1. Emilie Buchwald, Pamela Fletcher, and Martha Roth, eds., Transforming a Rape Culture, revised edition (Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 2005), xi.
2. “NISVS: An Overview of 2010 Summary Report Findings,” National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, 2010, cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/cdc_nisvs_overview_insert_final-a.pdf.
3. Joseph A. Slobodzian, “Phila. Bar Slams Judge in Rape Case Teresa Carr Deni Had Its Support for a Third Term; Then She Reduced a Charge to Theft of a Prostitute’s Services,” Philly, Oct. 31, 2007, articles.philly.com/2007–10–31/news/25232857_1_sexual-assault-charges-city-judge-gunpoint.
4. Eric Betz, “Victim Calls for Judge to Apologize,” Arizona Daily Sun, Sept. 6, 2012.
Chapter 1: The Power of Myth
1. David Lisak, “Understanding the Predatory Nature of Sexual Violence,” Sexual Assault Report 14, no. 4 (2011): 49–64.
2. Kashmir Hill, “Social Media Idiocy of the Day: Belvedere Vodka’s Rape Joke,” Forbes, March 23, 2012.
3. Hannah Frith and Celia Kitzinger, “Talk About Sexual Miscommunication,” Women’s Studies International Forum 20, no. 4 (1997): 517–528.
4. Kathryn Graham et al., “‘Blurred Lines?’ Sexual Aggression and Barroom Culture,” Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 38 (2014): 1416–1424.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Meghan Daum, “Who Killed Antioch? Womyn.” Los Angeles Times, June 30, 2007.
8. Susan Hansen, Rachel O’Byrne, and Mark Rapley, “Young Heterosexual Men’s Use of the Miscommunication Model in Explaining Acquaintance Rape,” Sexuality Research and Social Policy 7, no. 1 (2010): 45–49.
9. Cindy Horswell, “Prosecutor Calls Defendant in Gang Rape One of the ‘Pack of Dogs,’” Houston Chronicle, Nov. 27, 2012.
10. Ibid.
11. James C. McKinley Jr., “Vicious Assault Shakes Texas Town,” New York Times, March 8, 2011.
12. Ibid.
13. Juliet Macur and Nate Schweber, “Rape Case Unfolds on Web and Splits City,” New York Times, Dec. 16, 2012.
14. Ibid.
15. Matthew Kaiser, “Some Rules About Consent Are ‘Unfair to Male Students,’” Time, May 15, 2014.
16. Amy Grubb and Emily Turner. “Attribution of Blame in Rape Cases: A Review of the Impact of Rape Myth Acceptance, Gender Role Conformity and Substance Use on Victim Blaming,” Aggression and Violent Behavior 17, no. 5 (2012): 443–452.
17. Diana L. Payne, Kimberly A. Lonsway, and Louise F. Fitzgerald, “Rape Myth Acceptance: Exploration of Its Structure and Its Measurement Using the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale,” Journal of Research in Personality 33 (1999): 27–68.
18. Grubb and Turner, “Attribution of Blame in Rape Cases.”
19. David Lisak, “Understanding the Predatory Nature of Sexual Violence,” Sexual Assault Report 14, no. 4 (2011): 49–64.
20. Kimberly A. Lonsway, Joanne Archambault, and David Lisak, “False Reports: Moving Beyond the Issue to Successfully Investigate and Prosecute Non-Stranger Sexual Assault,” Voice 3 (2009): 1–11.
Chapter 2: Simple Safety Tips for Ladies
1. Barbara Mikkelson, “Assaulted Tale (aka This Bird Won’t Fly),” Snopes, July 11, 2011, snopes.com/crime/prevent/rape.asp.
2. Robert Jensen, “Rape Is All Too Normal,” Dallas Morning News, Jan. 18, 2013.
3. Paul Walsh and Nicole Norfleet, “3rd Woman in Mpls. Sexually Assaulted Walking Alone at Night,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis), Dec. 12, 2012.
4. Aaron Rupar, “MPD Releases Photos of Chicago Avenue Sexual Assault Suspect; Suspect Arrested [UPDATE],” Blotter, City Pages, Dec. 13, 2013.
5. Jackson Katz, “Violence Against Women—It’s a Men’s Issue,” TEDxFiDiWomen, San Francisco, Nov. 30, 2012, ted.com/talks/jackson_katz_violence_against_women_it_s_a_men_s_issue.
6. Rape and Sexual Assault: A Renewed Call to Action, White House Council on Women and Girls and the Office of the Vice President, 2014.
7. Tara Murtha, “Why Men Should Be Taught Not to Rape—And What Rape Is,” RH Reality Check, March 12, 2013, rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/03/12/why-zerlina-maxwell-is-almost-right.
8. Ibid.
9. Sarah DeGue, Preventing Sexual Violence on College Campuses: Lessons from Research and Practice, White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, April 2014, notalone.gov/assets/evidence-based-strategies-for-the-prevention-of-sv-perpetration.pdf.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. Katz, “Violence Against Women—It’s a Men’s Issue.”
13. Thomas M. Millar, “Meet the Predators,” Yes Means Yes! (blog), Nov. 12, 2009, yesmeansyesblog.wordpress.com/2009/11/12/meet-the-predators.
14. Erin G. Ryan, “Daniel Tosh Is Sorry He Told a Female Audience Member That She Should Get Hilariously Raped,” Jezebel, July 10, 2012.
15. Lindy West, “How to Make a Rape Joke,” Jezebel, July 12, 2012.
16. Jessica Valenti, The Purity Myth: How America’s Obsession with Virginity Is Hurting Young Women (New York: Seal, 2009).
