
Chapter three


The morning came too quickly as I woke with Luthigo staring down at me smugly.

“We’re leaving, my sweet, unless you wish to stay and keep Lucifer company.”

“No, thanks,” I muttered as I stretched my body out in the bed with a yawn flicking off my sheet. I couldn’t wait to get out of here; I needed some fresh air.

I sat up as I recalled last night’s events with embarrassment flooding back into me. “I’m sorry for how I reacted last night...” it probably wasn’t a good idea to fuck and kill your only friend in the galaxy. “I lost control.”

“I quite enjoyed your loss of control....”  Luthigo’s lips pulled up in a smirk.

“Of course, you would, your sadistic.” My cheeks flushed as I looked towards the bathroom, avoiding eye contact. I didn’t want to imagine the way his body had felt flush against mine, the way his lips had felt on my skin.

“I’ll meet you in the courtyard in ten. Lucifer wants us on our way as soon as possible.”

Before long, I was showered and dressed in a tight long-sleeved, olive green dress with tan ass-kicking boots that laced up past the ankles; the dress only showed skin from the mid-thighs down but clung in all the right places. I brushed my hair and braided it in one long braid. If I look good, I’ll feel good. I nodded to my reflection in the mirror before leaving my room and heading towards the courtyard.

I felt lighter today. I had a spring in my step as I paced toward the front door of the house, letting myself lose control last night if only briefly seemed to make the future look a bit brighter.

Luthigo stood glaring at Lucifer’s marble statue in the courtyard as I closed the door behind me. He turned around, startled from his thoughts. His eyes roamed from my head to heel as a smirk filled his lips.

“I can see you’re feeling much brighter today.” Luthigo’s black eyes danced with wicked humor.

“I can see your mouth still spills shit every time you open it,” I remarked sweetly.

“My mouth is capable of many clever things... I’m sure last night hasn’t escaped your small brain’s thoughts just yet....”

I narrowed my eyes in his direction. “What happened last night? I mumbled, scratching my head for enthusiasm. “Couldn’t have been anything of interest... my small brain would remember that.”

“What can’t your small brain remember?” Casteel’s voice came as he paced around the marble statue carrying a big duffle bag.

I rolled my eyes as Luthigo snickered. I followed behind Luthigo and Casteel through the fire-lit tunnels until we came to a large black sleek ship with silver trims reflecting the rocky cave. I looked up to the slither of sunlight cascading down; it hadn’t occurred to me just how deep we were under the earth’s crust.

Luthigo placed his palm on the stainless steel, and holograms swirled to life on its body; a door hushed open as stairs fell to the rocky floor effortlessly, the inside was decorated the same as Lucifer’s castle. Nothing but flash chandeliers, golden trims, and sleek white panels, the occasional portrait of Lucifer hung from a wall just in case anyone forgot whose ship this was, classic.  I peered at the golden eyes so alive in the painting, and a cold chill ran down my spine.

Luthigo led Casteel and me to a short hall lined with three doors, all of which were bedrooms.  Casteel entered the first, carrying his giant duffle bag through, and I took the second while Luthigo took the last.

The bedrooms were huge, filled with a giant four-post oak bed with golden silk sheets, a diamond chandelier hung from above while an en suite sat to the side, complete with a jacuzzi bath and a stone shower. Nothing but the best for Lucifer, I suppose. I still couldn’t believe that none of this existed a couple of months ago, the person I am now didn’t exist, the creature and beings I’ve seen didn’t exist, how quickly life can change. I ran my fingers over the soft silk sheets. A few months ago, I had never even felt silk against my skin.

After I had acquainted myself with the room, I headed for the common area. Luthigo let me know he was going to get our coordinates and get us moving. I lounged back on the cream leather sofa, placing my ass-kicking boots on the golden coffee table as I felt the ship take off; this ship was like a luxurious apartment. I looked at the intricate Persian rug worth more than my life that lay on the floor in colors of red and black.  

I could get used to this.

