Harvey’s hand shook so badly, he could barely shut his car off or get the keys out of the ignition. Jay was here. At his house. Harvey had wanted nothing more than to see Jay—to hold him and kiss him—but doubt clouded his joy. What if Jay wasn’t ready for more? What if he rejected Harvey? What if he was still in love with Jack? What if?
Jay stood when Harvey stepped out of the car. God, he made Harvey’s stomach jittery. Jay’s golden-brown hair, warm amber eyes, and full sensual mouth had been hard to resist—even when he’d thought Jay was just the bartender. Their first date had missed disaster by a slim margin.
He’d been empty before Jay. Tired. Going through the motions of living. Even without definitions, having Jay in his life had changed him. He’d sparked a happiness Harvey hadn’t dreamed existed. Yes, he’d had moments in his past where he thought he’d found contentment, but nothing close to what he felt when he held Jay in his arms.
And to think, he’d almost cancelled on Jay before they’d even met.
He closed the distance between them. “Hey. Are you alone tonight or waiting on someone?”“ Harvey said, echoing Jay’s question from the first night at the bar.
“I’m supposed to meet someone.” Jay nervously rubbed his palms against the side of his jeans, the corner of his mouth crooking up in a half-smile. “Blind date. An online thing, but you know how flaky some guys can be.”
Harvey shook his head. Softly, he asked, “What are you looking for? What do you want?”
Jay held out his hand. “I’m tired of fucking around.”
Harvey reached out and slid his palm into Jay’s, relishing the warmth of his lover’s touch. “I’m tired of playing games.”
Jay pulled him close, placing his free hand on Harvey’s cheek. “We’re not good friends.”
“No,” Harvey said. He wrapped his free arm around Jay’s waist. “We’re not.”
The soft press of Jay’s lips made Harvey’s knees buckle. He opened his mouth, savoring the thrust of his lover’s tongue. He shivered as Jay’s hand slid under his T-shirt and slid over his stomach and up to his chest.
Jay moved the kiss to Harvey’s cheek, nuzzling his ear, his teeth grazing the sensitive lobe. “I think we should finish this conversation in the house.”
There was so much he wanted to say to Jay—so much he needed to say—but it could wait. Right now he wanted to make Jay forget that any other man existed.