Chapter 59

The American government wants its people free and happy. That is why there is as little involvement as possible in a citizen’s everyday life.

American Gazette

The sun shone down on Andrew. Even in the morning its rays were powerful in the tropical heat. He was glad they were starting orientation today. He’d had enough of wandering aimlessly around Affinity, following Sarah or Zack to the next work spot, none of which offered much of interest to Andrew. He glanced over at Mia. She wore the same worried expression he had seen on her face over the past twenty-four hours. Carter was walking several feet in front of them, his head held high. The three of them hadn’t been talking much at all. When they were alone it was like everyone just wanted to sleep. Andrew didn’t want any questions about the state of his emotions, but he wondered what Carter and Mia were hiding.

“What’s wrong?” Andrew asked.

Mia turned her head toward him and put a smile on her face.

“Nothing,” Mia said.

Andrew frowned.

“I’m a little nervous about orientation,” Mia said. “Choosing a division.”

It seemed decided that they were staying here, though none of them had discussed the topic. Andrew wasn’t sure where else they would go anyway. He still believed Mia was hiding something, but she wasn’t questioning his disappearances to speak with Katie and he didn’t want her to ask, so he dropped the subject.

He hated to admit it, but after two nights of speaking with the doctor he was already feeling a little better. The headaches still came when he thought back to his time in the militia, but he was getting better at controlling his memories.

They walked down the hill and made it to the entrance of Affinity. Rex was standing outside waiting for them. He didn’t smile. Instead he wore the same blank face as Carter.

“Don’t let him get to you,” Andrew said.

“I think Affinity has the right to know what type of person he really is,” Mia said.

Andrew and Carter had convinced her he deserved a second chance, but she wasn’t on board yet. Andrew didn’t think Mia would ever understand Rex the same way he and Carter did. Andrew saw the man as a possible future version of himself and part of him needed to believe Rex was capable of redemption.

Mia took the lead and pushed past Rex, opening the door to the room. Carter paused to talk with the man; Andrew decided it was best to follow Mia.

“Give him a chance,” Andrew said.

She frowned, but before they could continue the conversation Zack popped his head into the room.

“Right on time,” he said. “Have a seat.”

There was a large table. Andrew and Mia both pulled out chairs and sat down. Rex and Carter were in the room now and they did the same.

“Welcome to Affinity,” Zack said. “Today we’re going to fill you in on some details of our society, our goals, and what will be required of you if you choose to stay.”

Zack was energetic. Andrew could tell he enjoyed his occupation.

“We are a free society,” he said. “Everyone here is your equal. There are no divisions on the basis of gender. You must treat everyone accordingly.”

Andrew wondered how hard that was for Rex. Zack opened his mouth to continue, but before he could speak the door swung open and Zack stopped. Andrew turned around to see a woman at the back of the room. She was older, her hair pulled up in a tight bun.

“Good morning, Zack,” she said.

“Eleanor,” he said.

“It’s come to my attention that two of our newest recruits require a private orientation,” she said. “I’d like to take them to my office, if that’s all right with you.”

“Why . . . er . . . of course,” Zack said.

The woman moved to the front with Zack. He bowed his head. The speech Zack had just delivered didn’t apply to this woman; she was obviously Zack’s superior.

“Amelia,” she said. “And Millard. Please follow me.”

Rex and Mia started to stand up.

“No,” Andrew said.

Mia looked down at him. Her eyes told Andrew she didn’t mind leaving. She wore a small smile of reassurance.

“I’m not leaving you,” Andrew said. His voice was firm.

She bent down and whispered in his ear, “We’re always together.”

Andrew didn’t respond. He looked at her; she wore a soft expression. Her lack of argument told him she wanted to follow this woman, even if it meant being alone with Rex.

“I promise you she will return to the group by the end of the day’s activities,” Eleanor said. “Zack, please continue.”

She walked toward the door and didn’t turn around to make sure Rex and Mia were following. Andrew felt like she had brought iciness to the room. The doors closed and they were gone.

“Can you believe Rex’s real name is Millard?” Zack asked.

Carter let out a little laugh. Andrew turned his attention toward Zack. He wanted some answers.

“Who was that?”

“Let’s get back to orientation,” Zack said. “By the end of the session all your questions should be answered, including her role in Affinity.”

With few other options, Andrew gave Zack his full attention. Whoever that woman was, Mia didn’t mind following her; Andrew needed to focus on that. Mia was turning into a capable person, and she deserved some deference.