Thanks to Colonel (Retired) Patricia A. Mance for suggesting the title of this book. It’s perfect!
As always, a big thanks to the talented team at St. Martin’s Paperbacks who took this book from the first draft to the bookstore shelves. Oodles of gratitude to my editors, Holly Ingraham and Hannah Braaten, for being so wonderful to work with. Thanks to Jennie Conway, Nettie Finn, Sarah Melnyck, Paul Hochman, Allison Ziegler, Titi Oluwo, Talia Sherer and the rest of the team at St. Martin’s for all of your work in getting my books into the hands of readers, reviewers, and librarians. Y’all are the best!
Thanks to Danielle Christopher for creating such fun book covers for this series.
Thanks to my agent, Helen Breitwieser, for all you do to advance my writing career.
Thanks to Liz Bemis and April Reed of Spark Creative for your work on my Web site and newsletters.
Thanks to fellow authors D.D. Ayres, Laura Castoro, Angela Cavener, Christie Craig, Cheryl Hathaway, and Angela Hicks for your feedback and friendship. It’s great to have such a wonderful support system!
And finally, thanks to every one of you wonderful readers who chose this book! Enjoy your time with Megan, Brigit, and the gang.