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Acts, 39; 3:6, 147; 26:26, 55

Admiranda, of Christina, 78–81

Affective devotion, in BUA, 188–89

Agnes (saint), 32, 145, 242n25

Alard, ritual suicide of, 26, 88

Albert the Great, 1, 34, 205n1

Allegorical reading, 154; Origen on, 135–36, 142, 185–86, 251n37

Animalem (Animal) state of prayer, 138, 139, 140, 151

Annunciation, 11, 197, 271n58

Anselm of Canterbury, 16, 25, 210n43; de Lubac on theology of, 14, 210n44

Antihagiography, of James, 28

Anti-Jewish discourse, in BUA, 190–99, 266n17

Antony of Alexandria, 62, 64, 107

Apophasis, 7, 18, 201; in Christina’s Life, 52, 70–71; exemplarity and, 162, 174–79; ineffability topos in, 160; in Life of Lutgard, 156–70; in the male search for visionary experience, 170–73; mystical biography and, 156–79

Apostolic life: Dominican focus on, 41; piety and, 38–39, 94. See also Vita apostolica

Aquinas, Thomas, 2, 56, 206nn4–5, 211n53, 261n38; devotional poetry of, 16; on exemplary life of Christ, 15; on faith and reason relationship, 10, 182–83, 190; on miracles, 166; on proof for God’s existence, 12; on saintly face, 90; Scholastic theology and, 1, 4, 11, 13, 15, 16, 206n7

Aristotle, 34, 239n10

Ascetic virtues, 33, 77; Christina and, 62, 63, 64; Marie and, 65; Roisin on Margaret’s, 34

Augustine, 26, 96, 134–35, 204, 239n13; on illuminationism, 14; James inspired by, 25; on Jews, 190–91, 269n39; on miracle of visionary experiences, 166; rhetorical theology of, 95, 97–99, 102–3, 106–7, 239nn10–11, 240n16; on types of signs, 110–11. See also De doctrina christiana; Hagiography, Augustine and

Augustinian model of theology: de Lubac on, 14, 210n44

Barratt, Alexandra: on Lutgard finger relic, 128–29; on Lutgard illiteracy, 129–30, 247n12; on Lutgard rumination, 152

Barthes, Roland, 120

Begging, 227n20; piety and, 65

Beguines, 24, 25, 39, 133, 224n149; Cistercians connections with, 40–41, 217n66; d’Oignies of, 3; enemies of, 46; papal recognition of, 45; on virginal ecstasy of, 66; vita apostolica and movement of, 44

Beguines and Beghards, The (McDonnell), 24, 36, 44, 212n57, 219n92, 220n95

Belief: Augustine on proof and, 95–96, 240n17; Lutgard virtues and, 105; as a taking up, for reader, 93–94, 100, 102, 104–5, 114–15, 119, 129; text and relic pairing for, 92–93, 95–97, 122, 125; Thomas on Jewish unbelief, 21, 183

Bernard of Clairvaux, 134, 248n13, 260n33; Song of Songs sermons by, 136–37, 164

Bestul, Thomas, 183

Bilingualism, of Thomas, 23

Blasphemy, Gregory IX temptation of, 92–93

Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate, 46, 223n137, 225n153

Bodily abjection, of Christina, 68

Bodily performance, of John of Cantimpré, 88

Body of Christ, saintly body and glorious, 55–56

Bolton, Brenda, 40, 221n114; on Christina, 28–29; on James of Vitry, 25; on piety Christocentrism and eucharistic devotion, 44; on women hagiographical subjects, 222n115

Bonum universale de apibus (BUA) (Common good as taught by bees) (Thomas of Cantimpré), 3, 12, 18, 36, 100; on affective devotion, 188–89; on Agnes, Sarah-Gertrude, and Jewish conversion, 21, 192–99, 201–2; on anti-Jewish discourse, 190–99, 266n17; Christian doubt in, 190–99; corporealization in, 20–21; Crane on exempla, 35, 218n84, 265n11; on exemplary sign, 20–21; exemplary teaching in, 180, 181–82, 187–90; high medieval project of, 180–81, 183; Humbert of Romans, 34, 35, 180, 181–82; Jewish carnality in, 184–87, 191, 196; laity lives in book 2, 35, 180; Mary virginity in, 21, 27, 183, 189–92, 197–98; material and immaterial reality in, 20–21, 198; prelates lives in book 1, 35, 180; sacramental pastoral of, 180; stigmatization in, 187–88

Brabant, 36, 37, 83, 99, 132

Bridal ecstasy, of Christina, 72

Brooks, Peter, 225n5

Brown, Peter, 240n14

BUA. See Bonum universale de apibus

Bynum, Caroline Walker, 89, 212n56; on physicality of women piety, 171; on women bodies, 80–81

Caesarius of Heisterbach, 35, 219n86, 224n149

Carnality: of Jews, 184–87, 191, 196; of women, 186–87

Carpenter, Jennifer, 37

Cathars, 42, 43, 45, 65, 94

Catherine (saint), 60, 147

Catholic faith: poverty and charity in, 94; Thomas and, 12

Cawley, Martinus, 249n24

Celestial Hierarchy, The (Pseudo-Dionysius), 59

Certainty. See Securitatis

Christ: annunciation and, 11, 197, 271n58; Christina and redemption by, 51; Christina and suffering of, 50; John of Cantimpré imitation of humility of, 19; Lutgard experience of, 32, 150–52, 162, 257n118; Margaret experience of, 32; Origen on Mosaic law and, 185; women bodies as imitation of, 212n56