Chapter 3: Not-So-Innocent Bystanders
1. Spybug51, “Steubenville Rape Case—Michael Nodianos,” YouTube, Jan. 10, 2013, youtube.com/watch?v=itBPdeNADlo.
2. Jackson Katz, Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help (Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 2006), Kindle.
3. Peggy Reeves Sanday, Fraternity Gang Rape: Sex, Brotherhood, and Privilege on Campus (New York: New York University Press, 1990), Kindle.
4. Bernard Lefkowitz, Our Guys: The Glen Ridge Rape and the Secret Life of the Perfect Suburb (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997), Kindle.
5. Chris Staiti and Barry Bortnick, “In Colorado Town, Hazing Attack Leaves Victim an Outcast,” Bloomberg, June 19, 2013.
6. Malaika Fraley, “‘I Thought She Was Dead,’ Officer Testifies in Richmond High Gang Rape Case,” Mercury News (San Jose, CA), Nov. 15, 2010.
7. Cecilia Vega, “Richmond High School Rape Witness Describes Teen’s Assault,” ABC 7 San Francisco, Nov. 12, 2009.
8. Kevin Fagan, “Richmond Gang Rape Seen as Nearly Inevitable,” SFGate, Nov. 1, 2009.
9. These were curated by the Tumblr site Helpful Comments at helpfulcomments.tumblr.com.
10. Jason Nark, “PLCB Pulls Date Rape Ads,” Philly, December 8, 2011.
11. ControlTonight.com was shuttered at some point after the ads were pulled.
12. “One Student Pledge,” Be the One, June 17, 2014, onestudent.org/be-the-one.
13. Jackson Katz, “What Men Can Do to Prevent Gender Violence,” June 20, 2014, jacksonkatz.com/wmcd.html.
Chapter 4: The Problem of False Accusations
1. Kimberly A. Lonsway, Joanne Archambault, and David Lisak, “False Reports: Moving Beyond the Issue to Successfully Investigate and Prosecute Non-Stranger Sexual Assault,” Voice 3, no. 1 (2009): 1–11.
2. David Lisak, Lori Gardinier, Sarah C. Nicksa, and Ashley M. Cote, “False Allegations of Sexual Assault: An Analysis of Ten Years of Reported Cases,” Violence Against Women 16, no. 12 (2010): 1318–1334.
3. David Lisak, “False Allegations of Rape: A Critique of Kanin,” Sexual Assault Report 11, no. 1 (2007): 1–2, 6, 9.
4. Committee to Review the Scientific Evidence on the Polygraph Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences and Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, The Polygraph and Lie Detection (Washington, DC: National Academies, 2003), 212, 3.
5. Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror, Equal Justice Initiative, 2015, 10.
6. Zach Calef, “Englin Says University Will Charge Robb for False Rape Allegation,” Iowa State Daily, Nov. 5, 2001.
7. Crimesider Staff, “Bonnie Sweeten, Mother Who Faked Kidnapping to Go to Disney World, Sentenced to 8 Years,” CBS News, Jan. 27, 2012.
8. “Cops: McCain Worker Made Up Attack Story,” CBS News, Oct. 24, 2008.
9. Cord Jefferson, “Accusing Black Men of False Crime Is Back in Style,” BET.com, Feb. 18, 2011.
10. “‘We, the Grand Jury’: Text of Its Conclusions in the Tawana Brawley Case,” New York Times, October 6, 1988.
11. Edwin Diamond, “The Sound Bites and the Fury,” New York Magazine, July 18, 1988, 36–39.
12. Akiba Solomon, “Crystal Gail Mangum Isn’t Innocent, but She’s a Victim Just the Same,” Colorlines, April 20, 2011, colorlines.com/archives/2011/04/crystal_gail_magnums_dark_twisted_past.html.
13. Ibid.
14. North Carolina State Bar v. Michael B. Nifong, Wake County, NC, Jan. 24, 2007.
15. Sydney H. Schanberg, “A Journey Through the Tangled Case of the Central Park Jogger,” Village Voice, Nov. 19, 2002.
16. Sarah Burns, The Central Park Five: A Chronicle of a City Wilding (New York: Knopf, 2011), Kindle location 1147.
17. Patricia J. Williams, “Lessons from the Central Park Five,” Nation, April 17, 2013.
18. Ibid.
19. Michele C. Black et al., The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010.
20. Lonsway, Archambault, and Lisak, “False Reports.”
Chapter 5: To Serve and Protect
1. “Ben Roethlisberger Lawsuit Settled,” ESPN.go.com, Jan. 21, 2012.
2. Martha Bellisle, “Ben Roethlisberger Settles Lawsuit Alleging 2008 Rape,” USA Today, Jan. 20, 2012.
3. “Ben Roethlisberger’s Bad Play,” Smoking Gun, April 15, 2010, thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/ben-roethlisbergers-bad-play.
4. Some of Jane’s sisters, in a face-palming detail you wouldn’t believe if you saw it on Law & Order: SVU, were still wearing nametags that said “DTF”—“down to fuck”—from an earlier party. You’ll note, however, that they did not say “DTBR,” or “down to be raped.”
5. “Ben Roethlisberger’s Bad Play,” Smoking Gun, April 15, 2010, thesmokinggun.com/file/ben-roethlisbergers-bad-play?page=4.
6. Amy Davidson, “Policing Roethlisberger,” New Yorker, April 19, 2010.
7. Jonathan D. Silver and Dan Majors, “Roethlisberger Documents Give Details,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 16, 2010.
8. Christian Boone, “New Details Emerge in Roethlisberger Case,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, June 9, 2010.
