APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent to translucent; white with flashes of blue schiller
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Common, but the prized flawless stones are rare
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Emotional balance, fascination, focus
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Angel aura quartz, milky quartz
KEYWORDS: Life cycles, feminine support, gratitude, patience, abundance
Rainbow moonstone is part of the feldspar mineral group and is composed of both albite and orthoclase, which form in alternating layers, giving the moonstone its characteristic adularescence (the colorful schiller on the stone’s surface). Albite is a triclinic crystal while orthoclase is a monoclinic crystal. The highest quality rainbow moonstone crystals are from India and Sri Lanka.
Rainbow moonstone is an alternate June birthstone. It’s the gem related to the thirteenth wedding anniversary, which is significant because there are also thirteen moon cycles in a year. Ancient Romans believed that moonstone was made when the moon’s light touched the earth and thought that it carried the energy of the goddess Diana. The Greeks also revered the stone, associating it with the moon goddess Selene, Artemis, and Hecate, among others. It is traditionally associated with Mondays (the “moon day”). In India, it was believed that by placing a moonstone in your mouth on the night of a full moon, you could tell the future. In Hindu mythology it is said that moonstone was created from the eyes of the demon Bali when he was defeated by Lord Vishnu. Moonstones are seen as a symbol of fertility in the Middle East and are sewn into women’s undergarments.
Moonstone is traditionally associated with cycles—of life, of fertility, and of crops. It is a powerful abundance stone and is excellent for manifesting. Rainbow moonstone also helps to balance the emotions.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque; deep brown with shimmering gold flecks
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Very rare, but available from many specialty stores
PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Electrolyte regulation, DMT production
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Bronzite, hypersthene, astrophyllite
KEYWORDS: Spiritual awakening, lucid dreaming, shamanic journeying
Nuummite is a metamorphic rock made of the minerals anthophyllite and gedrite. Its sole location of origin is Greenland, but similar material has also been found in the United States.
Nuummite was discovered in 1982, so it has no known historical significance. It is named for the town of Nuuk, in Greenland, where it was discovered.
Nuummite is an excellent stone for meditation. It deepens the meditation, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in an inner journey. It promotes astral travel and other mystical experiences and usually comes into your life if you’re in a period of great spiritual awakening. Nuummite is one of the most profoundly consciousness-expanding stones available. It can be used to create altered states of awareness for dissolving the ego consciousness and learning about who you truly are at the core of your being.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque; glassy black with a rainbow schiller
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Gold sheen obsidian, labradorite, rainbow aura quartz
KEYWORDS: Psychic skills, ancestors, protection
Rainbow sheen obsidian is a variety of obsidian that includes nanoparticles of magnetite, which are responsible for its characteristic iridescence. It is also known as iris obsidian. Obsidian is a natural glass and has no internal crystalline structure; it’s an amorphous mineral. The best quality rainbow sheen obsidian comes from Mexico, but it has also been found in California.
This specific variety of obsidian has no known historical or legendary uses.
Rainbow obsidian is known for its ability to stimulate the intuition and help you develop your psychic skills. It contains all of the colors in the spectrum and is excellent for balancing and aligning the chakras. Rainbow sheen obsidian is also an excellent protection stone, dissolving negativity from your energy field and repairing your aura. It is especially useful for psychics or mediums who routinely connect with those on the other side, keeping the user protected from entities or energetic attachments. Rainbow sheen obsidian can be polished into a mirror or scrying surface and used for divination, helping you to receive messages and wisdom from your guides and ancestor spirits.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque to translucent; tan with glittering rainbow swirls
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Limited availability
PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Fluid retention, stomach, eyes
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Flexibility, happiness, joy
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Chalcopyrite, welo opal, labradorite
KEYWORDS: Chakra balancing, peace, hope
Boulder opals are a precious variety of opal that forms as glittering rainbow veins between brown ironstone rocks in Queensland, Australia. Opal is an amorphous mineral and has no internal crystalline structure.
Boulder opal is the October birthstone. The Aboriginal peoples of Australia have a legend that their creator came to earth on a rainbow to share a message of peace. Where the Creator’s foot stepped down to earth it forced the rainbow to touch the ground, creating boulder opal. It is the national gemstone of Australia.
Boulder opal is an exquisite stone known for its ability to instill peace and hope in the user. You can use it to calm your mind when you’re feeling restless or anxious. It replaces tension with joy and ease. Boulder opal encourages you to find things in your life that make you happy and spend more time doing those things. It helps you to see the bigger picture and rearrange your priorities based on what truly nurtures your soul and spirit, rather than pursuits that are rooted in the ego mind. Because of its brilliant rainbow of colors, boulder opal is an excellent crystal for balancing and aligning the chakras. It promotes flexibility in the physical body as well as flexibility of mind, changing the way that you usually think about things.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; pale mint green to sage green
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Green apophyllite, prehnite, serpentine, epidote
KEYWORDS: Earth energy, fairies, spiritual grounding
Prasiolite is a member of the quartz group and may display a hexagonal or trigonal crystal structure. It’s rarely found with terminated crystals and is much more common in its massive state. Prasiolite is formed when a certain amethyst, containing special iron ions, is naturally irradiated, turning the purple crystals green. It is sometimes called green amethyst or vermarine. Amethyst may be artificially irradiated to create prasiolite, so be sure to ask whether or not stones are natural before purchasing them. It’s found in Brazil, Canada, and Malawi.
This crystal has no known historical uses.
Prasiolite is a strong cleanser and can be used to purge the emotional body of psychic debris and excess baggage. If you have been holding on to emotions rooted in past experiences that are keeping you from moving forward with your life, then prasiolite may make an excellent companion stone for you. It allows you to “clean house” and clear unwanted feelings from your psyche. Additionally, prasiolite is a spiritual grounding stone. If you’re active in high-level spiritual work, but have a difficult time keeping your feet firmly planted on earth and your mind focused on the present moment, then prasiolite can gently assist you in getting back into your body. It is also said to attract playful fairies and nature spirits, assisting you in activities that can help heal the earth.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque; gray-blue with green flecks and occasional peach blotches
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Sodalite, seraphinite, fairy stones
KEYWORDS: Expansion, oneness, mysticism, history
Preseli bluestone is only found in the Preseli Hills of Pembrokeshire in West Wales. Preseli bluestone is an intrusive, volcanic rock. It’s a form of dolerite comprised of feldspar and augite.
Preseli bluestones were used to construct the inner rings of the sacred site of Stonehenge. Welsh legends credit these stones with a variety of magical attributes and Preseli bluestone artifacts such as axes have been uncovered in Wales. The Pentre Ifan, also known as Ceridwen’s Womb, is also constructed of large Preseli bluestones and is said to be a doorway to the world of fairies. The Welsh Red Book of Hergest and the Black Book of Carmarthen describe how Merlin used magic to move the stones from their origin to Camelot.
