Program arguments

Reading in program parameters from the command line at the startup of a program is easy in Rust, just use the method std::env::args(). We can use the function collect() to these parameters into a vector of String, like this:

// code from Chapter 4/code/ 
use std::env; 
fn main() { 
   let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect(); 
   println!("The program's name is: {}", args[0]); 
   for arg in args.iter() { 
         println!("Next argument is: {}", arg) 
   println!("Total arguments supplied: {}", args.len() - 1); 
   for n in 1..args.len() { 
      println!("The {}th argument is {}", n, args[n]); 

Call the program like this:

Here is the output from a real call:

The argument args[0] is the program's name, the next arguments are the command-line parameters. We can iterate through the arguments or access them by index. The argument args.len()- 1 ;gives us the number of parameters.

For more complex parsing with options and flags use the getopts or the docopt crate. To get started there is an example at

In the same way env::vars() returns the operating system environment variables:

let osvars = env::vars(); 
for (key, value) in osvars { 
    println!("{}: {}", key, value); 

This starts with printing out on Windows for example:

    LOGONSERVER: \\MicrosoftAccount