9. Davidson, “Policing Roethlisberger.”
10. Amy Dellinger Page, “True Colors: Police Officers and Rape Myth Acceptance,” Feminist Criminology 5, no. 4 (2011): 315–334.
11. Martin D. Schwartz, National Institute of Justice Visiting Fellowship: Police Investigation of Rape—Roadblocks and Solutions, National Criminal Justice Reference Service, US Department of Justice, Dec. 2010, ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/232667.pdf.
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. Justin Fenton, “City Rape Statistics, Investigations Draw Concern,” Baltimore Sun, June 27, 2010.
16. E. R. Quatrevaux, A Performance Audit of the New Orleans Police Department’s Uniform Crime Reporting of Forcible Rapes, 2014.
17. Corey R. Yung, “How to Lie with Rape Statistics: America’s Hidden Rape Crisis,” Iowa Law Review 99, no. 3 (2014): 1197–1256.
18. Ibid.
19. Lolita Baldor, “Sex Is Major Reason Military Commanders Are Fired,” AP: The Big Story, Jan. 20, 2013, bigstory.ap.org/article/sex-major-reason-military-commanders-are-fired.
20. “Pentagon Report on Sexual Assault in the Military in 2012,” New York Times, May 7, 2013.
21. Jim Miklaszewski, Courtney Kube, and Tracy Connor, “Air Force’s Sex-Abuse Prevention Honcho Charged with Sexual Battery,” NBC News, May 6, 2013, usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/05/06/18089279-air-forces-sex-abuse-prevention-honcho-charged-with-sexual-battery?lite.
22. Lolita C. Baldor, “Officer Defends Overturning Sexual-Assault Verdict,” AP: The Big Story, April 10, 2013, bigstory.ap.org/article/apnewsbreak-officer-defends-overturning-verdict.
23. Ibid.
24. Anna Mulrine, “Fort Hood Prostitution Case Shows Military’s Challenges with Sexual Assault,” Christian Science Monitor, March 13, 2015.
25. Garance Franke-Ruta, “Ending the Culture of Impunity on Military Rape,” Atlantic, May 9, 2013.
26. “Gillibrand Calls to Remove Military Sexual Assault Cases from Chain of Command,” PBS Newshour, July 30, 2013, pbs.org/newshour/bb/politics-july-dec13-military_07–30.
27. James Taranto, “Sex, Lies and the War on Men,” Wall Street Journal, June 19, 2013.
28. “The Section of Det. Thomas Woodmansee’s Police Report That Deals with Patty’s Confession,” Truth in Justice, truthinjustice.org/29rape1.htm, accessed Aug. 8, 2014.
29. “Statement from Patty’s Ophthalmologist,” Truth in Justice, truthinjustice.org/29rape1.htm, accessed Aug. 8, 2014.
30. Bill Lueders, Cry Rape: The True Story of One Woman’s Harrowing Quest for Justice (Madison, WI: Terrace Books, 2006).
31. “Section of Det. Thomas Woodmansee’s Police Report.”
32. Natalie Elliott, “I Was Raped and the Police Told Me I Made It Up,” Vice, Jan. 9, 2013, vice.com/en_uk/read/i-was-rapedand-then-the-police-told-me-i-made-it-up.
33. Scott Shifrel, “Rape Victim’s Truth: Sex Con Is Busted 7 Years After No One Believed Her,” New York Daily News, March 19, 2004.
34. Dan Bilefsky, “In Court, Confronting Man with Story of a Rape and a Ruse,” New York Times, Nov. 15, 2011.
35. Ralph Blumenthal, “The Dangerous Rise in Untested Rape Kits,” Marie Claire, Aug. 10, 2010.
36. Armen Keteyian and Laura Strickler, “Exclusive: Rape in America: Justice Denied,” CBS News, Nov. 9, 2009, cbsnews.com/news/exclusive-rape-in-america-justice-denied.
37. Erik Eckholm, “No Longer Ignored, Evidence Solves Rape Cases Years Later,” New York Times, Aug. 2, 2014.
38. Joel Rubin, “LAPD Closes Backlog of Untested Rape Kits,” Los Angeles Times, April 28, 2011.
39. Eckholm, “No Longer Ignored.”
40. Debra Patterson and Rebecca Campbell, “Why Rape Survivors Participate in the Criminal Justice System,” Journal of Community Psychology 38, no. 2 (2010): 191–205.
41. Improving Police Response to Sexual Assault, Human Rights Watch, 2013, hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/improvingSAInvest_0.pdf.
42. Ibid.
43. Ibid.
44. Ibid.
45. Ibid.
Chapter 6: Unreasonable Doubts
1. Rape and Sexual Assault: A Renewed Call to Action, White House Council on Women and Girls, 2014.
2. Ibid.
3. Erin Alberty and Janelle Stecklein, “Study: Most Rape Cases in Salt Lake County Never Prosecuted,” Salt Lake Tribune, Jan. 7, 2014.
4. Ibid.
5. Liesl Hansen, “BYU Professor Shines Light on Low Numbers of Sex Assault Prosecutions,” Digital Universe, May 8, 2014, universe.byu.edu/2014/05/08/byu-professor-shines-light-on-low-numbers-of-sex-assault-prosecutions.
6. Alberty and Stecklein, “Most Rape Cases.”
7. Bruce Frederick and Don Stemen, The Anatomy of Discretion: An Analysis of Prosecutorial Decision Making (New York: Vera Institute of Justice, 2012). Available at vera.org.
8. Ibid.
9. Diana L. Payne, Kimberly A. Lonsway, and Louise F. Fitzgerald, “Rape Myth Acceptance: Exploration of Its Structure and Its Measurement Using the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale,” Journal of Research in Personality 33 (1999): 27–68.
