Chapter 4

About an hour earlier, Cory had sent him outdoors, saying he had some personal business to tend to and that he could see Driz was exhausted. At least the latter was completely true. Driz sat, elbows on knees and chin in hands, gazing almost unseeing at the panorama before him while he pondered on his master. Cory had the ability to lurk behind a blank expression totally concealing his feelings. Driz had seen it a lot the past few days. The mage also seemed able to shut out any distraction and give his complete self to a thought, action, or purpose.

Of course, such were attributes of a skilled sorcerer, a magnificent mage, or a proficient wizard. Driz despaired of ever learning equal skills…perhaps with enough time, he might. As badly as he needed the critical answer, he knew better than to ask his burning question tonight. Cory would let him know when he was ready. Still worry and doubt ate at his soul. What if…No, he must not allow negative thoughts lest he bring them to reality.

Instead, he focused on his distant family. Perhaps by now the message he’d sent to Mum had arrived so she knew he had reached his destination and perhaps now pursued his destiny. What were Sandalyn and Dancel doing? Did they miss him?

For a moment, homesickness nearly overcame him. He’d never been so far away. A vague premonition of ill nibbled at him. Although Mum had always avoided all obvious practice of magick, he had to worry about her. What if she’d forgotten and done something really magickal to save a patient? What if the premier’s enforcers somehow sniffed her out? Perhaps, even if he were home, he could not do much to support her in such a case. Still, he could see to the two younger ones in her absence, keep them from being sent to a state orphanage or off to foster families where they’d be hardly more than slaves. Again, he had to turn his thoughts to more positive and hopeful matters.

* * * *

Alone in his workshop, Cory slouched in his favorite chair. Steepling his fingers before him, he pondered his new apprentice. Of course he was not going to turn the lad away. He knew that already, had known it for several days, although he’d made Driz sweat. The way the younger mage applied himself had come as a pleasant surprise and it seemed the latent abilities Cory first sensed were very much a part of his makeup, although disorganized and lacking discipline and control. If the pupil was willing, those could be learned, but no mage could create power and potential where there was none.

Tomorrow he’d tell Driz he could stay, and perhaps in the morning they’d while away a bit of time abed before they started on the day’s work. Despite the fact it had tried Cory’s patience to wait and withhold the first steps of the bonding he knew they both desired, such discipline was as good for him as it was for his pupil. Now, though, he really needed to recharge his energies. Driz was clearly a powerful source for that, a virtual battery of wild magick just waiting to be tapped. A slow smile spread across the wizard’s face. Oh yes, this is going to be good, very, very good.

* * * *

“Are you ready to pack your things?”

Driz came awake with a start at Cory’s words. It took him a beat to process them and then his heart sank to his knees or lower. “P-p-pack?”

Cory laughed. “Got your attention, didn’t I? Relax. That won’t be necessary for a while. We may make a trek or two later on; however, for now, this is your home. How does that sound?”

“Like the best news I’ve heard in…oh, probably since I learned I’d been accepted at the academy. I just hope—” He plowed to a halt, realizing what he was about to say would hardly endear him to his new master. The rest of that thought had run something like I hope I learn more and progress farther from my time here than I did from the decade there.

Before Driz could say anything else utterly foolish or at least completely unwise, Cory leaned forward and silenced him with a smacking kiss. Wet, avid and passionate, the pressure and flavor of Cory’s lips on his wiped out every coherent thought. In a dim corner of his befuddled brain, Driz recognized he’d really never been kissed before, and certainly not by an expert. Cory was an adult, not just another experimenting youngster, as he and his school chum had been during their affair. The mage had clearly done this many times.

Driz was not quite sure how to respond, until his body took charge and he kissed back with equal fervor, if not equal skill. Cory’s nimble tongue slipped along the seam of Driz’s lips and then between them, slick as an otter into a stream, and as agile and quick. When he gasped, which opened his mouth even more to the erotic invasion, the darting thrusts came quicker. Shivers flashed through him, feelings of delight so intense he almost blacked out.