“Please, make yourself comfortable.” Casteel’s head tilted to the side with a smirk as he entered the room.

Maybe, I thought too soon. I narrowed my eyes in his direction; his tight tan shirt and khaki pants outlined the fact that he was in impeccable shape. He must work out a lot. “I am,” I replied flatly as I stretched my arm across the back of the couch.

Casteel lounged on the other end of the sofa, stretching his arm out in my direction.

“So, you defeated the ruthless king Kronos?”

“I did.” My mind recalled how I cut off Kronos’s cock and jammed it down his throat with the hilt of my blade, the memory making me a tad nauseous.

“Why are you working with Lucifer to find out who your mother is? Is your throne not more important?” Casteel’s voice was a curious hum.

My jaw clenched at the question. “My throne can wait,” I said bluntly as I thought of all the ways I would bleed Nathanial out. I needed to find my origin, the key part of the information that made me who I am, what I am, my people knew how to survive.

“If you say so... I mean, what harm could come with Padma’s son now having a Zinnerian army?” Casteel’s voice dripped in sarcasm.

I narrowed my eyes in Casteel’s direction. “Nathanial won’t live long enough to use my army.”  I would make sure of it.

We were doing a collection of nine beings; it wouldn’t take us too long, I told myself; collect the beings, find the information about my mother, get my throne back, easy.

And why are you here, Casteel? What are you getting from this?”

Casteel’s green eyes darkened as he stared towards the corridor. “My people’s safety...” he hushed.

“Safety from what?” I questioned. Perhaps his world was filled with monsters more dangerous than Zinneria.

“From Padma.  I don’t want my people involved in the great war that is prophesized. Too many lives were lost last time; they are still trying to rebuild their population.” Casteel’s gaze returned to mine. “We are not able to breed often, and it is important that our numbers continue to rise.”

“You’re the ruler of the underworld on your planet, aren’t you? A dark lord? What is your planet called?” I couldn’t recall ever hearing it in the conversation at dinner.

Casteel’s pointed teeth came to life as he smiled. “I am the dark lord of planet Lyscoshia, yes.”  

I tapped my fingers on the cream leather couch. “Yet you wish to spare your people from the war?”

“Just because I am of the underworld does not mean I wish for my people to suffer, Elisse.”  Casteel’s words felt like razors against my skin.

“I didn’t mean it like that....” I back peddled mentally. “I meant, why is your king or queen of Lyscoshia not here to bargain with Lucifer? Why are you getting involved?”

“King Skoldo has no knowledge of my existence except that of myth from the war thousands of years ago. Lyscoshia is different compared to your planet Zinneria. I am a myth to my people... much like Lucifer, I suppose on earth.” Casteel’s pointed teeth flashed in a white smile. “I’m nothing but the bogeyman you tell naughty Lycan children.”

“You are the bogeyman in general,” Luthigo muttered in distaste as he entered the room with a square see-through frame with holographs that swirled. “We will reach planet Asos in the next twenty-four hours.” Luthigo dropped the frame to the floor, and holograms of two beings came to life in 3D. “Katar and Ceilo, here are our targets.”

Luthigo motioned to the beings that appeared in the hologram. Katar and Ceilo looked quite human except for the fact they had three eyes, the third directly in the middle of their foreheads; they both had long dark hair and appeared feminine with breasts, although I couldn’t be entirely sure as they were covered by the clothes they wore, the looked dressed for cold weather as thick layers covered them. “These two are sisters; hopefully, we’ll get lucky, and they will be in close proximity to one another.”

“Delightful.” Casteel grinned. “I do love a pair of naughty sisters.” He clasped his hands together, bringing them behind his head.

“Yes, your personality must truly woo them,” Luthigo said flatly as he picked up the steel frame from the ground.

“Tell me, Luthigo, does your cock throb from being so alone for centuries?” Casteel’s voice was teasing in tone.

“My cock is none of your concern, Casteel.” Luthigo spat Casteel’s name as if it was poison.

