Chapter 6


The alternative to using graphics is to summarize your data in tabular form. Broadly speaking, if you want to convey detail use a table, and if you want to show effects then use graphics. You are more likely to want to use a table to summarize data when your explanatory variables are categorical (such as people's names, or different commodities) than when they are continuous (in which case a scatterplot is likely to be more informative; see p. 189).

There are two very important functions that you need to distinguish:

6.1 Tables of counts

The table function is perhaps the most useful of all the simple vector functions, because it does so much work behind the scenes. We have a vector of objects (they could be numbers or character strings) and we want to know how many of each is present in the vector. Here are 1000 integers from a Poisson distribution with mean 0.6:


We want to count up all of the zeros, ones, twos, and so on. A big task, but here is the table function in action:

 0	1	2	3	4	5
539	325	110	24	1	1 

There were 539 zeros, 325 ones, 110 twos, 24 threes, 1 four, 1 five and nothing larger than 5. That is a lot of work (imagine tallying them for yourself). The function works for characters as well as for numbers, and for multiple classifying variables:

	status	gender
1	clear	male
2	clear	male
3	clear	male
4	clear	male
5	clear	male
6	clear	male

and so on for 1000 rows. You want to know how many males and females were infected and how many were clear of infection:

status	females		male
clear	284		515
infected	53		68

If you want the genders as the rows rather than the columns, then put gender first in the argument list to table:

gender	clear	infected
females	284	53
male	515	68

The table function is likely to be one of the R functions you use most often in your own work.

6.2 Summary tables

The most important function in R for generating summary tables is the somewhat obscurely named tapply function. It is called tapply because it applies a named function (such as mean or variance) across specified margins (factor levels) to create a table. If you have used the PivotTable function in Excel you will be familiar with the concept.

Here is tapply in action:

[1] "Growth.rate" "Water" "Detergent" "Daphnia"

The response variable is growth rate of the animals, and there are three categorical explanatory variables: the river from which the water was sampled, the kind of detergent experimentally added, and the clone of daphnia employed in the experiment. In the simplest case we might want to tabulate the mean growth rates for the four brands of detergent tested,

 BrandA	BrandB	BrandC	BrandD
3.884832	4.010044	3.954512	3.558231 

or for the two rivers,

 Tyne	Wear
3.685862 4.017948 

or for the three daphnia clones,

 Clone1	Clone2	Clone3
2.839875	4.577121	4.138719 

Two-dimensional summary tables are created by replacing the single explanatory variable (the second argument in the function call) by a list indicating which variable is to be used for the rows of the summary table and which variable is to be used for creating the columns of the summary table. To get the daphnia clones as the rows and detergents as the columns, we write list(Daphnia,Detergent) – rows first then columns – and use tapply to create the summary table as follows:

	BrandA	BrandB	BrandC	BrandD
Clone1	2.732227	2.929140	3.071335	2.626797
Clone2	3.919002	4.402931	4.772805	5.213745
Clone3	5.003268	4.698062	4.019397	2.834151

If we wanted the median values (rather than the means), then we would just alter the third argument of the tapply function like this:

	BrandA	BrandB	BrandC	BrandD
Clone1	2.705995	3.012495	3.073964	2.503468
Clone2	3.924411	4.282181	4.612801	5.416785
Clone3	5.057594	4.627812	4.040108	2.573003

To obtain a table of the standard errors of the means (where each mean is based on six numbers: two replicates and three rivers) the function we want to apply is inline. There is no built-in function for the standard error of a mean, so we create what is known as an anonymous function inside the tapply function with function(x)sqrt(var(x)/length(x)) like this:

tapply(Growth.rate,list(Daphnia,Detergent), function(x) sqrt(var(x)/length(x)))
	BrandA	BrandB	BrandC	BrandD
Clone1	0.2163448	0.2319320	0.3055929	0.1905771
Clone2	0.4702855	0.3639819	0.5773096	0.5520220
Clone3	0.2688604	0.2683660	0.5395750	0.4260212

When tapply is asked to produce a three-dimensional table, it produces a stack of two-dimensional tables, the number of stacked tables being determined by the number of levels of the categorical variable that comes third in the list (Water in this case):

