
I would like to thank my good friends in Central Australia and the Gulf of Carpentaria, particularly David Ross and Tracker Tilmouth for their support, and Paul Memmott who gave valuable advice whenever I called.

I am deeply grateful to Nicholas Jose, and to my agent Rose Creswell, who was the first person to read the manuscript and whose enthusiasm and professional advice gave me strength and confidence to continue my work.

I am also blessed to have worked with two of the finest editors in Australia – Bruce Sims and Ivor Indyk – who at different stages in the development of the book contributed their insight, understanding and impeccable judgement. 

Gavan Breen’s valuable work with the Waanyi language was a great resource for me to draw upon in bringing the words of our language into the novel.

I am also grateful to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Board of the Australia Council for their generous support.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.