“Have you been alone for centuries?” my brain puzzled as I took in Luthigo’s looks, his dark hair and black eyes with his strong lean body; surely that couldn’t be true.

Casteel giggled as Luthigo glared at him.  “No, Elisse, I just don’t need to gloat and parade my affections for entertainment to others.” Luthigo stared at Casteel accusingly. There was history there below the surface; it’s probably best to leave it buried and not pry while traveling together. Luthigo was calm and controlled, but I had seen what he could do, the monster he could become.

Before long, Luthigo led us to the kitchen, which, to be honest, wasn’t much, considering there were no expenses spared anywhere else on the ship. I guess a dining room wasn’t high on priorities for Lucifer.

The dining room consisted of a small dark green room with a fridge that stretched the length of a wall filled with what looked like every type of liquor on earth. A small chandelier hung above a square white table with matching themed chairs. In my opinion, the room was rather bare, with no oven or microwave, nor bench space. Luthigo placed his hand on a pad in the center of the table, and hot meals appeared as well as cutlery. The smell of roast chicken wafted throughout the room.

I flung the fridge door open, my curiosity getting the best of me.  I skimmed my fingers along the bottles of chilled spirits, my finger collecting the condensation until I found it.

“Please tell me you two have tried tequila?” I questioned out loud, turning to look at Casteel and Luthigo.

Prior to Melissa’s foster home, I had been placed in Sarah’s care for a brief period. The old woman had been a former nun and had reveled in the opportunity of taking two other girls and me from the system.  Jenna and Kira had been older than me at the time, and one of our last memories together had included a bottle of tequila and a house party while Sarah had been out. I hoped those two girls were doing well now. I looked at the bottle of clear liquid between my fingers before glaring back at the two men.

I received questioning stares as I placed the chilled bottle on the table. I sat down opposite them, taking in the meal before me. I picked at my meal with my fork prying the chicken leg apart, before stabbing into a roasted potato—everything seemed tasteless; I pushed my plate to the side.

“I need a drink,” I mumbled.  

I was internally battling the thought that what I was doing was selfish, me doing this debt collection was wrong, I should be slitting Nathanial’s throat, claiming my kingdom, seeing to my people, firing that asshole strata I sighed. I reminded myself that it was just a week, and a week would be life-changing to me. My people knew how to survive, Luthigo had said, and he hadn’t led me astray so far.

I manifested three glasses filled with ice before me. Casteel’s eyes seemed to widen as he watched; it made me think of the magicians I had seen on tv as a child. I wondered if maybe they had learned to manifest; perhaps some weren’t human at all.

I poured us all a drink and lifted mine in a salute to both men. I sipped, savoring the warmth that stung the back of my throat, enjoy the little things I told myself, and this tequila would be one of them.

Luthigo piled up the plates to the side, picking up the glass tumbler and swirling while Casteel picked up his glass and chugged it as a shot.

“Woo.” Casteel grinned his sharp-toothed smile. “It packs a punch.”

Luthigo groaned as he finished his approvingly; I knew it was right up his alley after tasting the cinnamon liquor he favored so much. Casteel picked up the tumbler handing it to me in a gesture for another. His fingertips brushed mine as I felt an electric shock shoot its way up my arm and to my head.

“NO!”  Luthigo growled in Casteel’s direction slamming his glass down.

I pulled my hand back instantly, remembering what Luthigo had said... how Casteel could make anyone he touched feel or do whatever he desired; whatever it is, he... what was I thinking again? I looked up into Casteel’s bright green eyes as they shone so vibrantly; he was so handsome, his sharp teeth only adding to the allure. I wondered what they’d feel like to touch.

What did you do, Casteel?!”  Luthigo’s voice was dangerously low.

“Relax, Luthigo, it’s harmless fun.” Casteel’s voice lingered like candy in the room as he poured us all another tequila.

How had I never realized how attractive Casteel was? I touched my chest, rubbing back and forth. Why did I suddenly ache to touch him so badly? What was this feeling I was feeling?   A clouded thought popped into my mind that something was wrong, a festering thought that bubbled just below the surface.

