“To be conscious and enlightened, Spirit must fill our bodies.

Trance Dancing is an invitation to Spirit to embody us. When Spirit accepts, we dance from the inside out.”

– Frank Natale

The Healing Power of Trance Dance

The Power of Movement

Through the movement of Trance Dancing you invite the power of Spirit to reside within you. Experiences of this life, lives past, even those in pre-human form, are re-created by the presence of Spirit. Once you allow Spirit to dance within, you will be fully present. This is the path to healing and wholeness.

Far too often we are outside our bodies. To be conscious and enlightened, Spirit must fill our bodies. Trance Dancing is an invitation to Spirit to embody us. When Spirit accepts, we dance from the inside out. We see and experience ourselves through the eternal senses of Spirit, absent of our conditioning and the limits of ordinary reality.

First you must awaken the Energizer within, feel the power of your breath moving in and out, let go of “your head” and limiting cognitive structure. Then without resistance you will find yourself in trance.

Anyone can Trance Dance because there are no steps. Spirit knows the steps and once awakened and embodied, the Spirit within will take over. There is great joy in rediscovering our Spirit dancing. This dancing is unique to each of us because our body moves in ways beyond our normal reality. Whether these movements are smooth or chaotic, they are always related in some way to our ancient experiences in the evolution of our consciousness. Many of these experiences are joyful discoveries of lives past and others have pain and trauma as their predominant emotion. Trance Dancing empowers you to relive and gain understanding of traumatic events, and to release painful memories so that they no longer interfere in this life.

It is important to remember that there is no right way to Trance Dance. It’s your dance, unique to you, and not an external presentation. Trance Dancing has nothing to do with the expectations of others and all to do with revealing the mystery of our timeless existence. Trance Dancing is relaxing, energizing and, most importantly, healing – which is the intent of all shamanic spiritual practice. Through Trance Dance, we awaken the body’s natural movement. We reconnect with Spirit and our native animal energy. This is the start of us being fully present in our bodies, empowering us to re-experience the evolution of our consciousness.

Everyone has their own rhythm and movement and with experience you discover the rhythm and music that move you.

Trance Dancing is great natural exercise, an easy and vibrant form of moving trance, and one of the most complete methods of healing known, for it heals body, mind and emotions, by inviting Spirit into this life and revealing other lives, known and unknown.

When you see someone else Trance Dancing it is easy to see its healing power in the freedom of expression, the Spirit that radiates in the dancer’s face. In Trance Dance you have permission to be totally yourself so that you can pour your being into the space that connects you deeply with everyone and everything.

Dancing is one of the greatest pleasures of life, a true gift when we do it naturally, without controlling and guiding our movement. When we dance beyond any expected form or style, we can explore and release our natural flow of thoughts and feelings and spontaneously create a healing space.

When we dance spontaneously new movements emerge, opening us to our far memory of times when we have danced before and allowing us to heal traumas and lifelong patterns of disease. When we move into trance and no longer are concerned with what people will think, we free our insecurities and our brain goes clear with relief.

Trance Dancing is for everyone, young and old, male and female, from yuppie stockbrokers to barefoot hippies. All shed their inhibitions when given some simple instruction on how to breathe and how to release movement through dance.

The Reunion with Spirit

Spirit visits the dancer by the dancer’s invitation. When this occurs, the dancer disappears and becomes the dance. This can be primitive, aggressive, magical and sometimes sexual.

When Spirit enters each dancer, a collective energy is created which moves everyone beyond their limits until they abandon their conditioned concept of themselves. Their bodies warm and vibrate. Feelings of loneliness and isolation disappear as the music dissolves their separateness and they feel a primal connection not realized in daily life.

Disease and disenchantment are the results of being dis-Spirited. Parts of our Spirit have wandered away for many reasons, leaving us unprotected and vulnerable to disease and struggle. Illness can be healed by calling home Spirit to our bodies.

Trance Dancing invites Spirit to return home for all healing must start with a reunion with Spirit and an elimination of the distance, which has occurred between human and being.

Once spiritually reunited, Spirit becomes the dancer, dissolving and releasing negative thoughts, creating space for far memory to reveal images and experiences of immortality.

Breath and movement transform our thoughts and break down our negative emotions. We release sounds of joy, pain, sorrow, anger and passion. Then the body spontaneously in movement releases fatigue and pain until all emotion is cleansed and is experienced as one emotion – that of passion. Passion is the creative force of the universe, our Source, our Spirit in action.

As humans we are “running mammals” and unless we move our bodies regularly to an optimal cardiovascular heart rate, we will begin to experience low self-esteem and the aches and pains of underachievement. By Trance Dancing we rediscover our spiritual wholeness and our consciousness moves into spontaneous healing. Consciousness heals spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Trance Dancing will cause you to be true to your inner movement. It will leave you healed and satisfied, so dance your tears and joy and allow your breath and heartbeats to connect us all until we become a species of Trance Dancing Humans.

Spirit manifests physically as breath and when breath goes in, it moves into the lungs and feeds the blood with the energy that it needs to move through the body. We then experience physical and emotional healing. Breath breaks down the blocks that exist in the emotional body and creates the opportunity for us to feel those emotions and release them. This, obviously coupled with dance, causes you to release them in dramatic and playful ways. Even when you are angry, it is not destructive, for no one is going to be harmed if you scream or roar like a lion while you are dancing.

