Chapter 65

When will multiple wives be permitted? The question every male wants an answer to.

—American Gazette

After an hour of examining his hand, Dr. Drum was starting to bandage it up.

“It’s good you came straight to me,” Katie said.

“When Mia told me,” Andrew said, “I lost it. I saw red.”

“Your hand will be fine,” Katie said. “You didn’t break anything. I’m more concerned about how you’re channeling your rage.”

“I felt like I had no control,” Andrew said.

“Think about how much progress we’ve made in a few days,” Katie said. “These things take time. There is a chance all your memories will return.”

“When I came out of it, I was scared it was Mia I had punched, not the wall.”

“But you didn’t,” Katie said. “Focus on that.”

“Hello?” someone called from downstairs.

“I’ll be right back,” Katie said. “Stay here and we’ll finish our conversation.”

Andrew sat in the chair. He heard Katie walk down the stairs. She left his door open a crack and he recognized Sarah’s voice. He wondered what she was doing here. He walked over to the door frame.

“I need your radio,” Sarah said.

“There’s a receiver on my desk,” Katie said.

“You don’t have the portable one?” Sarah asked.

“The whole infirmary is wired; I need to hear it everywhere in case there is an emergency,” Katie said. “My portable is upstairs. I can get it.”

“No, this is fine,” Sarah said.

Andrew heard footsteps. Then a box in his room let out Sarah’s voice. He turned his head and walked over toward it.

“Zack?” Sarah asked.

“I’m here,” he said. “Are you with Mia, Andrew, or Carter? They’ve missed their afternoon session.”

“I’m with Mia,” Sarah said. “She found it, what the militia wants.”

Andrew felt like the air in the room was standing still. The militia wanted something? Were they here?

“We’re down at the carport,” she said. “We need to transport it to the entrance.”

“It’s too dangerous,” Zack said. “Wait for me. I’ll be right there.”

The source of Andrew’s problems was right here. He hadn’t even realized it. They needed to pay, deserved to feel the same suffering he did. Andrew turned and ran down the stairs and out the front door. He went over toward the carport and spotted Mia. He ran over toward her.

“You knew?” Andrew asked.

Mia stopped what she was doing.

“You knew that the people who did this to me were here and kept it from me?” Andrew asked.

“I wanted to protect you,” Mia said.

“By lying to me?” Andrew asked.

“I didn’t lie,” Mia said.

Andrew walked over to the car she was loading up and sat in the driver’s seat. He looked around for keys.

“What are you doing?” Mia asked.

“I’m going to see them,” Andrew said.

“You can’t drive,” Mia said. “Not this car.”

He ignored her and continued looking for a way to bring the machine to life.

“We have to wait for Zack,” Mia said.

Think, he told himself. He’d been in these things several times now. How were they started? Then he noticed the center panel. He started to push the buttons.

“Andrew,” she said, “this is all ending today. You won’t have to worry about the militia anymore. We can go back to the way we were.”

None of the buttons had worked thus far. Then he tried pressing his hand against the small screen. He heard the car come to life.

Mia opened the passenger door and climbed inside.

“Stop,” she said.

She grabbed his good hand and pulled it up to herself. He turned his head and looked at her.

“I know you’re angry,” Mia said. “But you’re not thinking clearly either. What will you do if you see them? You’re unarmed. If we give them this stuff they will leave us alone. For good. We can move forward.”

Mia glanced away. Andrew turned to see Zack, Sarah, and Katie standing watch. Andrew stood up and moved into the backseat, next to the cellophane bricks. He didn’t make eye contact with Mia. Zack approached the car.

“I’m coming with,” Andrew said.

“No,” Zack said. “I’m going alone. It’s too dangerous.”

Andrew turned and looked at Zack. The man examined Andrew’s face. Andrew didn’t waver. He stared at Zack with intensity. The man would have to kill Andrew to get him out of the car.

“Fine,” he said. “Sarah, I need you to cover me.”

Zack climbed in the front seat.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Katie said.

“I don’t have time for this,” Zack said. “This morning there were four of them, now there are fifteen. We need this to end now.”

Sarah walked over to their car and climbed in next to Andrew. He was smashed between her and whatever Mia had loaded into the car. He watched as Zack pushed a button and the car started backing up.

“All three of you stay in the car,” Zack said.