Preseli bluestone is a stone of the ancients. It carries with it the wisdom of generations and the magic of the ages. It is strongly connected with the archetypes from the Arthurian legends and is a symbol of loyalty, bravery, earth healing, and mysticism. Its energy is both earthy and fiery and it is strongly linked with the dragon totem. Although the energy of Preseli bluestone is strong and may feel forceful, it is also well rooted and secure, so it keeps you grounded during use.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque; pearlescent violet to purple
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Charoite, sugilite, amethyst
KEYWORDS: Shape-shifting, change, transformation, magic
Purpurite is a member of the orthorhombic crystal system. It is found in many places around the world, but some of the highest quality material comes from Namibia and Portugal. It forms violet to purple crusts or platelike layers of velvety, satin-like, or pearlescent material on a brown to dark gray matrix.
Purpurite was officially named in 1905 for its purple color, but it has no known legendary or historical uses.
Purpurite is a highly transformative stone. It connects with the Violet Flame of the Ascended Master St. Germain and burns away impurities in your life to reveal your true spiritual nature. It is strongly linked with the symbolism of the phoenix totem. Purpurite is symbolic of rebirth and transformation. You can use purpurite as a touchstone during a period of major life growth. Purpurite can also be helpful for enhancing any kind of ritual, ceremony, or magical work.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Translucent to transparent; gray-brown with blue, green, and turquoise
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Mental expansion, clarity, compassion
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Chrysocolla, shattuckite, turquoise
KEYWORDS: Earth healing, goddess energy, nature connection
Quantum quattro silica is a Namibian rock composed of shattuckite, chrysocolla, dioptase, and malachite in a matrix of smoky quartz.
This crystal has no known legendary or historical uses.
Quantum quattro silica is a stone of nature. This crystal aids in earth healing and is strongly linked with the earth goddess, Gaia. It can help you feel empathy and compassion for all of the earth’s creatures, motivating you to work toward sustainability and ecological responsibility in your life. Quantum quattro silica is excellent for promoting mental clarity and expanding your conscious mind so that you’re able to see that which is not immediately visible or realized.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; vibrant blue in a colorless quartz matrix
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Turquoise, celadonite quartz, papagoite quartz
KEYWORDS: Spiritual awakening, cosmic consciousness, communication with guides
Ajoite is a triclinic crystal. Ajoite quartz crystals are found only in Messina, South Africa (even though ajoite itself is found in several locations across the globe).
These specific ajoite quartz crystals were discovered in 1991 and have no known historical or legendary uses.
Ajoite quartz promotes attitudes of gratitude and is excellent used for any kind of law of attraction work or manifesting. It can help you open your heart and instills a sense of generosity and a giving spirit. Ajoite quartz is also wonderful for facilitating a connection to your spirit guides in order to open the lines of communication for wisdom and guidance. This is one of the highest vibrational crystals available and pairs well with moldavite for intensely spiritual work. Additionally, ajoite can be used to deepen meditation and promote mystical experiences. It is an excellent companion for shamanic journey work.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Translucent to opaque; metallic iridescence on white background
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Uncommon, but readily available at most specialty stores
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Rainbow moonstone, milky quartz
KEYWORDS: Spirit guide connection, service
Angel aura quartz is created by placing quartz crystals into a very hot (approximately 1600°F (870°C) vacuum chamber with vaporized platinum and/or silver for several hours. The precious metals bond to the surface of the quartz crystals, giving them an iridescent coating. Angel aura quartz is also sometimes known as opal aura quartz or pearl aura quartz.
Angel aura quartz has not been available for very long, so it does not have any known associated historical or legendary uses.
Angel aura quartz can help you connect with angels, archangels, and the Ascended Masters. It acts as an energetic gateway to the angelic realm. This stone is excellent for enhancing communication with your angels and guides, especially when paired with angelite. Angel aura quartz helps the communication to come through loud and clear so that there is no second guessing as to the source of the information and wisdom being shared. This crystal is an excellent companion stone for lightworkers. If you’re an energy healer or lightworker, try adding an angel aura quartz crystal to your space to enhance the effects of the healing modalities you offer. If you’re a healer or psychic, you can also use angel aura quartz to connect with your client’s guides and invite them to assist in the session or reading.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; bright cerulean blue with iridescent sheen
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Blue kyanite, blue apatite, blue topaz
KEYWORDS: Myth, legend, astrology
Aqua aura quartz is created by placing quartz crystals into a very hot (approximately 1600°F (870°C) vacuum chamber with vaporized gold for several hours. The precious metal bonds to the surface of the quartz crystals, giving them a cerulean, iridescent coating.
Aqua aura quartz has not been available for very long, so it does not have any known associated historical or legendary uses.
Aqua aura quartz is a stone of celestial energy. It connects you to the continuous cycle of the sun and moon. This crystal is an excellent companion for you if you’re studying astrology as it helps to deepen your understanding of the archetypal energies of the zodiac. Aqua aura quartz also has an affinity with the energy of mythical creatures like mermaids, unicorns, dragons, and more. This crystal encourages you to speak from the heart and say what’s on your mind with great compassion.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Translucent; sage green to sea green
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Prehnite, wavellite, epidote
KEYWORDS: Dreaming, astral travel, heart healing
Dream quartz is a variety of quartz with inclusions of epidote and actinolite that color the quartz a sage to sea green color. The inclusions in these crystals are evenly distributed so that the quartz is colored uniformly throughout. True dream quartz crystals are very uncommon and are found only in Colombia. These are not the same as other epidote-included quartz crystals (which show small to large epidote needles throughout the body of the quartz itself).
These crystals have no known legendary or historical associations.
Dream quartz is one of the most powerful crystals for dream healing. It can also be used for facilitating astral travel and spiritual exploration. If you’re serious about exploring the dream state, then there’s no better crystal companion. Working regularly with a dream quartz crystal can enhance your lucid dreaming abilities. This crystal can also help heal heart trauma, both physical and emotional. It supports you during recovery from emotional wounds and helps you to be gentle and patient with yourself during the process.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; clear with a milky, white line
PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Heart, spine, sinuses, esophagus
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Selenite, petalite, ulexite
KEYWORDS: Connection, observation
Faden quartz is a special tabular formation of quartz displaying a milky white line within the body of the crystal. This line looks like a piece of string or yarn trapped within the crystal and is responsible for the naming of the quartz; faden is the German word for “thread.” The threadlike line is composed of gas molecules that were trapped within the crystal during its formation. The best faden quartz crystals are from France and Belgium, but specimens can also be found in Pakistan.
Faden quartz crystals have no known legendary or historical uses.
Faden quartz helps to facilitate connections between people. It can be used during healing sessions to enable healers to better understand the needs of their clients. It is also an excellent stone for promoting group harmony and cooperation. Faden quartz can be useful for pessimists as it encourages a positive mindset. It can help you to be flexible and adapt to changing situations and circumstances. Faden quartz assists you in taking these changes in your stride and fully analyzing a situation before making rash decisions.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; clear with golden needles
PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Pineal gland, gallbladder, kidneys, hair
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Self-confidence, self-image
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Golden barite, golden selenite
KEYWORDS: Energy, cleansing, beauty, sexuality
Golden rutilated quartz is a variety of quartz crystal that contains inclusions of golden rutile. The needlelike rutile crystals penetrate the clear crystal. The best quality golden rutilated quartz crystals are from Brazil.
