Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem 236
actively open-minded thinking 5, 97, 113, 268
advertising 146–7
Air France 249–50
Alvesson, Mats 240, 241, 242, 243, 250
American Judges Association 136
American Psychological Association 27, 35
analytical intelligence 28–9
Ang, Soon 32–3
Aquinas, Thomas 100
Aristotle 92
in group dynamics 230–3
aviation industry 80–1
Baddeley, Alan 193–4
Baehr, Jason 100, 208–9
Ball, Lucille 18
bias blind spot
link to level of intelligence 3, 4, 45–6, 47
and expertise 75
and evidence-based wisdom 94
definition of 265
bias cascade 78–9
Binet, Alfred 14–15, 36
Bjork, Elizabeth 194, 196–7, 210
Bjork, Robert 194, 196–7, 210
Blakely, Sara 180
Bock, Laszlo 186–7
Bradbury, Norris 17
brain structure 21
Brooks, Herb 230
Bruine de Bruin, Wändi 48–9, 126, 128
Brummelman, Eddie 180
Center for Catastrophic Risk Management (CCRM) 252
Center for Practical Wisdom (University of Chicago) 5, 93, 263
Centers for Disease Control 145–6
Challenger disaster 247–8, 251
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan 72
Chanel, Coco 122
Choi, Jungkiu 235–6
cognitive bias 42, 46
cognitive miserliness 51, 170, 248, 265
cognitive reflection
test for 4–5
and lies 148–54
Cognitive Reflection Test 152
Colbert, Stephen 141
collective intelligence 218–22, 268
collective mindfulness 254–5
Columbia disaster 247, 251
Comprehensive Assessment of Rational Thinking 46–7
Conan Doyle, Arthur 2, 38–40, 41–2, 44, 51–2, 56–8
Conan Doyle, Jean 38, 39, 56–7
confirmation bias see myside bias 52–6
conspiracy theories 160–1
contaminated mindware 46, 265
Cook, John 147–8, 153
counterfactual thinking 34–5
Cottingley fairies 51–2, 57
creative intelligence 28, 29, 30, 34
Croskerry, Pat 135–6
Cuban missile crisis 102
cultural intelligence 32–3
and Richard Feynman 167–9, 181–2, 185, 188–9
and evidence-based wisdom 169–70
and Charles Darwin 170–1, 186
and neuroscience 171–2
and intelligence 172–4, 182–7
in children 174–6, 186–7
and growth mind-set 176–81, 185–6
and learning autonomy 187–9
Damasio, Antonio 118–20
Dancing Naked in the Mind Field (Mullis) 60
Daoud, Ouhnane 67, 79
Darwin, Charles 40, 170–1, 186
de Bono, Edward, 4
de Groot, Adriaan 72–4
Debunking Handbook, The (Cook and Lewandsky) 153
Deepwater Horizon 238–40, 251–2, 259–60
deliberate difficulties in learning 192–205, 268
Descartes, René 6
Dictionary of Lost Sorrows (Koenig) 130
disconfirmation bias 53
Dixon, John 50
Dror, Itiel 68, 76, 78, 82, 83
dual process theory 43–4
Duckworth, Angela 7
Dunning, David 69
Dunning-Kruger Effect 69–70
Dweck, Carol 176–81, 184, 192, 257
dysrationalia see also rationality
and Arthur Conan Doyle 38–40, 41–2, 44, 51–2, 56–8
research into 42–50
prevalence of 44
Paul Frampton’s story 50–1
examples of 58–62
definition of 265
earned dogmatism 71–2, 265
East Asia
learning systems in 190–1, 197–200, 201–3
Edison, Thomas 61–2
education systems see learning systems
Einstein, Albert 58–9
Einstein’s Mistakes (Ohanian) 59
Eisenhower, Dwight 102
Ellsworth, Oliver 90
emotion differentiation 124–5
emotional compass 268
emotional intelligence 26–7, 125
emotional regulation 127–32
in self-reflection 116–21
and neuroscience 117–21
