Section 1:

Crystal healing has been used for thousands of years to shift the energy of mind, body, and spirit. Based on principles of both physics and metaphysics, crystal healing promotes positive change in the human energy field. In this section, you will learn something of the history of crystal healing, as well as how crystals can deepen and enhance your connection to your stones. You will also be given an overview of practical ways to select and use your crystals so that you can start to integrate them into your everyday life.



Image A crystal is a mineral with a regularly repeating molecular structure. Most crystals form inside the earth during a process called nucleation, in which intense heat and pressure cause their molecules to form a three-dimensional lattice structure—like a blueprint. This geometric arrangement forces the crystal’s molecules to take on the most stable form possible by repeating this pattern until the crystal is fully formed.


Crystals are more than just matter and molecules. The perfect, stable structure of a crystal represents the balance and harmony that most people seek in their own lives. As gifts from the earth, healing crystals are symbols of balance and perfection from which you can begin your own transformation into the whole, healthy, balanced being you’re meant to be.


Image Having crystals in your energy field balances your body, mind, and spirit.


Because of their internal crystalline lattice, crystals are able to absorb and transmit light. This property, called refraction, allows crystals to draw in universal light energy, to reflect and refract it within their structure, and then transmit it back into the universe. The light energy is amplified and enhanced by the crystal’s internal structure. All crystals are natural amplifiers of energy and assist personal healing by magnifying both the universal light energy that surrounds them as well as your intention for using them, and it is this that makes them such powerful healing tools.


Each crystal has its own unique vibrational frequency, just as each person has their own energy vibration; the interaction you have with a specific crystal will be unique to you. You may find that you connect deeply with some crystals but not with others. Because of the subjective nature of crystal healing, it is best to use stones to facilitate energetic shifts, which can create an overall sense of wellness, rather than a symptom-based approach.


Crystals have been revered for thousands of years for their healing, divination, and other qualities by people from all over the globe including Chinese, Native American, Hebrew, Egyptian, Mayan, Greek, Tibetan, and Aztec societies. These sacred stones were first used as items of adornment, but the human relationship with the mineral kingdom soon evolved and ancient peoples began to recognize the energetic qualities of crystals. It is thought that as long ago as 25,000 BCE, specific stones were used for health, love, luck, and spirituality. There is documented use of the healing properties of crystals dating from 1500 BCE in the Egyptian medical text, the Ebers Papyrus.


Image Healing crystals, including crystal skulls and spheres, were used by the ancient Mayans.


Although not yet fully accepted by modern Western medicine, the use of crystals as a healing tool has been growing in popularity for decades. There are now many people searching for modern holistic healing methods who feel drawn to using crystal energy to bring balance to body, mind, and spirit.

The modern crystal-healing movement first started with the readings of a famous psychic. Born in 1877 in Kentucky, Edgar Cayce channeled information about crystals, reincarnation, and other mystical topics, and was the first person to rekindle the human fascination with the healing energy of crystals. In the 1970s and 1980s, Marcel Vogel, an IBM scientist and the creator of the liquid crystal display (LCD), became one of the first to look at crystal healing through a scientific lens, drawing connections between the spiral structure of the quartz crystal lattice and human DNA, as well as recognizing the similarities between the silica composition of quartz crystals and that of the human body.


Image The liquid crystal display (LCD) screen was developed by crystal healing pioneer, Marcel Vogel.


Crystal therapy has been become more popular in recent years due to the publication of books on the subject as well as the many classes and workshops now being held. With the Internet, people from around the globe have been able to connect and share their experiences with healing stones, further popularizing the crystal-healing approach.


Image Maybe you read about the properties of a stone and felt called to have it in your life. You rushed out and purchased it only to have it sit around and collect dust because you’re not sure how to use it. So what can you actually do with your healing crystal? Well, crystals and stones can be used for many different purposes—including healing, divination, meditation, energetic cleansing, intuitive development and astral travel, and personal growth.


Crystals are powerful healing tools. Healing stones balance and align the chakras and the aura. Crystal energy works on a subtle level, transforming the energetic roots of disease in the body. For this reason, crystals are a wonderful complement to traditional medicine. However, they should never be used to replace conventional treatments. While traditional medicine uses a symptom-based approach to healing, crystals are more integrative, creating energetic shifts that support physical and emotional healing.


