
File paths from the underlying file system are represented by the Path struct, which is created from a string slice containing the full path with Path::new. Suppose hello.txt is an existing file in the current directory; let's write some code to explore it:

// code from Chapter 11/code/ std::path::Path; 
fn main() { 
    let path = Path::new("hello.txt"); 
 let display = path.display(); 
    // test whether path exists: 
    if path.exists() { 
        println!("{} exists", display); 
    else { 
        panic!("This path or file does not exist!"); 
    let file = path.file_name().unwrap();    
let extension = path.extension().unwrap();

let parent_dir = path.parent().unwrap();
println!("This is file {:?} with extension {:?} in folder {:?}", file, extension, parent_dir); // Check if the path is a file: if path.is_file() { println!("{} is a file", display); } // Check if the path is a directory: if path.is_dir() { println!("{} is a directory", display); } }

This code performs the following:

let new_path = path.join("abc").join("def"); 
// Convert the path into a string slice 
match new_path.to_str() { 
        None => panic!("new path is not a valid UTF-8 sequence"), 
        Some(s) => println!("new path is {}", s), 
 new path is hello.txt\abc\def