Christina the Astonishing, 33, 40; admiranda and imitanda of, 78–81; apophasis of, 52, 70–71; ascetic virtues and, 62, 63, 64; bodily abjection of, 68; Brooks and aesthetic qualities of, 225n5; Christ redemption and, 51; deeds of, 55; demonic interpretation of, 49, 55, 66, 68–69, 72, 82; desert mothers and fathers, 62–64, 67; disbelief of miraculous acts of, 50; dissimilar similarities, 51, 58–60, 79; excessive contemplation of, 54; female sanctity and, 73–74; James on holy virgin example of, 53; as laywoman and piety of, 28–29; life and marvelous body of, 52–58, 83, 86–87, 227n17; mirabilis title of, 48, 53, 57–58, 71, 80; miracle as mirror, 69–78; modeling impossible, 78–82; monstrous body of, 69–70, 79, 82; mulieres religiosae and, 64–69; physiological marvelousness of, 56, 67; purgatorial fire representation of, 51, 52, 73; purgatory endured by, 29, 53, 54, 57, 72; rapture of, 67–68; revivified body of, 53, 54, 57, 63–64, 81–82; Roisin on external wonder emphasis for, 34; saintly exemplarity of, 19; sanctity and, 51–52, 59–60, 68, 69; self-mortification, 18, 54–55, 61, 63–64; singularity of, 83; strange body of, 56–57; suffering Christ and, 50; verbal preaching of, 88, 233n100; as virgin martyr, 60–62, 230n63; wondrous horror of, 72–73, 76, 78, 81. See also Life of Christina the Astonishing

Christocentrism, 44

Cistercian order, 24, 89, 217n66, 248n13, 248n15; Beguine connection with, 40–41, 217n66; of desert mothers and fathers, 62; Lutgard of, 3, 32; meditative reading of, 135–36

Clergy, illiteracy of laity compared, 131

Clothing attention, for laity, 11–12

Coakley, John, 170–73, 263n51

Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome, 6, 263n4; on BUA as high medieval project, 180–81

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 156

Common good as taught by bees. See Bonum universale de apibus

Communion, to laity, 11, 12

Confession: Elliott on Thomas and, 42; John of Cantimpré and, 85–86; Thomas hearing of, 27

Confessions (Augustine), 95–96, 117, 239n13

Contemplation: Christina excessive, 54; ecstasy in, 45, 217n55; of John of Cantimpré, 89; of Lutgard, 145, 167–68; Margaret excessive, 74–75; in mystical biographies, 160

Conversion: of Jews, 183–84, 186, 192–99; John of Cantimpré rural nobility, 26; of John of Montmirail, by John of Cantimpré, 84–85; of Lutgard, 42; of Margaret by Zeger, 30, 42; by Mary, 270n55, 270n57; of Sarah-Gertrude, 21, 192–99, 201–2

1 Corinthians, 13:7, 118

2 Corinthians: 3, 184–85; 3:6, 184; 5:7, 116

Corporealization, in BUA, 20–21

Corpus Christi, 223n129

Corpus Mysticum (de Lubac), 13, 210n51

Count Louis, 71, 231n86, 233n100

Crane, T. F., 35, 218n84, 265n11

Credulity crisis, in Life of Lutgard of Aywières, 93, 97, 101–9

Cura animarum, of women, 41

Cura pastoralis, Gregory of Tours, 7

Curtius, Ernst Robert, 157, 160

Dante, 57, 229n47

DDC. See De doctrina Christiana

de Certeau, Michel, 198–99, 208n22; on quest for annunciation events, 11; on sacramental pastoral, 11, 209n41

Déchanet, J. M., 141

De Doctrina christiana (On Christian Teaching) (DDC) (Augustine), 26, 98–99, 117–19, 134–35, 148–49; Green and Tracy on, 108; on problem of recognition, 111–13, 115; on scripture interpretation need, 107–8, 116; on signs, 108–11

de la Taille, Maurice, 8, 200

de Lubac, Henri, 210n45, 210n51; on Anselm, 14, 210n44; on Augustinian model of theology, 14, 210n44; on Eucharist, 209n41; on medieval theology signs, 13–15

Demonic deception, 229n51

Demonic interpretation: of Christina, 49, 55, 66, 68–69, 72, 82; Simons on, 66

De natura rerum (DNR) (Thomas of Cantimpré), 3, 34; bee history and, 35; materials for preaching from, 26; Mulchahey on laity use of, 26; on pastoral dualism, 81–82; on saintly virtue and grace, 49; Sweetman on, 26; Thomas completion of, 29

De principiis (On First Principles) (Origen), 134

Desert mothers and fathers: Christina and, 62–64, 67; James on, 65

Devotional text: of Aquinas poetry, 16; of Life of Lutgard of Aywières, 100–1

Devotional theology: of Life of Lutgard, 19–20; O’Malley on, 210n51; as sacrament, 21

Devotions: BUA affective, 188–89; eucharistic, 44, 64, 75; laity life of, 100; Thomas on, 5, 8–9, 21

Didactic function, of Christina revivified body, 54, 57, 63–64

Dissimilar similarities: of Christina, 51, 58–60, 79; on God and all images, 70–71; prophets and, 71; Pseudo-Dionysius theory of, 51, 58–60; Rorem on, 59; viewer perception of, 69–78

DNR. See De natura rerum

Dominican order, 3, 216n45; apostolic life focus, 41; preaching against heresy by, 41–42; on sermons, 57–58; Thomas vocation of, 41; women and, 222n123