Crystal divination is the art of using crystals to help you tap into your innate psychic gifts in order to receive guidance on your life path. Crystal divination can take many forms including scrying, crystallomancy, and lithomancy. Crystal scrying utilizes slabs of stone like obsidian for gazing in order to view images and symbols that represent important concepts and themes in your life. Crystallomancy is the art of scrying with a crystal ball, typically made of clear quartz, which is used in a similar way to the obsidian mirror. Lithomancy, or stone casting, is an ancient practice of divining with stones. Stones are cast into a designated area, then read according to their properties, their relationship to one another within the casting area, and whether or not they fall within the casting area.


Image Quartz crystal spheres have long been used for crystallomancy, a form of scrying divination.


Meditating with crystals is a powerful way to connect with their energy. They can be quick and easy or deeply intense sessions—create a meditation routine to suit your own needs. Hold your crystal while meditating to tune into its energy and create a personal connection.


Crystals can also be used for energetic cleansing. They can be used to remove negativity energy, self-limiting beliefs, and worn-out belief patterns and thought forms. Your stones are highly protective when worn or carried with you.


Connecting with the energy of your stones during meditation or through divination is an easy way to develop your intuitive guidance. Some crystals can help you open up to universal source energy and connect with your spirit guides, angels, and animal spirits when placed in your sacred space. Stones can also be used for astral travel, dream healing, and more. Simply place the crystals in your pillowcase or on your bedside table.


One of the most amazing ways to utilize your crystals is for your own personal growth and development. Any of the above techniques will strengthen your connection to crystal energy and move you toward spiritual ascension.


Image Healers and shamans have used crystals for centuries to enhance intuition and facilitate mystical experiences.


Image Learning to sense the subtle energy of crystals is an important part of working with your stones. Developing this energetic sensitivity helps you to connect with your intuition as well as enhancing your personal relationship with your crystals. The powerful energy of your stones can help you learn to tune into the universe around you. If you’ve struggled with sensing energy in the past, practicing the following techniques will help you to feel the energy of your crystals.


The first step to learning to sense crystal energy is to discover which is your sending hand and which is your receiving. Although some ambidextrous people can sense energy equally in both hands, most people find they have one hand in which they feel energy more strongly. Typically, your receiving hand is your nondominant hand and it draws in universal energy. Your sending hand is your dominant hand (the hand with which you write) and moves energy out of the body and back out to the universe after the receiving hand has drawn it in. The process of sending and receiving energy is constant, but you can also consciously direct the energy flow, during healing and meditation, for example.


Image Learning to sense subtle energy, whether from a crystal or a person, is an important skill for all healers.


A simple way to become familiar with energy is to learn to sense your own. Start by rubbing the palms of your hands together to activate the tiny energy centers located here. Then draw your hands apart and slowly move them together, palms facing one another, until you feel the quality of the energy shift or change. Continue moving your hands together and apart to become familiar with the feeling of your energy.


After becoming familiar with your own energy field, you can introduce a crystal. Hold a quartz crystal in one hand while performing the technique above. Notice any subtle differences in the way the energy feels—this is the energy of the crystal.


Image Crystals have the ability to amplify energy, so they are powerful when used to help you sense subtle energy.


If you find it difficult to feel the energy of the crystal in this way, hold a quartz crystal point in your dominant hand and point it toward the palm of your receiving hand. The energy in a quartz crystal moves from the base of the crystal toward the point. The termination, or point, should be about one to two inches from your palm. Begin drawing small clockwise circles with the crystal above your palm. Try to tune in and feel the energy where the circles are being drawn. You can also try moving the crystal point closer to your hand, then further away; note how this changes the sensation. Try making the circles larger or smaller, or even reversing the direction. How do the temperature, density, sensation change as you move the crystal in different ways? You may find it useful to make some notes about this in your crystal affrmation journal (see here).


Another great way to start getting familiar with the subtle differences in crystal energy is to tune into the color vibration of your stones. Calcite crystals work well for this technique as they come in a wide variety of colors. Gather an assortment of at least three different-colored calcite stones and place them on the table in front of you. Pick up the first stone and hold it in your hands. Take a deep breath in, close your eyes, and tune into the stone’s energy. After a few minutes, open your eyes, and set the stone down. Repeat the exercise with each stone, noticing the changes in energy caused by the different colors. Perhaps make some notes about this in your crystal affirmation journal.


Image The visible color of all minerals is created by the way that light reflects within the stone’s internal surfaces.


