Chapter 14


The next four chapters contain accounts of experiences that guests have had at Captain Grant’s and have written about in diaries from January 19, 2009, up until June 2016. Four of our bedrooms have a leather-bound book of lined pages in which our guests, if they choose, can share something about their stay with future guests. These are only samplings of some of the experiences. Also, of the notes that I chose to include here, there are only excerpts and not the full notes. The writing style is close to what the guests actually wrote. Most notes were probably written hastily and reflect that in the word usage and spelling. My comments are in parentheses at the end. I also have ideas about the spirits that guests have mentioned and who they might be.

I believe that the giggling child in Captain Grant’s is Deborah Adams. There are also two other children that I know of, a boy named John who died in the 1900s and the daughter of a runaway slave who died in the 1800s prior to the Civil War. My guess is that these children are also responsible for the rolling balls in the attic.

The walking in the attic is probably Daniel. He is also the spirit that the children from Psychic Kids told to leave the house.

Mercy Adelaide Grant is a most loving spirit and might be responsible for touches that guests experience. The pats on the face occur most often in the Adelaide and Collette bedrooms.

Pats on men’s private places are probably caused by Liam.

You will read more excerpts in some rooms than in others. This is because some rooms are more haunted than others.
