V. HOBBIT Heritage & History

If we look at the evolution and history of the Hobbit races and the Anglo-Saxon tribes, we see an obvious pattern. The origins of both are lost in the mists of time somewhere beyond a distant and massive eastern range of mountains. The ancestors of both the Hobbits and the Anglo-Saxons migrated across these mountains and eventually settled in a homeland in a fertile river-delta region.

Eventually war and invaders forced the Hobbits to leave their homeland known as the Angle~a wedge of land between the Loudwater and Hoarwell Rivers~and migrate across the Brandywine River into what eventually became known as the Shire of Middle-earth.

Similarly, war and invaders forced the Anglo-Saxons to leave their homeland known as the Angle~a wedge of land between the Schlei River and Flensburg Fjord~and migrate across the English Channel into what eventually became known as the Shires of England. Furthermore, there were three breeds or tribes of Hobbits: Fallohides, Stoors, and Harfoots; which are directly comparable to the three races or tribes of English: Saxons, Angles, and Jutes.

Finally, we find the Hobbit founders of the Shire were the brothers Marcho and Blanco; while the Anglo-Saxon founders of England were the brothers Hengist and Horsa.

MIGRATION from original homeland EAST OF THE ALPINE MOUNTAINS. WEST to a wedge of river-delta land called the ANGLE. Then WEST again to a new homeland called the SHIRES. Founders of the Shires known as HENGIST and HORSA. Original three tribes of Anglo-Saxons: ANGLES, SAXONS, and JUTES.

MIGRATION from original homeland EAST OF THE MISTY MOUNTAINS. WEST to a wedge of river-delta land called the ANGLE. Then WEST again to a new homeland called the SHIRE. Founders of the Shire known as: MARCHO and BLANCO. Original three tribes of Hobbits: FALLOHIDES, STOORS, and HARFOOTS.

Hengist in Old English HORSE (Stallion)
Horsa in Old English HORSE
March in Welsh
Marc in Gaelic
Mearh in Old English

Blanca in Old English
Blakkr in Old Norse

Like the Anglo-Saxon tribes, all Hobbits shared certain characteristics. Just as we have seen how the elements and associations with the word Hobbit went into the shaping of the racial and individual characteristics of Hobbits, so the names Harfoot, Fallohide, and Stoor contributed to the development of Hobbits and their world.

The Harfoot are the smallest and most typical Hobbits: the standard-issue diminutive, brown-skinned, curly-headed, hairy-footed, hole-dwelling Hobbit. Harfoots have always made up the majority of the total Hobbit population. They are extremely conservative in their habits and are the least adventurous of Hobbits, although they are known to have had some commerce with itinerant bands of Dwarves. They delight in the peace and quiet of country life, especially hillsides, farmlands, and pastures. Harfoots are naturally gifted farmers and gardeners.

Harfoot is an excellent and highly descriptive name for this most typical of Hobbits, and originally was applied to all Hobbits. Harfoot is an English surname, derived from an Old English epithet or nickname meaning Hare-foot. This was not an uncommon nickname among Anglo-Saxons and usually meant “fast runner” or “as nimble as a hare.”

This is an accurate enough description of Hobbit behaviour, but it is also meant as an obvious joke: a pun, or play on the words hare and hair.

For, besides being naturally fast and nimble on their feet, Hobbits are also both hare-footed and hair-footed. That is, like the hare, the Hobbit has feet that are both large and hairy.

Harfoot~English surname
Hare-foot–Anglo-Saxon epithet or nickname
Usually means fast runner or nimble as a hare

Harfoot Hare-foot Hair-foot

Succinct description of Hobbits. (That is, small and nimble creatures with large, hairy feet.)

TYPICAL HARFOOT NAMES: Brown and Brownlock are descriptive of the hair and skin colour of Harfoots. Other names such as Sandheaver, Tunnelly, and Burrows suggest the construction of hole-dwelling Harfoot Hobbit homes. Names such as Gardner, Hayward, and Roper tell us of typical Harfoot occupations.