Image Choosing crystals for yourself is an important part of developing a personal relationship with your stones. You may be drawn to purchase or work with a stone for yourself, for a friend or family member, or even for a client if you’re offering sessions professionally. There are several methods to choose between: use your logic, your intuition, or a combination of both to assist you.

Once you’ve purchased your selected stones, you can also use these techniques for selecting the appropriate crystal for your purpose–whether that be healing, divination, meditation, intuitive development, or personal growth.


Occasionally, you may find you feel immensely attracted to a particular crystal. This can happen when choosing a stone from your collection or when shopping for crystals. When you feel called to work with a stone, it’s usually because your intuition is guiding you to what you need most. It’s important to listen to this inner guidance, as there is usually a good reason for this connection. This feeling can present itself in many ways—an inner knowing to use the stone or a strong visual connection.


Image Your intuition may lead you to work with a stone if you need its specific vibrational healing frequency.


There will be times in your life when you know you have something important and specific to work on—such as emotional healing, repairing friendships, or manifesting prosperity. Using the known properties of stones as recorded in books such as this is a useful way of narrowing down your choices. For example, if you’re feeling energetically drained and lethargic, you may need a stone for setting energetic boundaries with those who are tapping into your energy field. The section of the Crystal Sourcebook on crystals for shielding and protection (see here) offers several options that will help set such boundaries, including spessartine garnet, heliodor, and pietersite. Once you have a shortlist of crystals to choose from, you can use a more intuitive method to select the right stone for your purpose. Use this method when purchasing new crystals or when selecting the appropriate stone from your collection.


Image A common way to choose crystals is to select those that exhibit the properties you desire.


There may be times when you don’t have any pressing influence on your crystal choice. When this is the case, it can be fun to ask the universe for guidance on what you need most. One of the simplest ways to do this is to choose a crystal at random from your collection. Place a mixture of tumbled stones and crystals into a bowl or small pouch and place it in front of you. Take a deep breath in, close your eyes, and ask the universe to guide you in choosing the stone that’s for your highest good. Select a crystal out of the bowl or bag at random while holding your intention to choose the stone that’s most needed, and carry it with you throughout the day. At the end of the day, read about the known properties of your stone. Reflect on your day and think about how those properties may have supported you or influenced events that took place.


Now that you know how to sense the energy of your crystals, you can use this skill to help you choose one to work with. Gather a collection of stones in front of you and place them in a row a few inches apart. Use your hand to scan the energy of the crystals, one at a time, and tune into the vibration of the crystal. While scanning the energy of each individual crystal, ask the universe, your guides, your angels, or your higher self if this stone is the best one for you to use at this time. For example, ask aloud, “Is this [name of your crystal] the best stone for me to work with at this time for [your intended purpose]?” There may be one or two that feel particularly strong or vibrant—these are the right crystals for you.


Image Learning to sense crystal energy helps you to choose the appropriate crystals from a group of stones.


On rare occasions, you may see a crystal within your dream state. This can be a powerful message from your subconscious mind that you need to work with the energy of this particular stone. When you wake up, reflect on the experience. Make some notes in your dream journal, if you have one, or on a piece of paper, and think about how you felt emotionally when you saw the crystal, what you were doing with the stone when you came across it, whether there were any symbols or archetypes present when the stone appeared, and so on. Dream symbols may include anything that seemed to stand out in your dream—an object like a rocking chair or a book, an animal such as a swan or an elephant, or any number of letters, numbers, or traditional symbols or signs (like a peace sign or Om symbol). Archetypes may also present themselves in your dream state. Archetypes may include deities, archangels, ascended masters, or representations of the zodiacal houses or tarot arcana. These symbols and archetypes typically have strong associations that can give you clues as to the potential uses or energetic qualities of your crystals and why the stones may be important for you to use right now. If you have the stone in your collection, this may be a sign to work with it; if not, consider purchasing it.


Image The Om symbol is a sacred mantra that represents the totality of consciousness and all that is.


You can use any type of pendulum for this technique, but a quartz crystal pendulum or a copper pendulum is recommended because of their ability to amplify and conduct energy. Hold the pendulum and ask it to show you a “yes” movement, taking note of how the pendulum moves—fast or slow, clockwise or counterclockwise, back and forth, or side to side. Repeat this process, this time asking the pendulum to show you a “no” movement. Once you’re familiar with your pendulum’s “yes” and “no” movements, gather a collection of stones in front of you. Hold your pendulum over the first crystal in the group and ask aloud, “Is this the correct crystal for me to use for [your purpose] at this time?” If your pendulum answers, “yes,” place the crystal aside. Repeat this process for all of the stones, setting aside any that your pendulum shows would be beneficial for you. You may choose to use this crystal selection technique when purchasing new crystals to determine if they are right for your collection, or you can use your pendulum to help you choose the best stone for your purpose from those you already own.