He drove down the road. Andrew was filled with rage. He wanted nothing more than to kill these men. He’d take out the entire army if he had his way. Because Mia had kept this information from him, Andrew had missed an opportunity to get some relief. To have a sense of justice for the atrocities done to him. He didn’t understand why she would deny him that satisfaction. The car started to slow down. Andrew saw figures come out of the jungle and stand in a line blocking the road. They had their weapons drawn.

Zack stopped the car about twenty-five feet away.

“Stay in the car,” Zack said. “Mia, if anything happens to me drive them out of here.”

Zack opened the door and stepped out. He raised his hands in the air. Mia slid over to the driver’s seat and Zack walked around toward the back. He stopped to pick up one of the packages in the backseat.

“I have what you want,” Zack said.

He kept his arms up and started walking toward them.

“Who is in charge?” Zack asked.

Then the unforgettable face walked out from the side of the road. It was the sergeant. Memories of the noise came flooding back. His evil laugh at Andrew’s initial discomfort.

“I am sure you’re a reasonable man,” Zack said. “Let me give these back to you and leave us in peace.”

“Or I could kill the four of you and take back what is mine.”

“Look at the trees,” Zack said. “They are filled with my best men. You’re smart enough not to cross onto our land. Why is that?”

The sergeant laughed. He signaled for his men to lower their weapons.

“Are there really people in the trees?” Mia asked.

“Yes,” Sarah said. “Zack wouldn’t have moved so fast without adequate protection.”

Andrew didn’t care about Affinity’s defenses. He couldn’t keep his eyes off the sergeant. The rest of the world seemed to fade away. Andrew kept having flashes go off in his head. Bouts of intense pain that vanished as soon as they started. He needed to get closer and he needed a weapon.

Andrew opened the side door and started to gather the packages from the car. He didn’t listen to Mia or Sarah’s protests. Once his arms were filled he walked over behind Zack, never taking his eyes off the sergeant.

“Take these and leave,” Zack said.

Andrew walked closer, until he was right next to Zack. The sergeant finally looked at him and broke into a smile.

“Private Simpson,” he said. “You really were quite remarkable. It’s a shame we lost you.”

“Andrew, put the man’s packages down and let’s get out of here,” Zack said.

“They are so informal here,” the sergeant said. “We would have turned you into a man. They’ll keep you a little boy.”

Andrew walked forward and threw the packages down. The sergeant kept his smile and signaled for his men to gather up the bricks. Andrew was still seeing red, but then he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Mia. She looked up at him with open eyes and a soft smile. Andrew realized he had won already. He wasn’t stuck with the militia and Mia was alive. The work they had done on him was already fading away. His anger started to subside. Her hand slid down his arm and stopped when it met his. She started to walk back and Andrew followed her.

“I guess you were a weak one after all,” the sergeant said.

The rage bubbled back up. Andrew dropped Mia’s hand and spun back around. He saw Zack’s gun hanging from his holster, and in a fluid motion Andrew reached out and grabbed it up. He cocked the weapon and pointed it at the sergeant. The man was laughing. Andrew didn’t care who else was there. In his mind all he saw was one of the men responsible for his current state.

“Pull the trigger,” the sergeant said. “Then you and all your friends will die.”

“You’re wrong,” Andrew said. “You are the weak one. You have no principles or purpose to your life. There is nobody who cares about you. You live your life for yourself. You’re everything that is wrong with this world.”

The sergeant didn’t stop smiling, but reality was coming back into view. Andrew thought about Mia, Katie, and Affinity. They wanted to help him. They wanted to help the world. He lowered his weapon.

“I feel sorry for you,” Andrew said.

“We’ll meet again someday, Private Simpson,” the sergeant said. “You can count on that.”

“As far as I’m concerned you’re not worth my time,” Andrew said.

He handed the weapon over to Zack and turned around. He grabbed Mia’s hand again and walked back toward the car. Sarah moved into the passenger seat and Mia and Andrew slid into the back.

Zack waited till the men backed away from their standoff before coming back to the car. He got behind the wheel and watched as the militia disappeared.

“Is it over?” Mia asked.

“It’s over,” Andrew answered.

Andrew had faced the manifestation of all the hatred he held inside of himself and beat it down with the realization that he had people who cared about him. He closed his eyes and felt the wind blow over him. Everything he had been through had taught him one valuable lesson: he was loved, and that was something he’d never thought possible.