Golden rutilated quartz is also known as maiden hair quartz or as Venus hair quartz because it looks like silken strands of golden hair trapped within the crystal.
Golden rutilated quartz is a powerful cleanser. It quickly works to break up blockages or stagnant energy from within your aura or chakra system and dissolves it into tiny bits that are then transmuted into positive energy. Similarly, it can be used to break up calcium deposits coating your pineal gland, increasing your intuition. This crystal promotes self-confidence and encourages the recognition of your own beauty (both inner beauty and positive thoughts about your body image). Golden rutilated quartz also corresponds to sensuality and sexuality. It can re-ignite passion in romantic relationships, increasing feelings of love and intimacy between you and your partner.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; clear with green and brown mosslike inclusions
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Curiosity, consciousness exploration
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Lodolite quartz, celadonite quartz, lithium quartz
KEYWORDS: Shamanic journey, meditation, personal growth
Shamanic dream quartz is a variety of quartz containing inclusions of lodolite, lithium, and chlorite. The mosslike inclusions within the clear crystal can range in color from green, to lavender, to brown, to pink, to creamy yellow. This stone is also sometimes referred to as garden quartz due to its plantlike mineral inclusions.
Shamanic dream stones have no known legendary or historical uses.
The vibrant inner landscape of these crystals is a metaphor for personal exploration. Shamanic dream quartz crystals are commonly rounded into a lens-like shapes and used for scrying divination and meditation. These crystals stimulate curiosity and inquisitiveness and nudge you to question your perception of reality. These special crystals can be used to explore the depths of your consciousness in order to bring to light that which requires personal growth and change. These stones are powerful tools for inner work, but also facilitate the exploration of the universe through lucid dreaming and spiritual journeying.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent with an opaque core; lilac to gold
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Fairly common, but may be hard to obtain
PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Stomach, skull, ears, fingernails and toenails, skin
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Auralite-23, amethyst, lavender fluorite
KEYWORDS: Spirituality, feminism, connection
Spirit quartz is also known as cactus quartz, pineapple quartz, or porcupine quartz due to its interesting formation. These crystals normally display large points coated with a secondary growth of tiny crystals. They are commonly found in intertwining clusters. These magnificent crystals are from only one location in South Africa. Spirit quartz comes in a range of varieties (including clear quartz and smoky quartz), but is most commonly found in combinations of amethyst and citrine crystals.
Spirit quartz is sometimes called fairy quartz. It is a relatively recent mineral find and has no known historical or legendary uses.
Spirit quartz crystals activate the crown chakra and assist you in accessing divine knowledge about your soul contracts, the Akashic Records, and your life path. Meditating with these crystals can reveal information pertaining to your past lives and will help you to remove negstive karma carried over to this life time from your past life experiences. These crystals are natural abundance magnets and can be used to manifest health, wealth, and good luck. Spirit quartz is also an excellent crystal companion for emotional healing and can be used to reduce the effects of grieving after loss. Additionally, it is a stone for women, evoking femininity and supporting feminism and women’s quality.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; clear, often with black flecks
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Clear quartz, morion quartz, Herkimer diamond
KEYWORDS: Honesty, virtue, serenity
Tibetan quartz is a variety of quartz crystal found in the Himalayan Mountains. It typically forms short, double-terminated crystals, but occasionally forms single-terminated points or clusters. The most sought-after Tibetan quartz crystals display enhydros (small air bubbles filled with water). These crystals often contain inclusions of black anthracite (coal). These black Tibetan quartz crystals are also highly prized by collectors.
This variety of quartz has no known legendary or historical uses.
Tibetan quartz possesses strong amplification capabilities. This stone can facilitate deep meditative states and the expansion of consciousness. This crystal has a deeply spiritual energy and connects you to the heart of the earth. It promotes compassion and empathy and instills feelings of oneness. This stone resonates with the vibrational frequency of the Himalayas, emitting their wisdom and strength. This form of quartz also acts as a gateway to the collective knowledge of the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual tradition.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent, translucent, or opaque; deep blue
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Available, but gem quality is very expensive
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Jubilance, bliss, devotion
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Tanzanite, iolite, sodalite
KEYWORDS: Purity, beauty, spirituality
Blue sapphire is a blue variety of corundum. Blue sapphire forms as double-terminated trigonal crystals or as flat, hexagon-shaped stones. Some of the best blue sapphire crystals come from Sri Lanka, but blue sapphire can also be found in Burma, India, Madagascar, and Nepal. Synthetic sapphire is common for gem-grade stones, so be sure to purchase them from a reputable source. Many natural stones are heat-treated to enhance their color.
Blue sapphire gets its name from the Latin word sapphirus, for “blue.” It is the September birthstone. The ancient Greeks revered blue sapphire as a symbol of the sun god, Apollo. Blue sapphire is one of the stones said to be part of the breastplate of Aaron, the High Priest of Israel. Some legends even claim that the tablets used to for the Ten Commandments were carved from blue sapphire. The ancient peoples of India used a sapphire gem elixir as an antidote to poisons. Ancient Persians believed that the reflection of blue light from sapphire stones was responsible for the color of the sky. Some sources also claim Solomon’s Seal, a magical ring, was set with a blue sapphire gem.
Blue sapphire is a symbol of purity. It works to cleanse the body on both a physical and energetic level. The gem is also associated with beauty, enhancing inner beauty and physical appearance alike. Blue sapphire encourages devotion, in relationships, to causes, and in spiritual pursuits. It can help you to reaffirm your connection to the spiritual part of yourself.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent clear to translucent white; rarely pale pink
PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Skull, spine, brain, neurological system
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Mental health, emotional boundaries
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Selenite, petalite, ulexite
KEYWORDS: Cleansing, transformation, spiritual growth, ascension
Scolecite is a monoclinic crystal, forming clear to white, fanlike clusters of blade-shaped crystals. Small crystals often appear fibrous. This crystal is found globally, but the finest quality pieces, forming large, clear fans, are from India.
Scolecite was discovered in Germany is 1813 and does not have known historical significance. It is named for the Greek word, skolec, meaning “worm,” in reference to the crystal’s tendency to expand and curl when heated.
Scolecite is a powerful cleanser, as evidenced by its use in chemical filtration. It purges negativity and outworn patterns on a DNA and soul level, clearing negative karma from your field and also from your ancestral line. It offers you the opportunity for a spiritual crucible; it brings difficult things to the surface to be dealt with, but it promises the reward of extensive spiritual growth and ascension.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Translucent white
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Widely available, very common
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Scolecite, selenite, ulexite
KEYWORDS: Cleansing, spirit guide connection, protection, transparency
Selenite is a form of gypsum and is a member of the monoclinic crystal system. It does occasionally form clear, transparent crystals, but is most often seen on the mineral market in its translucent to opaque, white, fibrous form. The best quality fibrous stones are from Morocco while the high quality, transparent crystals come from Mexico.
