
Foreword by Roz Kaveney



SECTION I | Standing on the Shoulders of Amazons

   1   The Birth of Modern Mythology and the Mother
of Female Superheroes

   2   Modern Myth, Meet Feminism

   3   Women of Steel: The Buff and the Backlash

   4   Super Grrrl Power in the 1990s and the Turn
of the Twenty-First Century

SECTION II | Journey of the Female Hero

   5   Love Will Bring You to Your Gift: On Redemption,
Collaboration, and Compassion

   6   Who's Your Daddy?: On Fathers and
Their Superdaughters

   7   Always the Mother, Never the Messiah: On Mothers,
Daughters, and Women Mentoring Women

SECTION III | The Mythmakers

   8   Women Making Myth

Conclusion: “Where Do We Go from Here?”

From (A)eon to (Z)oë: A Select Glossary of Superwomen in Modern Mythology


Bibliography, Filmography, and Internet Sources

Author Recommendations