Programs and Training Techniques


In this section, I’m going to give you the rundown on four very cool programs and two challenging training techniques that you can work into these programs (and any of the other glute programs from the main book).

This is advanced stuff and if you’re just starting out with your glute training, I would HIGHLY recommend you work with some of beginner to intermediate-level programs in the main book before using any of these.

I know it’s tempting to jump right in, but if you use a program beyond your current level, you can actually set yourself back!

If you’re an advanced trainer, sit back and relax and read through these...I know as you read through these programs and techniques, you’re going to see EXACTLY how effective this stuff is going to be for you.

1. Progressive Resistance Daily Glute Specialization Training

This version of Daily Specialization picks up where the regular version leaves off...instead of sticking with the same exercise and the same weight, you’re going to gradually INCREASE the weight over time, forcing growth in your glutes even FASTER than before.

2. Setting the Stage for Glute Growth With Structural Training, a.k.a. Glute Prep Training

You’re going to be targeting your basic muscle physiology with this "prep" program. What that means is you’ll be physically CHANGING your muscles and body to prepare it specifically for greater glute growth. If you’ve ever had trouble growing your glutes, this program is going to be PERFECT for you as it’s going to MAKE your body better able to build your glute muscles.

It’s not a full program on it’s own but specialized training done in addition to the OTHER programs in the book to make them even

MORE effective.

3. Glute Explosion...

This program is all about change...both in what you’re going to EAT and how you’re going to TRAIN. It’s based on my program

"Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass"...and it’s targeted to JUST the glutes. It’s tough and it works GREAT.

4. Tough Day At The Office...One Day Glute Attack

This program is done in ONE single day...and it’s going to be a VERY long day for your glutes. It’s going to take basically the WHOLE day, so clear your schedule and prepare to be amazed with the rapid glute growth you get.

5. The Triple Add Set Technique

You’ll be targeting ALL the muscle fibers in your glutes with this technique. It covers the three major rep ranges and three major muscle fibers types in your butt and it can be incorporated into many of the other glute programs I’ve talked about.

6. The Zone Training Technique

This technique takes full advantage of the changes in strength levels at different points in the range of motion of your favorite glute exercises. It’s a very simple concept to grasp and can be applied to just about any of the best glute-building exercises. Very challenging and very effective!