, , Tyne
	BrandA	BrandB	BrandC	BrandD
Clone1	2.811265	2.775903	3.287529	2.597192
Clone2	3.307634	4.191188	3.620532	4.105651
Clone3	4.866524	4.766258	4.534902	3.365766
, , Wear
	BrandA	BrandB	BrandC	BrandD
Clone1	2.653189	3.082377	2.855142	2.656403
Clone2	4.530371	4.614673	5.925078	6.321838
Clone3	5.140011	4.629867	3.503892	2.302537

In cases like this, the function ftable (which stands for ‘flat table’) often produces more pleasing output:

		Tyne	Wear
Clone1	BrandA 2.811265	2.653189
	BrandB 2.775903	3.082377
	BrandC 3.287529	2.855142
	BrandD 2.597192	2.656403
Clone2	BrandA 3.307634	4.530371
	BrandB 4.191188	4.614673
	BrandC 3.620532	5.925078
	BrandD 4.105651	6.321838
Clone3	BrandA 4.866524	5.140011
	BrandB 4.766258	4.629867
	BrandC 4.534902	3.503892
	BrandD 3.365766	2.302537

Notice that the order of the rows, columns or tables is determined by the alphabetical sequence of the factor levels (e.g. Tyne comes before Wear in the alphabet). If you want to override this, you must specify that the factor levels are ordered in a non-standard way:


Now the summary statistics for the Wear appear in the left-hand column of output:

		Wear	Tyne
Clone1	BrandA	2.653189	2.811265
 	BrandB 	3.082377 	2.775903
 	BrandC 	2.855142 	3.287529
 	BrandD 	2.656403 	2.597192
Clone2 	BrandA 	4.530371 	3.307634
 	BrandB 	4.614673 	4.191188
 	BrandC 	5.925078 	3.620532
 	BrandD 	6.321838 	4.105651
Clone3 	BrandA 	5.140011 	4.866524
 	BrandB 	4.629867 	4.766258
 	BrandC 	3.503892 	4.534902
 	BrandD 	2.302537 	3.365766

The function to be applied in generating the table can be supplied with extra arguments:

 BrandA	BrandB	BrandC B	randD
3.874869	4.019206	3.890448	3.482322 

The trim argument is part of the mean function, specifying the fraction (between 0 and 0.5) of the observations to be trimmed from each end of the sorted vector of values before the mean is computed. Values of trim outside that range are taken as the nearest endpoint.

An extra argument is essential if you want means when there are missing values:


Without the argument specifying that you want to average over the non-missing values (na.rm=T means ‘it is true that I want to remove the missing values’) , the mean function will simply fail, producing NA as the answer.

You can use tapply to create new, abbreviated dataframes comprising summary parameters estimated from larger dataframe. Here, for instance, we want a dataframe of mean growth rate classified by detergent and daphina clone (i.e. averaged over river water and replicates). The trick is to convert the factors to numbers before using tapply, then use these numbers to extract the relevant levels from the original factors:

dets <- as.vector(tapply(as.numeric(Detergent),list(Detergent,Daphnia),mean))
[1] "BrandA" "BrandB" "BrandC" "BrandD" "BrandA" "BrandB" "BrandC" "BrandD"
[9] "BrandA" "BrandB" "BrandC" "BrandD"
[1] "Clone1" "Clone1" "Clone1" "Clone1" "Clone2" "Clone2" "Clone2" "Clone2"
[9] "Clone3" "Clone3" "Clone3" "Clone3"

You will see that these vectors of factor levels are the correct length for the new reduced dataframe (12, rather than the original length 72). The 12 mean values that will form our response variable in the new, reduced dataframe are given by:

	Clone1 	Clone2 	Clone3
BrandA 	2.732227 	3.919002 	5.003268
BrandB 	2.929140 	4.402931 	4.698062
BrandC 	3.071335 	4.772805 	4.019397
BrandD 	2.626797 	5.213745 	2.834151