Fallohide is the name of the second strain, or breed, of Hobbits. They are woodland dwellers in origin and the least numerous of the breeds. The most unconventional and adventurous of Hobbits, they are the most likely to consort with Elves. They have the fairest skin and hair of the three, and are
generally taller and thinner than their cousins. The name for the Fallohide breed of Hobbit can be seen in terms of Falo-Hide: Falo as in the Old High German for pale yellow or reddish yellow, that is the colour of a fallow deer; and Hide as in skin or pelt. This interpretation could reasonably be used to describe the fair-haired, pale-skinned Fallohide breed.

Another explanation of Fallohide is suggested from different root words. Fallow-Hide: Fallow as in Old English for “newly ploughed land;” and Hide as in keeping out of sight, hiding away in secret. Hide is also an ancient measurement of land sufficient for a household~about one hundred acres.

It is likely that both interpretations are meant to be applied simultaneously. The second suggests characteristics shared by all Hobbits: a love of newly-tilled land and an uncanny ability to hide away in the landscape, so as to appear almost invisible to Humans. The first gives us the physical clues that differentiate the Fallohides from other Hobbits. Furthermore, with the name Fallohide, one cannot help but think there is something of a playful nature going on with “Follow and Hide,” as in the game of “Hide and Seek.”

Falo~Old High German: pale yellow
Hide~English: skin or pelt

Fallow~Old English: ploughed land
Hide~Old English: measure of land

Hobbitish Joke~Game of Hide and Seek

TYPICAL FALLOHIDE NAMES: The fair-haired Fallohides are suggested by family names such as Fairbairn, Goold, and Goldworthy. Their unconventional and independent nature and their intelligence are suggested by names such as Headstrong and Boffin.

Stoors are the largest and strongest of Hobbits and the most like Humans. They tend to live on river-bottom land and marshes. They are quite un-Hobbit-like in their occasional use of footwear which takes the form of Dwarf boots. Also, much to the amazement of the other Hobbits, some Stoors are actually capable of growing hair upon their faces, though nothing so luxuriant as the beards of Humans and Dwarves.

Stoor appears to be derived from the Middle English stur and the Old English stor meaning hard or strong. This is appropriate in differentiating the larger and stronger Stoor from the shorter Harfoots and the slighter Fallohides.

Stur (Middle English)
Stor (Old English)
Strong (Modern English)

Stoors as a breed of Hobbits are distinctive in their appearance, their habitat, and their occupations. Stoors distinguish themselves among Hobbits by being fearless of water and by being the only breed that even considers the idea of swimming or boating. By being adapted to water and boats, they became wealthy in trading and shipping goods for other Hobbits, and trade with many nations of Men on Middle-earth.

Like all Hobbits, Stoors are hoarders, who never throw anything away. Consequently, the name Stoor is an intentional pun suggestive of this characteristic. These Hobbits “stoor” or “store” goods away. But, more specifically, they are Stoors or Stowers: those who stow or pack away goods, especially on boats. Many of the Stoors are Stowers on boats and warehouses in Bucklebury. Some are ship-chandlers and merchants who also run Stores.

STOOR Stower Store

As pointed out when discussing words associated with Hobbit, there are two types of Hobblers among Hobbits. The Harfoots and Fallohides were associated with the first type of feudal Hobblers or Hobilers~tenant farmers who serve in the voluntary militia in time of war; while the Stoors are associated with river or canal Hobblers~workers who often tow river barges with ropes by walking along the bank or from rowing boats.

TYPICAL STOOR NAMES: Puddifoot is an archetypical Stoorish name for it suggests “puddle-foot” or someone who enjoys splashing around in water. However, as an English surname, it was originally Puddephat (or Pudding Vat, otherwise known as Bulgy Barrel), meaning a man with a fat belly. So we get all the Stoorish images at once: large, fat, big-footed, and water-loving.

Banks appears to be a Stoorish name for Hobbits who liked to live on river banks. Other names like Cotton, Cottar, and Cotman may originally have been Stoorish names in origin because they all mean “Cottager;” and the Stoors were the first Hobbits to emerge from their holes and live in houses.

Three breeds or tribes of Hobbits:

Each race was allied with another people:

Linguistically each borrowed from men:

Each breed was allied with an English tribe:


(* Old English Mearh evolved into the Modern English Mare. On Middle-earth, Mearh was Tolkien’s source of inspiration for the Mearas, that race of white horses of the Riders of the Mark or the March~meaning Borderland.)