Image A pendulum is an object suspended from a string that is used for reading energy and also in divination.


One of the most beautiful ways you can be brought together with a special stone is if it is gifted to you. Receiving a crystal as a gift amplifies the energy of the stone because it is chosen and presented with love by someone else. When a crystal is given to you, pay special attention and reflect on why it may have been presented to you at this time in your life. It can also be useful to ask the person giving you the stone why they chose that specific crystal—their intuition may have played an important role in the selection and can give you valuable insight as to how to best utilize it.


Image The energy of healing crystals is one of the most sacred and beautiful gifts that you can give or receive.


Image Crystals have the ability to receive, store, and transmit energy, so they should be frequently cleansed of any negative energies. People often refer to energy as being “positive” or “negative,” but really there is just energy that is either beneficial for you, or not. Cleansing your crystals removes energy that is not serving your highest good.


If you work with a crystal regularly, it should be cleansed before and after use. Crystals that you wear in jewelry or carry with you but which you don’t use for specific techniques should be cleansed about once a week. It’s always best to use your inner guidance when determining how frequently to cleanse your stones. If you feel that the crystal is not working as well as it previously did, it likely needs to be cleansed. Similarly, if you have a particularly difficult day (physically, emotionally, or spiritually), you should cleanse this energy from your stone right away. The same guidelines apply if you encounter “negativity” from other people or your environment.


Image When cleansing your crystals, hold the intention to remove energy that is not for your highest good.


There are many techniques you can use to cleanse your crystals, but with so many options available, choosing one can feel overwhelming. Your intuition can play an important role in helping you select the cleansing method that’s right for you and your particular crystal, so you should listen to your inner guidance. However, there are also some important tips to be aware of before diving in and performing some of the common cleansing techniques:

Set an intention for clearing energy

No matter which cleansing method you choose, it’s beneficial to hold the intention to cleanse the crystal and remove all energy from the stone that isn’t for the highest good of your being. You should also intend to transmute any negative energy that’s released from the crystal into positive energy for the highest good of all.


Image When cleansing your crystals, visualize any energy that’s released surrounded by white light to transmute it.

Transmute negative energy

When cleansing your crystals, it is very important that you transmute the negative energy that is released from your stone into positive energy so that the negativity does not accumulate in your space. Visualization is the simplest and most effective method of transmuting negativity. As you perform any of the following cleansing techniques, visualize the energy being released from your stone and see it surrounded by bright white light. See this white light shine brighter, and watch it begin to break apart and dissolve the negativity released from your stone. See the negativity completely dissipate, leaving nothing in your space. Then visualize your crystal surrounded with the pink light of love and positivity. See this light expand and fill your space, pushing out any remaining negativity and transforming it into positive, loving energy.


Water: Water has been known as a cleansing agent for thousands of years. Clearing negative energy from stones with water is a common practice. There are several ways to do this. The most common method involves holding the crystals in your hands and placing them beneath a running faucet. You may also choose to fill a bowl with water and soak your stones overnight. Some people prefer to cleanse their stones in a pond or lake, river or stream, or even in the ocean, as they feel it is a more natural form of water cleansing. Using water can be a little messy and rather inconvenient if you need to cleanse a large quantity of crystals. Additionally, some crystals can actually be damaged by water. Soft or friable stones are most prone to water damage—including angelite, celestite, selenite, calcite, ulexite, turquoise, azurite, kyanite, and more. For this reason, water is not typically recommend as a frequent cleansing method. However, using water to physically clean dusty or grimy stones can be beneficial.


Image Water is the most common cleansing method, but it isn’t safe for all crystals.

Smudging: Smudging is the art of burning sacred herbs and using the purifying smoke for cleansing. It is a practice that’s been in existence for thousands of years and is most commonly associated with the Native American peoples of North America who use herbs such as sage, sweetgrass, cedar, and others for purification. To smudge your crystals, burn one of these herbs, or palo santo (a sacred wood from South America, easy to come by in most New Age stores), in a fireproof container, such as an abalone shell or ceramic dish, and pass your crystal through the smoke. Hold the crystal in the smoke until you intuitively feel the energy is free of anything negative or unwanted. This cleansing method is convenient for cleansing large quantities of stones, but it may be problematic if used in a space with fragrance-sensitive or asthmatic people.


