This is my story. It is not fiction but an interwoven true story of my struggle to build a business, the saint and spirits that helped me do so, and the supernatural events that led to the path that I would eventually follow. As a story, it has narrative themes that are intertwined but sometimes distinct.
My story begins with the unlikely event of my purchase of an old, dilapidated house built in 1754. The renovations not only became difficult but included uncanny if not miraculous events that continue to happen to this day.
As the business took hold, I learned that twelve spirits occupied the home. As word spread through the media, I began to finally accept the reality of what I had purchased and restored. Little did I know that doors were opening to me thanks to the help of those who had already left this world. Since my business began, I have hosted guests from every continent and from all economic backgrounds and belief systems.
Many of my guests have been ghost hunters searching for the world beyond their grasp. They bring their equipment and hope to experience new phenomena. Most are young and this is their current fad. Others are quite serious and hope to prove the existence of life after death.
One day a family arrived for a visit that opened my mind and changed my belief system forever. I learned that I had the ability to communicate with the spirit world. That journey has not ended. It has brought me to conclusions about the afterlife that are detailed in the last half of this book. Where are we headed? Where have we been? What does faith have to do with all of this?
This is only the beginning of the journey. The spirits continue to occupy the home. They entertain our guests, but they are not in charge. There is a higher power that dictates what happens to them, just as it dictates what happens to us.