Ecclesiastes, 135

Ecclesiastical power: among laity, 11; mulieres religiosae skepticism of, 100

Economic and pastoral context, of Thomas ministry, 42–47; Brabant pastoral activities, 36–37; Gregorian reforms and, 38; Grundmann on, 38, 39; Thomas Dominican vocation, 41; women religious vocations and, 40–41

Ecstasy, 133–34; Beguines on virginal, 66; Christina bridal, 72; in contemplation, 45, 217n55; James on women and, 44–45; of Margaret, 31–32, 66–67

Elizabeth of Spalbeek, 66

Elliott, Dyan, 182, 217n56; on eucharistic devotion, 64; on female sanctity, 75–76, 94; on heresy, 64, 94; on rapture, 168–70, 261n43, 262n44, 262n47; on saint-as-proof, 120; on Thomas and confessions, 42; on Thomas criminalization of women spirituality, 223n133; on women as penitents, 43

Enigma of Faith, The (William of Saint-Thierry), 137

Eucharist, 15–16, 271n59; de Lubac on, 209n41; women Christ imitation and, 212n56

Eucharistic devotion, 44; Elliott on, 64; of Margaret, 75

Eucharistic piety, 44, 86, 94; of laity, 12, 43

Exchange of hearts, Lutgard and, 149, 252n53, 257n107

Exempla: Crane on BUA, 35, 218n84, 265n11; Sweetman on, 35, 57–58, 182

Exemplarity: apophasis and, 162, 174–79; of Christ, Aquinas on, 15; Christina saintly, 19; Geary on figures of, 208n23; Hippolyte Delehaye on, 4–5, 208n22. See also Saintly exemplarity

Exemplary imitability and inimitability, gendered difference in, 19

Exemplary proof, 93–94; BUA and, 180, 181–82, 187–90

Exemplary signs, 20–21, 201

Exemplary teaching, in BUA, 180, 181–82, 187–90

Exposition on the Song of Songs (William of Saint-Thierry), 131, 137, 138, 142, 154

Faith, 116; Aquinas on reason relationship to, 10, 182–83, 190; Catholic, 12, 94; Confessions on, 117; love in, 118–19; Thomas on, 10, 12

Fasting: by John of Cantimpré, 85; of Margaret, 74–75; of women, 212n56

Female mendicancy, 71, 224n123, 227n20, 231n86

Female saints: inimitability of, 19; sanctification of, 159; Thomas on proofs of orthodoxy of, 182

Female sanctity, 73–74; Elliott on, 75–76, 94

Feminine piety, Lambert on, 40

Finger relic: of Lutgard, 19, 33, 93–94, 121–22, 127–29, 155, 173; of Marie, 92–93, 95–96, 122

Franciscan order, 24

Frazier, Allison, 114

From Theology (Lacoste), 211n53

Fulk of Toulouse, 43, 44, 64–65

Funk, Philipp, 213n11

Garber, Rebecca, 44

Gautier de Coincy, 46

Geary, Patrick, 208n23

Gender, 160, 186; exemplary imitability and inimitability difference in, 19; Jews and, 184; Lipton on Jewish representation of, 195–96, 270n52; of literacy as male, 143; Thomas on sanctity and, 83–91; vita apostolica and, 171

Gerard of Liège, 169

God: images from, dissimilar similarities and, 70–71; love of, 118–19; proof for existence of, 12

Golden Letter, The (William of Saint-Thierry), 137, 138

Goswin of Bossut, 33, 103, 242n26

Green, R. P. H., 108

Gregorian reforms, 220n105; on priests, 38; Smalley on novelty and, 46

Gregory IX (pope) “Hugolino,” 28, 45, 264n4; blasphemy temptation of, 92–93; finger relic for, 92–93, 95–96, 122; Life of Marie of Oignies reading by, 92–93

Gregory of Nyssa, 134, 260n33

Gregory of Tours, 4, 203; Cura pastoralis, 7

Gregory the Great, 36, 153, 232n87, 265n6; on purgatory, 56

Gregory VII, 38

Grundmann, Herbert, 38, 39, 221n114; on women religious movement, 223n131

Grzebien, Thomas, 34

Guibert of Nogent, 137

Hadewijch, abbess of Aywières, 104, 173, 244n44; Lutgard vita request by, 33, 121

Hagiography: Albert the Great and, 1, 34, 205n1; de Lubac and medieval theology in relation to, 13–15; Hippolyte Delehaye on monochromatic nature of, 5; saint as image and sign in, 6–10; as technology of visible, 10–13; theological discourse of, 15–17; of Thomas, 1, 2–3, 17–21

Hagiography, Augustine and: belief and proof, 95–96, 240n17; credulity crisis in Life of Lutgard of Aywières, 93, 97, 101–7; of DDC, 107–19; desire, interpretation, and proof, 95–96, 119–26; probative function and, 94–95, 98, 240n17; reception and proof, 99–101, 240n17; rhetorical theology and, 95, 97–99, 102–3, 106–7, 239nn10–11, 240n16; text and relic pairing for belief, 92–93, 95–97, 122, 125

Hahn, Cynthia, 6, 45, 49, 207n20

Halley, Janet, 30

Heene, Katrien, 250n30

Hemorrhaging illness, of Margaret, 44, 217n56

Henschen, Godfrey, 147

Heresy: Dominican preaching against, 41–42; Elliott on, 64, 94; Garber on, 44; Lambert imprisoned for, 39; religious women and, 43–44; Simons on, 221n108

High medieval project, of BUA, 180–81, 183; on Jews carnality, 187

Hippolyte Delehaye, 4–5, 208n22

Historia Occidentalis (James of Vitry), 25

Hollywood, Amy: on female saints sanctification, 159; on women visionary experiences, 159