Selenite is named for the Greek goddess Selene, the goddess of the moon. It is thought that this name was originally given only to the transparent stones, but it is now also commonly used to refer to the fibrous stones as well. The fibrous form of selenite is also referred to as satin spar. Large, thin sheets of selenite were once used for window panes and smaller sheets were used as eyeglass lenses. The Cave of Crystals in Naica, Mexico, discovered in the year 2000, is filled with giant selenite crystals, some of them hundreds of feet tall.
Selenite is a high-energy healing crystal. It’s best known for its cleansing and purifying capabilities, but it is also a highly protective crystal. This stone can be useful for connecting you with the moon cycle and is associated with things influenced by lunar energy (i.e. the sacred feminine aspect, intuition, and the emotions). This crystal can also help reveal things that are being hidden from you. If you suspect someone is being dishonest with you, work with selenite to help things become clear and transparent.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque; pearlescent light sage green to green with silvery-white swirls
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Limited availability
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Euphoria, gratitude, kindness
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Green nephrite jade, rainforest jasper, epidote
KEYWORDS: Angelic connection, virtue
Seraphinite is a variety of clinochlore from the eastern Siberian region of Russia. It is a member of the monoclinic crystal system and is part of the chlorite group of minerals.
This mineral was discovered quite recently, so it has no known historical or legendary uses.
Seraphinite has an affinity to beings of the angelic realm. It can help facilitate a connection to these beings through prayer during times of great need. You can use it to call on your guardian angels and guides for assistance. It’s a stone of miracles and can aid in manifesting and in granting wishes. Seraphinite promotes feelings of gratitude and makes you thankful for what you have. This stone helps you put things into perspective and focus on what’s most important in your life. Seraphinite has a lightness to its energy and can help you remember to be more playful and not take life so seriously. This crystal also acts as a moral compass, reminding you to act with virtue and integrity, even if you’re tempted by the bad influences of others. Seraphinite is a powerful emotional support stone, keeping you balanced and emotionally stable during times of turmoil.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Translucent to opaque; bright cerulean blue
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Ajoite quartz, quantum quattro silica, blue hemimorphite
KEYWORDS: Harmony, spiritual ascension, animal communication
Shattuckite is a member of the orthorhombic crystal system. Shattuckite forms small, sphere-like, blue nodules of radial crystals, typically on a matrix. The best shattuckite comes from Namibia and Arizona.
This crystal has no known legendary or historical uses.
Shattuckite is an excellent stone for promoting a connection with animals. It enhances your ability to understand and communicate with your pets or other creatures. Shattuckite instills a sense of empathy so that you can better understand what your animals are going through, or how you can help them if they seem to be struggling physically or emotionally. Further, shattuckite is a stone of hope and optimism, helping you to stay positive when times are tough. It also helps you to lift the spirits of those around you and be a supportive light for others when they’re down. Shattuckite encourages the rapid healing of physical tissue and is great to use for recovery from surgery or major injury. Shattuckite is wonderful for creating harmony in your environment and is one of the best stones to have present in your sacred space.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque to translucent; bright violet to deep purple, with red/black flecks
PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Tongue, small intestine, heart
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Charoite, stichitite, violet flame opal
KEYWORDS: Love, empathy, oneness
Sugilite is a member of the hexagonal crystal system, but fully formed crystals are extremely rare. Most material is from South Africa and forms as massive purple stones with red and black flecks. Low quality sugilite can range from a dusky, gray-violet to purple-black. The most sought-after pieces are a fuchsia to bright violet color.
Sugilite was officially named in 1944, so it has no known legendary or historical uses. It is sometimes referred to as luvulite.
Sugilite unlocks the doorways of the mind. It can help you journey deep into your subconscious to clear blockages that prevent you from growing spiritually. This stone can be a useful ally if you feel trapped in a negative work environment, especially when competitive coworkers are causing problems. Sugilite promotes group cooperation and harmony. It is a stone of oneness, peace, and compassion. This crystal helps you to feel a connection to all beings in this world and encourages feelings of loving support. It helps you to get your ego mind in check and work to raise others up when they’re stuck in negative patterns.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; cornflower blue
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Iolite, blue kyanite, blue sapphire
KEYWORDS: Spirituality, admiration, magic, transformation, abundance
Tanzanite is a cornflower blue, gemmy variety of zoisite from Tanzania. Most tanzanite crystals are heated to enhance the depth of their color, changing them from golden brown to deep indigo. Naturally blue stones are extremely rare. Tanzanite is a member of the orthorhombic crystal system.
Tanzanite is an alternative birthstone for the month of December, instead of the traditional turquoise. Tanzanite was discovered in 1967. Some claim that it was Masai cattle herders that first noticed the unique blue color of these gems. There was a wildfire in the area where the golden brown zoisite crystals were found, and the cattlemen noticed that the heat from the fire had changed the color of the stones to vibrant blue. The Masai revered these stones as gifts from the gods. The crystals were named and popularized by Henry Platt of the famous jewelers Tiffany & Co. in the late 1960s.
Tanzanite is a high vibration crystal that promotes self-reflection and the asking of deep spiritual questions. It helps you to see the world around you in a new light and gives you the courage and motivation to explore new things. This crystal encourages action over complacency. When this gem comes into your life, it means that it’s time to get up off of your haunches and push forward on your journey. Tanzanite fills you with passion for your divine purpose and encourages you to share the story of your journey. It facilitates communication and connection with others.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent to translucent; bright pink to light violet
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Kunzite, amethyst, phosphosiderite
KEYWORDS: Being direct, leadership, level headedness, mercy
Purple vesuvianite is a violet variety of vesuvianite and is a member of the tetragonal crystal system. This rare purple variety is only found in Quebec, Canada. Vesuvianite is also sometimes known by the name idocrase.
Vesuvianite is named after Mt. Vesuvius, in Italy, where the green variety of this stone was originally found. The purple variety of vesuvianite has no known legendary or historical uses.
Purple vesuvianite is strongly connected to the Archangel Zadkiel because of its color vibration. This stone assists you in uncovering past-life memories and experiences in order to help you learn from them and apply them to your current lifetime. This crystal can also help you to focus on your happiest memories, allowing them to fill you with positive energy. Purple vesuvianite can help encourage your forgiveness of those who have wronged you in some way.
Your energy body is in a constant state of flux. In addition to being ever-evolving, it is also highly sensitive to the influence of outside energy. Your energy field is part of what helps give you your sixth sense and understand the world around you. However, if you don’t take steps to create healthy energetic boundaries, you can become completely bombarded by this outside energy. This lack of shielding and protection can leave you feeling depleted, lethargic, and completely drained. In this section, you’ll learn about crystals that can help prevent this from happening, as well as some simple ways to start using them to shield and protect your energy body.
