- altar (AWL-tur) —
- a large table in a house of worship, used for religious ceremonies
- cathedral (kuh-THEE-druhl) —
- a large and important church
- corpse (korps) —
- a dead body
- framework (FRAME-wurk) —
- a structure that gives shape or support to something
- makeshift (MAKE-shift) —
- made from things that are available to use for a short time
- minion (MIN-yuhn) —
- a follower of a person
- monk (muhngk) —
- a man who lives apart from society in a religious society according to strict rules
- paranormal (par-uh-NORM-uhl) —
- not able to be explained by scientists
- pew (pyoo) —
- a long, wooden bench that people sit on in a church
- rickety (RIK-i-tee) —
- poorly made and likely to break or collapse
- skyward (SKYE-ward) —
- toward the sky