These can now be converted into a vector called means, and the three new vectors combined into a dataframe:

means <- as.vector(tapply(Growth.rate,list(Detergent,Daphnia),mean))
detergent <- levels(Detergent)[dets]
daphnia <- levels(Daphnia)[clones]
	means 	detergent 	daphnia
1 	2.732227 	BrandA 	Clone1
2 	2.929140 	BrandB 	Clone1
3 	3.071335 	BrandC 	Clone1
4 	2.626797 	BrandD 	Clone1
5 	3.919002 	BrandA 	Clone2
6 	4.402931 	BrandB 	Clone2
7 	4.772805 	BrandC 	Clone2
8 	5.213745 	BrandD 	Clone2
9 	5.003268 	BrandA 	Clone3
10 	4.698062 	BrandB 	Clone3
11 	4.019397 	BrandC 	Clone3
12 	2.834151 	BrandD 	Clone3

The same result can be obtained using the function:,list(Detergent,Daphnia),mean))
 	Var1 	Var2 	Freq
1 	BrandA 	Clone1 	2.732227
2 	BrandB 	Clone1 	2.929140
3 	BrandC 	Clone1 	3.071335
4 	BrandD 	Clone1 	2.626797
5 	BrandA 	Clone2 	3.919002
6 	BrandB 	Clone2 	4.402931
7 	BrandC 	Clone2 	4.772805
8 	BrandD 	Clone2 	5.213745
9 	BrandA 	Clone3 	5.003268
10 	BrandB 	Clone3 	4.698062
11 	BrandC 	Clone3 	4.019397
12 	BrandD 	Clone3 	2.834151

but you need to edit the variable names like this:

         detergents	   daphina	      means
1 	BrandA 	Clone1 	2.732227
2 	BrandB 	Clone1 	2.929140
3 	BrandC 	Clone1 	3.071335
4 	BrandD 	Clone1 	2.626797
5 	BrandA 	Clone2 	3.919002
6 	BrandB 	Clone2 	4.402931

6.3 Expanding a table into a dataframe

For the purposes of model-fitting, we often want to expand a table of explanatory variables to create a dataframe with as many repeated rows as specified by a count. Here are the data:

 	count 	sex 	age 	condition
1 	12 	male 	young 	healthy
2 	7 	male 	old 	healthy
3 	9 	female 	young 	healthy
4 	8 	female 	old 	healthy
5 	6 	male 	young 	parasitized
6 	7 	male 	old 	parasitized

The idea is to create a new dataframe with a separate row for each case. That is to say, we want 12 copies of the first row (for healthy young males), seven copies of the second row (for healthy old males), and so on. The trick is to use lapply to apply the repeat function rep to each variable in count.table such that each row is repeated by the number of times specified in the vector called count:

Then we convert this object from a list to a data.frame using like this:

 		function(x) rep(x, count.table$count)))
 	count 	sex 	age 	condition
1 	12 	male 	young 	healthy
2 	12 	male 	young 	healthy
3 	12 	male 	young 	healthy
4 	12 	male 	young 	healthy
5 	12 	male 	young 	healthy
6 	12 	male 	young 	healthy

To tidy up, we probably want to remove the redundant vector of counts:

 	sex 	age 	condition
1 	male 	young 	healthy
2 	male 	young 	healthy
3 	male 	young 	healthy
4 	male 	young 	healthy
5 	male 	young 	healthy
6 	male 	young 	healthy
 	sex 	age 	condition
57 	female 	young 	parasitized
58 	female 	old 	parasitized
59 	female 	old 	parasitized
60 	female 	old 	parasitized
61 	female 	old 	parasitized
62 	female 	old 	parasitized

Now we can use the contents of dbtable as explanatory variables in modelling other responses of each of the 62 cases (e.g. the animals' body weights). The alternative is to produce a long vector of row numbers and use this as a subscript on the rows of the short dataframe to turn it into a long dataframe with the same column structure (this is illustrated on p. 255).

