“Do you want me to take you back to the office?” Luke asked, handing her his leather jacket.
Noel faced him, before placing the helmet back on her head. A nervous flutter swirled low in her belly. “No. I don’t have a car.” She gave him her address. “I take the train to work every day.”
He said nothing to her as he mounted the motorcycle, fired up the engine, and then straightened it so she could climb on. She slid her leg over the seat and crushed herself up against him. The moment her chest pressed against his back, she felt a jolt of excitement rush through her veins.
Maybe it was the fact that she hadn’t been this close to a man in over five years that had her body overly sensitive. Then again, it might be that Luke was an incredibly attractive man with devilish appeal and he seemed to share her lust filled interest. His heated gaze wondered to her mouth several times in the evening and she’d even caught his hungry stare devouring her from head to toe a time or two—something that had her wanting to touch even more of him.
With each breath she took, she brought his wild musk scent into her lungs. Her senses were on fire with need and she couldn’t stop her stomach from fluttering or her body from pulsing as she created pulse pounding images in her mind.
As they drove toward her apartment, she groaned, hating that the night with Luke was coming to an end. She wasn’t ready to say goodnight. For the first time in a long time, she wanted to feel the press of a man’s body over hers as they found pleasure together. She wanted to feel the warmth of his mouth as it crushed against her lips, robbing her of breath. Knowing that he wasn’t going to the holiday party had her wondering when she would have the chance to see him again.
Luke was different and she liked him—a lot.
He pulled his bike into a parking spot in front of her apartment and waited until she got off. He turned off the motorcycle, but didn’t dismount.
She met his gaze and once again that hungry look filled his eyes. A warm tingle raced over the flesh of her body, hardening her nipples. Sucking in a deep breath, she swallowed her nerves. “Would you like to come up for a cup of coffee before heading home?”
She did it. She had found her brave bone—the one she had thought disappeared long ago. His grin was electric, firing her blood even more. She held her breath as she watched a slow grin tug at the corners of his mouth.
“Are you sure it’s not too late?”
Not for what I want to do.
Trying to keep her thoughts from reflecting in her eyes, she glanced down at her watch as if she hadn’t noticed the time. She glanced back up with a smile. “If you aren’t home by midnight, will you turn into a pumpkin?”
Eyeing her with a lopsided grin, he slid off his bike. She didn’t move as he closed the distance between them. With a slowness that had her toes curling and her core throbbing with need, he helped her out of the leather coat. She couldn’t breath as his fingers brushed over her shoulders and he closed in around her, sliding the jacket down her arms. Then, he took the helmet from her and placed it in the saddle bag.
“After you,” he said, and followed her up to her apartment.
She opened the door and he stepped inside. She went into the kitchen and began brewing a fresh pot of coffee. A sudden swell of nerves plummeted into her belly. She was struggling with what to do now that she had him inside her home. She had a clear picture in her mind of what she wanted, but the rust in her mojo had her wondering if it was all a mistake.
“Sadly, I can drink this stuff all day long. I love the flavor. Iced is my favorite.” Nervous jitters had her rambling. “There is this sweet barista at the hospital I like to visit. She sits and chats with me each time I get a coffee.”
He appeared behind her. She could feel the heat from his body as he closed in. His fingers traced down her forearms and settled over her hands, steading her movements. She slowly turned to face him and her breath caught as she looked into his captivating grey eyes.
“We both know I didn’t come here for coffee.” He cupped her face, caressing her bottom lip with his thumb.
A sudden shiver raced along her spine. The deep rumble of Luke's voice sent her body into overdrive. Her breath hitched in her throat and she gasped for air as his fingers slowly trailed up her arms and around to her back, pulling her up against him.
Her wide-eyed gaze danced from his grey eyes to his full lips, hovering dangerously close. Her resistance was melting like ice in the heat of summer. The fierce pounding of her heart left her deaf and swaying to its rhythmic beat. All the muscles in her body trembled as the heat from his flesh seeped into hers.
The counter pressed against the small of her back, her hands immediately reaching out to grip the edge. Her mind was on a tailspin, warring with the needs of her body. She was insatiable with desire, yearning for him to the point where she’d lied about not owning a car. The lust he provoked inside her couldn't be ignored, nor could it be denied.
With hesitation, her hands left the cold edge of the granite countertop to grip the firm muscles of his biceps. The moment her skin touched his, a spark, unlike anything she'd ever felt before, exploded from within.
On a gasp, he claimed her mouth. The deep passionate kiss sent fire flooding through her veins, tingling from head to toe. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling herself up to deepen the kiss. A primal urge consumed her, forcing every rational thought from her mind. Nothing mattered, but his kiss and his touch.