Holy energy. See Saintly virtus

Holy Feast and Holy Fast: The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women (Bynum), 212n56

Holy women: illiteracy of, 131–34, 250n30; Mulder-Bakker and McAvoy on illiteracy of, 133–34; Passenier on, 133

Honorius III, 41, 224n146

Hugh of Floreffe, 133

Hugolino. See Gregory IX

Humbert of Romans, 7, 36, 222n123, 229n50; on Beguines, 224n149; BUA and, 34, 35, 180, 181–82

Humility topos, 161; Krueger on, 158; of Sulpicius Severus, 157–58; of Thomas of Cantimpré, 114, 158

Ida of Nivelles, 33, 103, 242n26, 243n42

Illiteracy: Barratt on Lutgard, 129–30, 247n12; of holy women, 131–34, 250n30; of laity compared to clergy, 131; of Lutgard, 131; in Vita Lutgardis, 146–50

Illuminationalism, 14

Imaginative theology: Newman on, 6, 208n25, 211n54; of Thomas, 8, 200

Imitanda, of Christina the Astonishing, 78–81

Immaterial reality, BUA on material reality and, 20–21, 198

Incarnation, theology of, 8

Incitement to love, in Song of Songs, 141

Ineffability topos: in Life of Lutgard, 161–62, 173; Roisin on, 160–62; of Thomas on Lutgard visionary experience, 159–60

Inexpressibility topos: Curtius on, 157, 160; of Thomas, 158

Inimitability, of female saint, 19

Innocent III, 147; on lay participation, 42; in Life of Lutgard, 33

Intelligibility: of dissimilar similarities, 69–70; saintly sign confounding of, 52

Intercessory function, of Christina revivified body, 54, 57, 63–64

Interpretation: Augustine on need for scripture, 107–8, 116; demonic, of Christina, 49, 55, 66, 68–69, 72, 82; desire, proof and, 119–26; Justice on labor of right, 9; Lutgard divine, 148

Itinerant preachers, 38–39, 41

Iueta, John of Cantimpré conversion of, 85

James of Vitry, 213n7, 224n146; antihagiography of, 28; Bolton on, 25; on Christina, 48; on Christina holy virgin example, 53; communication network by, 24; on desert mothers and fathers, 65; on Gregory IX blasphemy recovery, 92–93; in Life of Lutgard, 33; Marie and, 24–25, 28, 123–24; on Marie ecstasy, 45; Marie miraculous acts omitted by, 50; McDonnell on, 24, 36; mulieres religiosae writings by, 25; on piety, 40, 65; Supplement to the Life of Marie dOignies and, 24, 122–23; Thomas on, 24–25; Thomas on Rome transfer of, 123–25; on women ecstasies, 44–45

Jauss, Hans-Robert, 207n20

Jewish dossier, of BUA, 18, 21, 202, 266n16; conversion of Jews and, 183–84, 186, 192–99; 2 Corinthians 3 and, 184–85; on literal scripture reading, 185–86; Mosaic old covenant and, 184–85

Jews: Augustine on, 190–91, 269n39; carnality of, 184–87, 191, 196; conversion of, 183–84, 186, 192–99; Lipton on gendered representation of, 195–96; male menses of, 267n33; Thomas on unbelief of, 21, 183

John of Cantimpré (abbot), 3, 25; Alard ritual suicide and, 26, 88; bodily performance of, 88; Cantimpré community of canons founding by, 26; Christ humility imitation by, 19; confession and, 85–86; fasting by, 86; humility, poverty, penance preaching by, 84, 87; Iueta conversion by, 85; John of Montmirail conversion by, 84–85; John of Montmirail theatrical restitution and, 26; marvelous eloquence of, 83; rural nobility conversion by, 26; saintly exemplarity of, 19; universality of, 83; virtues of, 85–86, 88. See also Life of Abbot John of Cantimpré

John of Montmirail: John of Cantimpré conversion of, 84–85; theatrical restitution of, 26

John the Evangelist vision, of Lutgard, 162–65, 167, 174–75, 264n57

Jordan, Mark: on Christina, 50–51; on Summa Theologiae, 15

Juliana of Cornillon, 223n129, 250n30

Julian of Toledo, on purgatory, 56

Justice, Steven, 19; on labor of right interpretation, 9; on medieval theology, 9

King, Margot, 62, 75

Knowledge. See Scientia (Knowledge)

Krueger, Derek, 158

Lacoste, Jean-Yves, 206n5, 207n19; on philosophy and theology way of life, 3, 211n53

Laity: BUA on lives of, 2, 35, 180; clergy compared to illiteracy of, 131; clothing attention, 11–12; communion to, 11, 12; devotional life of, 100; ecclesiastical power among, 11; eucharistic piety of, 12, 43; Innocent III on participation of, 42; Lateran IV and, 11, 190; Margaret piety, 31; Mulchahey on DNR use by, 26; Thomas on reformation of, 13; urbanization and religious consciousness of, 37–38; Vita Lutgardis for sermons for, 100

Lambert le Bègue, 39, 40, 132

Lampert, Lisa, 186

Langmuir, Gavin, 186

Language, literacy and saintly body, 153–55; illiteracy in Vita Lutgardis, 146–50; literacy in Vita Lutgardis, 150–52; litteratus-illitteratus and illiterate holy woman, 131–34; Lutgard finger relic and, 127–29; monastic milieu reading, 134–38; Vita Lutgardis plotting, 143–46; William of Saint-Thierry and prayer, 138–43

