This first book has been a dream since kindy, when I quite happily sat in the reading corner and read all throughout lunch while everyone else was playing. Now it’s happened and I feel absolutely blessed.
Thanks foremost to the team at Random House – I’ve been so lucky that everything has been so collaborative and easy. Zoe and Cristina’s enthusiasm has been contagious and I’ve loved every step. Thanks to Tony for his beautiful efforts with the cover.
My agent, Jacinta di Mase, for believing in my strange little book. I am so pleased to have her onside.
Raven went through a few guises before becoming a full-length novel – thanks to everyone who supported it in some form or another. Special thanks to Inga Simpson, my mentor in 2010/2011, who helped me to get it in shape and gave me the confidence to send it out.
To family and friends who have given encouragement and support – especially my Maryboo, whose enthusiasm and ‘my friend is a published author’ name-dropping never gets old.
To those special school teachers, especially Slevs, who made writing a pleasure.
To Sister T – a great friend, fantastic boss, and bookseller extraordinaire. Her support has been amazing and I am so happy to be selling my books in her store.
To my own talented brother, who made writing about Todd and Mackenzie so easy. I hope one day you can illustrate my books.
To all the children’s authors whose classic, fantastic worlds have inspired and moved me to create my own.
And to the raven who I first saw sitting up on the belltower of my own church, cutting such a proud figure. I knew there had to be a story about you. I’m so glad I wrote it.