In September of 2015, events in the spirit world began to change. The spirits were beginning to gather. I also had one of those memorable decade birthdays. My husband and sister decided to throw me a party, with cousins coming from three states. This is only important to the extent that they started asking me questions about the spirits. “Are they still here?” Yes. “Are there still twelve of them in the house?” Yes. “Do you communicate with them on a regular basis?” “No.” In fact, I hadn’t had a conversation with the spirits for at least a couple of months. I had decided that I should speak more to the living than to the dead. Anyway, it was high season at the B&B and there really wasn’t much time.
After thinking about the questions I was asked, I decided to take my rods and speak with the spirits in private. My family stayed for two weeks, and it was hard to find time to be by myself. One morning, prior to getting breakfast started, I went up to the game room, took out my rods, and had what turned out to be one very eye-opening conversation.
I started by asking who I was speaking to. It turned out to be Daniel.
“Daniel, are there still twelve of you in the house?”
“Yes.” When he answered, the rods moved around a bit. I wondered why and decided to probe further.
“Daniel, are there more than twelve of you in the house?”
“Yes.” This was a clear answer, with the rods moving straight out sideways in short order.
“Okay. Are there more than twenty spirits in the house?” Again the rods opened wide, indicating an answer of yes.
It was just then that relatives began to enter the kitchen. I thanked Daniel, ran down to help prepare breakfast, and quickly put my rods away. My mind was trying to focus on breakfast, but I couldn’t help thinking about the additional spirits. I knew that I didn’t have an actual count. According to Daniel, there were now at least twenty spirits in the house. Perhaps there were even more.
I decided to try speaking with the spirits again as soon as my relatives left. It didn’t happen. October is our third busiest month, falling just behind July and August. I was left waiting for November, but November was unusually good for the business that year.
I gave a ghost communication lesson in November but focused on my guests and not the questions still burning in my mind. Nonetheless, it was an interesting session that went something like this.
The woman who was part of the lesson was an engineer from Europe who asked a lot of scientific questions. My husband is also an engineer, so I asked him to join us in the game room. The man had brought a gaussmeter to detect electromagnetic fields. The woman asked questions such as “Who says that the red line on that meter means there is a ghost present? Who made that decision and under what circumstances?” My husband, Tadashi, was an electrical engineer. The woman was a civil engineer. Tadashi then explained what was happening and decided to try and demonstrate an electrical proof. Above the poker table where we were sitting was a chandelier. Tadashi stated that if the gaussmeter was sensitive, it should register electromagnetic fields when it was held up to the light. It did not register. It didn’t matter if the light was turned off or on.
The immediate conclusion to this experiment was that the meter was faulty. So I took the rods that the guests used and touched them to the meter. Nothing happened. I had my personal rods that had been given to me. I took them in my hands and touched the meter, which registered as far into the red as it could go. All of us sat and stared at the meter and then at my rods. Then everyone looked at me. Next I laid the rods on the meter without touching them. It registered back to nothing. Then I touched the meter with my hand, and still nothing. It took the combination of my holding the rods for the meter to register. The rods or my own touch could not make the meter read in the red. We left the room not being able to figure out what had just happened. No explanation came to mind.
It was in November that the spirits began to manifest more than they ever had before. One guest captured dozens of orbs in the meadow between the old cemetery and the house. “Well,” I thought, “this could be dust particles, but maybe not.” The guest also captured at least fifty orbs on our outdoor deck. I was fascinated and thought, “What is happening?”
Then a father with his two sons came and stayed in the Elizabeth room. When they came down the following morning for breakfast, they had quite a story to tell. The day before they had decided to go out to the old cemetery behind the house. The youngest son had left his iPad on the dresser, upside down and turned off. They locked the door and went for their walk. At Captain Grant’s the doors automatically lock, but they might not have been aware of that fact.
When they got back from their trek across the meadow, they had quite a surprise waiting for them. The door to their room was open. The upside-down iPad was now right-side up. On its face was an image of a man standing in their doorway. The man was large and black. His shoulders reached from one side of the door to the other. His head reached to the top of the door opening. We could tell that the man was entirely bald, but that was all. No features could be seen. I asked for a copy of what they had, but never received one. The boy’s iPad was locked up. He couldn’t shut it down or do anything with it.
Soon after, a week or two at most, another couple came and stayed in the Elizabeth room. They decided to take a picture of their naked feet lying at the end of the bed. Dozens of orbs appeared. They immediately saw orbs everywhere through their iPhone and decided to film the event. The orbs were flying in all directions. One large streak of light flew from behind their heads down above the comforter and then up and over the fireplace. Just to let my readers know, the fireplace is sealed, so no ash or cinders are possible in the room. (Ash and cinders could also produce orbs.) I have seen hundreds of orb pictures, but this was the most astonishing of all. The couple were kind enough to download the photo for me on my husband’s computer.
It was the first week of December and business was slow. Now I had time to talk to Daniel. I walked over to the B&B and sat down in the kitchen at our high table. My rods were in my hands. My heart was pounding. I knew something was happening but didn’t know what.
“Daniel, are you here?”
“Would you tell me how many spirits are now in the house?”
“Are there more than twenty?”
And so on until I got to sixty, for which I got a no response.
I then went through each number over fifty. I now had fifty-six spirits in the house. It was the beginning of December 2015.
“Daniel, are the spirits gathering?”