Image Burning sage or other sacred herbs is an ancient, and highly effective, energy cleansing method.

Sound vibration: Sound is an intensely purifying energy and its vibration has been used for driving away negative energy by cultures across the globe. From drums to gongs, to chimes, or even singing bowls, these instruments emit powerful, cleansing sound vibrations. Place your crystal or a group of stones on a tabletop or in your sacred space and sound the instrument several times. Continue sounding the instrument for at least thirty seconds, or until you intuitively feel a shift in the energy of your stones.


Image The strong vibration of a singing bowl is a safe and effective way to cleanse your stones.

You can even try placing your crystals within a singing bowl—a metallic bowl, frequently of Tibetan origin, that is used for meditation and space clearing—to cleanse them. It can be gonged using a stick, or the rim of the bowl can be rubbed with the stick to produce an intense, cleansing sound vibration. However, if placing stones within the bowl, you should be careful with rough stones because the vibration of the bowl could chip them. Some singing bowls are even made from quartz crystal. These are much louder and more intense than the metal singing bowls and combine the energy of the sound vibration with the amplifying capability of quartz crystal.

Cleansing visualization: Your intention is one of the most powerful cleansing methods available, but only if you’re confident in your ability to direct and focus energy. This is a simple and convenient cleansing technique because it doesn’t require any supplies or materials. Simply hold your crystal, or a few crystals, in your hands. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and slowly exhale. Visualize drawing universal healing light into the top of your head. See this light enter your body and move out of your hands and into the stone. Feel the energy surround the crystal and move into it, cleansing it of any low-frequency vibrations. In your mind’s eye, see the crystal glow with divine light until you intuitively feel that the energy has shifted, dissolving any negativity or unwanted energy. When you intuitively feel that the stone has been cleared, stop the visualization. You can easily adapt this exercise for a large quantity of crystals by holding your hands above them and projecting the energy from your hands to all of the crystals in the group. This is one of the safest and most effective cleansing methods, one where you need not be concerned about breaking or ruining your stones.


Image Dedicating your crystals is the act of setting an intention that they be used with love and light for the highest good of all beings. To do this, you need to state your intention aloud, say a prayer, or even perform a ritual or ceremony that communicates your positive intentions for the crystal. Many healers believe that the act of dedication helps to awaken the deva, or spirit, of the stone, and that it creates a sacred contract with this deva that you will use the crystal with integrity and positive purpose. By awakening the crystal deva, it will be easier for you to connect with the energy of the stone. This in turn will help you develop your personal relationship with your crystal and enhance the intuitive insight you receive.


Many healers think of crystal devas as living beings, but for others, it’s difficult to think of crystals as having a consciousness of their own. When thinking about crystal consciousness in terms of the deva, most people visualize a small, fairylike spirit living within the stone. In a similar way, some people picture the consciousness of human beings as a tiny person controlling the mind and body from inside of the head.

Crystal devas were known as stone spirits to many ancient peoples. In many cultures, these spirits were considered to be guides that created connections between human consciousness and crystal energy, allowing the user to receive healing, wisdom, and protection from the stone. Some modern healers attribute the healing properties of specific stones to their associated crystal deva.


Image Many healers think of crystals as living beings. You can connect with these stone spirits for healing and guidance.


Begin by cleansing your crystal, your space, and yourself so that you begin the ritual in a place of purity. Hold your crystal in your hands and make yourself comfortable in a place where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes and spend a moment tuning into the energy of your stone. When you intuitively feel that you have connected with its energy and are attuned to its vibration, speak your dedication aloud. You may write your own, or alternatively use one of the following dedications:

As you speak your dedication, visualize the crystal filling up with universal healing light, glowing brighter and brighter with each word. When you have finished speaking, remain in meditation with your crystal for as long as you like. When you feel ready, slowly open your eyes and return to present-moment consciousness.


After dedicating and blessing your stones, the next step is to show your gratitude to the crystal spirits by thanking the stones for working with you. The simplest way to do this is to speak your message aloud, thanking the stone for sharing its energy with you and for working with you for healing and balance. This message can be short and sweet or as elaborate as you like. The most important thing is to be sincere—send feelings of love and gratitude to the crystal and intent to strengthen your connection to the stone.

