About the Authors


Richard Neville was an Australian writer and commentator who first came to prominence as the editor of the counterculture magazine OZ. Having travelled the ‘pot trail’ throughout the 1960s and 70s, Neville was commissioned by Random House to write the story of con man and serial killer Charles Sobhraj. The result, The Life and Crimes of Charles Sobhraj, was a global bestseller. His books include Playpower, Hippie, Hippie, Shake, Out of My Mind and Amerika Psycho. Richard Neville died in September 2016.


Julie Clarke trained as a journalist on the Sydney Telegraph before joining ABC television. She later became a New York correspondent for Australian Consolidated Press and worked as a TV producer. Along with her partner Richard Neville she wrote The Life and Crimes of Charles Sobhraj, an endeavour that took the pair all over the world for two years.