10. Christina Cunliffe, Nina Burrowes, Sokratis Dinos, and Karen Hammond, Do Rape Myths Affect Juror Decision Making?: A Systematic Review of the Literature, BPP University College, Dec. 2012, bpp.com/carbon-content-1.0-SNAPSHOT/resources/ECMDocument?contentName=Rape_myths_Dec_2012.
11. Rape and Sexual Assault.
12. Scott Moxley, “Meet Jane Doe,” OC Weekly, April 26, 2012.
13. Debbie Nathan and Michael Snedeker, Satan’s Silence: Ritual Abuse and the Making of a Modern American Witch Hunt (1995; repr., Lincoln, NE: iUniverse, 2001), Kindle.
14. Ibid.
15. Chandra R. Thomas, “Why Is Genarlow Wilson in Prison?” Atlanta (Jan. 2006): 66.
16. Gina McCauley, “Genarlow Wilson: The Most Ungrateful and Entitled Child Rapist to Ever Graduate From Morehouse,” What About Our Daughters?, May 20, 2013, whataboutourdaughters.com/waod/2013/5/20/genarlow-wilson-the-most-ungrateful-and-entitled-child-rapis.html.
17. Patrick Kirkland, Confessions of a “Rape Cop” Juror (New York: Gothamist, 2011), Kindle locations 208–210.
18. Ibid.
19. New York Penal Code Article 130, Sex Offenses.
20. Shamena Anwar, “A Jury Pool’s Race Can Deny Justice,” CNN, May 23, 2012, cnn.com/2012/05/23/opinion/anwar-bayer-hjalmarsson-jury-racism/index.html.
21. Kevin Shoesmith, “Five Years Jail for Bricklayer Lee Setford Who ‘Lost Control’ and Raped Drunken Woman at Beverley Home,” Hull Daily Mail (London), July 2, 2014.
22. Ibid.
23. Thomas M. Millar, “Meet the Predators,” Yes Means Yes! Nov. 12, 2009, yesmeansyesblog.wordpress.com/2009/11/12/meet-the-predators.
24. Eric Betz, “No Jail Time for Flagstaff Cop in Bar Groping,” Arizona Daily Sun, Sept. 6, 2012.
25. Joe Nimmo, “Judge in Rape Trial Warning: ‘Conviction Rates Will Not Improve Until Women Stop Drinking So Heavily,’” Oxford Mail, Aug. 26, 2014.
26. Ibid.
27. Dean G. Kilpatrick et al., Drug-Facilitated, Incapacitated, and Forcible Rape: A National Study, National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center, 2007.
28. Nimmo, “Judge in Rape Trial Warning.”
29. Jody Raphael, Rape Is Rape: How Denial, Distortion, and Victim Blaming Are Fueling a Hidden Acquaintance Rape Crisis (Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books, 2013), Kindle location 2911.
Chapter 7: The Politics of Rape
1. Tara Culp-Ressler, “Surrounded by Men, Ohio Governor Signs Stringent Abortion Restrictions into Law,” ThinkProgress, July 1, 2013, thinkprogress.org/health/2013/07/01/2237701/ohio-budget-signed-into-law.
2. “Ron Paul Interview,” Piers Morgan Tonight, CNN, Feb. 3, 2012.
3. Aviva Shen, “Linda McMahon Offers Ridiculous Excuse for Opposing Emergency Contraception in Cases of Rape,” ThinkProgress, October 16, 2012, thinkprogress.org/election/2012/10/16/1018891/linda-mcmahon-flip-flops-on-morning-after-pill-for-rape-victims.
4. “Interview with Rick Santorum,” Piers Morgan Tonight, CNN, Jan. 20, 2012.
5. Kevin Liptak and Gregory Wallace, “Obama on Rape Comments: They ‘Don’t Make Any Sense,’” CNN, Oct. 25, 2012, cnn.com/2012/10/25/politics/indiana-mourdock-senate-rape.
6. Episode 15, season 13, The View, ABC, Sept. 28, 2009.
7. Julie Carr Smyth, “Ohio Doctor Helps Perpetuate Rape Pregnancy Ideas,” AP: The Big Story, Aug. 24, 2012, bigstory.ap.org/article/ohio-doctor-helps-perpetuate-rape-pregnancy-ideas.
8. Kim Geiger, “Todd Akin Not Alone in Adhering to Bogus Rape Theory,” Los Angeles Times, Aug. 20, 2012.
9. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “Statement on Rape and Pregnancy,” Aug. 20, 2012, acog.org/About-ACOG/News-Room/News-Releases/2012/Statement-on-Rape-and-Pregnancy.
10. Meredith L. Chivers and J. Michael Bailey, “A Sex Difference in Features That Elicit Genital Response,” Biological Psychology 70, no. 2 (2005): 115–120.
11. Natalie Angier, “A Scientific Reckoning of the Sex Drive,” New York Times, April 10, 2007.
12. Christopher Goffard, “California Judicial Panel Admonishes O.C. Judge for Rape Comments,” Los Angeles Times, Dec. 14, 2012.
13. “Gingrey Defense of Akin’s Rape Comments Misses the Mark,” PolitiFact, Jan. 16, 2013, politifact.com/georgia/statements/2013/jan/16/phil-gingrey/gingrey-defense-akins-rape-comments-misses-mark.
14. Emily Heffter, “Koster Draws Fire over Comments About Abortion, ‘the Rape Thing,’” Seattle Times, Oct. 31, 2012.
15. Sue Owen and W. Gardner Selby, “UPDATED: Jodie Laubenberg Says Texas Rape Kit Is Like Dilation and Curettage Procedure,” PolitiFact, June 24, 2013, politifact.com/texas/statements/2013/jun/24/jodie-laubenberg/jodie-laubenberg-says-texas-rape-kit-dilation-and-.