Regardless of whether or not you feel your crystal is a living being, has a consciousness, or is just an object possessing energy, treat this tool of light with respect. Crystals should be honored and thanked for their gifts and their amazing healing abilities.


Image It is important to show your gratitude to your crystals when they provide you with healing energy.


Image There is a great deal of controversy in the crystal-healing community about which crystal shapes are best to use for healing. Some healers prefer natural rough stones because they feel the energy is stronger or more pure. These crystals—massive chunks of stone, geodes or clusters, or crystal points—have not been shaped or changed in any way. Other healers prefer to use shaped stones like tumbled or polished crystals or carved shapes. No matter which you prefer, it’s helpful to have a variety of crystal shapes available in your collection so that you can gain experience in working with different types of energy.

Tumbled/polished: These are rough crystals that have undergone a process where they are put into a rotating cylinder with a series of abrasives until the rough edges become smooth and rounded. Tumbled stones are typically inexpensive compared to mineral specimens like points and clusters. They are great for using in a medicine pouch, or to travel with, as they are sturdy and have no breakable points. The energy of tumbled stones is very gentle and is much less intense than that of crystal clusters or points. For this reason, these stones are great for people who are highly sensitive to crystal energy. Unlike a crystal point, which has a very direct and focused energy, the energy in a tumbled stone radiates evenly from the center of the stone outward. Water-worn crystals are a form of naturally tumbled stones, but they are dull instead of showing the glossy surface exhibited by tumbled crystals.


Image Tumbled stones are smooth and rounded and have a very gentle energy.

Slabs/plates: This shape is a thin slice of stone. They can be used for cleansing and charging other crystals by placing the stones on top of the slab.


Image Many healers prefer to work with stones that are just as they were when they were taken from the earth.

Rough: These stones have rough, often jagged surfaces, and look just as they did when they were taken from the earth. Rough stones may be found as massive chunks, or they may have points or clusters of crystals. Most healers agree that the energy of these stones is very strong, so much so that it can feel too intense to people who are sensitive to energy. However, this intense energy can also be beneficial for diffusing energy and breaking up stagnant areas in the aura. This powerful vibration is very direct and works to create a rapid shift in the energy field of the user.

Carved totems/fetishes: Crystal carvings can be shaped into a wide variety of figures or symbols, which commonly include animals, deities, hearts, stars, and others. Crystals carved into the shape of a deity are especially sacred because they embody the spirit and energy of that deity. When a crystal is carved into these shapes they take on the properties and attributes of that figure in addition to the healing properties of the stone. For this reason, you can choose a stone that enhances the attributes of the figure or one that balances the qualities. For example, if you were choosing a carving of a heart, a stone like rose quartz would enhance the symbolism of love associated with the heart symbol. On the other hand, a stone like black tourmaline, which is more known for shielding and protection, would balance the attributes of compassion associated with the heart.

Palm stones and cabochons: Cabochons are commonly used in jewelry and have a flat back with a slightly domed surface. Palm stones are similar in shape, but both of the main surfaces are domed so that the overall shape looks similar to a bar of soap. Cabochons and palm stones are wonderful when used in crystal layouts because their wide flat shape helps them to easily stay in place when placed on and around the body. These shapes are associated with protection, as they look similar to a shield. These crystals are also connected to vitality and prosperity.


Image Heart-shaped stones symbolize love and relationships.

Crystal balls/spheres: Crystal balls are perfect spheres carved from stone. This shape is known for enhancing intuition and psychic skills. The energy of a crystal ball is connected with wholeness and completion; it is a metaphor for the infinite. Spheres, like tumbled stones, emit gentle energy equally in all directions. They have been used for crystallomancy throughout history. One of the most famous crystallomancers was John Dee, adviser to Queen Elizabeth I. They are also a favorite of massage therapists, who occasionally use them as tools to massage the large muscles of the body.


Image John Dee was an advisor to Queen Elizabeth I. He used his crystal ball to give her guidance.

