
ACTFL American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
ADHD attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
AE American English
AMTB Attitude/Motivation Test Battery
AoA age of arrival
ASL American Sign Language
AV auditory-visual
CA Contrastive Analysis
CALL computer-assisted language learning
CANAL-F Cognitive Ability for Novelty in Acquisition of Language—Foreign
CATSS Computer Adaptive Test of Size and Strength
CCSARP Cross-Cultural Speech Act Realization Project
CHL Chinese as a heritage language
CLS complementary learning systems
CMC computer-mediated communication
CPH Critical Period Hypothesis
CS conditioned stimulus
CV consonant-vowel
ΔP Delta P
DCTs discourse completion tasks
DLAB Defense Language Aptitude Battery
EAP English for Academic Purposes
EFL English as a Foreign Language
ESL English as a second language
ELAN early left anterior negativity
ERPs event-related potentials
ESF European Science Foundation
ESP English for Specific Purposes
EWM executive working memory
FDH fundamental difference hypothesis
FLES foreign language in the elementary school
fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging
FonF Focus on Form
FonFs Focus on Forms
FSI/ILR Foreign Service Institute/Interagency Language Round Table
GJTs Grammaticality Judgment Tests
GM grammatical metaphor
HLA Heritage Language Acquisition
HLLs heritage language learners
IDI Intercultural Development Inventory
ILs interlanguages
IMRD Introduction-Method-Results-Discussion
L1 first language
L2 second language
LANs left-to-bilateral anterior negativities
LANs local area networks
LCP Language Contact Profile
LeaP Learning Prosody in a Foreign Language
LFG Lexical-functional Grammar
LMT Lexical Mapping Theory
LOR length of residence
MCS memory for contingent speech
MEG magnetoencephalography
MLAT Modern Language Aptitude Test
MM Multidimensional Model
MTM multiple-trace memory
NHLRC National Heritage Language Resource Center
NLP natural language processing
NS native speaker
NS-NNS native speaker-non-native speaker
OM Ontogeny Model
OPI Oral Proficiency Interview
OT optimality theory
PDH Proceduralization Deficit Hypothesis
PET Positron Emission Tomography
PLAB Pimsleur's Language Aptitude Battery
PLD primary linguistic data
P&P principles and parameters
PSTM phonological short-term memory
PT Processability Theory
PWM phonological working memory
RST reading span task
SA study abroad
SES socio-economic status
SFL systemic-functional linguistics
SILC Strategic Inventory for Learning Culture
SILL Strategic Inventory for Language Learning
SLA second language acquisition
SLM Speech Learning Model
SOPI Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview
TBLT Task-based Language Teaching
TMS transcranial magnetic stimulation
TOEFL Test of English as a Second Language
TOEIC Test of English for International Communication
UCM Unified Competition Model
UG Universal Grammar
US unconditioned stimulus
VACs verb-argument constructions
VOT voice onset time
ZISA Zweitspracherwerb Italienischer und Spanischer Arbeiter
ZPD Zone of Proximal Development