In the Trance Dance trainings we dance for days. Most people do not realize or believe that they are going to dance that much, but when they go home after the training they are generally still dancing. And they dance for weeks after. They lose weight naturally, their skin begins to clear and brighten, their eyes clear. Physically and emotionally they transform because through movement and breath they are healing physically and emotionally.

We also heal mentally when we dance; when we dance in trance, we move into a state of consciousness where we envision, imagine, or see experiences that are stored in our far memory. We literally move as consciousness to that place or time which is a parallel reality to this life. We experience other places and times, not just witnessing, but actually participating in this non-ordinary place or time.

This clears out a lot of the petty thinking, a lot of fearful thoughts that cause us to worry, because when we get in touch with our immortality, there really is not much to worry about and crisis in this life remains in its proper perspective. The loss of a loved one does not devastate us; we feel sad because of their absence, but we don’t allow it to wipe us out because we know that we have lost thousands of loved ones and we will be in love again.

The petty things that we worry about, the small things that build up, are the root causes of all disease, especially those diseases for which we have been unable to determine cures. Some people suffer so from this negative petty thinking that they have developed a chronic negative life plan.

When we were born our self-esteem was so high that some people had difficulty being around us, which is why they unconsciously “stole our Spirit” and robbed us of our self- esteem. “Soul theft” or having our Spirit stolen in our contemporary world refers to the loss of Spirit, which occurs in painful intimate relationships between lovers, children, parents and so on. Every child is born enlightened with the high self-esteem that enlightenment brings. Every child feels love, wants to love, and demands to be loved. They don’t cling to problems. They experience, express feelings and move on. Through adjustments to physical reality and because of our parents we become damaged. One of my teachers, Buckminster Fuller, said, “We are all born creative, lovable geniuses and some of us were less damaged than others.”

Those life shocks and traumas of childhood need to be healed. Sometimes we even need to heal previous lives, both human and pre-human; deaths that were horrible, lives that were painful, patterns of rejection, suffering and denial during battles, famines, ice ages. Trance Dancing creates the possibility to travel beyond this time and space and heal these fossilized thoughts, events and shocks.

The Power of Spirit

To be disenchanted, to be dispirited, is to be diseased. I don’t want you to get stuck in whether you believe in religion or not: that is irrelevant. Spirituality has nothing to do with religion and that is the mistake that many of us have made.

Religion is an organized system or path that you follow through the wisdom and enlightenment of a specific teacher. Spirituality is not a one-prophet model. Spirituality requires that everybody be a prophet. Spirituality requires that every individual have their own connection to what they call God and what I have come to call Spirit.

The priest or the rabbi is only someone with the responsibility for the community’s communication to God. The priest or rabbi is not responsible for your individual connection to God or Spirit unless employed by you, for you are already partially God and therefore for the priest to represent you is foolish. You don’t need a priest to talk to God for you.

You instinctively knew this as a child. Just watch any child and watch the way they pray. They are not going through a middle person, they are not parroting prayers, they go directly to the Source because they know where they came from – they still have cognitive far memory. So, they talk directly to God. Then, as we grow older, we start reciting prayers, the meaning of which most of the time we don’t even know. Eventually we get lost in dogma that threatens us with guilt if we have the courage to commune directly with Spirit.

It is only since the advent of science – which is relatively new when viewed within the entire context of our evolution – which we have begun to believe that we think with our brain. Before science, during Goddess and shamanic times, we believed we thought with our hearts. Thinking with our hearts is not such a radical idea when we realize that we do it when we choose, when we help a child, when we support the disabled or unconditionally love our child or lover.

What is true about the brain is that the brain is a receiver of thought like a radio receives stations, or a TV receives channels. The way to receive different thoughts is to change the way we think. This is done by moving beyond time and space through trance and tuning into an alternative vibration or thought form.

When we believe that we live in one reality, then we think in one way and our brains only receive one repetitive thought form, or channel. We then become a diseased and dispirited person who eventually loses their connection to Spirit and the insights of Spirit’s domain. When we have the courage to change the way we think, we become confused. This is really a positive state of consciousness because this confusion means we are about to free our mind, to let go of old restricting beliefs and receive new insights which can only be received once we release the old conflicting beliefs which effectively block new ideas and perceptions.

Healing through placebo, which all of us accept but none of us fully understands, is a good example of the power of thought. Belief in a new miracle cure is the same as the belief in Spirit who provides the new insights and understanding, which occur during Trance Dancing.

So there is something very powerful in believing we are connected with Spirit or a form of energy, Goddess, God, consciousness, or intelligence, call it what you will, and when believed it somehow heals us. Dancing has traditionally always been an invitation to Spirit to come into our body. It is only in the last hundred years that we have come to believe that dance is only a form of recreation. We have taken too many things from our ancestors like dance, sex, teaching plants and hunting and turned them into just recreation. In the past Trance Dancing was an opportunity to actually re-create our self spiritually and therefore heal our self through the presence of Spirit.

In only a few parts of the world was dancing for recreation. In the South Pacific the Hula societies were shamans and their idea of shamanism was entertainment. They would travel from village to village, sing, dance, lift the Spirits of people and then they would move on. That was their magic. But for the most part in other cultures, dance occurred in rituals and therefore had a very sacred purpose.