Tomorrow she would face her demons. But tonight she belonged in the arms of the first man who could somehow make her forget the mistakes in her life. Tonight she would let go of everything and feel love, be loved, and pretend the world outside didn't exist.
The soft sweep of his tongue over hers forced her mouth to open further, drinking in his sumptuous flavor. His hand flattened against the small of her back, while his other cupped the side of her face, coaxing her into submission. So much passion swelled inside her that she didn't think she could take much more. The air in her lungs seemed to escape and not return. The dizzying haze of lust stunned her, driving her beyond reason with need.
"Oh, God," she breathed.
"You can call me Luke," he muttered against her lips.
She smiled, loving the playfulness she found with him. She brushed her hands down the flat plains of his chest, feeling every deep ridge of muscle. He hissed in a breath as she cupped his balls and held him, his erection fierce against her palm.
Touching him only made her want him more. The need to feel him deep inside her was nearly too much. She licked her lips as her eyes trained on the bulge in his pants and the way her hand caressed him. "Maybe I'll nickname you Hockey Stick."
He knelt lower, his fingers gliding up her thighs and inching up her skirt. Then, he gripped her behind and lifted her up. Immediately, she wrapped her legs around him, placing his jean covered cock right at her core.
His lips grazed the lobe of her ear as he whispered, "I don't mind as long as you let me use it."
Moisture pooled between her legs as he bucked and teased his shaft against her. Her heart lodged in her throat as he pressed against her more firmly. In an instant, he took possession of her mouth. He trailed kisses from her lips, to her chin and then her neck. She leaned her head back, giving him all the room he needed to love the flesh of her body. She gasped as he cupped her breast and gently rubbed his thumb over the sensitive nipple.
She wasn't sure how he managed it, but he'd opened her blouse with only one hand and slowly slid the fabric from her shoulders. Her body quivered as his hungry mouth clamped down on her tender bead, nibbling the sensitive flesh through her bra. His fingers were at her throat, bringing her face back up so that he could kiss her once more. With her mouth occupied, he slipped his fingers behind her and unfastened the bra, easing it from her gently.
Resting her rear on the counter, he stepped back to gaze down at her and her body trembled in the most delicious way. His eyes were filled with lust—a burning passion she was sure was reflected in her own gaze.
"You're so beautiful," he said, his voice as deep and primal as a savaged beast.
A flutter of air fled from her lungs as his fingers were now disappearing under her skirt and up past her thighs. He gripped her panties, and eyed her wickedly, as she leaned back to give him permission to remove the simple garment. She sank her teeth into her bottom lip as the red panties slid down her legs.
He grinned, studying her with heavy lidded eyes. "Red just happens to be my favorite color," he told her, licking his lips.
She swallowed hard.
Luke dropped her panties onto the floor and placed his palm against the inside of her knees, applying just enough pressure to open her legs like the petals of a flower. Then his lips touched the inside of her thigh, sending wild shivers throughout her body. His warm mouth pressed against her skin, his tongue grazing and licking her like a lollipop.
She closed her eyes as his breath teased her flesh and his touch closed in on her core. Then, her head feel back as he devoured her, tasting her in a deliriously wicked way. Her body screamed with need and pulsed with a vengeance. He was driving her over the edge—a place she hadn't dared go as the pleasure seemed too good.
Breathless and panting, she gripped the back of his head, her fingers weaving through his light hair, anchoring him against her. He did things to her—wicked, magical, naughty things that had her begging he would never stop. Then it happened. The room began to spin and her body erupted into an inferno of ecstasy. Crying out, she covered her face in her hands as tears sprung from her eyes. Nothing had ever felt so good, so amazing. Her heart was lighter than it had been in so long. She was spent, but in the most delightful way.
* * * *
The fires of passion burned straight into Luke’s soul as their gazes locked. He sucked in a breath, staring into the most brilliant blue eyes he had ever seen. Noel licked her lips and he found himself gazing at her mouth with a hunger that had not yet been quenched.
Driving to his full height, he recaptured her in his arms and held her against him. “We need a bed. Which room is yours?”
She shook her head, dazedly. “It’s a mess,” she muttered, her mouth pressed against his neck.
Like he cared. But then he really didn’t want to walk that far anyway. He wanted to have her now. “The table will work.”
With the sweep of his hand, he cleared away the cloth placemats and placed her bottom on the table. He pushed up her skirt, revealing the thin patch of hair he hadn’t had a chance to admire until now. Licking her sweetness from his lips, his hands moved to his belt, but before he could pull the leather free from his waist, her hands were on his and his heart jumped up into his throat.
God help me. I might not last if she touches me.
“Let me,” she breathlessly whispered.
