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WHEN THE CALL CAME in, Chip asked airport security to put a hold on Agnes until he could get there to pick her up for questioning. He thanked them for their time and jumped into his police cruiser.
Agnes was startled to be pulled aside at the airport, but maybe her quick exit put a spotlight on her. She honestly didn’t think anybody would notice her leaving. It was kind of nice to have a little extra attention, whether it was good or bad attention. She was even pretty sure the security guy was being extra nice to her. She wasn’t sure why, but maybe it was her new perfume.
When Chip pulled up, he jumped out and took off for security. Agnes was flirting with the guard when he arrived. “There you are. I’ve got a couple of questions to ask. I need you to come to the police station with me.”
“Wait, what? I’m going to miss my flight?” She started to throw a temper-tantrum. Forget trying to look cute and smiling at the guard. “Do you know how much this plane ticket cost?”
He held up a warrant. “This says you’re coming with me.”
“The plane will leave without me. It’s non-refundable.”
“Come on, lady. We can do this the hard way or the easy way.”
Agnes glanced around, her eyes darting left and right. If she made a run for it, she might be able to outrun one of them, but they’d call for back-up. “You better pay for my replacement ticket, mister.”
“Officer. Police Chief Wallace, to be precise.”
“I didn’t do anything,” she whined.
“Stand up so I can cuff you,” he said.
“Am I being charged with a crime? I want a lawyer.”
“You’re needed for questioning. Interesting you’re ready to leave the country. I wonder why?”
She stood and held her hands together. “If you must know, I’m starting over in Ireland.”
The cuffs clicked into place. “This way.”
“After Victoria Bean died, I realized how short life is. I’ve wanted to go to Ireland for ages, but have been afraid to make the jump. Then I realized, if I don’t go now, when will I?” She lowered her head. “Just take the bag. You don’t need to question me.”
“Ah, admitting it. Great, I’ll just need a statement.”
“If I hand her over, can I catch my flight?”
“Her?” Chip pursed his lips, not sure what she was talking about.
Agnes teared up. “I’m going to miss her. I didn’t know what else to do.”
“Go on...” He was still confused.
She sighed. “In my handbag. She’s in the bandage tin.”
“Say what?”
“My endangered gecko, Stella. I don’t know how you figured it out, but I couldn’t bear to leave her behind. I made it past the luggage check, so I thought I was okay.” Her tears fell harder. “Please take care of her. Can I catch my flight before it leaves?”
“Lady, I don’t want your gecko. You’re wanted in the death of Victoria Bean. We have questions for you. You’re a suspect in the homicide investigation.”
Agnes started laughing. “What?”
The security guard was already in her purse removing the canister. “No permit, no exporting Stella.”
There were holes popped on the top of the can, and a couple of leaves in with her. When he opened the can, the gecko popped his head out and looked around. He climbed up the sleeve of the security guard.
“Get it off, get it off!” he yelled as the tiny lizard searched for an exit. Finally, it popped its head up out of his collar.
“Oh, she loves to do that. Silly, Stella!” She turned around and snapped at Chip. “I’m no killer.”
“Take it off me,” he whispered, trying to catch his breath.
Chip reached over and scooped up Stella. He propped her onto his shoulder. “There you go, buddy. Okay, back to Victoria. I’ve got reason to believe you faked your identification, stuck her with a flu shot filled with poison and killed her. I’m bursting to hear your side of things.”
“Needles? I don’t do needles. In fact...” she grew peaked. “I don’t feel so well.”
“Oh great,” Chip grumbled as Agnes fainted. He caught her under the arm before she hit the ground. Chip turned to the security guard. “Can you get me a medic?”
With a whiff of smelling salts, Agnes blinked her eyes open. As the hazy image before her cleared, she smiled at the officer. “You have Stella.”
“Oh boy.” He turned to the medic. “Do you have a needle and syringe in there? Can you do me a favor and pull it out?”
“Sure.” The medic pulled out the needle and unwrapped it from the sterile wrap.
Once Agnes eyes made contact with it, she passed out again.
“I believe her,” he mumbled. “She does not do well with needles; not talk of them or the sight of them.”
Only if he let her leave, she’d be out of the country. There were no other options. She’d need to come back to the station with him and answer questions accordingly. She might not have given a flu shot, but there were other questions to ask.
Agnes claimed the fifth after she came out of her stupor. She’d answer nothing without a lawyer.
Chip would have to contact Fish and Wildlife for help with the endangered gecko. Without a permit, she wouldn’t be allowed to keep the pet. Chip promised to find a safe, good home for Stella. A bandage canister on an airplane was no way for a gecko to travel.