THE FOLLOWING Monday, the members of Amigas Inc. were having lunch in the cafeteria when Simone came tearing over to them.

“You told!” she screamed at Carmen. “You told!”

“Told what?” Carmen asked.

“About Raymunda.”

Alicia shook her head. “As a matter of fact, loca, we decided to take the high road, and we didn’t say a word.”

Just then, Alicia’s cell phone rang and she excused herself from the lunch table as Simone stomped away. She returned with a huge grin on her face.

“We won,” she said, in as calm a voice as she could manage. “Project Quince. Our segment airs this weekend, and we can have the prize money on Monday. Watch out, New York, here we come!”

For a moment, no one said a thing. Then Jamie jumped up and started dancing around. “I’m going to Freestyle! I’m go-o-o-o-ing to Freestyle!”

Gaz raised one hand. “Hold up! You know we’re going with you.”

Jamie gave him a saucy look. “You guys aren’t so bad.”

“So who dropped a dime on Fakealicious?” Carmen asked.

“Well, when the TV producers went to Hialeah High to get some footage of Raymunda and couldn’t find anyone who’d even heard of her, they got suspicious and began to dig deeper,” Alicia explained.

“They are reporters,” Jamie pointed out.

“So good triumphs over evil,” Carmen stated.

“She’s not really evil,” Alicia said.

“Just deluded,” Gaz put in.

“It’s sad,” Carmen remarked.

We get to go to New York. It’s great,” Jamie chimed in.

“I meant sad in a great way,” said Carmen, a wicked little grin lighting up her face. She had had a dream quinceañera. She had a dream boyfriend. And now she was going on a dream trip. No doubt about it, fifteen was starting off . . . well, dreamily.