Language of contagion, Christina and, 72

Lateran III, 11, 193, 268n38

Lateran IV, 12, 41, 197, 224n146, 269n47; laity and, 11, 190; requirements of, 42–43

Latin: literacy and, 131–32; Thomas proficiency in, 23

Leclercq, Jean, 151, 208n22, 252n47, 256n111; on monastic theology, 211n54; on Origen, 134

Liber miraculorum (Miracle accounts), 9, 28

Liber vitae Patrum (Gregory of Tours), 4

Libri naturales, of Aristotle, 34

Life and Regimen of the Blessed and Holy Teacher, Syncletica (Pseudo-Athanasius), 62–63

Life of Abbot John of Cantimpré (Thomas of Cantimpré), 25, 36, 52–53; on Alard ritual suicide, 26, 88; on Cantimpré community of canons founding, 26; on John of Montmirail theatrical restitution, 26; Life of Christina the Astonishing compared to, 83–91; on rural nobility conversion, 26; as a wandering text, 87

Life of Christina the Astonishing (Thomas of Cantimpré), 7, 17–18, 28, 61; Life of Abbot John of Cantimpré compared to, 83–91

Life of Ida of Nivelles (Goswin of Bossut), 103, 243n42

Life of Lutgard of Aywières (Thomas of Cantimpré), 7, 10, 17–18, 45; apophasis in, 156–70; credulity crisis in, 93, 97, 101–9; as devotional text, 100–101; devotional theology of, 19–20; ineffability topos in, 161–62, 173; Innocent III and James of Vitry in, 33; Marie and Christina in, 33; Roisin on, 46; Thomas autobiographic presence in, 33; Thomas humility topos of, 114; William of Saint-Thierry influence on, 137. See also Vita Lutgardis

Life of Margaret of Ypres (Thomas of Cantimpré), 30–32, 66–67, 74

Life of Marie of Oignies (James of Vitry), 24–25, 38, 43, 50, 53, 64–65, 235n152; Gregory IX reading of, 92–93, 125–26; on women piety, 40

Life of Saint Martin of Tours (Sulpicius Severus), 156–57, 158, 161

Lipton, Sarah, 195–96, 270n52

Literacy: of clergy, 131; language, saintly body and, 127–55; Latin and, 131–32; in Vita Lutgardis, 150–52; William of Saint-Thierry on, 256n111

Literal story, 9; of BUA, 181–83; of Jewish conversion, 183–84; Jews reading of, 185–86; Lampert on feminine, 186

Litteratus-illitteratus and illiterate holy woman, 131–34

Love: in faith, 118–19; of God, 118–19

Love of Learning and the Desire for God, The (Leclercq), 256n111

Luminosity, 56

Lutgard of Aywières, 24, 40; Barratt on illiteracy of, 129–30, 247n12; belief and virtues, 105; body and vita interchangeability of, 19; Christ experience of, 32, 150–52, 162, 257n118; of Cistercian order, 3, 32; confession and conversion of, 42; contemplation of, 145, 167–68; divine interpretation by, 148; ecstasy of, 20; exchange of hearts and, 149, 252n53, 257n107; eyewitness accounts on, 106; finger relic of, 19, 33, 93–94, 121–22, 127–29, 155, 173; Hadewijch vita request of, 33, 121; illiteracy of, 129–31; John the Evangelist vision of, 162–65, 167, 174–75, 264n57; marvel manifestations of, 103–4; piety of, 103; prophecy of, 121; purgation of, 144–46; rapture of, 167–70, 177–78; Roisin on mystical graces of, 34; rumination of, 152, 154; saintly exemplarity of, 98; sanctity of, 77, 99, 102–4, 114, 121, 129, 146–47, 150; Song of Songs and, 20, 143–46; on Thomas confession authority, 27–28; Thomas ineffability topos on visionary experiences of, 159–60; Thomas on language weakness of, 20, 129–30; Thomas personal incitement to write on, 105–6; virgin martyr and, 242n25. See also Life of Lutgard of Aywières; Vita Lutgardis

Male: Coakley on visionary experiences search by, 170–73; menses, of Jews, 267n33

Margaret of Ypres, 40, 216n54; Christ experience of, 32; confession of, 42; ecstasy of, 31–32; eucharistic devotion of, 75; excessive contemplation of, 74–75; fasting of, 74–75; hemorrhaging illness of, 44, 217n56; paramystical experiences of, 75; piety of, 31, 216n51; raptures of, 66–67; Roisin on ascetic virtues of, 34; self-mortification of, 75; Thomas on, 3, 29–32; virtue of silence interpretation, 31; vow of chastity of, 31; Zeger conversion of, 30, 42; Zeger relationship with, 29–32, 74. See also Life of Margaret of Ypres

Marie of Oignies, 3, 40, 66; ascetic virtues of, 65; finger relic of, 92–93, 95–96, 122; James and, 24–25; James on ecstasy of, 45; on James Rome transfer, 123–25; in Life of Lutgard, 33; reputation and proof for, 99; self-mortification of, 44. See also Life of Marie of Oignies

Martin of Tours (saint), 258n1; miracles of, 156–57. See also Life of Saint Martin of Tours

Marvelous body, of Christina, 52–58, 83, 86–87, 227n17

Mary: conversion by, 270n55, 270n57; virginity of, 12, 21, 27, 183, 189–92, 197–98

Materiae praedicabiles (Materials for preaching), 26; from significantiae and moralites, 27