Casteel’s eyes locked onto mine. “It’s harmless fun, isn’t it, Elisse?” He smiled casually.

The thought dissipated as a smile filled my lips, it was just harmless fun, and I wanted to touch him; my hands seemed to ache for Casteel. I stood up, making my way around the table sitting in Casteel’s lap. The urge was so strong, I needed to be close to him. His hard body felt so good against mine as I ran my hands up and down his chest. My skin-tight green dress seemed to be entirely too tight as Casteel’s hand came to my hip, his thumb making little circles; it felt like heaven to have him touching me, have the smell of his scent on me.

Luthigo’s growl filled the room. “Stop it. “

“Why?” Casteel grinned boyishly, “we’re having fun.” Casteel handed me the glass of tequila that I downed happily; this felt good; This felt right, and I was exactly where I needed to be, close to Casteel, enjoying myself with not a care in the world; this is what had been missing in my life.

Luthigo stood, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me off Casteel; my chest felt heavy instantly. I didn’t want to leave Casteel. I wanted to stay with him; why were we leaving? The feeling in my chest intensified like a heavy weight. I couldn’t leave his side.

“I want to stay with Casteel,” I protested, trying to pull my arm from Luthigo’s iron grip.

“No, you don’t, Elisse.”  Luthigo swung me up and over his shoulder, turning back around to grab the tequila from the table.

“You are no fun, Luthigo,” Casteel said with a roll of his eyes.

Now I was mad, so very mad, who did Luthigo think he was manhandling me. Rage poured through me, stirring my dragon, making me feel alive. My senses heightened, my dragon. Ragna loved rage; he swirled through me, staring through my eyes. I felt his presence fill me, possess me.  My dragon markings that were seared into my skin became hot— filling with fire.

I growled throughout the room, but it wasn’t my growl. It was Ragna’s.

“Elisse... calm down,” but it was too late.

I thrashed, throwing my body weight around until Luthigo and I came crashing to the ground; I squirmed, kicking him off me as I came to stand in front of Luthigo, who was already on his feet. His black eyes seemed to beg for something. What was he looking at me like that for, and who did he think he was, telling me I couldn’t stay with Casteel?

My dragon whispered internally, begging me to take my fill.

“He’d be so tasty,” Ragna hushed, “he wouldn’t miss an arm, he wouldn’t miss a tiny bit of flesh, take him, show him your strength.”

Ragna hated Luthigo and wanted nothing more than to tear his flesh apart and feel it between his teeth, our teeth.  I would feel that way, too, if I was Ragna; considering their past, I tried to filter my thoughts, but my dragon had already decided for me.

He thinks he’s our ruler. Let’s make him bleed.

I dove into Luthigo, bringing my fist down into his face. His head hit the ground hard as he groaned, grabbing the front of my dress and throwing me to the side. The movement ripped part of my dress and exposed my chest. Luthigo manifested himself to the other side of the room in an instant.

ELISSE, ENOUGH!”  Luthigo yelled in a tone I had never heard from his mouth. He was dangerously angry, but so was I, so was Ragna.

“What have you not told me, Luthigo?” Casteel’s bright green eyes lingered on my chest before flicking back to Luthigo.

“Oh, now you want to listen to me?!” Luthigo barked.

I looked at Casteel’s bright green eyes and remembered his touch to my hand, my heart still racing with pent-up rage. The thoughts of wanting him and sitting on his lap. Ragna’s growl lingered on my lips as it echoed the room; this me and Ragna could agree on as I manifested my curved knives in my hand.

We eats? Ragna breathed in question.

We eats just a little... I thought.

I darted for Casteel as he pushed his chair back a second too slow. I curved the knife up his chest taking a slither of flesh with his shirt. Casteel yelled as he grabbed me by the hair, his hand finding my cheek.  I felt him try to infiltrate me with his thoughts and desires, which I’m sure consisted of not eating him, but with Ragna, with me, it was of no use; it just made me fucking angrier. Piece of shit.