16. Dana Liebelson and Sydney Brownstone, “Imagine You Were Raped. Got Pregnant. Then Your Rapist Sought Custody,” Mother Jones, Aug. 24, 2012.
17. Elizabeth Miller et al., “Pregnancy Coercion, Intimate Partner Violence and Unintended Pregnancy,” Contraception 81, no. 4 (2010): 316–322.
18. Michele C. Black et al., National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010 Summary Report, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention, 2011.
19. “New Laws Recognizing Marital Rape as Crime,” New York Times, Dec. 28, 1984.
20. Amanda Terkel, “TN State Senator: ‘Rape Just Isn’t What It Used to Be,’” ThinkProgress, Feb. 14, 2008.
21. Fred De Sam Lazaro, “Bill Napoli Interview, “ PBS Newshour, March 3, 2006.
22. Lawrence B. Finer, “Trends in Premarital Sex in the United States, 1954–2003,” Public Health Reports 122, no. 1 (2007): 73–78. Jessica Valenti, The Purity Myth: How America’s Obsession with Virginity Is Hurting Young Women (New York: Seal, 2009), 58.
23. Kimberly Daniels, William D. Mosher, and Jo Jones, “Contraceptive Methods Women Have Ever Used: United States, 1982–2010,” National Health Statistics Reports, no. 62 (2013).
24. Valenti, Purity Myth, 123.
Chapter 8: Virgins, Vamps, and the View from Nowhere
1. Helen Benedict, Virgin or Vamp: How the Press Covers Sex Crimes (New York: Oxford UP, 1992), 19.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ben Armbruster, “O’Reilly: Abducted Child ‘Liked His Circumstances,’ Had ‘a Lot More Fun’ Than Usual,” Media Matters for America, Jan. 17, 2007, mediamatters.org/research/2007/01/17/oreilly-abducted-child-liked-his-circumstances/137753.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Tracy Jarrett, “‘I Was Broken Beyond Repair’: Elizabeth Smart Recalls Kidnapping Ordeal,” NBC News, Oct. 5, 2015, nbcnews.com/news/other/i-was-broken-beyond-repair-elizabeth-smart-recalls-kidnapping-ordeal-f8C11336267.
9. Erin G. Ryan, “Frat Alumni President Blames ‘Drunk Female Guests’ for Ruining Fun,” Jezebel, Sept. 24, 2014, jezebel.com/frat-alumni-president-blames-drunk-female-guests-for-ru-1638524129/all.
10. Ibid.
11. David Edwards, “Fox Hosts Blame Drunk Girls for Frat Rapes: ‘These Guys, What Are They Supposed to Do?,’” Raw Story, Sept. 25, 2014, rawstory.com/rs/2014/09/fox-hosts-blame-drunk-girls-for-frat-rapes-these-guys-what-are-they-supposed-to-do.
12. Ibid.
13. Jay Rosen, “The View from Nowhere: Questions and Answers,” PressThink, Nov. 10, 2011, pressthink.org/2010/11/the-view-from-nowhere-questions-and-answers.
14. “Filmmakers Demand Polanski’s Release,” CNN, Sept. 29, 2009, cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Movies/09/29/polanski.filmmakers.protest.
15. Anne Applebaum, “The Outrageous Arrest of Roman Polanski,” Washington Post, Sept. 27, 2009.
16. Joan Z. Shore, “Polanski’s Arrest: Shame on the Swiss,” Huffington Post, Sept. 27, 2009, huffingtonpost.com/joan-z-shore/polanskis-arrest-shame-on_b_301134.html.
17. Mark Graham, “Roman Polanski Update: Victim Wants Charges Dismissed, Debra Winger Thinks It’s One Big Instance of ‘Philistine Collusion,’” Vulture, Sept. 29, 2009, vulture.com/2009/09/polanski_roundup.html.
18. Conor Friedersdorf, “Schwarzenegger Fathered Child with Household Staffer, Hid It as Governor,” Atlantic, May 17, 2011.
19. James Rainey, “On the Media: Schwarzenegger-Shriver Split Recalls Earlier News Reports,” Los Angeles Times, May 11, 2011.
20. Bernard-Henri Lévy, “Bernard-Henri Lévy Defends Accused IMF Director,” Daily Beast, May 15, 2011.
21. Katie Nelson, “Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Busted for Sexual Assault, ‘Won’t Get Away with It,’ Brother of Accuser Says,” New York Daily News, May 17, 2011.
22. Paul Owen and Robert Booth, “Julian Assange Extradition Appeal Hearing,” Guardian (London), July 12, 2011.
23. Ibid.
24. David C. Johnston, “Letters: AOLer Kennedy’s Assange ‘Rape’ Coverage Deserves Notice,” Romenesko Letters, The Poynter Institute, Dec. 6, 2010, poynter.org/latest-news/mediawire/109607/letters-aoler-kennedys-assange-rape-coverage-deserves-notice.
25. Jesus Diaz, “WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Is Not Accused of Rape (Updated),” Gizmodo, Dec. 3, 2010, gizmodo.com/5705614/wikileaks-julian-assange-is-not-accused-of-rape-updated.
26. Ibid.
27. Kit Eaton, “Anatomy of a Smear: WikiLeaks’ Assange Wanted for ‘Sex by Surprise,’ Not Rape,” Fast Company, Dec. 3, 2010, fastcompany.com/1707146/anatomy-smear-wikileaks-assange-wanted-sex-surprise-not-rape.