Material reality, BUA on immaterial reality and, 20–21, 198

Materials for preaching. See materiae praedicabiles

Mauvoisin, Robert (prince), 88

McAvoy, Liz Herbert, 133–34

McDonnell, Ernest, 44, 212n57, 219n92, 220n95; on James of Vitry, 24, 36; on Thomas, 35, 213n11

McGinn, Bernard, 16, 45, 252n50; on vernacular theology, 211nn54–55

Medieval theology: Aquinas as representative of, 1; de Lubac on sign in, 13–15; Justice on, 9; McGinn on, 16; Newman on, 4

Meditative reading, of Cistercians, 135–36

Mirabilis, Christina title of, 48, 53, 57–58, 71, 80

Miracle accounts. See liber miraculorum

Miracles, 50; Aquinas on wondrous, 166; of Martin of Tours, 156–57; of a mirror, of Christina, 69–78

Modeling of impossible, of Christina, 78–82

Monastic milieu reading, 134–38; of Vita Lutgardis, 143–46

Monastic theology, 15; Leclercq on, 211n54

Monstrous body, of Christina the Astonishing, 69–70, 79, 82

Monstrous images: Williams on, 51, 70; Wyschogrod on, 79

Moralites (Moral judgments), for materials for preaching, 27

Moral judgments. See Moralites

Moral teaching from creation, Thomas on, 27

Mosaic old covenant, 184–85

Mulchahey, M. Michèle, on DNR use by laity, 26

Mulder-Bakker, Anneke B., 133–34

Mulieres religiosae, 219n88, 220n95; ascetic practices of, 33, 44; of Christina, 53, 64–69; ecclesiastical power skepticism of, 100; sacramental focus of piety, 43; Thomas depiction of, 28; women without institutional affiliation as, 24, 25; Zeger and, 30–31

Mulieres sanctae. See Mulieres religiosae

Mystical biography, 7, 17–18; apophasis and, 156–79; Roisin on, 33, 160–62, 202–3; of Thomas on Lutgard, 172–73; virtues in, 160

Mystical facts, Roisin on, 103

Mystical theology, 227n17; of Pseudo-Dionysius, 262n48; of Thomas, 20

Newman, Barbara, 237n22, 249n27; on Christina demonic interpretation, 68–69; on imaginative theology, 6, 208n25, 211n54; on medieval theology, 4; on Thomas confession authority, 27–28

Nider, Johannes, 219n86

Nonhuman and human behavior analogies. See Significantiae

O’Malley, John, 2; on devotional theology, 210n51

On Christian Teaching. See De doctrina christiana

On Contemplating God (William of Saint-Thierry), 257n117

On First Principles. See De principiis

On Grace and Free Will (Augustine), 118

On the Spirit and the Letter (Augustine), 118

Origen of Alexandria, 251n34; on allegorical reading, 135–36, 142, 185–86, 251n37; on Christ and Mosaic law, 185; Leclercq on, 134

Paramystical practices, 67, 76; of Margaret, 75

Passenier, Anke, 133, 249n27

Pastoral theology, 4, 17, 81–82

Penance of others, Christina self-mortification and, 63

Persecution, for Christina self-mortification, 61

Philippians: 3:13–14, 260n33; 4:8, 114

Philosophy, Lacoste on theology and, 3, 211n53

Physiological marvelousness, of Christina, 56, 67

Piety, 37; begging and, 65; Bolton on Christocentrism and eucharistic devotion in, 44; of Christina, 28–29; eucharistic, 12, 43, 44, 86, 94; James on, 40, 65; Lambert on feminine, 40; of Lutgard, 103; of Margaret, 31, 216n51; physicality of women, 171; poverty and apostolic life for, 38–39, 94; sacramental focus of mulieres religiosae, 43

Platelle, Henri, 18, 183, 266n16

Poverty: in Catholic faith, 94; John of Cantimpré preaching on, 84, 87; piety and, 38–39, 94

Prayer: animal state of, 138, 139, 140, 151; rational state of, 138, 139, 140, 146; spiritual state of, 138, 139–40; William of Saint-Thierry on three states of, 138–43

Preaching: Christina bodily, 57; Christina verbal, 88, 233n100; John of Cantimpré, on humility, poverty, penance, 84, 87; John of Cantimpré and Christina as masters of, 83; materials for, 27. See also Sermons

Prelates, BUA on lives of, 35, 180

Premonstratensian canons, 40

Priests: as epiphanies of meaning, 12; Gregorian reforms on, 38; sermones ad status use, 12

Probative function: Augustine hagiography and, 94–95, 98, 240n17; Sweetman on exempla, 182; of women, 94–95

Proof: Augustine hagiography on belief and, 95–96, 240n17; BUA exemplary, 180, 181–82, 187–90; credulity crisis, in Life of Lutgard of Aywières and, 93, 97, 107–9; desire and interpretation in Augustine hagiography, 95–96, 119–26; for existence of God, 12; Marie reputation and, 99; of orthodoxy, Thomas on female saints as, 182; reception and, 99–101, 240n17

Prophets: dissimilar similarities and, 71; Lutgard as, 121

Proslogion (Anselm of Canterbury), 210n43

Proverbs, 135

Psalm: 35, 164; 118:57, 147

Pseudo-Athanasius, 62–63, 231n77

Pseudo-Dionysius: on mystical theology, 262n48; theory of dissimilar similarities, 51, 58–60

Purgation: of Lutgard, 144–46; in Song of Songs, 141

Purgatory, 229n45; Christina endurance of, 29, 53, 54, 57, 72; Gregory the Great and Julian of Toledo on, 56; Thomas on pain of, 56

