I turn my attention to the crowd that's laughing it up with the idiot who thinks he is funny.
I spot Beast waiting by the door anger written all over his face and scan to see his friends looking just as angry all with their arms crossed, muscles bulging as they flex.
I make my way over to stand in front of the man that's about to be knocked out cold. I slide my ass down so I am literally sitting in front of my best friend. My hands are clinched into tight fist and it takes everything in me not to kick him in the stomach, I laugh out loud, drawing everyone's attention back to me.
“You have no clue do you. I am the one that claimed Sebastian. I am his and he is mine. I know what this entire town of hypocrites has done to him and I know that you,” I point at my ex best friend and continue “were the one that initiated the entire thing.”
I cock my arm back and land a thunderous blow to the side of his head, making him crumble to the floor, landing in a pile of puke.
I rise back up and address the crowd one more time.
“That's what will happen if I hear one negative comment about Sebastian, Belle, Beast or myself. You know when my sister came out the rumors and looks of disgusted where what drove her away, I truly hope you all can seek enlightenment. It's pretty sad when a town like this with people, whose closets are packed full of skeletons, that you judge a man for who he chooses to love.”
I walk to the end of the bar, jumping down and heading towards beast. I have had enough of this damn town; it’s time for this road trip to end.