This silent treatment from you is really getting tiresome, Jack.
Can't you work with me here? I mean, I'm pouring my heart out to you, about to give you a huge catch, and you're not keeping your feelings toward me much of a secret. That's kind of rude, don't you think?
I'm not doing this for myself. You do realize that, right?
If I were, I would have done it a long time ago. Even before coming here, because maybe then I wouldn't actually have been placed in here. Coming to this place middle of nowhere, where I'm basically lost within the system...that was by choice.
This place has a reputation, you know that, right?
Even with that reputation, it's not the worst Asylum out there. My lawyer and I went over the options, and when this one presented itself, I knew I'd be safe here.
Yes, safe.
You don't think I'm ignorant to what happened to the others, do you? They didn't last long in prison.
Men who kill children usually don't.
I knew when I got caught if I wanted to live long enough to die a natural death, I needed to be here, in this place.
Now, look at me. I'm dying a natural death, for sure. Guess this is what happens when you try to force destiny, isn't it?
I can't help but think...if I'd gone to prison like the others, I'd probably be dead by now. Dead, without the pain that I've been living with...which is better, I wonder?
I had a lot of misconceptions, that's for sure.
I thought Beth would come join me, at least come and see me. We were supposed to be soul mates, that our love was worth everything. She apparently didn't feel the same way.
I tried to send her letters, is that in my file? They all came back, unopened. Return to Fucking Sender. That's what was written on it. I thought maybe she moved, but not with that personal message.
She just moved on. From me. She made that clear.
I stopped writing her, eventually. She was alive, and that's all that mattered, right?
I mean...I'm here, took the rap, let everyone give me that god-awful nickname of The Candyman, all for her.
See, I'm not that much of an asshole.