Rapture, 232n87; of Christina, 67–68; Elliott on, 168–70, 261n43, 262n44, 262n47; of Lutgard, 167–70, 177–78; of Margaret, 66–67, 75; Simons on descriptions of, 66; vulnerability of women and, 168–70

Rationalem (Rational) state of prayer, 138, 139, 140, 146

Reception and proof, 99–101, 240n17

Refraction, sanctity and, 203–4

Repose, in Song of Songs, 141

Resurrection, 229n2

Revealed signs, 14

Revivified body, of Christina, 53, 81–82; intercessory, didactic, and self-sanctifying function of, 54, 57, 63–64

Reypens, L., 150–51

Rhetorica (Aristotle), 239n10

Rhetorical theology, of Augustine, 95, 97–99, 102–3, 106–7, 239nn10–11, 240n16

Ritual suicide, of Alard, 26, 88

Robert of Arbrissel, 38–39

Robert of Molesme, 248n13

Roisin, Simone, 7–8, 17–18, 254n28; on Beguines and Cistercians connections, 40–41, 217n66; on Christina, 76; on Cistercian order and Vita Lutgardis, 248n15; on ineffability topos, 160–62; on Life of Lutgard, 33–34, 46, 77, 103; on Lutgard mystical graces, 34; on mystical biography, 33, 160–62, 202–3; on mystical facts, 103; on Thomas hagiographical works, 34; on Thomas mystical theology, 20

Romans: 2:28–29, 186; 5:5, 118; 9:6, 186; 13:13–14, 117

Rorem, Paul, 59

Rumination, of Lutgard, 152, 154

Rural nobility, John of Cantimpré conversion of, 26

Sacra doctrina, 2, 206n5

Sacrament, devotional theology as, 21

Sacramental pastoral, 12; of BUA, 180; de Certeau on, 11, 209n41

Saint-as-proof, Elliott on, 120

Saintly body: glorious body of Christ and, 55–56; language, literacy and, 127–55

Saintly exemplarity: of Christina and John of Cantimpré, 19; of Lutgard, 98; Thomas on, 35–36, 57–58, 181

Saintly face, Aquinas on, 90

Saintly signs, 8, 203; intelligibility confounded by, 52; Thomas on, 13; Thomas on Jews and, 21

Saintly supernaturalism, 49

Saintly virtue, grace and, 49

Saintly virtus (Holy energy), 89; text and relic for belief, 96–97; Vauchez on, 55–56

Saints’ Lives: Hahn on inherent visuality of, 6; as image and sign, 6–10; Thomas on devotion of, 5, 8–9, 21

Sanctification: of female saints, 159; Thomas theology of, 20

Sanctity: Christina and, 51–52, 59–60, 68, 69; female, 73–76, 94; of Lutgard, 77, 99, 102–4, 114, 121, 129, 146–47, 150; refraction and, 203–4; Thomas gendering of, 83–91

Sarah-Gertrude, BUA on conversion of, 21, 192–99, 201–2

Schmitt, Jean-Claude, 35

Scholastic theology, 17; Aquinas and, 1, 4, 11, 13, 15, 16, 206n7; Thomas and, 11

Scientia (Knowledge), 2

Scripture: interpretation need for, 107–8, 116; signs and eloquence of, 111–15; William of Saint-Thierry on reading of, 130, 143

Second Sermon to Virgins (James of Vitry), 45, 46

Securitatis (Certainty), 117–18

Self-mortification, 40; of Christina, 18, 54–55, 61, 63–64; of Margaret, 75; of Marie, 44; of women, 212n56

Self-sanctifying function, of Christina revivified body, 54, 57, 63–64

Semons for Beguines (James of Vitry), 25

Sermones ad status, of priests, 12

Sermons: Bernard Song of Songs, 136–37, 164; BUA use in, 180; Dominican order on, 57–58

Sermons on the Song of Songs (Bernard of Clairvaux), 136–37, 164

Siger. See Zeger

Significantiae (Nonhuman and human behavior analogies), for material for preaching, 27

Signs: Augustine on types of, 110–11; DDC on, 108–11; de la Taille on, 200–201; de Lubac on, 13–15; exemplary, 20–21, 201; revealed, 14; scripture eloquence and, 111–15; things and, 109–12. See also Saintly signs

Simons, Walter, 43, 221n108; on Christina rapture, 67–68; on demonic interpretation of Christina, 66; on Latin, 132; on paramystical practices, 67; on rapture descriptions, 66

Singularity, of Christina, 83

Smalley, Beryl, 46

Solomon, 135

Song of Songs, 68, 130–31, 135, 202–3, 234; 4:11, 152; 5:2, 151; 5:5, 145, 153; 5:6, 176; Bernard sermon on, 136–37, 164; epithalamium in, 141; incitement to love in, 141; Lutgard and, 20, 143–46; purgation in, 141; repose in, 141; William of Saint-Thierry prayer and, 140–41

Soul, Lutgard progress of, 143–46, 253n54

Southern Low Countries, 43; Thomas homeland of, 7, 36; urbanization of, 36–37; vernacular in, 132; women religious vocation in, 40–41

Spiritualem (Spiritual) state of prayer, 138, 139–40

Stephen of Bourbon, 35

Stigmatization, 56; in BUA, 187–88

Stock, Brian, 117–18

Sulpicius Severus, 156–57, 158, 258n1

Summa contra gentiles (Aquinas), 166

Summa Theologiae (Aquinas), 1, 56, 206n5, 211n53; Jordan on tertia pars of, 15; O’Malley on, 2; scientia in, 2