His hands fisted at his sides and he bit the inside of his cheek as he watched the slow tease of her hands tugging at the belt. Then, her fingers popped open the button of his blue jeans and unzipped them. Tucking her fingers into the waistband of his pants and briefs, her nails scraped over the flesh of his hips and down his legs.
Cupping her face in his hands, he brought her gaze to meet his. There was such beauty in her face, her deep blue eyes were the color of oceans and her hair was sun kissed. He brushed his knuckles over the soft, smooth skin of her cheek and marveled at the woman before him. He didn’t know how to describe the power she held over him or the attraction that burned between them. But he knew he’d never be satisfied until he was deep inside her.
Her fingers tickled his skin, seeking out his erection. She wrapped her hand around his shaft and his body roared with need. Slowly, she worked him up and down, gliding in sensual strokes, teasing and delighting deep into the very core of his being. But her hand wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted to feel the tight grip of her core surrounding him as he shoved his cock inside her and he wanted to feel her now. The need was overruling his brain—tempting him beyond reason.
Airing on the side of caution, he materialized a condom and placed it in her free hand. Her eyes darted from his cock to his eyes. She dragged her tongue over the seam of her lips, her teeth nibbling the soft tissue. Gently, she placed the condom over the head of his shaft and rolled the latex to the hilt. No one had ever done that to him and he couldn’t help but think it was one of the sexiest things he’d ever witnessed—her half naked body exposed and ready to take from him and show him exactly what she wanted without fear. Yah, that was damn sexy.
Kissing her thoroughly, he gripped her hips as she lifted her knees to his waist and leaned back on the table. He entered her with care, savoring every precious inch of her body. Her tight sheath clamped down around him, forcing a groan that sounded animalistic. She was driving him mad. He wouldn’t last long. She felt too good, too amazing.
Her body responded to his in a way he couldn’t explain. But each time he thrust, she writhed beneath him, pulling his cock deeper inside her. His hands caressed the warm flesh of her belly and breasts, exploring her meticulously. He shook as their connection heightened. The soft fluttering moans that fled her lips had him drilling harder, deeper. Her legs clasped behind him, the heels of her feet digging into his rear.
With all the pleasure she gave him, something was still not right. A cold settled over his chest and his mouth tingled with loss. He was too far away from her. His eyes welcomed the erotic sight of her body shivering with desire, writhing from the pleasure he gave her, but it wasn’t enough. He needed more, wanted to feel more.
He imprisoned her within his arms and with his pants locked around his ankles he shuffled his way to her bed. She giggled, the joyful sound filled his soul with an electrifying jolt. The breath in his lungs hitched as he held her close.
That was what he sought—a connection that was more than physical. It was unadulterated emotion.
No other woman had managed to infiltrate his heart so quickly or stun him blind with just a look. Her laughter was a symphony to his ears and he was overcome with sensations and sentiments that seemed unreal.
As she fell onto the bed, he collapsed on top of her, catching himself with his arms and resting on his elbows. Pinning her down with the weight of his body, he bucked his hips, driving his cock deeper inside her welcoming heat.
A soft moan escaped her lips, purring into his ear and sending a chill racing along each vertebra. He hissed as her nails scrapped the flesh of his back.
She froze in his arms. “Are you all right?”
A crooked grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Never better.” He pressed forward, lifting her leg as he plunged deeper.
She gasped, biting her lip. “I guess you are.”
He smiled, wanting to ravish her mouth. Unable to resist the temptation of her sweet lips, he leaned in close and crushed against her until he captured her mouth. As he engulfed her with his body, her beaded nipples scraped over his chest. He couldn’t stop himself from tasting her. Her flavor was burned on his lips and imprinted on his tongue. Nothing would ever satisfy his appetite the way Noel could.
The more his tongue swept over hers and the flavor of her mouth and body flooded into his, an intensity unlike anything he’d ever felt before robbed him of breath. A hunger like no other consumed him and he found no reason to stop.
He hadn’t wanted a woman as much as he wanted Noel and that was both exhilarating and alarming. His heart was riddled with emotions he couldn’t describe nor did he want to. Enjoying the warmth of her touch and the fever in her kiss was all that mattered and he needed to remember that.
She arched her back, her body cradling against his in the most intimate way. He ran his lips over her chin and down her neck, sucking at the tender flesh. A wild moan fled from her throat as he kissed her skin and her fingers kneaded into the muscles of his shoulders and back.
“Oh,” she gasped.
Her feet dug into his rear, her desires obvious. She was close, on the edge of oblivion, and he was the reason. He pumped his hips harder, faster. Her feminine body was so delicate beneath him, writhing and gasping. Her eyes rolled back as she cried out in pleasure. He never stopped stroking her body, drilling like a piston.