6.4 Converting from a dataframe to a table

The reverse procedure of creating a table from a dataframe is much more straightforward, and involves nothing more than the table function:

You might want this tabulated object itself to be another dataframe, in which case use:
 	sex 	age 	condition		Freq
1 	female 	old 	healthy		8
2 	male 	old 	healthy		7
3 	female 	young 	healthy		9
4 	male 	young 	healthy		12
5 	female 	old 	parasitized 	5
6 	male 	old 	parasitized 	7
7 	female 	young 	parasitized 	8
8 	male 	young 	parasitized	6

You will see that R has invented the variable name Freq for the counts of the various contingencies. To change this to ‘count’ use names with the appropriate subscript [4]:

 	sex 	age 	condition		count
1 	female 	old 	healthy		8
2 	male 	old 	healthy		7
3 	female 	young 	healthy		9
4 	male 	young 	healthy		12
5 	female 	old 	parasitized 	5
6 	male 	old 	parasitized 	7
7 	female 	young 	parasitized 	8
8 	male 	young 	parasitized 	6

6.5 Calculating tables of proportions with prop.table

The margins of a table (the row totals or the column totals) are often useful for calculating proportions instead of counts. Here is a data matrix called counts:

 	[,1] 	[,2] 	[,3]
[1,] 	2 	1 	1
[2,] 	2 	4 	5
[3,] 	4 	2	3
[4,] 	3 	0 	3

The proportions will be different when they are expressed as a fraction of the row totals or of the column totals. To find the proportions we use prop.table(counts,margin). You need to remember that the row subscripts come first, which is why margin=1 refers to the row totals:

 	[,1] 	[,2] 	[,3]
[1,] 	0.5000000 	0.2500000 	0.2500000
[2,] 	0.1818182 	0.3636364 	0.4545455
[3,] 	0.4444444 	0.2222222 	0.3333333
[4,] 	0.5000000 	0.0000000 	0.5000000

Use margin=2 to express the counts as proportions of the relevant column total:

 	[,1] 	[,2] 	[,3]
[1,] 	0.1818182 	0.1428571 	0.08333333
[2,] 	0.1818182 	0.5714286 	0.41666667
[3,] 	0.3636364 	0.2857143 	0.25000000
[4,] 	0.2727273 	0.0000000 	0.25000000

To check that the column proportions sum to 1, use colSums like this:

[1] 1 1 1

If you want the proportions expressed as a fraction of the grand total sum(counts), then simply omit the margin number:

	    [,1] 	   [,2] 	      [,3]
[1,]	0.06666667	0.03333333	0.03333333
[2,]	0.06666667	0.13333333	0.16666667
[3,]	0.13333333	0.06666667	0.10000000
[4,]	0.10000000	0.00000000	0.10000000
[1] 1

In any particular case, you need to think carefully whether it makes sense to express your counts as proportions of the row totals, the column totals or the grand total.

6.6 The scale function

For a numeric matrix, you might want to scale the values within a column so that they have a mean of 0. You might also want to know the standard deviation of the values within each column. These two actions are carried out simultaneously with the scale function:

	[,1]	[,2]	[,3]
[1,]	-0.7833495	-0.439155	-1.224745
[2,]	-0.7833495	  1.317465	  1.224745
[3,]	 1.3055824	  0.146385	  0.000000
[4,]	 0.2611165	-1.024695	 0.000000
[1] 2.75 1.75 3.00
[1] 0.9574271 1.7078251 1.6329932

The values in the table are the counts minus the column means of the counts. The means of the columns attr(,"scaled:center") are 2.75, 1.75 and 3.0, while the standard deviations of the columns attr(,"scaled:scale") are 0.96, 1.71 and 1.63. To check that the scales are the standard deviations (sd) of the counts within a column, you could use apply to the columns (margin = 2) like this:

[1] 0.9574271 1.7078251 1.6329932

6.7 The expand.grid function

This is a useful function for generating tables from factorial combinations of factor levels. Suppose we have three variables: height with five levels between 60 and 80 in steps of 5, weight with five levels between 100 and 300 in steps of 50, and two sexes. Then:

expand.grid(height = seq(60, 80, 5), weight = seq(100, 300, 50),
			sex = c("Male","Female"))
	height	weight	sex
1	60	100	Male
2	65	100	Male
3	70	100	Male
4	75	100	Male
5	80	100	Male
48	70	300	Female
49	75	300	Female
50	80	300	Female

