
We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of Brian Wenzinger, an alumnus of Northeastern University’s College of Computer and Information Science.

The College’s dean, Larry Finkelstein, and his staff—especially Kirsten Anderson, Doreen Hodgkin, and Jennifer Wong—provided great help along the way. Thank you.

Without Matthew Flatt (Utah), Robby Findler (Northwestern), and the rest of the PLT folks, there would be no Racket, no DrRacket, and no Realm of Racket.

Finally, cheers to our co-author, Conrad Barski, for getting us launched on this adventure through Racket land. We also owe thanks to Eric Chin, Pranav Gandhi, James Grammatikos, Cole Levi, Jack Noble, Alex Schwartz, and Brendan Wilson, who participated in the initial explorations for this project. In addition, Forrest would like to acknowledge and express his humble gratitude for the diverse and unwavering support his mom and dad, Sarah and Steve, have lovingly provided and continue to provide. Rose would like to thank her family and friends for being incredibly supportive of the project and for understanding when “the book” was the only explanation given for her frequent absences from activities in the past few months. She also wishes to thank all her co-authors for three semesters of forever quotable Thursday evenings. Mimi would like to thank her parents for giving her learning opportunities that exceeded their own. Furthermore, she is grateful to Matthias and David for opening up this rare educational experience. Scott says thank you to his little brother Steve, as retribution for constantly giving him a hard time. Nicole thanks her parents for always supporting her. She also thanks her co-authors for giving her Thursday nights purpose and joy. Thanks to MF and DVH, who could make her laugh even after fourteen straight hours of edits. Eric would like to thank his friends and family for always being so supportive of his doodles, and also David and Matthias for giving him the opportunity to use his doodles for good. David would like to thank Marisa, for everything. Matthias acknowledges his wife, Helga, for patiently waiting many Thursday evenings and his advisor, Dan Friedman, for teaching him Lisp and English.