role in decision-making 122–5
and mindfulness 127–9
regulation of 127–31
and expertise 132–7
and truthiness 140–7
in group dynamics 220
Engel, Susan 174–6
entrenchment 265
epistemic accuracy 268
epistemic curiosity 268
Essig, Mark 62
Everest expeditions 230–3
evidence-based wisdom
emergence of 5
history of 5–6
and Benjamin Franklin 89–92, 94, 98–101, 109, 114
definitions of 92
research into 92–8
and Igor Grossmann 93–8, 103, 104, 106–7, 108, 110–13
and intelligence 96–7
in political negotiations 102–3
and Solomon’s Paradox 103–4, 106
self-distancing in 104–6
and Socrates Effect 106–7
and Michael Story 107–10
cultural differences 110–13
and curiosity 169–70
at Intellectual Virtues Academy 208–12
Brandon Mayfield’s story 65–7, 76–80, 82–4
reasons for errors 67–8
overconfidence of 68–72
Dunning-Kruger Effect 69–70
earned dogmatism 71–2
and neuroscience 72–5
bias blind spot in 75
and rationality 75–80
and safety procedures 80–1
under conditions of uncertainty 81–2
and forensic science 82–4
self-reflection in 132–7
group dynamics in 222–30
Eysenck, Hans 59–60
and Deepwater Horizon 238–40, 251–2, 259–60
functional stupidity in 240–3
avoidance of 244–5
common patterns to threats of 245–51
and outcome bias 247–51
unconscious mind in 252–3
strategies for avoiding 253–7
collective mindfulness in 254–5
and Three Mile Island 257–9
fake news 139, 151
FBI 65–7, 76–80
Feldman, David Henry 22
Feldman Barrett, Lisa 122–4, 126, 130
Feynman, Richard 167–9, 181–2, 185, 188–9, 247
Finkel, Eli 106
Fischer, Scott 230–2
Fisher, Matthew 70–1
fixed mind-set 266
Flynn Effect 23–6, 261–2
Flynn, James 23, 24, 27, 33, 261
forensic science 82–4
Frampton, Paul 2, 50–1, 67
Franklin, Benjamin 89–92, 94, 98–101, 109, 114, 116, 185–6, 204, 269
Friend, Tad 186
functional stupidity 240–3, 266
Galinsky, Adam 226–7, 232–3
Galton, Francis 217
Gardner, Howard 27
and group dynamics 221
Gino, Francesca 130–1
Gleick, James 169
Good Judgment Project 107–10
Graduate Record Examinations (GREs) 19–20
Griffiths, Frances 51–2, 57
Grimsley, Sean 239
Grossmann, Igor 93–8, 103, 104, 106–7, 108, 110–13, 116, 127, 185, 210
group dynamics
in sport 215–17
and wisdom of the crowd 217–18
collective intelligence test in 218–22
and intelligence 219–20
and expertise 222–30
and too-much-talent effect 222–30
attitudes to authority in 230–3
strategies for changing 233–7
leadership qualities in 234–7
functional stupidity in 240–3
common patterns to failure in 245–51
unconscious mind in 252–3
growth mind-set 176–81, 185–6, 268–9
Groysberg, Boris 224
Gui Xue 45
Hafenbrack, Andrew 127–8
Hall, Rob 230–2
Herbert, Ian 229
heuristics 42–3, 46
in group dynamics 230–3
Hildreth, Angus 222–4, 234
Hitler, Adolf 145
hot cognition 106, 266
Houdini, Harry 38–40, 41–2
Human Betterment Foundation 36
Hunter, Natasha 211
Huy, Quy 244
Hyman, Ray 52
Icelandic football team 215–16, 228–9, 237
Improbable Cause (Mayfield) 66, 83–4
information deficit model 147–8
inoculation 153, 154–9
intellectual humility 94–6, 208, 262, 269
Intellectual Virtues Academy 208–12
assumptions about 3, 20
bias blind spot 3, 4
greater vulnerability to mistakes 3–4
Lewis Terman’s research on 11–18, 22–3, 35–7
and brain structure 21