28. Ibid.
29. Johnston, “Letters.”
30. Ibid.
31. Kevin Drum, “What Are Julian Assange’s Sex Charges All About?” Mother Jones, Dec. 7, 2010.
32. Ibid.
33. “Reporting on Sexual Violence Tip Sheet,” Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, July 15, 2011, dartcenter.org/content/reporting-on-sexual-violence#.VChnWytdXIo.
34. Kelly McBride, “How Journalists Can Provide Fair Coverage When Reporting on Rape Charge in Cleveland Case,” The Poynter Institute, May 9, 2013, poynter.org/news/mediawire/212688/how-journalists-can-provide-fair-coverage-when-reporting-on-rape-charges-in-cleveland-case.
35. Jessica Valenti, “How to Write About Rape: Rules for Journalists,” Nation, Oct. 25, 2013.
36. Claudia Garcia-Rojas, Reporting on Rape and Sexual Violence: A Media Toolkit for Local and National Journalists to Better Media Coverage, Chicago Task Force on Violence Against Girls & Young Women, 2012.
37. Reporting on Sexual Violence: A Media Packet for Maine Journalists, Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault and the Sexual Assault Crisis and Support Center, n.d.
38. Linnéa, “Sex by Surprise,” Feminism and Tea, Dec. 6, 2010, feminismandtea.blogspot.com/2010/12/sex-by-surprise.html.
1. Lisa Wade, “The Rape Scene in Observe and Report,” Sociological Images, April 21, 2009 thesocietypages.org/socimages/2009/04/21/the-rape-scene-in-observe-and-report.
2. Amanda Hess, “Observe and Report’s Date Rape Apologism,” The Sexist, Washington City Paper, April 8, 2009, washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/sexist/2009/04/08/observe-and-reports-date-rape-apologism.
3. Michelle Dean, “Tube Tied: Mad Men, I Love You, But Your Fans Are Freaking Me Out,” Bitch, Aug. 14, 2009.
4. Logan Hill, “Dangerous Curves,” New York Magazine, Aug. 2, 2009.
5. Carolyn Edgar, “Tyler Perry’s Rape Problem,” Carolyn Edgar, April 2, 2013, carolynedgar.com/2013/04/02/tyler-perrys-rape-problem.
6. Nico Lang, “The Soapbox: Tyler Perry Has a Rape Problem in ‘Temptation,’” Frisky, April 3, 2013, thefrisky.com/2013–04–03/the-soapbox-tyler-perry-has-a-rape-problem-in-temptation.
7. Edgar, “Tyler Perry’s Rape Problem.”
8. Lindy West, “If Comedy Has No Lady Problem, Why Am I Getting So Many Rape Threats?,” Jezebel, June 4, 2013, jezebel.com/if-comedy-has-no-lady-problem-why-am-i-getting-so-many-511214385.
9. Lindy West, “How to Make a Rape Joke,” Jezebel, July 12, 2012, jezebel.com/5925186/how-to-make-a-rape-joke.
10. Ibid.
11. Natalie Finn, “Rick Ross Apologizes for Song’s Date-Rape Reference,” E! Online, April 4, 2013, eonline.com/news/405016/rick-ross-tweets-apology-for-date-rape-lyric-i-don-t-condone-rape.
12. Carrie Battan, “Rick Ross Issues Formal Apology for Controversial “U.E.O.N.O.” Verse,” Pitchfork, April 12, 2013, pitchfork.com/news/50312-rick-ross-issues-formal-apology-for-controversial-ueono-verse.
13. Alan Duke, “CeeLo Green Accused of Giving Woman Ecstasy, but DA Declines Rape Charge,” CNN, Oct. 22, 2013, cnn.com/2013/10/21/showbiz/ceelo-green-drug-charge.
14. Colin Stutz, “Following No Contest Plea, CeeLo Green Tweets ‘Women Who Have Really Been Raped Remember,’” The Juice, Billboard, Sept. 1, 2014, billboard.com/articles/columns/the-juice/6236564/ceelo-green-tweets-rape-statements-no-contest.
15. Ibid.
16. August Brown, “CeeLo Green Temporarily Deletes Twitter Account After Rape Comments,” Los Angeles Times, Sept. 2, 2014.
17. August Brown, “Cee-Lo Green Apologizes Again for Rape Comments,” Los Angeles Times, Sept. 3, 2014.
18. Jethro Nededog, “Insider: CeeLo Green Quit ‘The Voice’ to Avoid Being Fired (Exclusive),” Wrap, Feb. 19, 2014, thewrap.com/nbc-voice-ceelo-green-quits-inside-story.
19. bell hooks, “Seduced by Violence No More,” in Transforming a Rape Culture, edited by Emilie Buchwald, Pamela R. Fletcher, and Martha Roth (Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 2005), 295–299.
20. Ibid.
21. Jackson Katz, The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help (Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 2006), Kindle location 3364.
22. Nisha L. Diu, “Interview: Angel Haze, the Rapper Fighting Rape Culture,” Telegraph (London), Oct. 13, 2013.
23. Ibid.
24. Ibid.
25. Michael P. Jeffries, “How Rap Can Help End Rape Culture,” Atlantic, Oct. 30, 2012.
26. Lisa Cuklanz and Sujata Moorti, “Television’s New Feminism: Prime Time Representations of Women and Victimization,” Critical Studies in Media Communication 23, no. 4 (Oct. 2006): 302–321.
27. John Mulaney, John Mulaney: Ice T on “Law & Order: SVU,” video, Jan. 28, 2012.
28. Ibid.
29. Leeann Kahlor and Dan Morrison, “Television Viewing and Rape Myth Acceptance Among College Women,” Sex Roles 56, no. 11–12 (2007): 729–739.
