


I return inside the house and make my way to the sitting room to inform Jasmine about what’s happened. But she’s not alone.

She is, in fact, locked in a passionate kiss with Jonathan.

I clear my throat and she leaps out of his hold, but he tugs her back to him, grinning at her.

“Jonathan?” I exclaim in surprise. “When did you come? I expected you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, well, I wanted to talk to Jasmine about something and it couldn’t wait a moment longer,” he explains. He addresses Jasmine, “So are you going to tell her the happy news or should I?”

I alternate my gaze between the two of them and finally Jasmine steps forward with a huge smile lighting her face.

Her gaze falls back on him and her eyes soften before she faces me again. “We are getting married! Jonathan just proposed to me and I accepted, Aaliya.”

“Oh my God!” I beam. “I’m so happy for you both.”

I reach Jasmine and give her a tight hug.

“You sure?” I whisper.

She nods and I kiss her cheek. I turn to Jonathan who envelops me in a huge hug.

“She said yes, Aaliya. I still can’t believe it,” he chortles.

“And I couldn’t be happier,” I tell him, genuinely thrilled for them. Jonathan is just perfect for Jasmine. With his bright, loud and vivacious personality, he adds the cheer and joy that was missing in her life for way too long. And I’m so glad she’s opened her heart and accepted him.

“You girls hang out, I’m going to give Damien my good news and then Jas and I are going for dinner,” Jonathan announces moving towards the door.

“Wait, Jonathan. Haven’t you heard about the fire at Annette & Co.?” I ask him.

“Bloody hell! There’s been a fire? When?” He hurries to the middle of the room to face me.

“What?” Jasmine gasps. “When did this happen?”

“Just now. It’s all over the news. Damien’s gone to the hospital to check on the staff,” I inform them.

Jonathan quickly pulls out his phone and scrolls through it.

“Shit!” he swears. “Just when we thought everything was going fine, this happened. Do they know what caused it?”

“No idea. I just hope everything is fine and no one is injured too badly,” I respond. “Anyway, go on you two. You have a lot to celebrate.”

“Are you sure?” Jasmine asks, clutching my hand.

“Of course, go have fun,” I return with a smile.

Once they both leave, I call Meredith to bring Rian down so I can spend time with him. But all throughout, my mind stays on Damien. Ever since we learnt of my pregnancy, he’s been more concerned and troubled. And now this! I pray hard that everything is fine at Annette & Co. He doesn’t need this additional stress, right now.