usefulness of measuring 21–3
in professions 22
alternative forms of 26–35
and rationality 41, 43–6, 49–50, 51–2
and confirmation bias 52–6
and motivated reasoning 53–64
and evidence-based wisdom 96–7
and lies 139–40
and curiosity 172–4, 182–7
and group dynamics 219–20
interleaving 194–5
interoception 120–1
and Ray Kroc 115–16, 177, 122, 125
in self-reflection 116–21
and neuroscience 117–21
role in decision-making 122–5
and Lisa Feldman Barrett 122–5, 126
and expertise 132–7
and truthiness 140–7
Iowa Gambling Task 119–20
Lewis Terman’s research on 11–13, 16–17
calculations of 16
tests for in schools 19–20
and Flynn Effect 23–6, 261–2
Isaacson, Walter 62
James, Lebron 105
James, Lilith 17
James, William 8
Janis, Irving 218
learning systems in 190–1, 197–200, 201–3
Jobs, Steve 62
Kac, Mark 168, 182
Kahan, Dan 53–4, 55, 56, 64, 183, 184
Kahneman, Daniel 42, 43, 44
Kasischke, Lou 232
Keio University 121
Kelley, Douglas 17
Kennedy, John F. 102
Keysar, Boaz 131
Koehler, Jonathan 56
Koenig, John 130
Krakauer, Jon 231, 232
Kroc, Ray 115–16, 117, 122, 125
Kross, Ethan 104–6
Kruger, Justin 69
Kusumi, Takashi 111
Langer, Ellen 203, 207–8
learning systems
in East Asia 190–1, 197–200, 201–3
in WEIRD countries 191, 197, 198–9, 200, 201, 202–3
and neuroscience 192–3
deliberate difficulties in 192–205
spacing effect in 193–4, 205–6
interleaving in 194–5
productive failure in 195, 198, 200
suggestions for 205–8
at Intellectual Virtues Academy 208–12
legal profession 136–7
Leighton, Ralph 188–9
Lewandowsky, Stephan 147–8, 153
and “flesh-eating bananas” story 138–9, 140
and intelligence 139–40
and truthiness 140–7
repetition of 144–5
rebuttal of 145–6
and advertising 146–7
and information deficit model 147–8
and cognitive reflection 148–54
inoculation against 153, 154–9
and Michael Shermer 159–62
Linear Sequential Unmasking 83
Lippmann, Walter 36
Lledó, Luis Mélida 79
Lodge, Oliver 40
logical fallacies 156–7
Lord, Charles 99
Lutz, Bob 122
Mamede, Silvia 133–4, 135
Mandela, Nelson 132
Manuelo, Emmanuel 111
Mayfield, Brandon 65–7, 76–80, 82–4
medical profession 133–6, 255
Mein Kampf (Hitler) 145
and neuroscience 191
Mendicino, Arlette 140
Mensa 44
Merkel, Angela 102–3
meta-forgetfulness 71, 266
Miami Heat basketball team 226
Milani, Denise 50–1
mindfulness 127–9, 136, 266, 269
Mindset (Dweck) 176
Minton, Henry 37
“Miracle on Ice” (1980 Winter Olympics) 229–30
misinformation, see lies
consequences of 3–4
greater vulnerability to 3–4
Mnookin, Jennifer 82
Montagnier, Luc 60
Montague, Read 226
moral algebra 99, 101, 269
Morgan, Edward 186
Moses illusion 142–3, 266
Moses, Kenneth 66–7, 68
motivated reasoning 53–64, 267
Mullis, Kary 1–2, 60, 72
multiple intelligences 27, 28
music education 207–8
Mydans, Carl 17
Mydans, Shelley Smith 12, 17–18, 29, 32
myside bias 52–6, 63, 64
Nabokov, Vladimir 131
NASA 247–8, 250–1, 256
Navratilova, Martina 179
and intelligence 21
and expertise 72–5
and emotions 117–21
and memory 191
and learning systems 192–3
Newman, Eryn 141–2, 143–4
Nixon, Richard 102
Nobel Disease 72
Noble, Cari 210
Nokia 244–5
Nusbaum, Howard 93
Office of the Inspector General (OIG) 77–8
Ohanian, Hans 59
Oklahoma State University 32