30. Margaret Lyons, “Maxing Out on Murder: Good Luck Finding a Decent TV Drama Without Rape or Killing,” Vulture, April 17, 2013, vulture.com/2013/04/maxing-out-on-murder-shows.html.
31. Jaclyn Friedman, “Rape on TV—More Than Just a Plot Twist,” American Prospect, Jan. 15, 2014.
32. Ibid.
33. Alyssa Rosenberg, “From Washington to Westeros, How Rape Plays Out on TV,” Washington Post, April 4, 2014.
34. Kahlor and Morrison, “Television Viewing and Rape Myth Acceptance.”
35. Stuart Kemp, “British Film Censor Vows Stricter Approach to Depictions of Rape, Sexual Assault,” Hollywood Reporter, Dec. 10, 2012.
36. Alan Sepinwall, “Review: ‘Game of Thrones’—‘Breaker of Chains,’” HitFix, April 20, 2014, hitfix.com/whats-alan-watching/review-game-of-thrones-breaker-of-chains-uncle-deadly.
37. Denise Martin, “Breaking Down Jaime and Cersei’s Controversial Scene with Last Night’s Game of Thrones Director,” Vulture, April 21, 2014, vulture.com/2014/04/game-of-thrones-director-on-the-rape-sex-scene.html.
38. Ibid.
39. Sepinwall, “Review: ‘Game of Thrones.’”
40. Margaret Lyons, “Yes, Of Course That Was Rape on Last Night’s Game of Thrones,” Vulture, April 21, 2014, vulture.com/2014/04/rape-game-of-thrones-cersei-jaime.html.
41. Rebecca Pahle, “Here’s What the Writer and Director of Game of Thrones’ Controversial Rape Scene (Plus GRRM) Have to Say About It,” Mary Sue, April 22, 2014, themarysue.com/game-of-thrones-rape-controversy-grrm.
42. Amanda Marcotte, “The Director of Sunday’s Game of Thrones Doesn’t Think That Was Rape,” Slate, April 21, 2014, slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2014/04/21/game_of_thrones_rape_director_alex_graves_says_the_sex_becomes_consensual.html.
Chapter 10: Trolls, Gamers, and the New Misogyny
1. Whitney Phillips, “A Brief History of Trolls,” Daily Dot, May 20, 2013, dailydot.com/opinion/phillips-brief-history-of-trolls.
2. Dylan Matthews, “Your Guide to 4chan, the Site Where Jennifer Lawrence’s Hacked Photos Were Leaked,” Vox, Sept. 2, 2014vox.com/2014/9/2/6096815/4chan-explainer-questions.
3. Ibid.
4. Whitney Phillips, “What an Academic Who Wrote Her Dissertation on Trolls Thinks of Violentacrez,” Atlantic, Oct. 15, 2012.
5. Ibid.
6. “Episode 545: If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say, Say It in All Caps,” This American Life, NPR, Jan. 23, 2015.
7. Ibid.
8. “Blog Death Threats Spark Debate,” BBC News, March 27, 2007, news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6499095.stm.
9. Greg Sandoval, “The End of Kindness: Weev and the Cult of the Angry Young Man,” Verge, Sept. 12, 2013, theverge.com/2013/9/12/4693710/the-end-of-kindness-weev-and-the-cult-of-the-angry-young-man.
10. Sandoval, “The End of Kindness.”
11. Ibid.
12. Dayna Evans, “J-Law, Kate Upton Nudes Leak: Web Explodes over Hacked Celeb Pics,” Gawker, Aug. 31, 2014, gawker.com/internet-explodes-over-j-laws-alleged-hacked-nudes-1629093854.
13. According to Reddit’s media kit, Feb. 22, 2015.
14. Adrian Chen, “Unmasking Reddit’s Violentacrez, The Biggest Troll on the Web,” Gawker, Oct. 12, 2012, gawker.com/5950981/unmasking-reddits-violentacrez-the-biggest-troll-on-the-web.
15. Ibid.
16. Phillips, “What an Academic.”
17. @Sassycrass, “#YourSlipIsShowing: Documenting a Hoax,” Storify, June 13, 2014storify.com/sassycrass/yourslipisshowing-documenting-a-hoax.
18. Ryan Broderick, “Activists Are Outing Hundreds of Twitter Users Believed to Be 4chan Trolls Posing as Feminists,” BuzzFeed, June 17, 2014, buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/your-slip-is-showing-4chan-trolls-operation-lollipop#3egd4rw.
19. David Futrelle, “WTF Is a MGTOW? A Glossary,” We Hunted the Mammoth, n.d., wehuntedthemammoth.com/wtf-is-a-mgtow-a-glossary, accessed Oct. 1, 2014.
20. Kate Harding, “No More Mr. Nice Guy,” Salon, Aug. 7, 2009salon.com/2009/08/07/nice_guys.
21. Kate Harding, “It’s Not All Men. But It’s Men,” Dame Magazine, May 27, 2014, damemagazine.com/2014/05/27/its-not-all-men-its-men.
22. David Futrelle, “Mammoth FAQ,” We Hunted the Mammoth, n.d., wehuntedthemammoth.com/faq, accessed Oct. 1, 2014.
23. Arthur Goldwag, “Leader’s Suicide Brings Attention to Men’s Rights Movement,” Intelligence Report, Southern Poverty Law Center (Spring 2012), splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2012/spring/a-war-on-women.
24. Ibid.
25. Paul Elam, “To the University of Toronto Student’s Union,” A Voice for Men, Dec. 5, 2012, avoiceformen.com/feminism/to-the-university-of-toronto-students-union.