Seer stones: Also known as river-bed quartz, these are specially shaped stones, typically made from quartz-based minerals, that are used for scrying divination. To create the seer stone shape, rough crystals are lightly tumbled to give them a round shape and wear away any jagged edges. Then, the stones are sandblasted, which creates a cloudy appearance similar to etched glass. Finally, the stones are cut in half and the cut edge is highly polished, creating a window-like surface. This clear face can be gazed at and the viewer can look into the depths of the crystal. Unlike a crystal ball, which is often completely transparent and easy to see through, the sandblasted surface of the seer stones creates a backdrop for the inner landscape of the crystal. These stones are typically inexpensive and make excellent scrying tools for beginner diviners. In a similar way to crystal balls, seer stones can be useful for enhancing intuition and psychic skills.

Eggs: Egg-shaped crystals have a natural affinity to the concepts of fertility, creativity, and new beginnings. This shape is commonly used as a tool for assisting healers when scanning the aura in order to detect energy imbalances. Eggs can be used for acupressure by gently pressing the more slender end into trigger points on the body. They can also be used for crystal massage.


Image Crystal eggs are highly collectable and make excellent acupressure tools.

Pyramids: Pyramid-shaped crystals have a flat square base and four triangular sides that join at an apex. This shape has a history going back thousands of years that associated it with amplification of energy and intention as well as preservation. They are perfect for enhancing meditation and all spiritual growth work. Additionally, pyramids can be used to send distance healing to others and to project energy to other locations. They are also associated with prosperity and cleansing.


Image Vogel wands are specialized energy healing tools that are best used where precision is required.

Vogel-cut crystals: These crystals are named after Dr. Marcel Vogel, a scientist and proponent of crystal energy healing. Dr. Vogel did lots of experimentation with crystal energy and determined that the energy of a crystal was strongest and most intensely focused when it was faceted into a wand with sides in multiples of twelve (12, 24, etc.). These wands are typically made of varieties of quartz crystal—clear quartz, amethyst, smoky quartz, rose quartz, citrine, etc.—and have terminations on either end.

Vogel triangles are double-sided, with four smaller, faceted triangles on each side (pointing in opposite directions), which means that when looking through the triangle, you can see a Star of David shape. These are very powerful shapes and are typically reserved for very intense healing work such as psychic surgery.

Massage and reflexology wands: These stones have been cut and polished into a long, slender, wand-like shape. Massage wands are rounded on both ends, typically with one narrow end to be used for small areas like the face, and one larger end for use in larger areas like the back and legs, to help relieve muscle tension. Reflexology wands are quite thin and have one pointed end to be used for stimulating reflex points in the ears, and one small rounded end for stimulating reflex points in the face, hands, and feet. These wands can also be used on the energy body to open chakras and direct energy.


Image Carved crystal wands can be used in combination with traditional massage or reflexology techniques.

Generators: Crystal generators are used to draw in, direct, and amplify universal energy. They may occasionally form naturally, but are more commonly cut and polished into their characteristic shape—six equal sides and six equal faces that join to form a perfect point at the top of the crystal. Many healers use generators for sending distance healing energy, amplifying the power of crystal grids, and drawing energy into a healing room or sacred space. This shape is also excellent for promoting group cooperation and for helping people work together to achieve a common goal.

Skulls: Crystal skulls are becoming more popular each day and offer an interesting approach to working with crystal energy. Most proponents of crystal skulls believe that there are many ancient skulls. The origins and history of these objects is hotly debated, but if you can see beyond the mystery, there is much to be learned from working with them. Most commonly, they are used for channeling. Some believe that this information comes from the skull itself, while others believe the skull is simply a portal to connect with beings from other dimensions. Many people claim that the crystal skulls are here on earth at this time to assist with the evolution of human consciousness. They are powerful tools for enhancing meditation and healing work.


Image Crystal skulls have a mysterious history, but modern-day healers use them for wisdom and insight.

Donuts: These stones have been carved into a flat circular disc with a round hole cut out of the center. Donuts are frequently worn as necklaces by stringing them onto a cord. In Japan, they are used by therapists for a special antiaging facial massage. This shape is also known as a Pi stone and is used in the ritual of the Munay-Ki rites, a shamanic practice originating in South America.

Merkaba: Sometimes referred to as a double tetrahedron or as a star tetrahedron, the merkaba displays twenty-four faces and thirty-six edges. This shape represents balance between physical and spiritual growth.


Image Merkabas are the most powerful sacred geometry shapes and are used for spiritual transformation.


These crystals have been cut into the five Platonic solids shapes. Plato theorized that all space in the universe, both positive and negative, followed the form of one of these five sacred shapes:


Tetrahedron: Displays four triangular sides and six edges. Represents the fire element. Associated with confidence, motivation, and vitality.


