Had Laura Preston been able to control every single thing tonight, she knew she couldn’t have been able to set up the scenario any better. She watched in amazement as Brad Holt keeled over and hit the floor like a sack of trash. She had a crowd of witnesses who could attest to the fact that Holt was teetering on the edge of disaster, close to a complete breakdown because he pushed his body so hard during his pre-contest diet.

Maybe the bastard will die, she hoped against all hope. That would let her scuttle the night’s carefully planned and coordinated series of moves she had yet to execute. This was incredible….

Or was it? A second thought flittered through Laura’s mind as alarmed voices, shouts, trilled across the warm-up area. What if Holt doesn’t die but only becomes incapacitated? What if he’s rushed off to the hospital? He would be out of reach. He would become nearly impossible to get to. Naturally, once he was back on his feet, the blackmail and hostile takeover of her job would continue.

Damn him to hell! Laura wanted to curse out loud but had to act against all her instincts instead. Waves of panic rippled through the backstage, and now she, too, had to spring into action and go to Holt’s aid.

“You gotta get some fluids into him!” a voice called out of the throng of glistening, bulgy flesh crowded around Holt.

“Gotta get electrolytes! Electrolytes, man!” someone else yelled.

The crowd around Holt parted, though, as Laura approached. She was the highest-ranking WBBF official on the scene. She had, in effect, become an authority figure in the crisis.

So she went for Holt’s duffel bag, just a few feet away from his cramping, pain-contorted body. Among his warm-up gear, tanning lotions, a candy bar, and a jar of strawberry jam, she saw two plastic water bottles with some colored liquid inside. Sports drinks, no doubt. At the moment of the contest, the athletes no longer needed to worry about too much liquid in their system. Knowing the strain of competition could push them to the edge like this, they all kept the liquid nutrient drinks on hand for emergencies.

Something like a jolt of energy passed through Laura as she reached for one of the bottles. If her plans went without a hitch, she needed to get her hands on one of these bottles again during intermission and get Holt out of her life for good.

She handed the bottle to one of the competitors closest to Holt. Although it took some doing, they eventually propped his head up and got him drinking. Within five minutes, even his voice started rising. “I’m going on!” he began exclaiming louder and louder. “No way I’m not going! No way I’m not going!”

The swelling chorus of encouragement and general good cheer as Brad regained his senses let Laura fade from notice. She, naturally, was thankful for this since she’d gotten a glimpse of Brad’s cell phone in his gym bag. The commotion allowed her a quick slip of the hand to palm the phone, to make sure it was set on “ringer” and not “vibrate,” then slip it back into Brad’s bag.