The Program

Here’s the general overview of how the program looks. The main purpose of this program is to prepare your glutes for getting more out of the OTHER programs in the book - it doesn’t directly build the glutes but helps set the stage for improved glute growth when you use one of the other programs.

You can perform this program for 1 week then move onto one of the other programs or you can perform this program 2 to 3 weeks in a row to get the maximum effect from it. Don’t do this more than 3 weeks in a row, however.

You can also insert this "prep" program into any of the other programs in this book to enhance the results you get from them.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6 & 7
Mod Wt, High Rep
High-Rep Partials

Day 1 - Moderate-Weight, High-Rep Training

You’ll be doing three main exercises for this (1a, 2a, 3a) and three stretch exercises (1b, 2b, 3b - you can actually use the same exercise for all three of those stretch sets, if you have one you find works best).

Pick ONE exercise from the list of sample exercises and do just ONE set of it, with 20 seconds rest before hitting the stretch exercise.

You can use any of those sample exercises or pick any other exercises you like from the book.

Sample Recommended Exercises
Exercise #1a - Compound
Dumbbell Split Squats, Step-Back Lunges, Goblet Side-to-Sides, Walking Lunges, Leaning One-Leg Squats, Sumo Deadlifts, Wide Stance Toes-Up Barbell Squats, Cable Side Pulls
Rest 20 sec
Exercise #1b - Stretch/Hold
Elevated Foot Lunges, Goblet Lunges, One Leg Bench Squats, Cross-Leg One Legged Squats, Dolly Lunges, Towel Step-Back Lunges, Two Bench Split Squats, Wide Stance Toes-Up Barbell Squats, Elevated Barbell Hack Lunges, In-Rack Split Squats
Rest 3 minutes
Exercise #2a - Isolation
Glute Push-Ups, Barbell Glute Extensions, Barbell End Donkey Kickbacks,
Rest 20 sec
Exercise #2b - Stretch/Hold
Same selection as 1b - you can use the same exercise or a different one.
Rest 3 minutes
Exercise #3a - Compound
Same selection as 1a - just use a different exercise for this one.
Rest 20 sec
Exercise #3b - Stretch/Hold
Same selection as 1b - you can use the same exercise or a different one.

Day 3 - Very Light Weight, VERY High Rep Training - 100’s

This is the day for 100 rep training. Again, you’ll be doing three main exercises for this (1a, 2a, 3a) and three stretch exercises (1b, 2b, 3b - you can use the same exercise for all three of those stretch sets, if you have one you find works best).

Pick ONE exercise from the list of sample exercises and do just ONE set of it, with 20 seconds rest before hitting the stretch exercise.

You can use any of those sample exercises or pick any other exercises you like from the book. The exercise selection here will depend on your strength levels. Doing 100 reps of an exercise is not going to work well for some exercises (like any form of deadlifting and many barbell squat variations).

Sample Recommended Exercises
Exercise #1a - Compound
Bodyweight Squats, Leg Press (heels up high on the foot plate), Split Squats (you probably won’t need extra weight - alternate legs every 10 reps), Step-Back Lunges, One-Arm Gripping Dumbbell Squats
Rest 20 sec
Exercise #1b - Stretch/Hold
Elevated Foot Lunges, Goblet Lunges, One Leg Bench Squats, Cross-Leg One Legged Squats, Dolly Lunges, Towel Step-Back Lunges, Two Bench Split Squats, Wide Stance Toes-Up Barbell Squats, Elevated Barbell Hack Lunges, In-Rack Split Squats
Rest 3 minutes
Exercise #2a - Isolation
Glute Push-Ups, Barbell Glute Extensions, Cable Glute Extensions (100 reps per leg if you use this one)
Rest 20 sec
Exercise #2b - Stretch/Hold
Same selection as 1b - you can use the same exercise or a different one.
Rest 3 minutes
Exercise #3a - Compound
Same selection as 1a - just use a different exercise for this one.
Rest 20 sec
Exercise #3b - Stretch/Hold
Same selection as 1b - you can use the same exercise or a different one.

Day 5 - High Rep Partial Training

High-rep partial training is where you do just a portion of the range of motion in the most "glute-focused" part of an exercise.

You’ll be doing three main exercises for this (1a, 2a, 3a) and three stretch exercises (1b, 2b, 3b - you can use the same exercise for all three of those stretch sets, if you have one you find works best).

Pick ONE exercise from the list of sample exercises and do just ONE set of it, with 20 seconds rest before hitting the stretch exercise.

You can use any of those sample exercises or pick any other exercises you like from the book.

Sample Recommended Exercises
Exercise #1a - Compound - Bottom Few Inches of the Range of Motion
Dumbbell Split Squats, Leaning One-Leg Squats, Wide Stance Toes-Up Barbell Squats, One Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats, 2 Bench Split Squats, Barbell Hack Lunges
Rest 20 sec
Exercise #1b - Stretch/Hold
Elevated Foot Lunges, Goblet Lunges, One Leg Bench Squats, Cross-Leg One Legged Squats, Dolly Lunges, Towel Step-Back Lunges, Two Bench Split Squats, Wide Stance Toes-Up Barbell Squats, Elevated Barbell Hack Lunges, In-Rack Split Squats
Rest 3 minutes
Exercise #2a - Isolation - Top Few Inches of the Range of Motion
Glute Push-Ups, Barbell Glute Extensions, Cable Glute Extensions
Rest 20 sec
Exercise #2b - Stretch/Hold
Same selection as 1b - you can use the same exercise or a different one.
Rest 3 minutes
Exercise #3a - Compound - Bottom Few Inches of the Range of Motion
Same selection as 1a - just use a different exercise for this one.
Rest 20 sec
Exercise #3b - Stretch/Hold
Same selection as 1b - you can use the same exercise or a different one.