Cube (hexahedron): Displays six square sides and twelve edges. Represents the earth element. Associated with grounding, stability, and protection.


Octahedron: Displays eight triangular sides and twelve edges. Represents the air element. Associated with mental clarity, problem solving, and intellect.


Dodecahedron: Displays twelve pentagonal sides and thirty edges. Represents the spirit (or ether) element. Associated with spiritual growth.


Icosahedron: Displays twenty triangular sides and thirty edges. Represents the water element. Associated with intuition, emotional balance, and psychic awareness.


Image Color has been scientifically proven to affect human moods and emotions. By understanding how color influences crystal energy, you will be better able to select stones for specific healing techniques, to balance the chakra centers, and to create positive emotional shifts.

You may use this information in several ways. For example, if you find yourself consistently being drawn to pink stones this may indicate that it is time for change and new beginnings, or it may indicate that you are naturally empathic and need support as you show your compassion to others. On the other hand, if you are offended or irritated by a particular color, it may indicate that you have something to work on in one of those associated areas. For example, if you really dislike the color orange, it may indicate that you need to find more emotional balance in your life or that you need to start expressing your creativity.

Alternatively, you may use these colors to help you select a crystal for yourself. If, for example, you’d like to get in touch with your spiritual aspect, then you may want to choose a violet-colored stone like amethyst or charoite to help you develop your spirituality.


Image The color of a stone has a great deal of influence on its associated properties.



RED: Passion, vitality, motivation, stability, protection, physical healing, instinct.


ORANGE: Emotional balance, creativity, sexuality, transformation, inner-parts work.


YELLOW: Courage, inner strength, bravery, self-confidence, willpower, mental clarity.


GREEN: Love, compassion, emotional healing, growth, prosperity, abundance, physical health.


BLUE: Communication, truth, wisdom, self-expression, authenticity, integrity, justice.


INDIGO: Intuition, psychic awareness, spiritual growth, mental expansion.


VIOLET: Spirituality, personal growth, transformation, ascension, conscious awareness.


WHITE: Purification, protection, sacredness, divine connection, meditation.


PINK: Compassion, friendship, new beginnings, empathy, inner-child work.


TEAL: Inner peace, harmony, tranquility, compassion, spirit guides and angels.


BLACK: Protection, self-reflection, change, personal growth, shadow-side work.


BROWN: Grounding, shielding, stability, inner peace, nature spirits.


GRAY: Balance, open-mindedness, dream work, dream recall, astral travel.



Image People have been wearing and using zodiac stones for thousands of years, but in the modern day these traditional stones are often replaced with birthstones.

Birthstones are gemstones (both precious and semiprecious) that are assigned to a specific month. The modern list of birthstones was created in 1912 by the National Association of Jewelers in the USA. Many of the gemstones included in the list were loosely based on those traditionally assigned to signs of the zodiac. However, birthstones are not as energetically aligned with your unique astrological influences as those that follow the dates of the zodiac.

Since zodiac stones have a correspondence to the planet that rules over your zodiac sign, choosing a zodiac crystal rather than a birthstone is recommended, as it will work better in energetically supporting what you need. In some cases, these stones may be the same, but this isn’t always the case. Wearing or using crystals for their zodiac correspondences will amplify the positive traits of your sign while working to balance its negative traits.


Image Zodiac stones are associated with the ruling planet of an astrological sun sign.



Dec. 22nd to Jan. 20th
garnet, amber, onyx


Jan. 21st to Feb. 19th
amethyst, bloodstone, aquamarine


Feb. 20th to Mar. 20th
blue kyanite, blue tourmaline, blue quartz


Mar. 21st to April 19th
diamond, smoky quartz, clear quartz


April 20th to May 20th
emerald, rose quartz, pink opal


May 21st to June 21st
citrine, tree agate, rainforest jasper


June 22nd to July 23rd
ruby, fire agate, sunstone


July 24th to Aug. 23rd
heliodor, golden tiger’s eye, yellow jasper


Aug. 24th to Sept. 22nd
sapphire, magnetite, hematite


Sept. 23rd to Oct. 22nd
boulder opal, obsidian, fire opal


Oct. 23rd to Nov. 22nd
yellow topaz, labradorite, black moonstone


Nov. 23rd to Dec. 21st
turquoise, jet, lapis lazuli