The order of the gender divisions performing was reversed when the individual posing rounds began, with the female contestants going first. As it turned out, their posing was a varied medley of styles, alternating between high-tempo dance moves and slower, emotional combinations of sound and dramatic muscle.
“Admit it, you’re hooked for life. Right?” Gunnar whispered to Kelly.
She didn’t answer.
The men followed with a preference of slower soulful music that tended to finish with a rising crescendo. It was an awesome sight of living mountains of mass moving and shifting to classical and instrumental New Age music, with some of the men striking poses meant to imitate classical art and sculptures. Following several renditions of the Farnese Hercules and Michelangelo’s David, Brad Holt presented his display of the Dying Gaul, melting to the floor in the final movement of his routine. The fans, in turn, replied to his performance with an uneasy silence. Some murmured unheard comments about the dark irony. But when Holt got up and walked off the stage, he did so with an ambiguous half-smile creasing his lips, as if saying that the old master of the sport rose from the dead again and again.
The individual posing was followed by the all-out war Frank had previously referred to. The men took the stage first. They marched onto the dais single file as they had done for the preliminary rounds.
“Gentlemen,” a voice came over the speaker system. “Pose off!”
The battle was on. All the men hit sudden poses, showing off what they felt was their best body part. Then the lineup disintegrated as the contestants rushed forward to get closer to the judges. This was the time when the bodybuilders struggled to upstage each other by matching a strong point to an opponent’s weakness. A man feeling he had superior biceps would rush up to another man hitting the double-biceps pose and block him with a matching posture. It called for the judges to make an obvious differentiation. If someone had a strong chest with a good pose that might threaten to take the title, an opponent stood next to him and matched him with an awesome back or staggering legs. Whenever too many men crowded together to outdo one another, a smart athlete rushed away from the pack to show a most muscular pose or a double-biceps shot, letting the judges see him unobstructed in his full glory.
The pose-off was supposed to last a full two minutes, but the excitement was undercut several seconds early in a close throng of contestants that built up when Frank decided to fight it out with Brad Holt, matching each other muscle for muscle. What few people noticed was Holt raising his arms into a double-biceps shot and stopping in mid-movement. The dazed look on his face suggested he might not have known where he was or why exactly he was engaged in this strange enterprise. He lowered his arms, and his head swayed forward until his chin touched the top of his cavernous chest. There he seemed to come back into focus, but only long enough to grab at his chest, wipe his forehead with draining effort, then sway forward as his right leg buckled. He came down on one knee, then crumpled to the floor face down.
“What the…?” Gunnar whispered.
As one of the bodybuilders turned a limp Brad Holt face up, three WBBF officials rushed on stage to assess the situation.
“Oh God!” was almost inaudible to the entire crowd as one of the WBBF people gasped upon looking for Holt’s pulse. But “Get the paramedics!” wailed over the ever-growing cacophony of confused noise with unmistakable clarity.
After Frank Jankowsky and Christy Gilmore took the Mr. and Ms. Sun State titles, the spectators’ ongoing disagreement over the mass and definition issue had taken a darker edge.
# # #
But by the time Laura Preston was driving north to the Fleming Institute, a news radio station had announced a strange dehydration death in the cult sport of bodybuilding. Laura guessed they needed some last moment filler material.