our code carefully, and you’ll infer these conventions on your own. And if you prefer different conventions, go ahead, adopt them, be happy. But do stay consistent.

Meaning matters most. In English, nouns and verbs are the basic building blocks of meaning. A noun such as “dog” evokes a certain image in our mind, and a verb such as “ate” connects our image to another in a moving sequence.

In Racket, pieces of data are the basic building blocks of meaning. We know what 5 means and we know that 'hello is a symbol that represents a certain English word. What other sorts of data are there in Racket? There are many, including symbols, numbers, strings, and lists. Here, we’ll show you the basic building blocks, or data types, that you’ll use in Racket.

Racket supports both floating-point numbers and integers. As a matter of fact, it also has rationals, complex numbers, and a lot more. When you write a number, the presence of a decimal point determines whether your number is seen as a floating-point number or an integer. Thus, the exact number 1 and the floating-point number 1.0 are two different entities in Racket.

Racket can perform some amazing feats with numbers, especially when compared to most other languages. For instance, here we’re using the function expt to calculate the 53rd power of 53:

> (expt 53 53)

Isn’t that cool? Most languages would choke on such a large integer.

You have also seen complex numbers. Consider this example:

> (sqrt -1)
> (* (sqrt -1) (sqrt -1))

Racket returns the imaginary number 0+1i for (sqrt -1), and when it multiplies this imaginary number by itself, it produces an exact -1.

Finally, something rational happens when you divide two integers:

> (/ 4 6)

The / function is dividing four by six. Mathematically speaking, this is just two over three. But chances are that if you’ve programmed in another language, you would expect this to produce a number like 0.66666...7. Of course, that’s just an approximation of the real answer, which is the rational number two over three. Numbers in Racket behave more like numbers that you are used to from math class and less like the junk other languages try to pass off as numbers. So Racket returns a rational number, which is written as two integers with a division symbol between them. It is the mathematically ideal way to encode a fraction, and that is often what you want, too.

You will get a different answer if your calculation involves an inexact number:

> (/ 4.0 6)

Compared with the previous example, this one uses 4.0 in place of 4. You might think 4.0 and 4 are the same number, but in Racket, the decimal notation indicates an inexact number; 4.0 really means some number that is close to four. Consequently, when you divide a number that is close to four by six, you’ll get back a number that is close to ⅔, namely 0.6666666666666666.

Inexact numbers, like 4.0, are called floating-point numbers, and basically they don’t behave like any kind of number you’ve seen in a math class. But the important thing to remember is that if you never use decimal notation, you won’t need to worry about how these kinds of numbers behave. Exact numbers in Racket are honest numbers like the ones you learned about in grade school.

Lists are a crucial form of data in Racket. Racket data is like a big toolbox, and you can make amazing things if you know how to utilize your tools. You can’t do anything without a trusty hammer, an ever-helpful screwdriver, and some needle-nose pliers. These basics are symbols, numbers, and strings in Racket. Then you have all the power tools— chain saws, drills, planers, and routers—that take everything to the next level, just like Racket lists and structures. Well, you really can’t make anything in Racket without the basic cons cell, which is actually one of the most powerful tools Racket offers.

If you want to link any two pieces of data in your Racket program, regardless of type, one common way to do that is with the cons function. When you call cons, Racket allocates a small chunk of memory, the cons cell, to hold references to the objects being linked. Here is a simple example where we cons the symbol chicken to the empty list:

> (cons 'chicken empty)

Notice that the empty list is not printed in the output of our cons call. There’s a simple reason for this: empty is a special value that is used to terminate a list in Racket. That said, the interactions panel is taking a shortcut and using the quote notation to describe a list with one element: 'chicken.

The lesson here is that Racket will always go out of its way to hide the cons cells from you. The previous example can also be written like this:

> (cons 'chicken '())

The empty list, '(), can be used interchangeably with empty in Racket. Thinking of empty as the terminator of a list makes sense. What do you get when you add a chicken to an empty list? Just a list with a chicken in it. Of course, cons can add items to the front of the list. For example, to add 'pork to the front of '(beef chicken), use cons like this:

> (cons 'pork '(beef chicken))
'(pork beef chicken)

When Racketeers talk about using cons, they say they are consing something. In this example, we consed 'pork on to a list containing 'beef and 'chicken. Since all lists are made of cons cells, our '(beef chicken) list must have been created from its own two cons cells:

> (cons 'beef (cons 'chicken '()))
'(beef chicken)

Combining the previous two examples, we can see what all the lists look like when viewed as conses. This is what is really happening:

> (cons 'pork (cons 'beef (cons 'chicken '())))
'(pork beef chicken)

Basically, this is telling us that when we cons together three items, we get a list of three items.

The interactions panel echoed back to us our entered items as a list, '(pork beef chicken), but it could just as easily, though a little less conveniently, have reported back the items exactly as we entered them. Either response would have been perfectly correct. In Racket, a chain of cons cells and a list are exactly the same thing.

Lists can contain any kind of data, including other lists:

> (list 'cat (list 'duck 'bat) 'ant)
'(cat (duck bat) ant)

This interaction shows a list containing three elements. The second element is '(duck bat), which is also a list.

