“Naturally, she denied knowing anything about it,” Gunnar Marino’s voice came through the audio receiver Monty Montgomery had set up in Laura’s house. “But she didn’t say it was out of the question that Brad had criminal connections.”

“What did she say about Quartello?”

Laura heard a woman’s voice on the tape. “Erika Lindstad,” she whispered. The person who helped bury the Holt case was actually Marino’s girlfriend.

“Does she know any names?” Erika’s voice came out of the speakers. “Any of these criminal connections her brother could have been doing business with?”

“No,” Marino replied, “She claims she doesn’t.”

“Did you tell her about Laura when you brought up blackmail?”

A surge of adrenaline washed through Laura.

“No, I didn’t,” Marino said on the recording. “Didn’t want to bring that up until even I’m certain.”

“What are you going to do?” Erika asked.

“I need to get to know Laura Preston much better.”

“To know her background? Find out what Holt could have had over her?”

“Basically, yeah.”

“If she doesn’t slam the phone down on you the next time you try calling again,” Erika said and chuckled.

Laura’s heart pounded. Now a sliver of sharp, tearing anger cut through her.

“Well, there are other ways of finding out about someone’s past,” Marino said.

“Actually, I’ve been thinking about something else as well,” Erika said. “How about finding out everything else you can about Diane Holt’s background, too?”

“Ah, my client.”

“Well, a client whom, I take, you’re not all that fond of.”

“But my paying client nevertheless. Someone I’m taking money from. Someone I have an ethical obligation to.”

“Well, okay, I guess that’s a fact. Plus a client whose case can send your business through the roof.”

“You’re right, though.”

“I remember there was this mystery novel I read about a millionaire private eye in Beverly Hills. I can suddenly see you—”

“I’m talking about Diane.”

“You could certainly afford to expand your staff. Get some more people like Amy, right? People who don’t blow your cover.”

“And feel more comfortable dating a doctor who lives in Manhattan Beach?”

“Inferiority complexes don’t become you,” Erika said and laughed gently.

“And that’s why I fell for you, babe. You’re not materialistic.”

“I like a guy who’s earthy.”

“Earthy?” Marino asked with mock outrage. “I’d like to think I’m sophisticated and worldly.”

There was more giggling and laughing on the tape now, then footsteps and eventually the sound of a door closing.

Laura turned off the audio console. The love birds must have left the office after that.

She found herself pacing the room for almost three minutes. It was hitting her full force just how dangerous Gunnar Marino could be to her right now. She needed to keep an eye on him, but she was just as worried about Monty Montgomery ever hearing Marino ruminating about murder. Or anything about her past in Arizona.

But still, she was also curious about that stakeout in Lomita he had been talking about. She had to get Montgomery to look into that.