
As they left the compound, Brigit bade her new friends good-bye. Most of them were beta dogs, happy to follow the alpha, who was even bigger and furrier than Brigit. One of the dogs was an omega. When she’d gone to sniff his rear earlier, he’d rolled over onto his back in total submission. He did the same thing now, when she passed him to go out the gate. Have a little pride, would you?

As promised, Megan drove by the place where Brigit had smelled the burgers earlier and bought her one. Brigit hadn’t done anything to earn it. She hadn’t trailed, or scented for drugs, or chased anyone down. These bonus treats, doled out for no reason at all, told Brigit she was loved. She returned the sentiment by licking the grease from Megan’s fingers when Megan held her hands out after tearing the burger into bites. They took care of each other, her and Megan. That’s the way a pack operated, and she and Megan made the best pack ever.