26. David Futrelle, “A Voice for Men’s Attempts to Find and Publicize the Personal Information of a Toronto Activist Could Threaten That Young Woman’s Safety,” We Hunted the Mammoth, Dec. 8, 2012, wehuntedthemammoth.com/2012/12/08/a-voice-for-mens-attempts-to-find-and-publicize-the-personal-information-of-a-toronto-activist-could-threaten-that-young-womans-safety.
27. Ibid.
28. “‘Men’s Rights’ Group Behind Sexual Assault Posters,” CBC News, July 11, 2013, cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/men-s-rights-group-behind-sexual-assault-posters-1.1353362.
29. Mary E. Williams, “Men’s Rights Dopes Strike Again,” Salon, July 12, 2013, salon.com/2013/07/12/mens_rights_dopes_strike_again.
30. David Futrelle, “The ‘Don’t Be That Girl’ Poster Controversy in Edmonton, and A Voice for Men’s History of Rape Apologia,” We Hunted the Mammoth, July 12, 2013, wehuntedthemammoth.com/2013/07/12/the-dont-be-that-girl-poster-controversy-in-edmonton-and-a-voice-for-mens-history-of-rape-apologia.
31. David Edwards, “Misogynist Blogger: Make Rape on Private Property Legal so Women Can Have ‘Learning Experiences,’” Raw Story, Feb. 18, 2015, rawstory.com/rs/2015/02/misogynist-blogger-make-rape-on-private-property-legal-so-women-can-have-learning-experiences.
32. Anita Sarkeesian, “Tropes vs. Women in Video Games,” Kickstarter, June 2012, kickstarter.com/projects/566429325/tropes-vs-women-in-video-games?ref=card.
33. Anita Sarkeesian, “Update 4: OMG! 1000 Backers! (and About That Harassment Stuff) Tropes vs. Women in Video Games,” Kickstarter, June 7, 2012, kickstarter.com/projects/566429325/tropes-vs-women-in-video-games/posts/242547.
34. Anita Sarkeesian, “Harassment, Misogyny and Silencing on YouTube,” Feminist Frequency, June 7, 2012, feministfrequency.com/2012/06/harassment-misogyny-and-silencing-on-youtube.
35. Sarkeesian, “Update 4: OMG! 1000 Backers!”
36. Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq), “I usually don’t share the really scary stuff. But it’s important for folks to know how bad it gets [TRIGGER WARNING],” Twitter, Aug. 27, 2014, 2:52 p.m.
37. Stephen Totilo, “Bomb Threat Targeted Anita Sarkeesian, Gaming Awards Last March,” Kotaku, Sept. 17, 2014, kotaku.com/bomb-threat-targeted-anita-sarkeesian-gaming-awards-la-1636032301.
38. Jordan Owen and Davis Aurini, “The Owen/Aurini Team Is Creating the Sarkeesian Effect,” Patreon, 2014, patreon.com/thesarkeesianeffect.
39. Andrew Todd, “Video Games, Misogyny, and Terrorism: A Guide to Assholes,” Badass Digest, Aug. 26, 2014, badassdigest.com/2014/08/26/video-games-misogyny-and-terrorism-a-guide-to-assholes.
40. Brianna Wu, “I’m Brianna Wu, and I’m Risking My Life Standing Up to Gamergate,” Huffington Post, Feb. 11, 2015, huffingtonpost.com/bustle/im-brianna-wu-and-im-risking-my-life-standing-up-to-gamergate_b_6661530.html.
41. Ibid.
42. Arthur Chu, “Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Misogyny, Entitlement, and Nerds,” Daily Beast, May 27, 2014, thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/05/27/your-princess-is-in-another-castle-misogyny-entitlement-and-nerds.html.
43. Todd, “Video Games, Misogyny, and Terrorism.”
44. Kurt Vonnegut, Preface to Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons (New York: Dial, 2006), xiii.
45. Jess Zimmerman, “Even People Who Coach Your Team Have to Live in Society,” XoJane, Nov. 14, 2011, xojane.com/issues/joe-paterno-penn-state-riots.
Chapter 11: Reasons for Hope
1. Matt Rocheleau, “Colleges Step up Vigilance of Risks for Students Early in the School Year,” Boston Globe, Sept. 27, 2014.
2. Ken Gross and Andrea Fine, “After Their Daughter Is Murdered at College, Her Grieving Parents Mount a Crusade for Campus Safety,” People, Feb. 19, 1990.
3. Lynn B. Mahaffie, “Implementation of Changes to the Clery Act Made by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA),” DCL ID: GEN-14-13, US Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, July 14, 2014.
4. Russlynn Ali, “Dear Colleague Letter from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights,” US Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, April 4, 2011, www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/colleague-201104_pg2.html.
5. Ibid.
6. “ED ACT NOW,” Know Your IX, knowyourix.org/i-want-to/take-national-action, accessed October 31, 2014.
7. Ibid.
8. Jaclyn Friedman and Jessica Valenti, editors, Yes Means Yes!: Visions of Female Sexual Power & a World Without Rape (New York: Seal, 2008), 7.
9. Jill Filipovic, “Offensive Feminism,” in Friedman and Valenti, eds., Yes Means Yes!, 20–21.
10. Jake New, “Colleges Across Country Adopting Affirmative Consent Sexual Assault Policies,” Inside Higher Ed, Oct. 17, 2014.
11. Spencer Kornhaber, “The Case for the Cosby Joke,” Atlantic, Jan. 12, 2015.
12. Ariel Kaminer, “Accusers and the Accused, Crossing Paths at Columbia University,” New York Times, Dec. 21, 2014.