However, under the hood, these nested lists are still just made out of cons cells. Let’s look at an example where we pull items out of nested lists.

> (first '((peas carrots tomatoes) (pork beef chicken)))
'(peas carrots tomatoes)
> (rest '(peas carrots tomatoes))
'(carrots tomatoes)
> (rest (first '((peas carrots tomatoes) (pork beef chicken))))
'(carrots tomatoes)

The first function gives us the first item in the list, which is a list in this case. Next, we use the rest function to chop off the first item from this inner list, leaving us with '(carrots tomatoes). Using these functions together gives the same result.

As demonstrated in this example, cons cells allow us to create complex structures, and we use them here to build a nested list. To prove that our nested list consists solely of cons cells, here is how we could create the same nested list using only the cons function:

> (cons (cons 'peas (cons 'carrots (cons 'tomatoes '())))
        (cons (cons 'pork (cons 'beef (cons 'chicken '()))) '()))
'((peas carrots tomatoes) (pork beef chicken))

Since various combinations of first and rest are so common and useful, many are given their own name:

> (second '((peas carrots tomatoes) (pork beef chicken) duck))
'(pork beef chicken)
> (third '((peas carrots tomatoes) (pork beef chicken) duck))
> (first (second '((peas carrots tomatoes)
                  (pork beef chicken)

In fact, functions for accessing the first through tenth elements are built in. These functions make it easy to manipulate lists in Racket, no matter how complicated they might be. If you are ever curious about built-in list functions, look in Help Desk.

Structures, like lists, are yet another means of packaging multiple pieces of data together in Racket. While lists are good for grouping an arbitrary number of items, structures are good for combining a fixed number of items. Say, for example, we need to track the name, student ID number, and dorm room number of every student on campus. In this case, we should use a structure to represent a student’s information because each student has a fixed number of attributes: name, ID, and dorm. However, we would want to use a list to represent all of the students, since the campus has an arbitrary number of students, which may grow and shrink.

Defining structures in Racket is simple and straightforward. If we wish to make the student structure for our example, we write the following structure definition:

> (struct student (name id# dorm))

This definition doesn’t actually create any particular student, but instead it creates a new kind of data, which is distinct from all other kinds of data. When we say “creates a new kind of data,” we really mean the structure definition provides functions for constructing and taking apart student structure values. Within struct, the first word—in this case, student—denotes the name of the structure and is also used as the name of the constructor for student values. The parentheses following the name of the structure enclose a series of names for the components of the structure, and the constructor takes that many values.

Let’s create an instance of student:

> (define freshman1 (student 'Joe 1234 'NewHall))

Since the structure definition mentions three pieces, we apply the student constructor to three values, thus creating a single value that contains them all. This value is an instance, and it has three fields. Just as with any other kind of value, we can give names to structures for easy reference. If we ever need to retrieve information about our freshman1 student, we just use the accessors for student structures:

> (student-name freshman1)
> (student-id# freshman1)

To access the information in a structure field, we call the appropriate accessor function. In this case, we want to pull the name from the student structure that we already created, so we’ll use student-name. As you can see, the interactions panel shows 'Joe, which is the value in freshman1’s name field. When you want to access a different field, you use the function for that field instead, say student-id#. As you may have guessed by now, the structure definition creates three such functions: student-name, student-id#, and student-dorm. We sometimes call them field selectors or just selectors.

In Racket, it is common practice to store data as lists of structures. Say we wanted to keep a list of all the freshman students in a computer science class. Since we could have anywhere from a handful to hundreds or thousands of students in the class, we want to use a list to represent it:

> (define mimi (student 'Mimi 1234 'NewHall))
> (define nicole (student 'Nicole 5678 'NewHall))
> (define rose (student 'Rose 8765 'NewHall))
> (define eric (student 'Eric 4321 'NewHall))
> (define in-class (list mimi nicole rose eric))
> (student-id# (third in-class))

Here, four students are listed and combined in a list called in-class. All of the list functions we discussed in the previous section still apply, and we see that we can still access the fields of the student structures.

It can come in handy to have structures within structures and even within lists. For instance, in our previous example, we could keep all the students in one centralized student-body structure for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, where each year stands for a list of student structures:

> (struct student-body (freshmen sophomores juniors seniors))
> (define all-students
    (student-body (list freshman1 (student 'Mary 0101 'OldHall))
                  (list (student 'Jeff 5678 'OldHall))
                  (list (student 'Bob 4321 'Apartment))

Here, we create the student-body structure with fields for the four different years. Next, we give the name all-students to one specific instance of student-body. As you can see, we expect lists of students in each of the four fields of a student-body instance.

To retrieve the name of the first freshman in the list, we need to properly layer our accessors:

> (student-name (first (student-body-freshmen all-students)))
> (student-name (second (student-body-freshmen all-students)))
> (student-name (first (student-body-juniors all-students)))

We want the student-name of the first of the student-body-freshmen list. As we can see, 'Joe is the name of the first freshman we created before. This also works to get 'Mary and 'Bob.

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Structures and lists are useful for many different cases, such as organizing data into meaningful compartments that can be easily accessed. In this book, we will be using structures and lists for almost all programs.

In this chapter, you saw most of the building blocks of Racket’s syntax and semantics: