Appendix C:
Elements, Timing, Pips, and Court Cards

Elemental Attributions of the Court Cards





Timing and Minor Arcana Associations of the Court Cards

The Thoth Queens refer to the first decan of the cardinal signs and its two adjacent decans. The Queens oversee the birth of each new season. Thoth Princes (Waite’s Kings) correspond to the first decan of the fixed signs and its adjoining decans. The Thoth Knights govern the first decan of the mutable signs and its adjacent decans. For readers who wish to use the cards for timing events, dates are provided in both the tropical and sidereal zodiacs. The Golden Dawn preferred the sidereal zodiac for timing with the tarot.

The tables also include the minor arcana cards associated with each non-Page court card. When a King, Queen, or Knight appears in a reading, the person or situation referred to is likely to be dealing with the themes of the associated minor arcana cards. For example, in Jane’s reading in chapter one, the Queen of Swords appeared in the near-future position. The Queen of Swords rules over the Ten of Pentacles and the Two and Three of Swords. Thus, in the near future, Jane is likely to confront matters related to family security, inheritance, indecision, feeling stalemated, sorrow, and emotional pain due to loss. Her mother died not long after the reading.

In Jake’s Hanged Man reading in chapter eight, the King of Swords appeared in the center of his three-card spread. The King of Swords rules over the Four of Pentacles and the Five and Six of Swords. Thus, Jake’s present circumstances may involve issues of greed, hoarding, dishonor, defeat, a journey, and moving away from troubles. He was facing a trip to prison for illegally collecting his deceased father’s benefits.

The tarot Pages are not included in the tables because the Golden Dawn assigned them to the heavens around the North Pole and thus they cover the four quarters of the Earth as measured eastward around the equator, starting at the longitude of the Great Pyramid of Giza (coordinates: 29°58′33″North, 31°07′49″East).

Tropical versus Sidereal Zodiac in the Early 21st Century



Tropical Zodiac

Sidereal Zodiac



21 March–20 April

14 April–15 May



21 April–21 May

15 May–15 June



22 May–21 June

15 June–16 July



22 June–22 July

16 July–17 August



23 July–23 August

17 August–17 September



24 August–22 September

17 September–17 October



23 September–23 October

17 October–16 November



24 October–22 November

16 November–16 December



23 November–21 December

16 December–14 January



22 December–20 January

14 January–13 February



21 January–18 February

13 February–15 March



19 February–20 March

15 March–14 April

Thoth & Waite Queens
First Decan of the Cardinal Signs plus Flanking Decans

Thoth/Waite Queens (watery)

First Cardinal Decan

Full Range of Attribution:
Last Mutable + first two Cardinal decans
(Associated Minor Cards)

Approximate Dates: Tropical;


Wands (Fire)

0–10 Aries

(Two of Wands)

20 Pisces–20 Aries

(10 of Cups, 2 & 3 of Wands)

11 Mar–10 Apr;

04 Apr–04 May

Cups (Water)

0–10 Cancer

(Two of Cups)

20 Gemini–20 Cancer

(10 of Swords, 2 & 3 of Cups)

12 June–12 Jul;

06 Jul–05 Aug

Swords (Air)

0–10 Libra

(Two of Swords)

20 Virgo–20 Libra

(10 of Pentacles, 2 & 3 of Swords)

13 Sep–13 Oct;

07 Oct–05 Nov

Pentacles (Earth)

0–10 Capricorn

(Two of Pentacles)

20 Sagittarius–20 Capricorn

(10 of Wands, 2 & 3 of Pentacles)

13 Dec–10 Jan;

04 Jan–02 Feb

Thoth Princes (Waite Kings)
First Decan of the Fixed Signs plus Flanking Decans

Thoth Princes/Waite Kings (airy)

Fixed Decan

Full Range of Attribution: Last Cardinal + first two
Fixed decans

(Associated Minor Cards)

Approximate Dates: Tropical;


Wands (Fire)

0–10 Leo

(Five of Wands)

20 Cancer–20 Leo

(4 of Cups, 5 & 6 of Wands)

13 July–12 Aug;

06 Aug–05 Sep

Cups (Water)

0–10 Scorpio

(Five of Cups)

20 Libra–20 Scorpio

(4 of Swords, 5 & 6 of Cups)

14 Oct–12 Nov;

06 Nov–05 Dec

Swords (Air)

0–10 Aquarius

(Five of Swords)

20 Capricorn–20 Aquarius

(4 of Pentacles, 5 & 6 of Swords)

11 Jan–08 Feb;

03 Feb–04 Mar

Pentacles (Earth)

0–10 Taurus

(Five of Pentacles)

20 Aries–20 Taurus

(4 of Wands, 5 & 6 of Pentacles)

11 Apr–10 May;

05 May–04 Jun

Thoth & Waite Knights
First Decan of the Mutable Signs plus Flanking Decans

Thoth/Waite Knights

Mutable Decan

Full Range of Attribution:

Last Fixed + first two Mutable decans

(Associated Minor Cards)

Approximate Dates: Tropical; Sidereal

Wands (Fire)

0–10 Sagittarius

(Eight of Wands)

20 Scorpio–20 Sagittarius

(7 of Cups, 8 & 9 of Wands)

13 Nov–12 Dec; 06 Dec–03 Jan

Cups (Water)

0–10 Pisces

(Eight of Cups)

20 Aquarius–20 Pisces

(7 of Swords, 8 & 9 of Cups)

09 Feb–10 Mar;

05 Mar–04 Apr

Swords (Air)

0–10 Gemini

(Eight of Swords)

20 Taurus–20 Gemini

(7 of Pentacles, 8 & 9 of Swords)

11 May–11 Jun;

05 Jun–05 Jul

Pentacles (Earth)

0–10 Virgo

(Eight of Pentacles)

20 Leo–20 Virgo

(7 of Wands, 8 & 9 of Pentacles)

13 Aug–12 Sep;

06 Sep–06 Oct