I felt Casteel’s energy shift as he held me at arm’s length, like a shiver that ran throughout his body. He morphed into some sort of human werewolf form, his face taking on that of a wolf’s as his lips pulled back in a deadly snarl. I stared, momentarily stunned by the transformation locking eyes with his large canines.

How ugly... Ragna hissed.

ELISSE, GET CONTROL!!”  Luthigo pulled me by what was left of my dress, flinging me to the side out of the reach of Casteel’s teeth.

Control... get control? Control Elisse, what am I doing? I closed my eyes as Ragna growled internally— fighting me. The growl lingered on my lips out loud as I went to my meditation place, to that quiet place where I centered myself shutting off Ragna. Breathe in, breathe out.

Ragna slowly receded into the abyss within me. I slowed my breathing controlling each one steadily; my chest burned with pain as the dragon markings slowly dulled; I always hated that part. It had taken a lot of practice to get to where it was tolerable now. The familiar feeling of my flesh burning took some time to get used to. I brought the quiet place out throughout my body.

I opened my eyes to see Luthigo and Casteel staring in my direction.

“I have trained you better than to lose control, Elisse!”  Luthigo’s words stung like a harsh slap.

I looked at Casteel, who had shaken himself, morphing back into his human form. His shirt was ripped in two as blood slowly dripped down his torso; it healed itself slowly before my eyes. I stared, mouth gaping. I had never seen anything like it; the skin seems to pull itself back together as one. A Lycan Luthigo had called him; I wished I could heal like that. Instead, I had thick pink scars that remained on my body. How peaceful it would be to have none, to look in the mirror and your body not be a reminder of your past.

Why does she have the dragon markings?”  Casteel’s voice dripped in dramatic shock; his hands tousled through his hair before dragging down his face.

“Go to your room, Elisse!”  Luthigo snapped.

I headed for my room with my head down. I had lost control for the second night in a row.  I really didn’t need to make this a habit; I thought as I clicked my door shut. I headed for the shower removing my tattered dress and boots. The scalding hot water welcomed me as I tried to clear my thoughts.

Why was I acting like this? My self-control was so feeble?  I laid my head against the shower wall and let the water scorch my back. It had to have something to do with coming back from the dead; I mean, my manifestation had been slow, it hadn’t been instant, a delayed second or two, but that’s all that was needed for an enemy to get the killing strike.

I picked up the soap from the tiled shelf and began scrubbing myself. My manifestation was instant now; maybe my body had to get used to itself again, like my emotions and self-control. I sighed. I just needed time; I needed to remain in control and not rage so quickly; it gave Ragna too much power when I lost control of my anger, like flinging open the door in my mind with a giant neon sign welcoming him in. I turned the water off and stepped out.

I dried off and manifested a large, oversized t-shirt for bed. I tried to tell myself that it was ok, that everything would be all right. I was just struggling with control a bit since being brought back from the dead, which would totally be normal; it would be fine in time.

I slipped under the silk sheets and turned on my side to turn off the lamp when Luthigo materialized in my room, startling the shit out of me; my heart pounded in my chest with the sudden shock.

“Have you heard of knocking?” I quizzed, pulling my hand back to my chest.

Luthigo’s lips pulled up in a smirk. “You know me better than that by now, my sweet.”

He sat down on my bed, manifesting two glasses with ice. He poured me a drink, and I couldn’t be happier to finally get a drink I could enjoy.

“Thank you,” I muttered.

“Elisse, you were careless tonight....” Luthigo’s tone was gentle, which made my self-inflicted embarrassment at my actions hurt all the more.

“I’m sorry for attacking you....” I didn’t know how to apologize any better than that, so I embraced the harsh burn of the tequila; I didn’t need him kicking my ass any more than I already was.

“I can deal with that....”  Luthigo’s lips kicked up in a smirk. “But Casteel knows of your dragon marks now, and I don’t trust him... there are a lot of evil beings who will pay a high price for that dragon, Elisse... not only that, but if Lucifer found out, I kept this sort of information from him...” he sipped his glass, not going into further detail. “In short, my sweet, we have a problem....”