He felt her wetness envelop his shaft and the scent of her body enthralled him. Trembling with exhaustion, he pushed his body to the brink, thrusting harder and harder, faster and faster. He shuddered, groaning like a beast as the waves of passion exploded from behind his eyes.
Sweat coated his body as her hands glided over him, sending tingles throughout him like an electric pulse. Breathless, he closed his eyes and regained his breath. Well pleasured and immensely satisfied, he rolled to the side and blew out a lung full of air. Adjusting his gaze, he kissed her one last time and lingered long enough to enjoy the sexual fatigue he had caused her.
After a moment, she sat up grabbing the blanket from the foot of the bed and scooted off the edge, asking, “Would you like anything to drink?”
“No,” he whispered, rising with the blink of an eye to come up behind her, capturing her in his arms. “I would like a shower though.” He kissed her hair. “With you.”
She quivered against him and he gently forced her to turn and face him. Smiling, she grinned like a wicked angel.
“You’re incorrigible,” she told him.
He brushed her hair back from her face. “I promise I won’t ravish you.” With an arched brow, he added, “Unless you want me to, that is.”
* * * *
Giddy with excitement, Noel dropped the blanket onto the floor and led Luke into the shower. Her feet had never felt as they did as light as she tiptoed across the floor. Once inside the bathroom, she turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. Stepping inside, she pulled him in behind her. Nibbling her bottom lip, feeling the heat from his stare, she eased under the cascading water and wet her hair. Her body tingled as she studied the wild and primal gleam in his eyes.
Reaching to grab the shampoo, she hesitated as his hand come over top of hers. “Allow me,” he rasped, his deep voice like a bolt of lightning to her system—electric and mind numbing.
She placed her back to him as he began lathering her hair. The power of his touch had her flesh tingling from head to toe. Her nerve endings were alive with sensations caused by their love making and she hated to admit it, but she was eager to experience them all over again. Once was not enough with the sexy Luke Winters—twice might not be enough.
He eased her back to rinse the shampoo from her hair and he repeated the act with conditioner. Then it was time to apply the body wash and this had her pulse pounding and everything inside her raging with desires she hadn’t known she possessed. He popped the top and squeezed a small amount onto the palm of his hand and then rubbed his hands together creating a thick lather. His hands glided over her slippery skin with a magical precision that had her eyes rolling back in her head and the breath fluttering past her lips.
Moaning, she closed her eyes and reveled in his wicked, yet experienced touch. He massaged her shoulders, teased the length of her spine and caressed her backside. He then bathed her legs as if they were fine china, kneeling to ensure he washed from the crease below her buttocks straight to her toes and up again.
He gently coaxed her to face him and his greedy fingers kneaded the soft mounds of her breasts, while his thumb abraded her nipples. She hissed as her body burned with need. They had just made love, but she was ready for more. She demanded more.
Who is Luke Winters and what is he doing to me?
As if sensing her lust, he crushed them up against the tile wall, lifting her so he could hold her leg up against his. Within seconds, he was buried inside her, thrusting with a need so much like her own. His mouth devoured her, kissing her with a ferocious hunger.
Her entire body erupted in a fire so hot she thought she was burning alive. He picked her up, continuing to pin her to the wall while her legs tightened around him. She gripped his damp hair, holding him close and nipping his bottom lip as she sucked in a breath. A blinding force ravaged through her, shaking her straight to her core and sending her body into a blazing eruption. Within moments, he was tensing around her and squeezing her close as he found his own release. His primal growl dipped into her ear and sent a shiver racing to her toes.
Releasing her, he quickly rinsed off and stepped from the shower, giving her a moment to wash away the evidence of their love making. Then, he wrapped her in a towel and shut off the water. She bit the inside of her mouth as she studied the way his muscles flexed in his back and buttocks as he moved about the room in search of a towel. She was hesitate to tell him where they were, she didn’t want to take away from the moment that had her enjoying the view.
He slanted a glance her way and grinned. “Care to point me in the right direction?”
She giggled, pointing. “Try the cabinet under the sink.”
As she passed him, she smacked his butt lightly and giggled as he turned to grab her. She cleared his reach in the nick of time, scooting back into her bedroom. She dropped her towel and put on her rob, falling onto her bed.
Relaxed. That was how she felt and she hadn’t felt this wonderful in years. But then this blissful connection would only last for the night. Tomorrow would be a new day and she’d be forced to greet the guilt that ate away at her like a cancer. Claire’s life was nothing like it should be and experiencing love and sex was no longer a pleasure she could find satisfaction in.
Selfishly, Noel had allowed herself this night with Luke, but he came without strings and since he was a pro hockey player, surely he had other women to satisfy before his career ended. She knew the pro athlete types, knew they had women falling all over them. That’s what made Luke Winters so appetizing. He was strictly a one night stand.