Gunnar saw Erika approach, and his pulse quickened. She walked toward his table in Bistro 42 in Marina Del Rey, blowing him away by how little she appeared to have changed over the years they had been apart.

She was six feet tall, exactly, Gunnar remembered well, and of a broad, almost husky build. But she had the proper proportions of the classic beauty, almost artistic in their precision. She looked quite literally statuesque, as if her form had been chiseled out of a block of granite. With high cheekbones, a delicate, pointed chin, and full lips enhanced by red lip-gloss, Erika Lindstad looked like the rendering of some mythical goddess of the hunt by a romantic painter. She looked Wagnerian with her long blonde hair tied back, wide shoulders, and long legs.

Gunnar stood as Erika reached his table. “Erika—” he began.

But she cut in with a soft, “It’s great seeing you again.”

As they embraced briefly, Gunnar was shocked yet again by how little she really had changed since they had started separate lives. Certainly, through her black evening dress, he could tell she was still remarkably muscular, but holding her, he could feel how hard she was. She was bodybuilder hard, competition training hard. Her muscles felt like blocks of smooth, polished stone, sculpted by recent sessions of intense training on the machines and free-weights in the gym.

Of course, eyes had followed her as she walked across the high-toned restaurant.

“It’s been so long,” Gunnar said as they separated.

He thought he sounded as fumbling and awkward as he felt. Of course, it had been so long, he admonished himself as they both stepped back a polite couple of feet, just out of each other’s intimate space. A breakup was supposed to put people well out of each others’ lives, so they didn’t have to see each other again.

At last, they sat down, comfortably positioned in fixed spots to manage all the requisite moments of the reacquaintance ritual. Their waiter showed up immediately and took orders for Scotch on Gunnar’s side and a Chardonnay for Erika. Then they both checked how the other one was doing, what they had been up to, and told each other that it was great they were both doing so well.

“So, have you turned up any information on whether or not your client has a real case of foul play on her hands?” Erika asked and sipped some of her ice water. Her bright blue eyes fixed on Gunnar.

And he had always believed that Erika could intimidate any insecure man with that intense stare far more than her enormous physique.

“I don’t know,” Gunnar said and tasted the Scotch. “I guess I’m just trying to get a handle on some anomalous information I ran across.”

“Anomalous?” Erika said with a sly smile, teasing out the word. “Just what kind of anomalous information are you trying to get a handle on?”

Gunnar’s heart raced again. They had played with words like this when they had been together. She had made a teasing remark at some point about how he had first been hired as a private investigator’s assistant to be brute, hulking muscle and not a deep thinker. As a result, he liked to poke fun at her comment by throwing big words at her to prove he was working on getting cultured.

“How about the President of Operations at the WBBF?” Gunnar said.

Erika’s eyebrows shot up. “She’s involved in this?”

“I got to talk to her today. She tried to make the point that she wasn’t, but there’s something about this whole case that doesn’t feel right.”

“Do you think she’s lying to you?” Along with the sharp focus of a keen mind revealed by Erika’s intense, piercing eyes, she also had the talent of bluntly coming to the point at just the right moment in a conversation.

Gunnar didn’t reply immediately because he wasn’t sure of what the answer was. “Well, unfortunately, I don’t know that either. But, at the same time, there are a couple of little things that still bother me.”

“Like what?”

But Gunnar had to delay in answering. Their waiter was back to take the orders.

“So what’s bothering you about the case?” Erika pressed once the waiter was gone.

“Let’s just say it’s the extent and nature of Holt’s involvement with the WBBF.”

“Oh? Now the elaboration, please.”

Gunnar chuckled. “You know how Holt had a…I guess the generous way of saying it is an independent production company.”

Girls Caught in the Buff,” Erika said with a rueful smile. “Yes, I’ve heard about that.”

“Well, I’ve got some discrepant information about a possible business deal between Brad and the WBBF.”

“You mean you think this is what, uh…. What’s that woman’s name?”


“Preston!” Erika cut Gunnar off. “Right? Laura Preston.”

