
Chapter One


So you all know the story of beauty and the beast, right!

How I chased after that ungrateful bitch, trying to take her as mine.  Trying to make her see that with me, she would have it easy.

That with me she would never have been touched, because there are things that she didn’t see.  Things aren't what they appear to be.

Everyone always assumed that I chased her around the village because I want her as my wife, and my house mouse.

I didn't, I would spend hours pretending to watch her so that I could be near him.  You can only spend so long sitting in the big chairs plugged into the USB port and pretending to stare at your phone.  I totally found all the hidden objects in the last game in a two hour sitting.

The local librarian, he was stunning.  The pure fact that this man could make me lose focus on a female brought me to my knees.  

They say I am a man amongst men, but I Gaston Debussey would like nothing more than to be under him.

He completely took me by surprise, a pleasantly erotic surprise.  My sweet nightmares would wake me up hard as a rock, and the wood wrestling in the shower would do nothing to tame the beast. I always thought that you love who you want to love, but for me I never fell for a woman, but falling in love with this man, was a surprise and pleasant surprise.

I had followed Belle into the library, prepared to watch her from afar, to keep up appearances that I was interested in her, teasing her.  She was my friend before everyone started to push her on me but instead of standing strong and protecting a friendship that I valued, I let the influence of others guide my hand.

When you hear the stories of how Gaston chased after Bella and made her run, that was never my intention.  

I had finally decided to stop following the masses and apologize to her, but before I could get to her she had run away. For what reason, I don’t know. The rumors are that someone told her she would be forced to marry me in an arranged type marriage.  These townspeople need to stop spreading rumors and stay out of other people's business.  We live in a decade that arranged marriages are highly frowned upon.

I was heartbroken when I found out and spent day after day in the library to be close to her spirit, to feel the love that I have for my best friend and let it encompass me and guide me.  I vowed every single day that when I found her I would get my best friend back and I would protect her from the onslaught of the nosey townsfolk.

“Heavy is the head that has a bitter heart.” I heard whispered in my ear.  The one ear that didn’t have my ear bud in, cause I was supposed to be paying attention to my surroundings.

I turn my head and stare at the angular cut jaw of the man who has starred in a few of my fantasies since I started coming to the library.

“She ran away from me.  I was going to apologize and explain a few of my skeletons, but she's gone.” I hang my head in shame, why did I let the town’s people pressure me.

“Do you think it’s time to set the village straight?” he pauses and takes a deep breath “Can I ask you a question?” he lowers his head and takes a deep breath.

“Please, I know we just met and I have appeared to come across as a gigantic dick, but you can tell me anything.” I grab Sebastian’s arm.  I desperately want to grab his chin and make him look into my eyes; let him see that in my heart he is what I need, I just can't voice it.  What would people think?

“Do you like me?” his shy whispers draw my eyes to his lips, lips I want nothing more than to sip from.  My eyes pan up to his deep brown eyes, which I get lost in as we stare at each other.

“I-I.” I can't seem to form the words, a repeat of something that in my head scream at me daily.  ‘Tell him how you feel, show him that it's his body you crave’, but I can't. I still have the preconceived notion that if anyone truly finds out that I am gay, my reputation will crumble.  Why I want to keep up appearances is beyond my thinking at this point.

I stare into his eyes, I know he can see the mixed emotions rolling through mine and there is nothing that I can do to stop the words that come out of my mouth. “You are a cool guy; we should have a beer sometime.”

I watch as anger flares in his eyes and he stands up mumbling something under his breath.

“How about that beer? “I stupidly yell after him.

He shakes his head and keeps walking waving his hand in the air; I may have seen a finger but not sure because my eyes are trained on the man’s ass.

“Fuck me, how stupid are you?” I mumble to myself as my hand slides under the table we had moved to adjusting my stiff cock.

I am torn, if I stand now the enter guild will see the large beacon standing and pointing after a man, a man I swear just flipped me off.