Some crystals can even help to support you energetically to keep your aura clear from outside influence and emotionally charged energy. This keeps you happier and healthier by ensuring that you stay feeling fresh and rejuvenated because you’re not depleted. This is especially important to lightworkers, empaths, and psychics who regularly connect with other beings and energy in the environment.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; golden to yellow-orange
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Widely available, but high-quality pieces can be costly
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Carnelian, yellow jasper, golden tiger’s eye
KEYWORDS: Happiness, beauty, tranquility, warmth
Amber is a polymerized tree resin. True amber must be at least 100,000 years old. It is an organic material and is not a true crystal, so it has no internal lattice or crystalline structure. The finest quality amber comes from Poland near the Baltic Sea or from Colombia.
Amber has been used by humans since the year 8,000 BCE for amulets, beads, and pendants. The ancient Greeks believed that amber stones were the tears of the daughters of Helios, the sun god, shed for their brother Phaethon as he was knocked out of the sky by Zeus’s thunderbolts. A Lithuanian myth says that the pieces of amber found in the Baltic Sea are pieces of the underwater castle of the mermaid Jurate. It is said that Jurate, daughter of Perkunas, the god of thunder, fell in love with a mortal man and brought him to her palace. This angered Perkunas and he destroyed the palace with a lightning bolt, chaining Jurate’s lover to the ruins. The tear-shaped pieces were thought to be the tears Jurate shed for her lost love.
The ancient Chinese believed that amber held the souls of deceased tigers. A Norse myth describes amber as the tears of Freya, shed for her lost love Odur, god of the sun.
Amber carries the light of the sun. It is a stone of warmth and abundance, promoting growth (physical, mental, and emotional). Amber is an excellent companion stone if you’re grieving or feel ashamed of your actions. It helps you accept the past and maintain a positive outlook on the future.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque; metallic bronze
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Authenticity, loving kindness
KEYWORDS: Lightworkers, expansion
Astrophyllite is a member of the triclinic crystal system. It forms sprays of fanlike, metallic, bronze crystals on a matrix. Some of the most beautiful pieces are from Russia.
This stone has no known legendary or historical uses.
Astrophyllite is a stone for lightworkers. You can use it to expand your consciousness and help you tap into universal source energy and reveal your role in the great cosmic drama. Astrophyllite activates your light body and temporarily raises your energetic vibration, moving you closer to enlightenment. It is a highly energizing crystal and is good for combating lethargy and fatigue. This crystal helps you recognize the wonders of nature all around you, from the tiniest grain of sand to the most magnificent animal. Astrophyllite promotes loving kindness and deep states of mindfulness. It also encourages you to step into your authentic self, removing any ego-based ideals of who you are.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Translucent to opaque, pale blue with druzy surface
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Limited availability
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Blue lace agate, angelite, blue calcite
KEYWORDS: Inner strength, loyalty, honor, equality
Avalonite is the name given to a druzy variety of pale blue chalcedony. Chalcedony is a type of cryptocrystalline quartz and displays no outward crystal structure. With avalonite, however, tiny druzy crystals coat the surface of the blue chalcedony stone, giving it a glittering appearance. This druzy blue chalcedony avalonite should not be confused with banded peach zoisite, a trademarked stone of the same name.
Although the stone itself does not have any known historical use, it is named after the mythical land of Avalon, the magical island from the legends of King Arthur. Avalon is associated with healing, power, and magnificent abundance.
Avalonite is a stone that can transform you from one who needs protecting into a protector yourself. It instills a sense of bravery and courage and can remind you of the strength you hold inside of yourself. It is also a symbol of loyalty, honor, and equality, calling upon imagery from the Knights of the Round Table in the Arthurian legends. It promotes honor in your words as well as your actions and holds you to a code of heroic conduct. It also helps you to command respect in situations that require a natural leader to take control.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque; pearlescent silvery white
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Common, but may be difficult to find for sale
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Milky quartz, white onyx, silver mica
KEYWORDS: Spiritual expansion, meditation, yoga
White aventurine is a variety of quartz with inclusions of glittering silver mica. This glittering sheen is referred to as aventurescence. This stone is found in a massive formation. The best quality white aventurine comes from India, but it can also be found in China.
This white variety of aventurine has no known legendary or historical uses.
White aventurine is representative of spiritual detachment. Working with this crystal can help you to accept the impermanence of all things. This stone shows you how to remove regret about the past and anxiety about the future. White aventurine encourages present moment awareness and dissolution of the ego consciousness. This crystal promotes purity of mind and encourages virtuous actions. It can help you get into the routine of a spiritual practice that’s meaningful to you; this may be religious ceremony, yoga, meditation, healing work, or whatever resonates with you best. White aventurine also encourages deep self-reflection.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent yellow-gold
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Rare, not readily available but may be found at specialty stores
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Libyan desert glass, citrine, lemon topaz
KEYWORDS: Psychic shielding, assertiveness, personal power, soul contracts
Bytownite, or golden labradorite, is a gemmy variety of feldspar. It is transparent yellow to deep gold in color. Bytownite is found as massive, rough stones, but displays triclinic crystal symmetry on a microscopic level.
Bytownite was not officially described and identified until 1835, so no known legend or lore exists for this stone. The deposit found in the area for which the stone was originally named has since been lost.
Bytownite is a stone of higher purpose. It is a highly protective crystal, removing psychic debris and other unnecessary energy from your field so that you remain clear and focused. Bytownite supports you, protecting your energy body so that you have the confidence required to stand in your power and be assertive about your needs on a soul level. This stone also helps to remove negative karma carried into this lifetime from past-life soul contracts.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Translucent; soft yellow to deep gold
PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Skeletal system, teeth, digestive system
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Bytownite, Libyan desert glass, citrine
KEYWORDS: Willpower, physical protection, good health
Golden calcite is typically found as bright yellow, rhombohedral crystals full of rainbows. Calcite is a member of the trigonal crystal system. The best quality golden calcite rhombohedrons are from Mexico, but this crystal may be found in many other formations all around the world.
Golden calcite has no known legendary or historical uses.
Golden calcite is a stone of self-confidence and courage. If you’re being victimized or bullied by someone, this stone can help to give you the inner strength needed to face your fears and stand up to them. Golden calcite’s potent energy fills your aura with strong vibrations of strength, helping you to set healthy boundaries with others. It sends out subtle messages that you will not allow yourself to be taken advantage of or mistreated in any way. This makes it a highly protective stone, working to shield you from hurt feelings or emotional distress caused by others. Golden calcite is also beneficial for preventative protection, working as a sort of good luck charm to keep you free from physical harm.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque; peachy pink with black cross-like markings
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Bustamite, peach feldspar, rhodonite
KEYWORDS: Protection from the evil eye
Cross stone is also known as chiastolite and is a variety of andalusite. This stone is easily recognized by its peachy pink crystals with dark cross-like markings. The cross-shaped formations are caused by inclusions of carbon within the andalusite. The finest quality cross stones come from China and Australia, but these crystals have also been found in Spain and the United States. These crystals should not be confused with staurolite fairy crosses, which are also sometimes referred to as cross stone.
