Chapter 71

Each Affinity camp can set up their village how they see fit, as long as the shared priority remains working toward the downfall of America.

—Internal memorandum from Affinity

Tonight was her first meeting. The entire organization was invited and External Tactics would run the event. Two days had passed since Mia’s time with Eleanor and still she couldn’t make up her mind. Mia thought about Rex saying Grant was indecisive and not worthy of loyalty; she wondered what the big man thought of her now.

“What is this about?” Mia asked Sarah.

“It’s a special meeting,” Sarah said. “I’m not sure what for. It must be big news though.”

Mia looked around the room. There were about one hundred people in attendance. She was surprised more didn’t attend, but Sarah did tell her some of the people wanted to stay in the dark on some of the larger issues. Before Mia could make it to her seat Eleanor intercepted her.

“Mia,” Eleanor said, “have you given any more thought to my offer?”

“I’m still deciding,” Mia said.

“I hope you don’t wait too long,” Eleanor said.

She continued walking up to the front of the mess hall. There was a large table set up and the other eleven members sat down. Eleanor’s seat was in the middle.

“She’s never spoken a word to me before,” Sarah said. “I doubt she knows my name.”

“Maybe you should rethink joining ET,” Andrew said. “You’d fit in nicely at the head table.”

“I think I like it better down here with the minions,” Mia said.

Sarah and Andrew laughed at her joke. Carter walked in and sat by them.

“I thought you weren’t coming,” Mia said.

“It beats sitting alone in the cabin,” Carter said.

“I’m glad you’re here,” Mia said.

Carter looked away. She wanted him to feel like he belonged.

“Can I have your attention?” Eleanor said.

The whole room stopped talking in an instant. Mia had never seen anyone control a room with such power.

“It has come to our attention that the rise of a new grand commander is imminent. This individual is more ruthless than is imaginable.”

Grant. Mia knew Eleanor was right. She glanced over at Andrew, who gave his full attention to the ET panel.

“We have some inside access to him,” Eleanor said. “We are looking for volunteers for a mission. We need to send a group across the border, into America, to retrieve some files.”

The files on her. Mia looked around the room. Nobody had raised their hand yet. This was crazy. People could lose their lives, and there was no way everyone would survive the return trip. Mia wouldn’t have that blood on her conscience. Eleanor couldn’t think simple files were worth the loss of innocent people.

Carter stood up. “I volunteer,” he said.

Mia reached over and tugged his clothing. He brushed her off. Eleanor nodded at him. Someone else stood up. These people were going to risk their lives. Mia didn’t think they understood what they were giving up. She stood up.

“Stop,” Mia said.

Everyone turned and looked at her.

“Excuse me?” Eleanor asked.

“Nobody is going back,” Mia said.

“That is not your call to make,” Eleanor said.

“Then I would like to accept your offer to join External Tactics,” Mia said.

“Consider yourself a member,” Eleanor said. “But this has been decided.”

“Then I’m going back too,” Mia said.

“No,” Andrew said.

“Unfortunately your presence will do more harm than good on this mission,” Eleanor said. “We need you for something else.”

“You want me to present myself as the grand commander’s deceased wife,” Mia said. “And I need to go back there to do it.”

There was an audible gasp from the room.

“Mia, what are you doing?” Andrew asked.

Eleanor glanced at the panel members.

“We’re listening,” she said.

“No,” Andrew said. He stood up. “If any of you go back they’ll kill you. He’ll kill you.”

“I’m not letting anyone else sacrifice themselves,” Mia said.

“I’m not letting you sacrifice yourself,” Andrew said.

“As moving as this display of affection is,” Eleanor said, “it doesn’t concern us. Everyone, thank you for your time tonight. Volunteers, please meet at ET tomorrow morning. This meeting is adjourned.”

The people took Eleanor at her word and started standing up, talking among themselves.

“I won’t allow this,” Andrew said.

“It’s not your call to make,” Mia said.

“Mia, you said you wanted a quiet life,” Andrew said. “What would you call sending yourself to certain death?”

“I can’t let another person die because of the Registry,” Mia said. “I do want a quiet life, but this week has shown me I can never find true peace until the Registry is done.”

“So you think exposing Grant’s lies will put a stop to it?” Andrew asked.

“No,” Mia said. “But I think if we’re going to stop the Registry it has to happen from inside. We need to strike soon. Once he takes over, those people back home, they’re in grave danger. The whole country.”

Andrew didn’t argue with Mia. He looked away. Eleanor approached them.

“That was brave,” she said.

“Some files on me aren’t worth people’s lives,” Mia said.

“What about the women trapped in America? Is risking a few lives worth their freedom?”

“I’m going back,” Mia said. “I’ll expose Grant from the inside, but I’m going alone.”

“Rex is a crucial part of this mission,” Eleanor said.

“Just the two of us then,” Mia said.

“I won’t leave you,” Andrew said. “I’m going too.”

“Me too,” Carter said.

Eleanor glanced around. She let a smile curl up on her lips.

“You underestimate the capabilities of Affinity,” Eleanor said. “Four members will not take down a massive government. We have much at our disposal.”

Mia thought about the video feeds. That was impressive, and it was only a fraction of their capabilities. Still, Mia didn’t feel more confident.

“If you three are volunteering you will be informed of our proposal,” she said. “However, input from members outside of ET is not welcomed.”

“So you want us to risk our lives without a say?” Andrew asked.

“This is voluntary,” Eleanor said. “I hope to see you three in the morning. Mia, welcome to External Tactics.”

Eleanor turned and left. The rest of the room emptied out. Sarah stayed with the group until Zack walked over. He put a hand on her shoulder and she left the room. Her eyes stared into Mia and they were filled with concern and worry.

“We can’t do this,” Andrew said.

“We already have,” Mia said. “There’s no other option.”

Andrew’s face was hard. He wouldn’t make eye contact. Mia knew he wanted to scream at her. Carter, on the other hand, could barely contain his grin. It was like he felt relief at returning home.

“It’s up to us,” Mia said. “We have to go back. We have to stop this. All of it. The Registry, mandatory service, the way America works.”

“You heard Eleanor,” Andrew said. “We’re only three people, four if you count Rex.”

“Affinity is behind us,” Mia said. “I wouldn’t underestimate their methods.”

“And what are those?” Andrew asked.

“I don’t know yet,” Mia said.

She knew sitting idle wasn’t an option. Mia did her best to hide her fears and show Andrew and Carter her determination.

“But no matter what, we are going to do this . . . together.”

None of them spoke a word. Mia knew Andrew didn’t agree with their plan. When Mia had landed in Mexico she was a terrified, helpless girl paralyzed with fear. Now she was about to mount a rebellion against the most powerful country in the world. She knew she should be terrified, but instead she felt a strange sense of calm. The quiet life Mia dreamed of would never be possible until the Registry ceased to exist. This time Mia wasn’t alone. She was part of something larger; she was part of Affinity. Mia could do this—she could go back. The Registry would be stopped.