Supplement to the Life of Marie dOignies (Thomas of Cantimpré), 19, 45, 53; as antihagiography of James, 28; on Gregory IX blasphemy, 92–93; on James of Vitry, 24, 122–24; on Marie miracle accounts, 28; Roisin on external wonders emphasis in, 34; on text and relic for belief, 96–97

Suscipiant (Take up), for reader belief, 93–94, 100, 102, 104–5, 114–15, 119, 129

Sweetman, Robert, 34, 100, 205n1, 214n26, 214n32, 241n21; on Christina, 86–87; on DNR, 26; on Thomas dualism, 82; on Thomas exempla, 35–36, 57–58, 182; on Thomas ordination, 27

Sybille de Gages, 130, 133, 147, 247n12, 249n24, 250n30

Syncletica, 62, 63

Theological discourse, demonstration, university, and fragmentation of, 15–17

Theology: of Anselm on reason led by divine light, 14, 210n44; of incarnation, 8; Lacoste and Hadot on way of life of, 4. See also Hagiography

Things, signs and, 109–12

Thomas of Cantimpré “Thomas,” 66–67, 206n8; autobiographic presence, in Life of Lutgard, 33; bilingualism of, 23; confessions heard by, 27–28, 42; on faith, 10, 12; on female saints proof of orthodoxy, 182; hagiographical and documentary work of, 1, 2–3, 17–21; imaginative theology of, 6, 200; ineffability topos on Lutgard visionary experiences, 159–60; on James Rome transfer, 123–25; on Jewish unbelief, 21, 183; on labor of right interpretation, 9; on laity reformation, 13; Latin proficiency of, 23; life and literary activity of, 22–36; Lutgard finger relic for, 19, 33, 93–94, 121–22, 127–29, 155; Lutgard language weakness by, 20; on Lutgard rapture, 167–70; male search for visionary experience and, 170–73; on Margaret, 29–30; ministry economic and pastoral context of, 36–47; on moral teaching from creation, 27; mystical biography of Lutgard by, 172–73; on pain of purgatory, 56; priestly vocation of, 23–24; on reader interpretive engagement, 6; on saintly exemplarity, 35–36, 57–58, 181; on saintly signs, 8, 120–21; sanctification theology of, 20; Scholastic discourse and, 11; Southern Low Countries homeland of, 7, 36; Sweetman on dualism of, 82; Sweetman on life of, 205n1; vita apostolica interest in, 25, 35, 88; on women spiritual expression, 3; on wondrous visions, 165–66; Zeger and, 29–32

Thomas of Celano, 46

Tracy, David, 108, 113

Transubstantiation, 12, 86, 197

Universality, of John of Cantimpré, 83

Urbanization: laity religious consciousness and, 37–38; of Southern Low Countries, 36–37

van ‘t Spijker, Ineke, 142

Vauchez, André, 38, 55–56, 105, 220n107

Vernacular, in Southern Low Countries, 132

Vernacular theology: McGinn on, 211nn54–55; Watson on, 211n54

Virginity, of Mary, 12, 21, 27, 183, 189–92, 197–98

Virgin martyr, 77; Christina as, 60–62, 230n63; of Lutgard, 242n25; Winstead on, 61

Virtues: of John of Cantimpré, 85–86, 88; of Lutgard, belief and, 105; in mystical biographies, 160; saintly, grace and, 49; of silence, Margaret interpretation of, 31. See also Ascetic virtues

Visionary experiences: Augustine on miracle of, 166; Coakley on male search for, 170–73; of Lutgard on John the Evangelist, 162–65, 167, 174–75, 264n57; Thomas on wondrous, 165–66

Vita apostolica: Beguine movement and, 44; of Christina and John of Cantimpré, 90; Thomas interest in, 25, 35, 88

Vita Christinae. See Life of Christina the Astonishing

Vita Ioannis. See Life of Abbot John of Cantimpré

Vita Lutgardis, 32, 65–66; illiteracy in, 146–50; inexpressibility topos and, 158; literacy in, 150–52; on Lutgard progress of soul, 143–46, 253n54; plotting of, 143–46; Roisin on, 33–34, 248n15; for sermons for laity, 100

Volvandus, 188, 189

Vow of chastity, Margaret and, 31

Watson, Nicholas, 211n54

William of Saint-Thierry, 76, 89, 131, 134, 137, 154, 257n117; on literacy, 256n111; on scripture reading, 130, 143; three states of prayer and, 138–43

Williams, David, 51, 70

Winstead, Karen, 61

Women: bodies as Christ imitation, 212n56; Bolton on hagiographical subjects of, 222n115; Bynum on bodies of, 80–81; carnality of, 186–87; cura animarum of, 41; Dominican order and, 222n123; Elliott on penance of, 43; Elliott on Thomas criminalization of spirituality of, 223n133; fasting and Eucharist, 212n56; Grundmann on religious movement of, 223n131; heresy and religious, 43–44; Hollywood on visionary experiences of, 159; illiteracy of holy, 131–34, 250n30; James on ecstasy of, 44–45; physicality of piety of, 171; probative function of, 94–95; rapture and vulnerability of, 168–70; religious vocation, in Southern Low Countries, 40–41; self-mortification of, 212n56; Thomas on spiritual expression of, 3

Women and Experience (Mulder-Bakker and McAvoy), 134

Wondrous horror, of Christina, 72–73, 76, 78, 81

Writerly text, Barthes on, 120

Wyschogrod, Edith, 79

Zeger (Siger) of Lille: Margaret conversion by, 30, 42; Margaret relationship with, 29–32, 74; Thomas and, 29–32