The name chiastolite comes from the Greek word chiastos, meaning “cross-marked.” There is a legend from the Araucanian peoples of Chile and Argentina that describes that the dark cross-like markings on these stones are the souls of Araucanian warriors killed by Spanish conquistadors. There is another story from this culture attributing the stones to the tears of a Spanish girl who fell in love with an Araucanian tribe member. They were separated by disapproving members of the tribe and she cried many tears of grief for her lost love, which solidified as cross stones. The tribespeople saw this miracle as proof of the girl’s love and allowed the couple to live in peace together. It is also said that Christopher Columbus wore a chiastolite talisman for protection during his voyage to the Americas.
Cross stone is a highly protective stone, keeping you safe from both physical and energetic threats to your well-being. It provides protection from the malicious acts of others and keeps you unharmed by the negative effects of the “evil eye.”
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque; black with a chatoyant, starry asterism
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Uncommon, but available from most specialty stores
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Black onyx, black obsidian, black moonstone
KEYWORDS: Star beings, magnetism, law of attraction, psychic protection
Diopside is a member of the monoclinic crystal group. Black star diopside typically displays a four-rayed asterism on a black surface, caused by inclusions of magnetite. Some of these gems contain so much magnetite that they display slight magnetism. The finest quality black star diopside crystals come from India, so it is sometimes called the “Black Star of India,” but small deposits of the stone have also been found in a few other locations across the globe.
Black star diopside has no known historical or legendary uses.
Black star diopside helps to keep you grounded and rooted into the earth during psychic or intuitive work. Remaining properly grounded and centered is important to keeping yourself protected from outside forces of energy when connecting with other realms or beings. Black star diopside helps you to create a protective shield of energy around you at all times. Because of this crystal’s natural magnetism, it makes the perfect crystal companion for law of attraction work. Black star diopside assists you in manifesting what which you need most in your life. It will not help you to acquire meaningless materialistic things, but will instead draw in the people or things that are for the highest good of your being.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; vibrant orange to red-orange
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Limited availability
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Carnelian, amber, tangerine calcite
KEYWORDS: Physical protection, emotional shielding
Spessartine garnet is a member of the isometric crystal system. The finest quality crystals come from Brazil, Namibia, Nigeria, and China. The Brazilian spessartines are deep red-orange and display a naturally etched crystal formation. The vibrant orange gems form other locations most frequently form gorgeous dodecahedral shapes. This crystal is sometimes known as mandarin garnet for its intensely orange color.
This specific variety of garnet has no known legendary or historical uses.
Spessartine garnet is an excellent stone for highly creative people. It allows you to tap into your emotions and use them as a source of inspiration for your work. This crystal also keeps you motivated so that you’re excited to follow through on your projects. Spessartine garnet can be used for physical protection, especially relating to the internal organs. However, its true protective abilities lie in its tendency to shield you from the intense emotional energy of others. If you’re an empath and find that you’re easily influenced by other people’s moods or energy, then spessartine garnet makes an excellent crystal companion. This crystal prevents you from soaking up other people’s negativity like a sponge, and helps you set and keep healthy boundaries in place for your own self-protection.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; clear to deep indigo blue
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Increasingly uncommon
PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Brain, electrolyte regulation, fluid retention
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Tanzanite, iolite, blue kyanite
KEYWORDS: Cleansing, spiritual protection
Blue halite is a member of the isometric crystal system and forms transparent, colorless cubes with streaks of deep indigo blue. The prized deep blue specimens come from New Mexico, Germany, and Canada. The blue color in these stones is caused by defects within the crystal lattice.
This crystal has no known legendary or historical uses.
Blue halite is known for its cleansing and purifying properties. It works to remove psychic debris and stored negative emotional charges from your aura. It is a highly protective stone and is especially useful for keeping you safe during shamanic journeying, astral travel, and connection with dream emissaries. Blue halite is also useful for providing mental clarity so that you’re better able to stay focused on the present moment. Being centered works preventatively to keep you protected from the negative influence of outside influences. The deep blue color of these crystals also stimulates your psychic skills, triggering automatic psychic protection and shielding of your aura if you encounter someone who tries to leach your energy (whether consciously or subconsciously). Blue halite is excellent for dissolving energetic cords and attachments.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent to translucent; soft pink
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Increasingly uncommon
PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Heart, electrolyte regulation, fluid retention
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Compassion, emotional balance
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Rose quartz, kunzite, morganite
KEYWORDS: Heart healing, cooperation, love
Pink halite is a member of the isometric crystal system and forms translucent, pale pink cubes. The best specimens come from California. The pink color in these stones is caused by algal bacteria.
This crystal has no known legendary or historical uses.
Pink halite is a great stone for romantic relationships. It works to cleanse negative energy and remove emotionally charged energy from your space that may otherwise contribute to arguments. This crystal also heals emotional wounds and works to heal the heart so that you can trust your partner and have an open and honest relationship. Pink halite promotes compassion and tenderness. It also encourages emotional balance and forgiveness. This crystal is excellent for cooperation, so it helps create compromise in relationships for the highest good of all involved. It is a stone representing true love and allows both you and your partner to be yourselves without judgment or fear.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent to translucent; pale yellow to deep gold
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Citrine, yellow topaz, amber
KEYWORDS: Power, strength
Heliodor is a yellow to gold variety of beryl. It displays a hexagonal crystal system and may be transparent to translucent. It is found in many locations across the globe, but some of the best specimens come from Brazil, Pakistan, France, and Namibia. This mineral is often artificially created by irradiating aquamarine crystals, so be sure to purchase from a reputable dealer if you prefer natural stones.
This crystal was first discovered in Namibia in 1910. It is named for the Greek word helios, meaning “sun,” and the word doron, meaning “gift,” as it was seen as a gift from the sun. Because of its fairly recent discovery, there are no known legendary or historical uses for this gem.
Heliodor has a bright, sunny energy and can help you to turn a sour mood into a cheerful one. It quickly works to activate your solar plexus chakra, the powerhouse of the chakra system, to energize you if you’re feeling lethargic or tired. It also combats chronic exhaustion or fatigue. Heliodor is highly protective due to its connection to the solar plexus, the center for personal power. It helps you set boundaries and stand in your power, keeping you safe from the negativity or manipulations of others. It is a very masculine energy stone and is a great companion for those in leadership positions, as it helps you to be firm and direct while maintaining compassion and egolessness.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque, sage green with deep green to black swirls or spots
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Rainforest jasper, Preseli bluestone, bloodstone
KEYWORDS: Protection, grounding, earth connection and healing
It is hotly debated whether kambaba jasper (also known as crocodile jasper) is a true jasper, a form of rhyolite, or a type of stromatolite fossil. It is certainly composed of silicate minerals, but the further details of its composition are yet unknown.
There are no known legendary uses of kambaba jasper.