“Is this world affecting your world?”
“Are spirits gathering in other places around the world?”
“All over the world?”
“Is something going to happen between our worlds?”
I needed to sleep on this. I had to gather my thoughts. I needed to speak with several spirits, not just Daniel.
“Does anyone else know about this?” I asked myself. “Or am I the only one?” I prayed not. “God, what is going on?” For the first time I began to feel apprehensive. “I am an ordinary person who knows extraordinary things. Why?” And I started to doubt what I was learning.
My head spun for a while, but I had a business to run so I had to attend to my duties. I had a reservation due in my register, and on December 28 they arrived for a four-day stay. The wife was a reverend and also a well-known psychic. We talked. She knew about the gathering or amassing of the spirits, as she called it. “The time is coming” was her comment when we spoke.
What she spoke about was good versus evil. She told me that good will enter into this world through the gathering of spirits. Evil individuals will be approached and they will have to decide which side they are going to take: good or evil. If they choose evil they will die. I was never told how this death will occur.
After my conversations with her, I had thoughts for communicating with the spirits—questions that I could ask.
It was January of 2016. I decided that I had to speak with the spirits. I headed over to the B&B but forgot my rods at home. It was cold outside and I decided that I would use the rods that I had bought for our guests to use. I don’t normally use those rods. They’re a bit heavy for me and I find that I get tired much sooner. I have to give off my energy to communicate with the spirits, so the weight of the rods is critical.
John, our right-hand man, was repairing the dining room floor at the time, so I decided to go up to the game room, where I would have optimum privacy.
I sat at the poker table, took the rods out of their pouch, and found them surprisingly comfortable. I started in my usual manner, finding out who I was talking with and asking if they knew anything about the subject that I was about to question them on. I reached Deborah Adams. I knew in an instant it was her. The rods hugged my cheeks and swung back and forth several times. The following is our conversation.
“Deborah, are there still fifty-six souls in the house?”
“No.” The rods crossed.
“Are there fewer souls in the house now?”
“Are there more souls in the house?”
I did the usual counting, going up to 55, then 60, and lastly 65. After doing the 61, 62, 63 exploration, I had the exact count. There were now 63 spirits at Captain Grant’s. I led out a big sigh and went on.
“Are the souls going to be involved in an event on Earth?”
“Are the angels going to be involved in this event?”
I was surprised by this and decided to ask about God.
“Is God going to be involved?”
“Are people going to be judged by God?”
“Is this the final judgment?”
“Are both the good and the bad going to be judged?”
“Will the bad people die?”
“Will they remain on Earth?”
“Will the good people die?”
With this question the rods went back and forth. I had a feeling that Deborah didn’t know how to answer the question. She finally answered no.
“Are the good people going to go somewhere off of this Earth?”
Okay, now where do they go? I wondered.
“Do they go to the spirit world?” I asked. “The one where you are?”
“Do they go to heaven?”
“Do they remain on Earth with the evil people?”
Now I was frustrated. Just what happens to the good people? I thought of purgatory or a holding cell in a jail. So I decided to try that route. After a couple more minutes of thinking over different scenarios, I decided on the holding cell approach.
“Deborah, is God going to have all of the good people stay someplace safe that he has made for them?”
“Is this the great judgment that is talked about in the Bible and throughout the Christian world?”
I searched my mind for more questions. Finally, I had one.
“Is this the Rapture that some Christians talk about?”
I put the rods down due to phone calls. After I was finished with phone business, I hung up and made the decision to talk to another spirit. I thought that Mercy was the best choice to answer my inquiries.
“Mercy, will you talk to me? Are you here?”
The rods immediately responded by opening wide.
“Thank you, Mercy. Have you been listening to Deborah?”
“Is everything she said correct?”
I decided to take a stab in the dark. “Is this about hell and where evil people go?”
“All of the spirits have told me that there is no hell. Could it be that there is no hell as we understand it to be?”
“Could it be a very dark place devoid of light and goodness? A place where there is no God?” My friend Abby and her experience with being touched by Father D’Orio had come to mind. Had she experienced hell or a type of hell? I write about Abby’s and my experience in the next chapter.
“Spirits are gathering here and around the world. Is this true?”
“Are evil spirits also gathering around the world?”
“Is there going to be a war?”
“Is this war going to take place between evil and good? Are the spirits going to be part of this war?”
“Is this war going to last for seven years?” I guessed seven years because that is what the Bible prophesy states.
“Do you know when it will start?”
“I want to ask some question about religion. Will you answer them for me?”
“Did God ever break his covenant with the Jewish people?”
“Does he have a new covenant with Christian people?”
I ran down a list of world religions and then came to a surprising bit of information. It had to do with the American Indians from the Great Plains states. This is how the conversation went.
“Mercy, does God have a covenant with the American Indians?”
“Did God give them the White Buffalo Woman?”
“Well, it seems that God appears to many people in many ways,” I said to myself.
I thought a lot about the material in this chapter. If what the spirits tell me is true, I believe that we are headed toward what has been prophesied for millennia: the end of life on this planet as we know it. If this is the case, I certainly hope that it becomes a kinder and better world.
I spent a fair amount of time wondering if I should delete this chapter, but after much contemplation I decided to keep it in the book. It is what it is. I thought about my last reincarnation and decided that maybe I mocked God or denied my faith and that is why I am here now—to right that wrong. That made my final decision for me.