6.8 The model.matrix function

Creating tables of dummy variables for use in statistical modelling is extremely easy with the model.matrix function. You will see what the function does with a simple example. Suppose that our dataframe contains a factor called parasite indicating the identity of a gut parasite; this variable has five levels: vulgaris, kochii, splendens, viridis and knowlesii. Note that there was no header row in the data file, so the variable name parasite had to be added subsequently, using names:

1	vulgaris
2	splendens
3	knowlesii
4	vulgaris
5	knowlesii
6	viridis
[1] "knowlesii" "kochii" "splendens" "viridis" "vulgaris" 

In our modelling we want to create a two-level dummy variable (present or absent) for each parasite species (in five extra columns), so that we can ask questions such as whether the mean value of the response variable is significantly different in cases where each parasite was present and when it was absent. So for the first row of the dataframe, we want vulgaris = TRUE, knowlesii=FALSE, kochii=FALSE, splendens=FALSE andviridis=FALSE.

The long-winded way of doing this is to create a new factor for each species separately:

 0	1
99	52
 0	1
134	17 

and so on, with 1 for TRUE (meaning present) and 0 for FALSE (meaning absent). This is how easy it is to do with model.matrix:

The -1 in the model formula ensures that we create a dummy variable for each of the five parasite species (technically, it suppresses the creation of an intercept). Now we can join these five columns of dummy variables to the dataframe containing the response variable and the other explanatory variables. Suppose we had an original.frame. We just join the new columns to it,

new.frame<-data.frame(original.frame, model.matrix(∼parasite-1))

after which we can use variable names like parasiteknowlesii in statistical modelling.

6.9 Comparing table and tabulate

You will often want to count how many times different values are represented in a vector. This simple example illustrates the difference between the two functions. Here is table in action:

2	7	11
3	2	1

It produces names for each element in the vector (2, 7, 11), and counts only those elements that are present (e.g. there are no zeros or ones in the output vector). The tabulate function counts all of the integers (turning real numbers into the nearest integer if necessary), starting at 1 and ending at the maximum (11 in this case), putting a zero in the resulting vector for every missing integer, like this:

[1] 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1

Because there are no 1s in our example, a count of zero is returned for the first element. There are three 2s but then a long gap to two 7s, then another gap to the maximum 11. It is important that you understand that tabulate will ignore negative numbers and zeros without warning:

tabulate(c(2,0,-3,2,2,7,-1, 0,0,7,11))
[1] 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1

For most applications, table is much more useful than tabulate, but there are occasions when you want the zero counts to be retained. The commonest case is where you are generating a set of vectors, and you want all the vectors to be the same length (e.g. so that you can bind them to a dataframe).

Suppose, for instance, that you want to make a dataframe containing three different realizations of a negative binomial distribution of counts, where the rows contain the frequencies of 0, 1, 2, 3, … successes. Let us take an example where the negative binomial parameters are size = 1 and prob = 0.2 and generate 100 random numbers from it, repeated three times:

The three realizations produce vectors of different lengths (15, 15 again (but with a 15 and a 16 but no 9 or 14), and 20 respectively). With tabulate, we can specify the length of the output vector (the number of bins, nbins), but we need to make sure it is long enough, because overruns will be ignored without warning. We also need to remember to add 1 to the random integers generated, so that the zeros are counted rather than ignored. From what we have seen (above), it looks as if 30 bins should work well enough, so here are six realizations with nbins=30:

This looks fine, until you check the fifth row. There are only 98 numbers here, so two unknown values of counts greater than 29 have been generated but ignored without warning. To see how often this might happen, we can run the test 1000 times and tally the number of numbers presented by tabulate:

for (i in 1:1000) totals[i] <- sum(tabulate(rnbinom(100,1,0.2)+1,30))
 98	99	100
 5	114	881

As you see, we lost one or more numbers on 119 occasions out of 1000. So take care with tabulate, and remember that 1 was added to all the counts to accommodate the zeros.