Kambaba jasper is an intensely grounding and protective stone. The many small spots on its surface look like tiny eyes, keeping watch over you and protecting you from physical and emotional harm. This stone is excellent as a talisman to ward off the evil eye, and will keep those who drain your energy at bay. The energy of this stone allows you to relax into otherwise tense surroundings and is especially supportive in hostile workplaces. Additionally, this stone calls upon fairies and other earth spirits to keep you safe and secure in all aspects of your life.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Translucent to opaque; all colors, but predominantly green and white
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Increasingly uncommon
PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Fluid retention, heart, lungs, throat
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Crazy lace agate, rainforest jasper
KEYWORDS: Mermaids, Mother Earth, water element
Orbicular jasper (also known as ocean jasper) is a variety of the mineral rhyolite and displays radial, sphere-like inclusions of quartz and feldspar crystals. The main body of these stones typically ranges from green to white, but they may come in any hue, displaying beautiful, ringed dots of color including yellow, pink, blue, or even orange. The characteristic ringed dots is difficult to distinguish on rough stones, so the crystals are typically cut into slabs or polished into spheres to tumbled stones to fully display the magnificent patterns. Orbicular jasper was found in a single location on the coast of Madagascar, and could only be mined during low tide. The Madagascar deposit was found in 1999, but mining ceased in 2006 when the deposit was depleted. Similar material, of lower quality, has been found in a few other locations around the world. This crystal is sometimes known as sea jasper, fish eye jasper, or as the Atlantis stone (not to be confused with atlantisite or with larimar, which is also known as the Atlantis stone).
Orbicular jasper is a relatively recent discovery and has no known legendary or historical uses.
Orbicular jasper is a stunning stone that connects you with the water element and the energy of the sea. It facilitates communication with mermaid guides and enhances the clarity of intuitive messages received from nature and Mother Earth.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque; dark charcoal gray to black
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Alleviates fear and anxiety, reduces stress
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Black onyx (shungite), basalt
KEYWORDS: Protection from psychic attack, aura repair, chakra balancing, grounding
Black kyanite is a member of the triclinic crystal system. It ranges from dark, charcoal gray to black and forms fanlike crystal shapes. Black kyanite is only found in Brazil.
Kyanite is sometimes called disthene, meaning “two strengths,” referring to its variable hardness. Black kyanite has no known legendary or historical uses.
Black kyanite is a highly protective stone. It helps to keep you grounded so that your natural protective shields are active. Further, this crystal can help to keep you safe from psychic attack or from the ill-wishing of others. Black kyanite assists with balancing and aligning your chakra centers and can even be used to repairs tears, holes, or leaks in your aura. It is a great stress reducer and helps you let go of emotional and psychic baggage that are negatively impacting your physical health. If you’re feeling anxious or afraid, black kyanite works to get you centered and focused on the present moment so that you can release the anxiety and take control of your emotions.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Gray with flecks of black and reflective silvery blue
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Uncommon, but available from specialty stores
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Mental stability, inner strength
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Shungite, black moonstone, indigo gabbro
KEYWORDS: Foundation, order, psychic protection
Larvikite (also known as silver labradorite or pearl granite) originally comes from Larvik, Norway and is quite uncommon. It is a variety of the rock monzonite.
Primarily used as a building material and marketed under the name pearl granite, larvikite is just starting to be available in the mineral and jewelry market. Larvikite has no known historical associations.
Larvikite is quite a mystical stone. It is excellent for protecting the energy body and makes a useful companion for shamanic journeying and astral projection. This crystal can also help you to take notice of your shadow side and change those parts of yourself that require emotional and spiritual growth. Larvikite creates a strong foundation and provides you with mental stability during difficult situations. It acts as a pillar of strength, supporting and protecting you during times of transformation and deep personal growth. Larvikite also reminds you to go with the flow and not fight against the currents of change. Larvikite crystals can help you to be flexible and willing to accept new things into your life for the highest good of all involved.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; pale yellow to soft gold
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Rare, but available from some specialty stores
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Citrine, bytownite, golden topaz
KEYWORDS: Power, rebirth, confidence
Libyan desert glass is a pale yellow to soft gold, glass-like tektite formed from a meteorite that impacted an area near the Great Sand Sea of Egypt’s Western Desert. The exact impact site has not yet been located, so the origin of these stones is still highly disputed. The stones were thought to have formed between 26 million to 29 million years ago. Because it is a natural glass, called lechatelierite, it has no internal crystalline structure.
Libyan desert glass was officially discovered and named in 1932, but can be seen in ancient Egyptian jewelry from thousands of years ago. A large Libyan desert glass scarab is set into the center of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s pectoral brooch. The ancient Egyptians referred to this stone as “the Rock of God.” Libyan desert glass may even have been used as long ago as 8,000 BCE to fashion basic tools and blades.
Libyan desert glass is a very high vibrational stone. It can be used to instill confidence and enhance feelings of personal power. It encourages you to lift yourself up by your own bootstraps when you’re feeling down or are focused on self-pity rather than seeking solutions to problems. It helps connect you to the energy of the stars and gives you insight and wisdom from the divine. This crystal is a reminder that not all of the answers have to come from within yourself, but rather that the solutions you seek may occasionally require a shifting in external forces.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque; glassy black with a gold schiller
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Safety, security, compassion
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Safety, security, compassion
KEYWORDS: Protection, ancestors, grieving
Gold sheen obsidian is a variety of obsidian that gets its characteristic golden schiller from mineral inclusions, rock debris, or gas molecules. Obsidian is a natural glass and has no internal crystalline structure; it’s an amorphous mineral. The best quality golden sheen obsidian comes from Guatemala, but it has also been found in Mexico.
There is a Mexican legend about a woman named Xochitzol, meaning “flower of the sun,” who was separated from her love when he was sent off to war. She vowed to wait for him until his return. When much time had passed, Xochitzol realized that her mate was not going to return, so she began to cry. The gods, feeling pity for her, turned her tears to golden obsidian.
Gold sheen obsidian works with ancestor spirits to keep you safe and protected. The energy of the obsidian calls on your ancestors and invites them into your space so that they can watch over you and keep you free from harm. For this reason, it instills you with feelings of safety and security when you’re using it. This stone is also used for healing after great loss and can assist you in the grieving process.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque, chatoyant blue, brown, red, and gold swirls
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Limited availability
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Emotional boundaries, discernment
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Blue tiger’s eye, dumortierite, blue apatite
KEYWORDS: Protection, shielding, space clearing
Pietersite (also known as tempest stone) is a form of chalcedony that contains inclusions of crocidolite, a chatoyant mineral that gives pietersite its characteristic shimmer. Crocidolite is a variety of riebeckite and is part of the monoclinic crystal system. Pietersite is only found in two places on earth, Namibia and China, so it is relatively uncommon.
This mineral was first described in 1962 by Sid Pieters. Because pietersite is so new to the mineral market, it does not have any associated legendary uses.
Pietersite is an immensely protective stone, shielding you from negative influences and people. This mineral acts like a cloak of invisibility when you need your space or distance from those who would otherwise drain your energy. Additionally, pietersite helps to clear your space if you’re trapped in a negative place or environment. This crystal can be fierce with those who would seek to take advantage of you, but will take you under its wing to shield you from their cruelty or mistreatment. Pietersite also helps get to the core of negative relationship patterns so that you no longer have to repeat cycles of unhealthy behavior with your friends, your family members, or your romantic partners.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; black starlike inclusions
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Black Tibetan quartz, graphite quartz, brookite quartz
KEYWORDS: Astral travel, cosmic consciousness, oneness
Hollandite quartz is a variety of quartz crystal that contains small starburst-like inclusions of black hollandite. The tiny starbursts look almost like little spiders, which are responsible for the crystal’s alternate names of spider quartz and star quartz. This special mineral combination only comes from Madagascar. Hollandite is a monoclinic crystal, while quartz is hexagonal or trigonal.