When Driz sensed Cory was about to straighten and break the kiss, he reached up to wrap his right arm around the mage’s neck. Cory intercepted him, trapping Driz’s wrist in strong fingers and lowering his arm back to the bed.

“No, you’re not in charge here, lad. You’re the apprentice, remember?”

Driz growled softly in frustration, but lay still after that. No, he hadn’t exactly forgotten, though since his only real experience was with someone roughly his equal, he didn’t know what to do now.

“I think some new lessons are in order.” Cory spoke in a musing tone, as if talking to himself instead of addressing Driz. He twisted free and rolled away, springing to his feet in a single smooth, continuous move. He pulled a drawer out from beneath the commodious bed to rummage in its depths. “Ah-ha.” With the victorious exclamation, he waved two thick cords in the air.

That was when Driz noticed the niches, knobs, and slots in the elaborately carved headboard, all features he was sure he’d never seen there before. More magic? Before he could do more than wonder, Cory had both his arms in the clasp of one hand. With the other, he whipped the cords around first one wrist and then the other, cinching them firmly, though not painfully tight. Driz watched as his master fixed each cord to the headboard, seeming to weave the dark blue strands into the design, where they bonded at once.

A frisson of mingled fear and anticipation coursed over Driz’s skin. What comes now?

Cory gazed down at him, an expression that blended fondness and appreciation. “You’re wondering what happens now, aren’t you? I promise you won’t be hurt, beyond the sort of pain that excites and stimulates. I feel you must learn submission and obedience in the most basic way.”

Driz opened his mouth to speak, just as Cory snapped his fingers and a silken scarf appeared in his hand. Why had he not done that for the cords? Right now, Driz could make no sense out of his mentor’s actions.

Cory lifted Driz’s head off the pillow, wrapped the scarf to cover his mouth, and knotted it, as far as Driz could tell, using only one hand. How can he possibly…“I might cover your eyes as well in a minute. Why don’t you close them?”

With no conscious effort or direction, Driz felt his lids drift shut. Then he could not seem to open his eyes again. “Mmmfffrrr.” He could not speak, either. Somehow it felt like more than the scarf prevented his speech. Yet he could not sense any spells being cast—nothing to indicate magickal efforts. A tiny part of his consciousness remained alert, almost detached, probing and testing, while the rest of him succumbed at once to the onslaught of sensation.

Cory ran his hands all over Driz’s body, lingering in the sensitive spots—his ears, his nipples, the creases where his legs joined his lower torso. But skipping around the most sensitive areas of all. Driz knew his cock stood stiff and proud, yet Cory honored it with nothing at all. Then some of the touches became moist, slipping slyly up and down, drawing runes and glyphs on Driz’s quivering skin. He tugged against the restraints on his arms. They proved to be adamant, giving not an iota.

There was only one way he might communicate. He tried. ::Please. You’re tormenting me. I give in. You are the master, and I am your slave. Please, though, don’t torture me!::

He could hear the smile in Cory’s reply, silent though it was. ::Good. You finally caught on. Always use the power of your mind, for it’s the most wonderful tool of magic. What would you like, then? I’m not a cruel master or even an unsympathetic one. I’ll listen to at least some of your wishes.::

Driz hesitated. Did he dare ask for release? Perhaps obliquely. ::I wish you to take your pleasure with me as you will. I would like nothing more, though, than to suck your magnificent cock.::

Did Cory hesitate? Did he ponder on this idea?

::Very well, I’ll allow that. I’ll release you now, if you promise not to do anything until I tell you.::

::I hear and I obey.::

Driz forced himself to lie perfectly still as Cory untied the bonds and then, with a hand on his shoulder, lifted him to a sitting pose. The mage untied the scarf. As the soft cloth floated away, Driz opened his eyes.