I recalled Luthigo telling me about how he had once captured Ragna by killing his host. Just before the death, Ragna had come through to this realm in order to save the host. A dragon can be bound by magic, taken, enslaved in this realm until its soul bonded again. It was by pure coincidence that Ragna had soul bonded to me when I freed him in Luthigo's kingdom, and I really didn't want to lose my life.

“So, what do we do?” I swigged the last of the tequila, pouring another.

“We kill him,” Luthigo said flatly.

I stared at Luthigo, momentarily stunned by his words. “That seems a little harsh... can’t we just, I don’t know, talk to him?”

“I would prefer death; it leaves little that could go wrong.” Luthigo finished his drink and poured himself another.

I thought about the statement; I mean, Luthigo was right, but it was a life nonetheless, and I had to believe every life mattered in this world, that it was the difference between the light and the dark, besides Nathanial’s life, of course.

Casteel didn’t deserve death for simply knowing something he shouldn’t.

“How would we kill him? He’s a dark lord. I thought dark lords couldn’t be killed?” the image of Casteel bleeding out at dinner with Lucifer resurfaced.

“With creativity, any being can disappear, my sweet, no matter how powerful, we’d just need the right moment.”

I pondered his answer that didn’t make sense, wondering how creative the disappearing would have to be. “Can we just try to talk to him first? Then if that fails, we try your plan?” I sipped the tequila embracing the warmth.

“Fine... we will try it your way first.” He brought his ankle up to rest on his knee as he leaned back on his elbow facing me.

“Why didn’t you tell Lucifer about my dragon markings?”  The thought lingered in the back of my mind that Lucifer was Luthigo’s master after all, his ruler, why risk it.

Luthigo sighed as his deep black eyes took me in. It should creep me out but looking into the endless depth seemed to calm me. “The dragon markings in your flesh are ancient, dating back to the pagan gods, Elisse. The pagan gods were a threat to the gods we know today, fallen or otherwise. Lucifer fears what he does not understand. I fear he would have killed you, my sweet, for what those marks stand for... you may very well be the last of what was once part of an ancient civilization and their culture.”

I mulled his words over as I let them sink in.

“And now, Casteel holds a theoretical timer for your death,” Luthigo said flatly.

Well, damn, now that it had been said like that, maybe the best course of action was his death, or maybe I’ve just drunk too much, I thought as I looked down at my drink, downing what was left and sitting the glass on the side table.

“Great...” I muttered.

Luthigo finished his drink, sitting the glass next to mine on the table, and his hand came to caress my cheek as I unwillingly pushed into it. What was wrong with me? I mentally scolded myself, pulling back and immediately missing his touch; I really needed to get myself together.

Luthigo smirked, his black eyes like pools I could willingly drown in; he knew the effect he was having on me. “Goodnight, my sweet.” I let my eyes flutter shut and welcomed the abyss that claimed me.

Elisse... I love you. Nathanial’s voice kept echoing through my head. I wanted to scream; I wanted to tear his throat out. My hands clasped my throat, trying to stop the blood from gushing into the sandy floor of the arena.

Elisse... I love you...

I looked at Nathanial’s bright blue eyes that took me in with his sword still angling at my throat.

Elisse... I love you. How could I have been so stupid; how could I have believed those words.

I AM KING.  His voice echoed to the crowd that roared in excitement. I couldn’t breathe. My eyesight was becoming dull as I tried to gasp past the blood. His boot came up to my face in a vicious kick to the ground.

I woke up gasping for breath. How many times was I going to do this, torture myself over that cunt’s actions? My heart was racing in my chest, fuck love, fuck that piece of pure shit. I couldn’t keep doing this to myself; it was torture. I rolled on my side, letting the tears trail down my cheek. I wanted that man’s head on a plate. I wanted his heart in my hand. I closed my eyes once more and prayed to the universe to let me have my revenge.