Hollandite quartz has no known legendary or historical uses.
Hollandite quartz has a very unique energy. It helps to connect you to the universal source and experience oneness with all beings. Everything in this universe, including you, is born of stardust; hollandite quartz reminds you of your cosmic roots. This crystal facilitates astral travel and journeying, taking you to new depths of consciousness and states of mind. Hollandite quartz strengthens the grounding cord that keeps your ethereal and astral bodies in connection with your physical being. So even though this crystal may help to push you farther into the cosmic depths than is within your comfort zone, it also helps keep you safe on your journey.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque; mottled gray, tan, and deep brown
PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Pineal gland, phallus, DMT production
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Print stone, petrified peanut wood, petrified wood
KEYWORDS: Masculinity, formlessness, egolessness, love, spiritual surrender
Shiva lingams (also called banalinga) are naturally formed, oblong, elliptical, rounded rocks found in the Narmada River in India.
The term lingam is used to describe an oblong symbol for the Hindu god Shiva, but the actual lingam stones are referred to as banalinga and are used in Shiva worship. The construction of Hindu temples corresponds to the anatomy of the human body. The location of the revered lingam stone is placed in correspondence with the pineal gland in the human brain. There is a Hindu legend that tells the story of a great battle between Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu. Lord Shiva decided to intervene in the battle, taking the form of a great lingam of fire. He challenged Brahma and Vishnu to find the ends of the column of fire, explaining that whoever reached the ends of his form first would be the greater of the two gods. Brahma took the form of a swan, flying up in the sky to search for one end of the fire lingam, while Vishnu took the form of a boar, tunneling into the earth to find the other. Neither was able to find the ends of the great pillar. Shiva reappeared to them, showing them that he could not be sought out from a place of ego, but only from a place of love and surrender. This tale shows that the lingam has no beginning and no end and that all in this world is both form and formless.
The Shiva lingam stone is a powerful ritual object. It represents formlessness and the dissolution of the ego mind. Use it to journey into the depths of your conscious awareness.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Opaque; tan to brown
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Bronzite, golden tiger’s eye, cross stone
KEYWORDS: Mercy, protection, good luck
Staurolite is a tan to brown mineral that forms cross-shaped twin crystals. The best quality twinned staurolite “crosses” come from Russia, but they can also be found in other countries. The specimens formed at perfect right angles are the most highly sought after, but staurolite may also form other interesting shapes like Xs or five- or six-pointed stars.
This mineral is named for the Greek word stauros, meaning “cross,” and lithos, meaning “stone.” These crystals are also known as “faith crosses,” “fairy crosses,” or “fairy luck stones.” One legend states that at the time of Christ’s crucifixion, angels and fairies surrounded him and wept for his suffering. These tears fell to earth and formed staurolite. Another popular legend says that as the Cherokee people were forced to leave their homes and set out on the trail of tears, these stones were left behind as they wept. Another Cherokee legend describes the use of the staurolite stones during an annual ritual where the stones were heated in a great fire and would glow all night until the sun rose the next morning. This ceremony was thought to bring good luck, abundance, and safe travels. The Cherokee also associated these stones with the four elements. A Gaelic legend describes the formation of the stones as the tears the fairies wept when Tuatha de Danaan was defeated in ancient Ireland. These crystals were used in Swiss baptisms and were carried as good luck charms by three United States presidents.
Staurolite crystals balance the influence of the four elements on the body, keeping you balanced and protected.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; gold to peachy orange
PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Digestive system, spleen, pancreas
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Citrine, golden calcite, bytownite, amber
KEYWORDS: Energizing, protective
Imperial golden topaz is a member of the orthorhombic crystal system. It most commonly forms small, single-terminated points of gold to peachy orange color. The finest quality crystals come from Brazil, but they can also be found in Zambia. These stones may be heated or irradiated to intensify their color, so if you prefer a natural stone, be sure to buy from a reputable source.
Imperial topaz is the November birthstone. The name topaz may come from the Sanskrit word tapaz, meaning “fire.” The ancient Egyptians saw this gem as a symbol of the sun god Ra. Some historical sources claim that this stone would change colors if it were placed near poisons, so it was coveted by kings and queens who feared treason and deceit.
Imperial golden topaz is one of the finest semiprecious gemstones in the world. Its brilliant golden color corresponds to the fire element, instilling a sense of motivation and determination. This attribute influences the stone’s ability to burn up negative energy from within the aura. It is a highly protective crystal. Imperial golden topaz resonates with the solar plexus chakra and can energize your physical and subtle bodies. By keeping your field full of positive energy, it becomes more difficult for others to create energetic cords or attachments to your field.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent; pale blue, to bright blue, to deep indigo
CURRENT AVAILABILITY: Limited availability
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Blue kyanite, blue sapphire, afghanite
KEYWORDS: Intuition, psychic protection, energy shield
Blue tourmaline is a trigonal crystal with sub-varieties including elbaite and indicolite. It forms striated crystals, typically in small clusters or large single points. It is found in many locations across the globe, but the highest quality pieces are from Brazil and Namibia.
Ancient Romans carved various animal figures out of blue tourmaline. There is an Egyptian legend about how tourmaline acquired its variety of colors. The legend states that tourmaline journeyed along a rainbow as it moved from the center of the earth to try and get nearer to the sun. Along the way, the stone absorbed all of the colors of the rainbow.
Blue tourmaline is associated with the Tibetan Buddhist goddess, Blue Tara (named Ekajati). Blue Tara represents inner peace and is known for cooling the flames of anger. Blue tourmaline invokes these qualities and helps you to calm fiery emotions and find your center. Blue tourmaline, like Blue Tara, is a fierce protector and will work to keep you safe at all costs. Blue tourmaline also encourages spiritual growth and helps removes obstacles from your path to enlightenment and spiritual awakening. This crystal can also be used as a good luck charm.
APPEARANCE/COLOR: Transparent clear to translucent white; rarely pale gray
PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE: Secrecy, truthfulness, integrity, honesty
ASSOCIATED CRYSTALS BY COLOR: Selenite, petalite, scolecite
KEYWORDS: Hidden messages, revelation, heroism
Ulexite is a member of the triclinic crystal system. It typically forms striated, white, fibrous masses, but it can also form tiny, needlelike clusters. The best quality ulexite stones are found in the United States, but the stone is widely available from other locations. There is an optical form of ulexite that is also known as “TV stone.”
Ulexite has no known legendary or historical uses.
Ulexite works like a window to the soul. It allows you to see your innermost truth. It can also be used to reveal hidden messages or that which is being kept from you. Use ulexite to shine a light on deceitful people in your life or to reveal those who are not being truthful with you. This stone is also helpful for exposing secrets that, if kept, will negatively impact those who you care about.