Cory, nude and aroused, provided a feast for his eyes. For an instant, he wondered again if the wizard’s likeness was real or a disguise. In truth, it mattered not. Cory waited a breath or two while Driz gazed at him. Then he took a step back. This time he spoke in a normal voice.

“Very well. Stand up, move away from the bed, and get to your knees on the rug.”

Driz moved with alacrity. Once he had settled on the rug, Cory stepped in front of him. The mage was tall enough for his prick to jut right in front of Driz’s face. The ruddy head was no more than a breath from Driz’s lips. He licked them, anticipating, while he awaited his instructions.


“I was waiting for your command.”

“Oh. I assume you’ve done this before? If so, let’s see what level of skill you can employ. You’re free to move as you feel impelled.”

Driz lifted his right hand and wrapped his fingers around the shaft to still it, while he leaned forward enough to brush his lips across the tip. He slid his tongue out to lift the sparking drop beading the slit like a diamond on a fold of rose-red satin.

Pausing, he stared with fixed fascination. He’d never seen anything so magnificently male, so imbued with energy and power. Of course, he’d seen penises, large and small, dark and pale, even a few up close and personal. The effect had never been remotely the same. Perhaps because this was Cory’s cock, his master and mentor and perhaps, in time, to be even more. Everything about the mage was magickal, so perhaps it was only natural that his cock should be, too.

Cory settled one hand on the crown of Driz’s head, digging powerful fingers into his scalp. Even though he did not speak, not even in mind speech, Driz knew at once what he wanted. Bending forward, mouth open, he took as much of it as he could, which was not nearly the full length and barely the thickness. He felt like a snake swallowing a rat, as if he’d unhinged his jaws to maximize his mouth’s span, but this meal was unique.

The flavor and texture seemed rare and wondrous. He swirled his tongue around seeking to touch and taste every bit of sleek, warm skin. Cory stood steady at first, then soon began to tremble a bit as Driz continued his lavish efforts and they grew more avid and intense. He began a slow, deep suction, then gradually accelerated to a pace as fast as he could bob his head, finally rocking a bit on his knees.

Cory came suddenly, a fierce burst and several lesser spurts. Although he clutched Driz’s head so hard it hurt, Driz could not mind. He knew Cory needed this support as badly as the release he had just provided. How better to pay for his tutelage? Although he was still hard himself and aching, he could take care of that later if need be. For now, it really didn’t matter.

* * * *

After his climax, Cory stretched, flooded with a sense of well-being and contentment. Ah, it’s good to have a partner, even if he is just an apprentice—for now. In time, perhaps we’ll be equals. Then he cast a fond glance down at Driz and saw he still knelt. “You may stand. You did well.”

When the younger man rose, Cory saw at once that Driz had a problem—an iron-hard erection that needed urgent attention. “Wait. I won’t leave you this way. Get back on the bed.”

Driz returned to the rumpled bed and flopped down on it, his legs dangling off the end.

“No, all the way up, please.”

As Driz scootched back, Cory walked to the foot of the bed and bent forward, resting on his extended arms. Even with no magickal enhancement, the young mage sported a handsome package. Cory took a few moments to admire the firm, round balls dusted lightly with coppery curls, and the darker shaft, clean and symmetrical, standing at rigid attention. Very, very nice.

Then he bent down and swiped his tongue across the quivering tip of Driz’s prick. Driz bucked and gave a muted whimper. That was all the inducement Cory needed. He bent a trifle more and took first the head and then half the swollen shaft into his mouth. The process took less time that he might have wished, for he enjoyed the act immensely. He brought Driz to a powerful ejaculation with a few strong sucks.

The delight and gratitude in his protégé’s expression was all the reward Cory could ask. Something akin to worship shone from the younger man’s eyes. Still, Cory resolved to maintain the upper hand. From his own novice days, he knew a master’s job was to keep the apprentice in his place.

“Up now, get dressed and ready. We’ve a busy day ahead of us. Today your lessons begin in earnest and I’ll not have you sloughing off.”

He turned about and bounded down the stairs, taking them in twos.