Oppenheimer, Jess 12, 18, 32
Ottati, Victor 71–2
Ou, Amy Yi 235
outcome bias 247–51
Owens, Bradley 262
Panzer, Fred 145
Pauling, Linus 60
Pennycock, Gordon 46, 148–51, 152
Perkins, David 22, 52–3, 63
Peter principle 267
Pichai, Sundar 236
Porter, Steve 208–9
Porter, Tenelle 184–5
practical intelligence 28, 29–30, 34
pre-mortem 269
Priestley, Joseph 99–100
productive failure 195, 198, 200
pseudo-profound bullshit 267
rationality, see also dysrationalia
belief in spiritualism 38–40
classes of 40
and intelligence 41, 43–6, 49–50, 51–2
rationality quotient 46–50
and expertise 75–80
role of emotions in 122–5
and reflective thinking 125–6
and emotional regulation 127–32
and foreign language effect 131–2
rationality quotient 46–50, 149
Rationality Quotient, The (Stanovich) 58
reflective competence 269
reflective thinking 125–7
repetition of lies 144–5
Roberto, Michael 231
Roberts, Karlene 252–3
Ronaldo, Cristiano 215
Rooks, Darla 250–60
Rowe, Mary Budd 203
Russell, Bertrand 70
Sabatini, Gabriela 179
Sacks, Oliver 196
safety procedures 80–1
Santos, Henri Carlos 97–8
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) 29
Schwarz, Norbert 141–3, 146, 152
self-distancing 104–6, 124
and Ray Kroc 115–16, 177, 122, 125
intuition in 116–25
and reflective thinking 125–7
and mindfulness 127–9
and emotional regulation 127–32
and foreign language effect 131–2
and expertise 132–7
Sherman, Roger 90
Shermer, Michael 63, 159–62
shoshin 71
Simmons, Bill 226
Simon, Théodore 14
Smith, Robert J. 111–12
Socrates 5–6, 94, 98
Socrates Effect 106–7, 269
Solomon’s Paradox 103–4, 106, 267
somatic markers 118–19, 120–1, 123, 133
Sontoku, Nimomiya 197
spacing effect 193–4, 205–6
Sperber, Dan 63, 64
Spicer, André 240–1, 242–3, 250, 256
spillover effect 172
group dynamics in 215–17
too-much-talent effect in 226–30
Stanovich, Keith 40, 44–5, 46, 47, 48, 58, 97, 149
Sternberg, Robert 27–32, 33–5, 93, 262–3
Stigler, James 190–1, 197–9, 200, 210
Stiles, Ezra 114
strategic ignorance 241–2, 267
Stupidity Paradox, The (Alvesson and Spicer) 241
sunk cost fallacy 43
Superforecasting (Tetlock) 110
Sutcliffe, Kathleen 253
Suzuki, Shunryu 71
system 1 thinking 43, 44
system 2 thinking 43, 51, 52
tacit knowledge 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 84
Terman, Fred 37
Terman, Helen 37
Terman, Lewis 11–18, 22–3, 27–8, 35–7, 40
Tesla, Nikola 61
Three Mile Island 257–9
Tiberius, Valerie 92, 263
Tinsley, Catherine 247–9, 250–1, 256
too-much-talent effect 222–30
Toyota 249
Triarchic Theory of Successful Intelligence 27–32, 33–5
“Triumph of Stupidity, The” (Russell) 70
Trump, Donald 69
truthiness 140–7
Tufts University 32
Tuva or Bust (Leighton) 189
Tversky, Amos 42, 43, 44, 126
ultimatum game 128
Vuori, Timo 244
Wall, Kim 216
Wallace, Alfred Russel 40
Weick, Karl 253, 254–5
WEIRD countries 112–13
learning systems in 191, 197, 198–9, 200, 201, 202–3
Westinghouse, George 61
Wheeler, McArthur 69
Williamson, Rohan 81
wisdom of the crowd 217–18
Wonderlic Personnel Test 19
Wooden, John 236–7
Woolley, Anita Williams 218–22, 230
World Economic Forum 263
World Health Organization 148
Wright, Elsie 51–2
Yousafzai, Malala 105
Zander, Benjamin 211