“Keeping up with the comings and goings on the competition scene?”

Erika shrugged. “Maybe I am. I like to know what’s going on in the ‘sport of the future,’ as Bob Holbrook likes to boast in his magazines.”

“I suppose we’ll see about the sport of the future. But now that you bring this up, I did want to comment. You look, and feel, fantastic.”

Erika flashed an evasive smile. “Oh, we’ll talk about that later, but let’s get back to the point for now. What about Laura Preston and the WBBF doing business with Brad Holt?”

Gunnar didn’t want to get back on track. He wanted to let his eyes graze over the ample blocks of her pectoral muscles bulging above the cups of her dress. He wanted to run his tongue down that canyon between her muscles just as he had done years ago. He wanted to kiss the solid little bunches of her abdominal muscles as he kept going down.

Nonetheless, he filled her in on what he’d found out about Mitzy Starr and a supposed co-production of WBBF Fitness Beauties Caught in the Buff.

“Yes, it does sound peculiar,” Erika said after hearing Gunnar out about his problems with Mitzy’s poster.

“However…,” Gunnar added, hearing the incomplete thought in her voice. But he did know what Erika was likely to say. It was only logical.

“Laura could be right, you know.”

Gunnar sipped some Scotch to ease the sting of frustration he felt coming on. “Yes, she could.”

“I mean, just talk me through the problem you’re having with this. You think Holt was getting ready to do some sort of a porno fitness video, and the poster he made for Mitzy Starr is proof. Except Laura is in charge of the WBBF. She would have the ultimate say so in this, and everything you know about her tells you she would never allow such a thing. But somehow, Holt was able to force this on the WBBF, and now Laura is lying about it.”

“It sounds weak, I know.”

“Maybe not, but extremely circumstantial.”

“It sounds weak.”

“Look, if you think this through, the implications are big, although the proof is nonexistent. You’re saying that Brad Holt had the power to dictate WBBF policy to the president of operations. Now somehow Holt winds up dead—naturally, it’s quite convenient for Laura—and she lies about it to make the entire problem disappear, to erase any suggestion of Holt’s hold over her.”

“Exactly,” Gunnar said quietly.

“So that leads us to the final question.”

“Did Laura hasten Brad Holt’s demise?”

Neither of them said a thing for several drawn-out moments.

“It would support his sister’s claims of Holt fearing for his life,” Erika said at length.

“Maybe,” Gunnar replied.


“Because I have nothing to prove it. Brad could have been threatened by someone, but he just as well could have died of natural causes. Laura could be telling the truth, and Brad could have just gotten that poster made to impress Mitzy and get her in bed.”

“Exactly,” Erika said. “But you have a hard time believing that, don’t you?”

“Yeah. But it doesn’t matter if I can’t prove it.”

Gunnar then finished his whisky with a hard, final swig. He felt it burn as it went down and felt the alcohol rush hit his brain.

“So what do you think?” he said, prompted a great deal by the power of the Scotch. “Do we make a good team?”

Erika smiled, but she was evasive again. “I want to know how this is going to turn out.”

Gunnar nodded. “I’ll keep you filled in.”

“It’s important to me. I helped the medical examiner write this off as an accident when it might not have been one. I concurred that an autopsy was not necessary.”

“None of this is your fault.”

“No, I think it is,” Erika said strongly.

Gunnar was taken by her tone. It was so familiar. It had that possessed edge that always accounted for all the good and bad her personality was capable of. It was the edge that made her so driven, that focused her as a doctor, that motivated her as a competitor. But it was also the edge that had almost pushed her to destroy herself once.

“No, it’s not,” Gunnar said, just as strongly. “Nevertheless, I’ll keep you involved in what’s going on.”

Erika smiled and nodded.

So, Gunnar had to add, “I want you involved.”

As he expected, Erika’s look was distant once more.

“I’d like you back in my life,” he then added bluntly.

“Let me just be an observer, okay?”

“Unless, of course, there is someone who would object.”

“No, there’s no one in my life now, but let me just observe as an old friend. Can we just do that for now?”